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  1. #76
    T Park Num 9
    damn the ground just went cold.

    Kori your exactly right.

    While Stephen Jackson was a clutch shooter and his enthusiasm will be missed, his erratic play and LACK of mental toughness will be missed.

    Ghost Im gonna have to respectively disagree on mental toughness.

    Mental toughness IMO means being solid and committing no mistakes.

    My jack was guilty of that.

    No question I will miss him, but its not the end of the world.

  2. #77
    Marcus Bryant
    Damn, this Dog character has united Ghost, timvp, and me. When that happens you know you've done F'ed up.

  3. #78
    Ghost Writer
    T Park, I consider mental toughness being able to make fourth quarter shots.

    I don't recall Jackson screwing up in any big spots in the playoffs.

  4. #79
    Tpark.. is that really you? Going against Jackson? lmao..

    Did you get the Homer Lasik Vision Correction finally?


  5. #80
    All of Jackson's playoff gaffs (I recall some untimely 4Q turnovers and the matador defense that allowed Finley to score the game winner in game 1 of the Dal series) were in areas that I would expect he would improve upon in the offseason (ballhandling and man defense) given his demonstrated work ethic. Absolutely no replacing his big shot ability, unless Horry can return to his old form, which is a questionable proposition at best.

  6. #81
    T Park Num 9
    to each his own.

    Sequ, moron, Im not against Jack, Im just dissapointed in his actions of NOT staying.

    Im dissapointed that he has let greed get in the way of a full successfull career.

    Im disapointed that everything he said, about Dave making him a man, Pop being the only one who could control him, and not wanting to play with anyone BUT his boy manu and tim.

    Its dissapointed as a FAN, to hear these things, to see in the press conferences the closeness between two of your favorite players like Jack and Manu, to now see jack being the protypical modern day athlete by choosing money over teammates, coaches and such.

  7. #82
    Ghost Writer
    For every 4th quarter turnover I can think over two steals Jackson made or helped Ginobili collapse on.

    Like scott said, ball handling and turnovers can be improved upon, wheras aggressiveness and clutch shooting are intangibles.

  8. #83
    T Park Num 9

    Apology given.

  9. #84
    Pop said it was the agent brotha...

    The AGENT.

    Spurs wanted him, Jack wanted to stay, however he was:

    Mis ingInformed about his Net Worth.

    68 turnovers is not worth $28 million no matter how many threes you can hit.

  10. #85
    Temple Of The Dog
    my last few comments were never about sjax or this offseason... maybe on how sjax came into the role of being a starter... and about how we treated our FA (david and DA) during that fateful offseason a few years ago.

    can anyone tell me that sjax would have started (or even been on the team) if we had signed doug christie or kept derek anderson? (change my mind)

    and does anyone really believe that "the plan" to keep that huge hunk of capspace for this season didn't come only after steve smith (and his contract) came to the spurs?

    i was merely pointing out the fact that they backed into "the plan" because of that year. just like they backed into the hedo and mercer trade at the end... after their bid for spree was cut off or went nowhere.

    you know, you can still be a fan and point those things out... it ok to not mindlessly shake your head up and down, you know?

    i personally feel that interview with pop on instant replay was a little too much. he said that "sjax over-priced himself on the FA market" - no matter what he was asking, i don't think pop should have said that about a player who helped win us a championship. it could affect his market value with other clubs... and i was really shocked to hear it put in those terms.

  11. #86
    Marcus Bryant
    Sequ, maybe the Spurs just don't want to pay his market price? A player asking for more than what a team is offering? I'm shocked.

  12. #87
    T Park Num 9

    The guy is not 10 years old and not able to know the truth.

    He can call up Pop and say, whats the truth, whats the deal YOUR offering me.

    Hes gotta take a SMALL bit of responsibility.

    His agent I agree is a majority of the reason why hes leaving, but jack is a grown up (sometimes mentally thats questionable) and makes his own decisions to sign contracts or not.

    Its unfortunate.

  13. #88
    We won 60 damn games and a NBA Championship with Jack starting.

    I have never understood why Pop goes into every season with 4 or 5 new faces... He is like a sometimes, can't make up his mind on what he wants. Jack made turnovers and poor decisions but he also made some big ing shots.

    I don't like Pop, never have, and its not because of Bob Hill either.

    He should have resigned his key players from last year and get a big and move the **** on.

    Now he has another ing excuse to start off at .500 for the first few months of the season while we are going to the doc gettin blood pressure medication.

    Tpark, no need to cry, players come and go.

  14. #89
    Ghost Writer
    Temple, if Christie or Anderson we risned in 2001, Bowen probably isn't brought in, so Jackson could've stillemerged at the SF/SG.

    The Holt-ing Pattern was put into effect when Robinson was re-signed for two years at $10.5 million. The Smith trade set the plan in motion.

  15. #90
    T Park Num 9

    the guy you think is a moron also helped the team win 60 games and an NBA championship moron.

    Loose the hate for pop bozo, without him this team is prob a bottom feeding team.

  16. #91
    If he really wanted to stay here, why not have the cajones to tell his agent "Get it done, you work for me, !" or like T Park said, call Pop himself. Who is going to sign him now? Probably a non-contender with some cap space. Why not take a little less and have a shot at another ring? I blame the Assgent more than I do SJax but again like T Park said, Jack has to take some responsibility.

  17. #92
    Loose the hate for pop bozo, without him this team is prob a bottom feeding team.
    Okay, that's probably going a little too far. For the most part, I like Pop- but to say we'd be a bottom feeding team without him? Jerry Tarkanian could coach our current team (with two time MVP) into the playoffs!!! Okay... maybe not Tarkanian, but any other coach.

  18. #93
    This team won because of Tim Duncan and David Robinson.

    Not because of Greg Popovich.

    Take them away from the equation and Pop is plucking cotton from a farm down in South Texas...


  19. #94
    Marcus Bryant
    i was merely pointing out the fact that they backed into "the plan" because of that year. just like they backed into the hedo and mercer trade at the end... after their bid for spree was cut off or went nowhere.
    Well sure. No one was arguing that this plan for 2003 had been in place forever. They've done a decent job when they've had to adapt to a situation. One thing that's been good is that they haven't panicked in certain situations and caved...such as with DA and also with Spree. They could've given DA the type of money he wanted early on. The Spurs didn't seem to have a problem coming with the $$$ for Rose when he was a free agent. As for Spree the Spurs could've caved and given up Rose or even Ginobili. I've wanted Spree in SA since 1995 but I'm glad they didn't do that deal this summer.

    you know, you can still be a fan and point those things out... it ok to not mindlessly shake your head up and down, you know?
    And you know, you can actually point out the problems in fans' argument when they start ing about the front office without being a "homer." I could give two flips about whether or not the Spurs front office is blameless or whatever.

    i personally feel that interview with pop on instant replay was a little too much. he said that "sjax over-priced himself on the FA market" - no matter what he was asking, i don't think pop should have said that about a player who helped win us a championship. it could affect his market value with other clubs... and i was really shocked to hear it put in those terms.
    Well all we know is that Jack is looking for 5 years/$28 mil and supposedly a starting clause. Spurs are offering 3 years/$13 mil. The honest answer is that Jack doesn't fit in the Spurs' budget now. Pop doesn't have a degree in PR and sometimes it shows badly. But SA is a city that doesn't care for non-stars who start asking for big $$$.

  20. #95
    since the city of San Antonio does not pay for the salaries of the Spurs players, the city's opinion is irrelevant. I didn't know that Jack had been offered that. I didn't get an email from Pop and since their have not been terms announced I am not sure how "we all knew" what he is being offered. How did you know MB?

  21. #96
    Marcus Bryant
    Read the thread, mikey.

  22. #97
    Temple Of The Dog
    Temple, if Christie or Anderson we risned in 2001, Bowen probably isn't brought in, so Jackson could've stillemerged at the SF/SG.

    The Holt-ing Pattern was put into effect when Robinson was re-signed for two years at $10.5 million. The Smith trade set the plan in motion.
    but without steve smith, they wouldn't have had max free agent dollars to spend this year and make a run at kidd. (do we agree?) so that means no christie or mckie if you want that kind of flexibility... that wasn't the plan back then. we just kind of backed into it when derek anderson forced that sign and trade.

  23. #98
    I stand corrected. I should have known that Kori would have had the answer. Carry on.

  24. #99
    It was no secret that 2003 was Tim's option year. I also recall Robinson telling Duncan in 2000 that he would play for at least three more years - hence Duncan's 3 yr (with a player option for 4) contract. I think the Spurs front office certainly knew how important that summer was going to be.

    I have my doubts if DA backing them into a corner made them mystically start to believe they could hoard ending contracts. I'm sure they had the idea beforehand, figuring at worst case - they convince Tim to stay by letting him build his own team. I had always assumed that part of their reluctance to pay DA was because they would have to do so beyond 2003.

    Nobody really knows for sure, but it seemed to be more a combination of events.

  25. #100
    Hi everyone,

    I'd like to contribute something worthwhile too, but this letter really needs to be read...
    This only works if you truly believe in it, and if you believe in others. This isn¡¦t for those without faith. I, however, hope that there are others that are willing to believe, like me ƒº

    I am forwarding this letter that I read to the rest of you. There is a part that tells you about the legalities of this process. A part that tells of true stories, and a part that explains how this madness actually works. The only part you truly have to concern yourself with is the instructions. Follow the instructions carefully and you can see how five dollars, probability, and multiplication will work to make you thousands. I know it sounds too easy, I thought so too, but my advice to you on, what do you have to lose?


    Dear Friends: Greetings: I am a retired attorney. A few years ago a man came to me with a letter. He asked me to verify the fact that this was legal to do. I told him I would review it and get back to him. When I first read the letter my client brought me, I thought it was some "off-the-wall" idea to make money. A week and a half later we met in my office to discuss the issue. I told him the letter he originally brought me was not 100% legal. My client then asked me to alter it to make it perfectly legal. I asked him to make one small change in the letter. I was still curious about the letter, so he explained to me how it works. I thought it seemed like a long shot, so I decided against participating. But before my client left, I asked him to keep me updated on his results. About two months later, he called me to tell me he had received over $800,000 in cash. I didn't believe him, so he asked me to try this idea and find out for myself. I thought about it for a couple of days and decided I really didn't have anything to lose, so I asked him for a copy of the letters. I followed the instructions exactly, mailed 200 copies, and sure enough, the money started coming in! It arrived slowly at first, but coming. I kept a precise record of the earnings, and in the end, it totaled $978,493! I could hardly believe it. I met with my friend for lunch to find out exactly how it worked. My part in this was to give my help to him, making sure that the whole thing was legal, since no one wants to take the risk of doing something illegal.

    By now you are surely curious to know what small changes to make. If you sent a letter like this one out, in order to be completely legal, you must actually sell something in order to receive a dollar in return. So when you send a dollar to each of the names on the list, you must include these words in the messagebox, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST" and include your name and emailaddress. The item you will receive for the dollar you sent to the five people below is the message with the request.

    At the time I first tried this idea, I was earning a good living as a
    lawyer. But everyone in the legal profession will tell you there is a lot of stress that comes with the job. I told myself if things worked out, I would retire from my practice and play golf. I decided to try the letter again, but this time I sent 500 copies. Three months later, I had totaled

    Here are a few reasons a person might give for not trying this program:

    - Some people think they can never make a lot of money with anything this simple.

    - Some are afraid they will be ridiculed for trying

    - Some dream of large sums of money, but do nothing to actually achieve it.
    - Some are just plain lazy.

    - Some are afraid of losing their investment. They think this program is designed to beat them out of a few dollars.

    The system works if you will just try it. But you must follow the simple instructions exactly, and in less than three months, you will be looking at $800,000 ! Keep what you are doing to yourself for awhile. Many will tell you it won`t work and will try to talk you out of your dreams. Let them know of your success after it works.

    My name is David Rhodes. In 1992 my car was repossessed and bill collectors were hounding me. I was laid off and my unemployment ran out. In October of 1992, I received a letter telling me how to earn a large sum of money anytime I wanted. Of course, I was skeptical. But because I was so desperate and virtually had nothing to lose, I gave it a try. In January 1993, my family and I went on a 10-day cruise. The next month I bought a brand new Mercedes with cash! I am currently building a home in Virginia and I will never have to work again. This money program really works perfectly every time. I have never failed to receive less than $500,000. This is a legitimate, money-making opportunity. It does not require you to sell anything or to come in contact with people. And , best of all, you only leave the house to mail the letters. If you have always believed that someday you would get the lucky break, then simply follow the instructions and make dreams come true.

    Larry McMahon, Norfolk, VA Six months ago, I received this letter and
    ignored it. Five more came within a period of time and I ignored them also. I was tempted, but I was convinced that they were just a Hoax. After three weeks of deliberating, I decided to give it a try ( not expecting much ). Two weeks went by and nothing happened. The fourth week was unbelievable! I can't say I received $800,000 but I have received over $120,000. For the first time in years, I am debt free. I am doing this again, only this time starting with 500 post. I strongly recommend that you follow the instructions exactly as outlined in this letter.


    1. Go to and open an account. Forward a payment of 5 dollars through your new PayPal account, 1 dollar to each of the five people¡¦s mail addresses listed in the bottom of this page. Select "Service" as payment type. In the Subject field you should write "Mailing list" and in the Note field write the following phrase, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST" and include your name and email address. What you are doing is requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it!

    2. Now take the #1 name off the list that you see at the bottom, move the other names up (5 becomes 4, 4 becomes 3, etc...) and add YOUR name as number 5 on the list.

    3. COPY this letter. You do not have to type it 200 times. Simply place your cursor at the top of the page, hold it and drag it all the way down to the end of the letter. Then click on "edit" and select "copy". Now open up a notepad file on your computer and put the cursor at the top of the page in the notepad, click on 'edit' and then select 'paste' it will copy the letter for you onto your computer.
    Remove the name next to the #1 on the list (the list at the bottom of the message) and move the rest of the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc.....) Then place your name and your mailaddress (which is your payment address at payPal) in the #5 position. Then save it, make sure it is saved as a .txt file.

    4. When you have completed the instructions, type the address of one of
    these search engines.
    www.ICQ IT!.com

    In the search box, type "message forums" or "discussion forums". A list of over 2 million boards will come up. Go to each board name and right click on the mouse. Select 'copy'. Then go to your "write mail" box, as if you were about to write a letter and select 'paste'. Do that until you have at least 200 locations. The more boards you find, the higher your income potential will be. The search engine will give you a ton of message forums; don't just grab the ones on the first page, dig deep and grab some from the middle and the back also, to help make sure you're visiting places no one has been to already. When you've found your 200+ locations, "copy" all your locations, "paste" them in a word do ent or notepad, and "Save" the file. Once you have the locations, visit each one, register, and post your letter. It's that simple. How many hours at your current job would it take for you to make 6000 dollars?

    Post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject with "This is pretty amazing.......", THAT'S IT! You're done with your first one, Congratulations. Some boards may be difficult to figure out where to post. If any board is too problematic for any reason, simply move on to the next board. Get some of your favorite CDs to listen to while you do this also.
    Keep a copy of this letter so you can use it a second time. Post it out
    again in six months, but Post it with the addresses you receive with each dollar. It will work better the second time. NOTE: This service is 100% legal - (Refer to le 18 section 1302 of the U.S. Postal & lottery laws).
    You can also call the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) to verify this. Hold on to every letter and mailing list request you receive. They will be proof of your service.

    When you send out 200 Posts, it is estimated that at least 15 people will respond and send you a $1.00 to be placed on your mailing list ($15.00). Those 15 will Post 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00 to be placed on your mailing list ($225.00). Those 225 people Post 200 Posts each and 3,375 people send you $1.00 to be placed on your mailing list ($3,375.00) Those 3,375 post 200 posts each and 50,625 people send you $1.00 each($50,625). Those 50,625 post 200 posts each and 759,375 people send you $1.00 ($759,375.00) At this point your name drops off the list, but so far you have received $813,615.00. Plus, you will continue to increase your
    income when you sell the mailing lists. Even if less then 15 people respond each time, you will still receive an income in the tens of thousands of dollars. The reality is, even if you only made a few hundred dollars out of all this, that's still an excellent return for such a miniscule investment.
    Most people spend a lot more on lottery tickets and have nothing to show for it, and forget about how much money is needed to play the market. Also, after posting this message on 100 message boards, it may get boring. Stay focused on what you want and don't quit until you finish.

    This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way.

    When your money begins to come in, give the first 10% to charity with spirit and share a good fortune!


    1) Baldwin, Santa Monica
    [email protected]

    2) Igor Lobanov, Russia
    [email protected]

    3) Clark Olsen, Minnesota
    [email protected]

    4) Alex O'Leary
    [email protected]

    5) Emmanuel P. Yanez, California
    [email protected]

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