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  1. #1
    It has been a bad month for Florida residents as the nation has watched homes and lives torn apart by two devastating hurricanes. As the cleanup begins, many are wondering who to blame. Mother Nature? Possibly, but evidence points to a much more menacing figure: President George W. Bush.

    As we enter the home stretch of Election Season, Florida will likely prove to hold pivotal electoral votes which may decide whether the next President of the United States will be in bent George Bush or Democratic Party candidate (and decorated war hero) John Kerry.

    It's common knowledge that the Bush and the Republicans stole Florida in the 2000 Election. Thus, with many su ious eyes on Florida this year, the plan had to be much more devious than a 3rd Party candidate whose name was strategically placed on the ballot in order to create confusion.

    Enter Charley and Frances.

    In a matter of days, thousands of likely Kerry voters have been given new priorities for the rest of 2004 and beyond. How many of those unfortunate Floridians will have the time to cast their vote on November 2?

    And for those who will be voting, what better PR could George Bush have than his very own brother touring the state surveying damages and collecting photo opportunities? That's right... in case you forgot, the Governor of the State of Florida is none other than Jeb Bush, the President's brother. Having a sibling in a high state position would certainly make a large scale conspiracy involving natural disasters that much more feasible. Jeb will have more than enough touchy-feely video footage with the hurricane victims to use in his inevitable 2008 run at the Presidency.

    Aside from the photo ops, the Florida disasters will distract the nation from the escalating violence in Iraq. While Sarah Johnson loses three sons in Najaf, Bush can shake hands and smile for the cameras with Betsy Lewis of Ft. Myers, who has a tractor on her roof. While Osama bin Laden runs free, masterminding attacks worldwide, Bush promises to "refix" the destroyed Florida neighborhoods.

    Adding further su ion, inside sources claim to have seen Jeb Bush meeting with expert meteorologists in June. These sources have asked to remain anonymous, but Jeb's connections with the possible architects of these hurricanes cannot be ignored.

    Lest we forget the benefits to Big Construction. Experts predict a substantial boom in the Florida homebuilding industry. Contractors are packing up and moving to Florida to get a piece of the pie. One should also consider the price gouging of Gasoline companies as millions of Floridians attempted to evacuate. Estimates show that Florida drivers bought two months worth of Gasoline in the past two days alone... all at elevated prices.

    Far too many convenient coincidences exist for enlightened Americans to attribute Hurricanes Charley and Frances solely to Atlantic weather patterns. Americans can choose to remain naive, or they can demand answers from the President. What went wrong? Who is to blame? Where was Bush before this happened, and why didn't he do more to prevent the hurricanes? Did Bush ignore do ents that warned that Florida could be hit by disastrous storms in 2004? Why were the homes of several Republican donors spared, while the homes of many likely Kerry voters were wrecked?

    Unfortunately, you will not likely hear these questions asked by the conservative Media. As always, they will be willing enablers of the Republican Presidential Campaign, and the Bush Machine will roll on to another ill-gotten Presidency.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I beat 'im to it in another forum: topic

    I'm Psychic.

  4. #4
    Well, he did say we would be safe under his leadership.

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