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  1. #51
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    Abortion is safer than childbirth

    The Abortion Law Heading To The Supreme Court Is Based On A Lie

    A Louisiana law rests on the claim that abortion is unsafe. In reality, the common procedure is

    less dangerous than getting your wisdom teeth removed. ewsltushpmgnews

  2. #52
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    Moscow Mitch refuses to reauthorize VAWA,

    offers Ernst's NRA-friendly, anti-woman replacement

    The House passed a reauthorization of it back in early April, and since then it's been languishing in Moscow Mitch McConnell's legislative graveyard.

    Sen. Joni Ernst, who spent much of her last week before Thanksgiving recess blocking Democratic efforts to bring the bill to the floor.

    That's because she's been working on own version of the bill, part of her reelection campaign.

    One that's very friendly to McConnell's masters at the NRA and very unfriendly to Native and LGBTQ women.

    The House reauthorization contains a provision that eliminates the "boyfriend loophole" by expanding a current ban on firearm purchases for all abusive romantic partners.

    The current ban applies to spouses or formerly married partners convicted of domestic violence or who are under a restraining order.

    The expansion would include dating or live-in partner who were not legally married.

    The House bill also makes it explicit that grant money under VAWA can be used by recipients' staff to train how to respond to and stop discrimination against LGBTQ victims of violence.

    Ernst's version of the bill does none of these things and

    makes the law worse in a significant way.

    It would provide less protection for Native American women from their abusers,

    weakening tribal courts and

    infringe on tribal sovereignty by putting restrictions on tribal courts.

    It rolls back tribes' jurisdiction to prosecute crimes by non-Native people who abuse Native American women on tribal lands.

    "Placing paternalistic restrictions on tribal courts in the name of 'due process' is nothing more than a disguise for prejudice."

    Ernst and McConnell made the bill—again, the Violence Against Women Act—

    unfriendly to women in order

    to appease the NRA, white supremacists, and anti-LGBTQ bigots.

    That it would actually endanger more women

    Euro-White (Christian) Male America nevers stops ing over non-Euro-white, non-male, non-straight people, Native Americans

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 11-27-2019 at 01:34 PM.

  3. #53
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    Misogyny and Euro-white male hate

    Republican attempt at Violence Against Women Act 'cowers' to NRA

    After a temporary extension of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994 lapsed earlier this year, Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst met a largely bipartisan effort to reauthorize it

    When faced with a choice between acting preventatively to protect victims and appeasing the National Rifle Association,

    Ernst clutched onto the NRA like a newborn baby suckling to her mother’s breast.

    The House bill would restrict the gun rights of people convicted of domestic violence against relatives or spouses

    and extend the same restriction to those convicted of stalking or abusing people they are dating or those targetted in temporary protective orders.

    The National Rifle Association predictably took issue with that protection, and the

    end result was no mention of guns whatsoever in Ernst’s bill.

    Leave it to the NRA to defy common sense, and

    leave it to Ernst, a white woman, to decide she knows best for indigenous sexual assault survivors seeking justice.

    Ernst’s bill does little to address a call from tribal leaders seeking more say-so regarding how crimes on their land would be prosecuted when involving someone who isn’t Native American.

    “Ernst’s bill is based on the assumption that the protections for Native victims in VAWA 2013 must be rolled back because tribal courts are not capable of fairly administering justice,"

    "Since 2013, tribes have clearly demonstrated this assumption to be false.

    She added,

    tribal courts prosecuting non-Indian defendants provide the same—if not more—due process than state and federal courts.

    “Placing paternalistic restrictions on tribal courts in the name of 'due process' is nothing more than a disguise for prejudice,”

    “Legislation that strips tribal courts of their inherent authority to protect victims in their communities based on prejudice alone must be stopped."

  4. #54
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    Here’s Why Fetal Burial Legislation Is Surging in the States

    These bills aren't about "dignity," abortion rights advocates say.

    They're about shutting down clinics and eroding abortion access.

  7. #57
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    The Bad Ohio Abortion Bill Exists Because

    Anti-Choicers Know They Can Just Make Sht Up

    Late last month, Ohio legislators introduced what is quite possibly the most restrictive anti-abortion law in the history of the United States.

    It also prescribes the death penalty in cases of "aggravated abortion," which includes the following:

    No person shall purposely perform an abortion while
    committing or attempting to commit kidnapping,

    aggravated arson,
    aggravated robbery,
    aggravated burglary,

    in a habitation when a person is present or likely to be present, terrorism, or escape.

    Because so many people go to

    rob a house,

    purposely picking one with a pregnant lady inside,

    take all her valuables and

    then perform a quick D&C, right? -up

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 12-09-2019 at 10:00 AM.

  8. #58
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    U.S. Supreme Court leaves in place Kentucky abortion restriction

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday left in place

    a Kentucky law requiring doctors to show and describe ultrasound images to women seeking the procedure,

    turning away a challenge arguing that the measure violates the free speech rights of physicians.

    The Supreme Court has a 5-4 conservative majority and is closely divided on abortion rights.

    The ACLU said the law has no medical basis and that its sole purpose is to coerce a woman into not getting an abortion. _source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Fe ed%3A+reuters%2FhealthNews+%28Reuters+Health+News% 29

  9. #59
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    ‘Abortion Reversal’ Is Not Only B.S. but Is Dangerous Too

    UC Davis Health ended a study early after researchers found

    a risk of “serious blood loss” when patients stopped in the middle of the medication abortion protocol.

    The first-ever randomized clinical study on the medically unproven “abortion reversal” treatment being pushed by anti-choice advocates has ended early as a result of safety concerns for participants,

    “Women who use mifepristone for a medical abortion should be advised that not following up with misoprostol could result in severe hemorrhage,”

  10. #60
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    Not abortion medication, but just contraceptives

    Woman Forced to Drive to Three Pharmacies to Obtain Birth-Control Prescription...In A Snow Storm

    In a lawsuit filed earlier this week, a rural Minnesota woman details how she was forced to drive to three different pharmacies for a birth-control prescription after being denied by a pharmacist based on their “beliefs”.

    Y'all ing Christians are some really nasty ing, hate-saturated people

  11. #61
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    GOP lawmaker admits he didn't research ectopic pregnancy before writing backwards bill about it

    Ohio state Rep. John Becker worked with a conservative anti-choice lobbyist while writing a bill that would

    allow insurance companies to cover the

    reimplantation of ectopic pregnancies — nonviable pregnancies in which a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus.

    There is no procedure for reimplanting such a pregnancy, of course, but that didn’t stop Becker from imagining there could be.

    The bill prohibits insurers from covering abortion services,

    but provides an exception for a procedure “intended to reimplant” an ectopic pregnancy in a woman's uterus.

    Becker told the newspaper

    he never researched whether re-implanting an ectopic pregnancy into a woman's uterus was a viable medical procedure before including it in the bill.

    "I heard about it over the years," Becker said. “I never questioned it or gave it a lot of thought.

    you abominable Repugs to .

  12. #62
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    GOP Lawmaker Plotted Insurrections to Establish Christian State

    Last year, the chair of the Republican caucus in Washington’s state legislature acknowledged that he had written a manifesto on the “Biblical Basis for War.” In that do ent, the lawmaker argued that – as far as Jesus Christ was concerned –

    American Christians have the right to “kill all males” who support abortion, same-sex marriage or communism

    Shea insisted that his writings were merely “a summary of church sermons on Old Testament war that could help place current events in historical context.”

    And so, the Washington GOP did not call for Shea to resign or expel him from its House caucus. of course not.

    Shea discussed targetting anti-fascist activists for surveillance, harassment, and violence.

    One of Shea’s interlocutors, online radio personality Jack Robertson, offered this prescription for

    the treatment of a female antifa protester:

    “Fist full of hair,

    and face slam,

    to a Jersey barrier.

    Treat em like communist revolutionaries.

    Then shave her bald with a K-Bar USMC field knife.”

    The Republican lawmaker replied, “Ok. What BG [background] checks need to be done. Give me the list.”

    did not feel that Shea’s actions required his expulsion from government.


    “as a leader in the Patriot Movement,

    planned, engaged in and promoted a total of three armed conflicts

    of political violence against the United States Government

    in three states outside the state of Washington over a three-year period.”

    WA's 4th district contains the redneck, misogynist, Christian assholes who elected Shea

    but Repug bag Shea is approved to remain in the Repug Congress

  13. #63
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    This Change to the ACA Could Affect Abortion Coverage for 3 Million People

    Those who have health care through the ACA exchanges will have to submit a separate premium payment for abortion coverage, an administrative requirement that could result in people losing coverage.

    a rule Friday designed to create administrative burdens for insurance plans on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchanges that include abortion care,

    the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a final
    rule that

    will complicate the process of billing and payment for ACA insurance plans that include abortion coverage.

    People who have health care through a state exchange will have to submit a separate premium payment for abortion coverage,

    an added administrative requirement that could result in lost coverage for those who fail to follow the administration’s regulation.

    Like Stephen Miller building very high bureaucratic walls against tourists and migrants, CMS building walls against women

    bag Repugs buliding racist/nativist/xenophobic/misogynistic walls.

  14. #64
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    Stimulating conversation taking place. Will bookmark.

  15. #65
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    Trump Administration To Make ACA Enrollees Pay $1 Billion In Order To Bill Abortion Separately

    Starting in June, thanks to a new and incredibly stupid rule from the Trump administration, those who get their health care plans through the ACA will be getting two bills each month.

    One bill for their regular insurance, and another, separate bill just for "abortion coverage."

    This "abortion coverage" bill will amount to no less than $1 per enrollee and is mostly symbolic as insurance companies do not set aside a specific amount of money to be used on certain procedures.

    This whole thing -- they claim -- is meant to make the ACA compliant with the Hyde Amendment, a garbage law preventing federal funds from going towards abortion.

    Since some people get subsidies, no one can truly know whether the money covering their abortions comes from the money that they have personally paid towards their coverage or from the subsidies.

    This way, people who don't understand how insurance works can pretend that all of the money covering abortion comes directly from that $1 bill policy holders will get to pay -- separately -- every month.

    In reality, it is meant to piss people off that they're having to pay for abortions if they don't need or believe in them -- and they have to do so inconveniently.

    Naturally, this has made some forced birth enthusiasts very happy.

    Americans can now see and try to avoid complicity by choosing plans consistent with their consciences."

    They could also do that before.
    What this also means is that it will now cost insurance companies more to offer insurance that covers abortions than it would otherwise,

    because billing costs money.

    It does not happen by magic! That is extra work for someone, for which they must be paid.

    And the fact is, since insurance companies exist to make money (not to be glorious and benevolent dispensaries of "choice" or whatever line it is they're trying to sell these days),

    many of them will almost definitely choose not to cover abortion at all.

    Those that do will pass that cost on to you, the consumer. Health and Human Services states that this cost will come to over a billion dollars.

    The insurance industry has said the changes would create huge burdens for them, including changing their billing software, managing double the payments and dealing with confusion from customers.

    HHS wrote that the total cost to insurers, exchanges and enrollees would reach $546.1 million in 2020 and then stabilize at $232.1 million in 2021, $230.7 million in 2022 and $229.3 million in 2023 and subsequent years.

    That is over $1 billion in four years. Simply for some symbolic billing.

  16. #66
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    The extraordinary danger of being pregnant and uninsured in Texas

    The state’s system for helping the uninsured thwarts women at every turn and encourages subpar care.

  17. #67
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    GOP Lawmaker Plotted Insurrections to Establish Christian State

    but Repug bag Shea is approved to remain in the Repug Congress

    Immediately after the report was released, Rep. J.T. Wilcox, the Republican minority leader of the House, said Shea “has been suspended from any role in the House Republican Caucus.”

    “He should resign,” Wilcox wrote on Twitter. “He cannot use House Republican staff, he cannot meet with the caucus, his office will be moved.” Shea’s name and picture were removed from the House GOP website. Shea said he would not step down, calling the investigation a “sham.”

  18. #68
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    Michigan GOP lawmaker tells (22 year old female) reporter

    that a group of high school boys could ‘have a lot of fun’ with her

    bizarre and lewd remark to Allison Donahue, a journalist working for Michigan Advance,

    “You’ve heard of De La Salle, right?” Lucido asked Donahue. She replied that she had not.

    “It’s an all boys’ school,” he said, indicating the teenagers standing around them, and adding:

    “You should hang around!

    You could have a lot of fun with these boys,

    or they could have a lot of fun with you.”

  19. #69
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    Missouri Christian Taliban Enforcing Christian Sharia, Who Tracked Patients’ Menstrual Periods Should Resign, Says Abortion Rights Group

    Dr. Randall Williams, Missouri's health director, admitted to

    keeping a spreadsheet with the menstrual cycles of patients

    at the Planned Parenthood clinic he's trying to shut down.

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    Woman behind ‘Roe v. Wade’ said in a ‘deathbed confession’ that conservatives paid her to lie about her conversion

    admitted in a deathbed confession that

    she faked her conversion later in life to oppose legal abortion.

    Norma McCorvey, who died in 2017, became known as Jane Roe after suing for the right to get a legal and safe abortion in Texas, made

    the stunning confession
    in the upcoming FX do entary “AKA Jane Roe,”

    McCorvey agrees she was “the big fish,” but admits she also got something out of the arrangement.

    “I think it was a mutual thing,” she told the filmmaker.

    “I took their money and

    they took me out in front of the cameras and

    told me what to say. That’s what I’d say.”

    “I’m a good actress,” she added. “Of course, I’m not acting now.”

    But she makes clear in the film, which is out May 22, that she hadn’t really changed her ways.

    “I wonder how many abortions Donald Trump is responsible for,” McCorvey said in the film.

    “I’m sure he’s lost count, if he can count that high.”

    “If a young woman wants to have an abortion—fine,” she added.

    “That’s no skin off my ass.

    You know, that’s why they call it ‘choice.’

    It’s your choice.”

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  22. #72
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    Huge loss for Trash and Christian Taliban and for all flavors of misogynists

    Federal Court Strikes Down Trump's ACA Rule

    Amounting to 'Intentional, Targeted Attack on Abortion Access'

    "It would have created a logistical nightmare for health insurers and individual enrollees and pushed abortion even further out of reach in the midst of a global pandemic that has upended our economy."

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    There should be no debate about a woman's choice with HER body. I'm not forcing fat maga supporters to lose weight even though I think that it'd better for them, that's their choice to be fat, not mine.

  25. #75
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Sums it up.

    The "we want to save babies" crowd vanishes when they are born.

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