Results 1 to 19 of 19
  1. #1
    Tommy Duncan

    Campaign 2004: Bush Opens Double-Digit Lead

    TIME Poll: Among likely voters, 52% would vote for President George Bush, while 41% would vote for John Kerry and 3% would vote for Ralph Nader.

    Friday, Sep. 03, 2004

    New York: For the first time since the Presidential race became a two person contest last spring, there is a clear leader, the latest TIME poll shows. If the 2004 election for President were held today, 52% of likely voters surveyed would vote for President George W. Bush, 41% would vote for Democratic nominee John Kerry, and 3% would vote for Ralph Nader, according to a new TIME poll conducted from Aug. 31 to Sept. 2. Poll results are available on and will appear in the upcoming issue of TIME magazine, on newsstands Monday, Sept. 6.

    Most important issues: When asked what they consider are the most important issues, 25% of registered voters cited the economy as the top issue, followed by 24% who cited the war on terrorism as the top issue. The situation in Iraq was rated the top issue by 17% of registered voters, moral values issues such as gay marriage and abortion were the top issue for 16% of respondents, and health care was the most important issue for 11% of respondents.

    Bush vs. Kerry:
    The economy:
    47% trust President Bush more to handle the economy, while 45% trust Kerry.
    Health care: 48% trust Senator Kerry to handle health care issues, while 42% trust Bush.
    Iraq: 53% trust Bush to handle the situation in Iraq, while 41% trust Kerry.
    Terrorism: 57% trust Bush to handle the war on terrorism, while 36% trust Kerry.
    Understanding the needs of people: 47% said they trust Kerry to understand the needs of people like themselves, while 44% trusted Bush to understand their needs.
    Providing strong leadership: 56% said they trust Bush to provide strong leadership in difficult times, while 37% said they trust Kerry to provide leadership in difficult times.
    Tax policy: 49% trust Bush to handle tax policy, while 40% trust Kerry.
    Commanding the Armed Forces: 54% said they trust Bush to be commander-in-chief of the armed forces, while 39% said they trust Kerry.

    Bush on the Issues:
    Iraq: Half (50%) of those surveyed approve of the way President Bush is handling the situation in Iraq, while 46% disapprove. In last week’s TIME poll, 48% approved of the way Bush was handling the situation in Iraq and 48% disapproved.
    Terrorism: Almost two thirds (59%) said they approve of how President Bush is handling the war on terrorism, while 38% disapprove. Last week’s TIME poll found 55% approved of Bush’s handling of the war on terrorism, while 40% disapproved.
    The Economy: Survey respondents were split on the President’s handling of the economy. Almost half (48%) said the approved of Bush’s handling of the economy, while 48% said the disapproved.

    Other results include:
    Was U.S. Right Going to War with Iraq? Over half of those surveyed (52%) think the U.S. was right in going to war with Iraq, while 41% think the U.S. was wrong to go to war.

    Have the United States’ actions in Iraq made the world safer? Almost half (45%) think the United States’ actions in Iraq have made the world safer, while 45% think the world is more dangerous. In a similar TIME poll taken Aug. 3 – 5, over half (52%) said the world was more dangerous, and 38% said the world was safer.

    # # #

    Methodology: The TIME Poll was conducted August 31 – September 2 by telephone among a random sample of 1,316 adults, including 1,128 reported registered voters and 926 likely voters. The margin of error for registered voters is +/- 3% points, and +/- 4% points for likely voters. Schulman, Ronca, & Bucuvalas (SRBI) Public Affairs conducted the poll, and more complete results are attached.

    Ty Trippet, 212-522-3640
    Jennifer Zawadzinski, 212-522-9046

  2. #2

    Time Mag is a CIA affiliate. Everyone knows that.

  3. #3
    Tommy Duncan

  4. #4
    "Time Mag is a CIA affiliate. Everyone knows that."
    If you're this wacky today. I can't wait to see the nutball crap you come up with on November 3rd.

  5. #5
    Tommy Duncan
    The Time poll before the election had Bush over Kerry by 2%. So this is definitely a move from a statistical dead heat to a significant lead for Bush.

    It will be interesting to see some state polls, especially in Pennsylvania, Florida, Missouri and Wisconsin.

  6. #6
    rasmussen has it at Bush 49%, Kerry 45% for today, im not sure about zogby though

  7. #7
    I really want to see what Kalifornia does.

  8. #8
    Here is who Time called the 2000 election...

    CNN/Time Poll conducted by Yankelovich Partners
    10/25-26/00 Gore 43 Bush 49 Buch 1 Nader 3 Not Sure 4 1,076LV
    10/12-13/00 Gore 43 Bush 48 - 4 5 603LV
    10/4-5/00 Gore 45 Bush 47 1 4 3 636LV
    9/6-7/00 Gore 47 Bush 46 1 4 2 818LV
    8/9-10/00 Gore 39 Bush 53

    not a great track record of accuracy and very volitile.

  9. #9
    Joe Chalupa
    It ain't over yet.

    Released: September 02, 2004
    Bush Runs Offense and Leads Kerry by 2 Points; President Rallies Troops and Stumps on Leadership, Strength and Decisiveness; New Zogby America Poll Reveals

    President George W. Bush and Vice-President Cheney have taken a two point lead over Massachusetts Senator John Kerry and North Carolina Senator John Edwards (46%-44%), according to a new Zogby America poll. The telephone poll of 1001 likely voters was conducted from Monday through Thursday (August 30-September 2, 2004) during the Republican National Convention in New York City. Overall results have a margin of sampling error of +/-3.2.

    --I'm tellin' ya....Kerry needs to fight back much tougher and play hard ball (except how Zell did) and get back in this race.

  10. #10
    He has no ammo, Joe.

  11. #11
    Joe Chalupa
    I'm starting to become an undecided voter........................


  12. #12
    Tommy Duncan
    You're right danny. This is not a good poll because only good polls show Kerry ahead.

  13. #13
    You sound wobbly there, Joe.

  14. #14
    Joe Chalupa
    wobbly? Texas they call it walking. :p

  15. #15
    No, that's what people mistake as a swagger.

  16. #16
    No, that's what people mistake as a swagger
    That would be great if W. was actually from Texas. He's a Conneticut-born, Harvard-Yale yankee, always has been, always will be

  17. #17
    He spent his formative years in Midland, Texas.

    He's a Texan. there nothing you won't nitpick?

  18. #18
    where did he buy his coke from

  19. #19
    If your looking for a source, I believe Bill Clinton's pushers are more recent...ask Roger.

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