Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. #1
    Aggie Hoopsfan
    I say let them have their convention, then drop an "errant" bomb on the convention hall. The world will be safer for it, and I'll be happy to pitch in for reimbursing the hall's owners...


    London convention
    celebrates 9-11
    'Either you're with the Muslims or with the infidels'

    Posted: September 4, 2004
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2004

    An extremist Islamic movement in Britain plans a convention in London led, "The Choice is in Your Hands: Either You're with the Muslims or with the Infidels," to mark the third anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

    As WorldNetDaily reported, last year the group, Al-Muhajiroun, had planned a similar anniversary event called "The Magnificent 19 [Suicide Attackers]," but canceled it at the last minute.

    The group's leader Omar Bakri, a Syrian residing in London, told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat the convention would feature al-Qaida "surprises," with the screening of a never-before-shown video, reports the Middle East Media Research Ins ute, or MEMRI.

    He said the convention will focus on "the anniversary of the division of the world into two great camps -- the camp of faith and the camp of unbelief," and would take place Sept. 11 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

    Bakri added: "On this day, we will talk about the ramifications of these [9-11] operations for Afghanistan and Iraq ... . We want the world to remember this operation ... that lifted the head of the [Muslim] nation."

    Bakri called 9-11 "a cry of Jihad against unbelief and oppression" and said the aim of remembering it is to "revive the commandment of Jihad among the youth of the [Muslim] nation."

    Bakri said the convention also will feature a lecture about the Islamic religious roots of "slaughtering the infidels," referring in part to the beheading of foreigners in Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

    It will include films by al-Qaida, the Tawhid and Jihad organization and the Brigades of the Two Holy Places in the Arabian Peninsula.

    Also, the conference will feature a film on the most recent operations in Chechnya, he said. He added that one of the speeches, by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaida's military commander in Iraq, will be translated.

    Another lecture, he said, will be dedicated to the memory of three al-Qaida commanders: Abd Al-'Aziz Al-Muqren, killed in June 2004 by Saudi security forces; his predecessor Yousef Al-Ayyiri, killed in June 2003 in a clash with Saudi security forces; and Abu Hafs Al-Masri, a top al-Qaida military officer, killed in the U.S. attack on Kandahar in late 2001.

    According to Bakri, the anticipated criticism of Al-Muhajiroun for the organization's insistence on memorializing 9-11 will be "a simple sacrifice in comparison with what we must actually do -- that is, support the Jihad led by bin Laden."

    Attorney Anjam Choudry, secretary-general of Al-Muhajiroun in Britain, said, "A large hall has already been secured for the convention, but the announcement came only two days ago for fear that the British police would try to cancel it, as happened with the previous convention."

    Related story:

    Group celebrates 'Magnificent 19' hijackers

  2. #2
    I'd say, gas 'em unconscious, move them all to Madison Square Gardens, and charge New Yorkers $20 to come in and have a word or two with them....

  3. #3
    Just kill them they give sane Muslims a bad name. Who would rejoice about death? Freaks.

  4. #4
    yeah kill them all cause they are killing bas s

  5. #5
    Ok maybe I was a bit harsh, but they shouldn't even allow this. It's a hate sermon. It's like the KKK going up to the Lincoln Memorial and giving out a speech.

  6. #6
    Aggie Hoopsfan
    I thought the bombing thing was the way to go, but I like the Madison Square Garden idea.

    Of course, it'd never happen. Kerry's probably trying to contact the event organizers to see about speaking there about unity.

  7. #7
    Of course, it'd never happen. Kerry's probably trying to contact the event organizers to see about speaking there about unity.
    I know, why don't we spend millions of dollars, have many of our troops die in vain, surround them, and then let them go so they can go home and tell everyone about how they defeated the Americans?

    Sounds like a plan.

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