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  1. #126
    bohica! Greg Oden's Avatar
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    My sarcasm detector also comes equipped with carbon dating to identify the age of the suspect, and this thing is telling me your old ass should've been extinct in the jurassic era, you ing dinosaur. How are you able to type with your reptile-esque scaly finger claws?

  2. #127
    Oak Cliff hard hitta
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    My sarcasm detector also comes equipped with carbon dating to identify the age of the suspect, and this thing is telling me your old ass should've been extinct in the jurassic era, you ing dinosaur. How are you able to type with your reptile-esque scaly finger claws?
    sup rogue

  3. #128
    Veteran marini martini's Avatar
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    My sarcasm detector also comes equipped with carbon dating to identify the age of the suspect, and this thing is telling me your old ass should've been extinct in the jurassic era, you ing dinosaur. How are you able to type with your reptile-esque scaly finger claws?
    I guess cuz Funny is a state of mind and/or age, dip wad!!!!

  4. #129
    Veteran marini martini's Avatar
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    Last edited by marini martini; 05-17-2010 at 10:51 AM.

  5. #130
    Oak Cliff hard hitta
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    no thanks, i have standards. i don't hit anything over 28

  6. #131
    bohica! Greg Oden's Avatar
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    I guess cuz Funny is a state of mind and/or age, dip wad!!!!
    Dip wad? What is this neanderthal gibberish? I am super proud of you for mastering a keyboard despite your disability of having gator hands, but while this is a great accomplishment, I suggest you at least attempt to be learned in the english language, you bag of fossils.

  7. #132
    Veteran marini martini's Avatar
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    no thanks, i have standards. i don't hit anything over 28
    You don't hit anyone, period!!! goid!!!

    : : :

  8. #133
    Oak Cliff hard hitta
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    You don't hit anyone, period!!! goid!!!

    : : :
    i hit your daughter in the mouth with this midget arm, tbh

  9. #134
    bohica! Greg Oden's Avatar
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    i hit your daughter in the mouth with this midget arm, tbh
    Dj Paul, I told you a long time ago to go to sleep.

    This is the time of night when dinosaurs roam the earth.

  10. #135
    Oak Cliff hard hitta
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    Dj Paul, I told you a long time ago to go to sleep.

    This is the time of night when dinosaurs roam the earth.
    careful there young gregory, velociraptors are known to hunt in packs and the rest of the pack will be here soon to come to the rescue of it's dear elderly member

  11. #136
    Veteran marini martini's Avatar
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    careful there young gregory, velociraptors are known to hunt in packs and the rest of the pack will be here soon to come to the rescue of it's dear elderly member
    Fawk you both!!! You illating sapiens!!!!

  12. #137
    Oak Cliff hard hitta
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    Fawk you both!!! You illating sapiens!!!!
    i illated your daughters tays!

    tee, hee

  13. #138
    Veteran marini martini's Avatar
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    Last edited by marini martini; 05-17-2010 at 10:52 AM.

  14. #139
    Chronic Lurker
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    Ashbeeigh....I only read page 1 so this may have already been mentioned.....but on facebook, join the C25K (couch to 5K running program). It slowly builds you up to where you are able to run 5K....yes it hurts but you just have to repeat weeks if you are struggling.

    I also do water stuff! Walking every day for even 20 minutes will jump start your metabolism, too. Also, weightlifting is awesome for women. You don't have to lift 200 pounds to start seeing results, either.

    Good luck. Better to get it off now when you are young and before the babies come.

  15. #140
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    Well ash, I went from almost 270 pounds down to 220lb. in two years just by running and portion control. I've ran 5 times a week at Woodlawn Lake, ran three laps. Right now I have p90x and it is a very good work out, P90X is a in a good way. The only thing i could tell you is run, get your heart pumping, run,run,run,run,run, and run a lot more, rest for a minute, and start running a lot more. For breakfast i ate Cheerios which sucked but it did the work.Good luck.

  16. #141
    Runrunrunawaybaby ashbeeigh's Avatar
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    Just an update for everyone...all this lasted like 2 weeks. I think I've done yoga like 4 times since the middle of May...which is why I didn't want to spring for a gym membership, good shoes etc. I knew I wouldn't stick to it.

    I'm going to try again this week. My schedule is very hit or miss in the evening (some nights I'll get home at 5:15 others at 8:30) and I'm not a morning workout person. So I'm going to try again to stick to schedule.

    I'm trying my best not to eat out for lunch (I think it was only once last week and I've been craving some Whataburger...I didn't give in) although I did break down and baked some pretty darn amazing cinnamon cake at home this weekend. The office is my downfall still.

    I do feel like I wasn't tired nearly as much in the middle of the afternoon when I was working out though, so, even if I don't lose any weight and I still look like the fatty I am, at least I won't be tired around 3-3:30 in the afternoon.

  17. #142
    Runrunrunawaybaby ashbeeigh's Avatar
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    If you get home late, stop being lazy and workout in the morning.

    And its just food, you taste it for 25 seconds and then done. Stop making it out like the hardest thing to overcome.
    We all have our own vices. Yours is looking like like a CGI infused Ryan Reynolds. Mine is looking normal.

    I never said I wasn't willing to sacrifice my nightly routine to fit in a workout. I know I'm not a morning person. I tried it. If it means I work out at like 9pm versus 5:30 then I do.

    If I could eat a tuna effing sandwich everyday for lunch I would. But that just grosses me out. Sorry. I said i was making changes.

  18. #143
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    My advice about cutting out junk food is surrounding yourself with fruit and vegetables you don't mind eating when you're hungry. I used to have a fast food addiction as bad as anyone else, and the only way to stop it completely is create an environment for yourself that will help you and prevent you from eating fast food.

    You can't rely on your ability to just turn down junk food and fast food, any weight loss expert will tell you that. If you like certain snack junk food, you can't keep it in your house, make it so when you're home and you get hungry, all you have to eat is healthy food. If you drive by a whataburger on your way to work everyday, carry the bare minimum amount of cash you need throughout the day so you literally are unable to buy whataburger. This is all spoken from experience. Here are some other small tips I recommend:

    Breakfast should be your biggest meal, and dinner should not be a big meal at all. A good breakfast is an egg white omlette w/ veggies in it, a banana (this I highly recommend, a lot of diets say eat a banana every morning), and activia yogurt (tastes decent and cleans toxins out of your body). Tons of protein and fiber with little to no carbs or fat.

    For dinner, include soup. It's low calorie, easy to make, and fills you up because of all the liquid you're eating.

    Cut out all things that are pasty white or creamy. Sounds stupid, but it works.
    Last edited by Goran Dragic; 06-06-2010 at 11:31 AM.

  19. #144
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    My advice about cutting out junk food is surrounding yourself with fruit and vegetables you don't mind eating when you're hungry. I used to have a fast food addiction as bad as anyone else, and the only way to stop it completely is create an environment for yourself that will help you and prevent you from eating fast food.

    You can't rely on your ability to just turn down junk food and fast food, any weight loss expert will tell you that. If you like certain snack junk food, you can't keep it in your house, make it so when you're home and you get hungry, all you have to eat is healthy food. If you drive by a whataburger on your way to work everyday, carry the bare minimum amount of cash you need throughout the day so you literally are unable to buy whataburger. This is all spoken from experience. Here are some other small tips I recommend:

    Breakfast should be your biggest meal, and dinner should not be a big meal at all. A good breakfast is an egg white omlette w/ veggies in it, a banana (this I highly recommend, a lot of diets say eat a banana every morning), and activia yogurt (tastes decent and cleans toxins out of your body). Tons of protein and fiber with little to no carbs or fat.

    For dinner, include soup. It's low calorie, easy to make, and fills you up because of all the liquid you're eating.

    Cut out all things that are pasty white or creamy. Sounds stupid, but it works.
    That's going to be very hard for most people to stick to. You can still get a lot of benefit just by doing some of the obvious stuff.

    -- no more than a can of soda a week

    -- no more than a beer or two a week (though I often break that one since I love heavy beers)

    -- no deep fried crap like fries, onion rings, chicken tenders, and all that other light brown breaded bull

    -- no sweet snacks other than fruits like bananas, mangos, apples, etc (they really do taste a of a lot better than the sugary artificial crap you see all along store shelves)

    -- This one's hard too, but never more than, say, a half-gallon of ice cream a month

    -- Lots of veggies. Lettuce on your burger or sandwich doesn't count for . Spinach is way better, and tastes better too. Veggies should be raw too, and not covered with heavy dressings. Carrots are awesome snacks.

    -- No cookies, no cake, no donuts. Worthless and ultra-heavy in calories.

    -- Fish is usually good, as long as you're not deep-frying it or pan-frying it in tons of butter or olive oil. A little olive oil with salmon is pretty badass. Chicken is good too, if you don't end up frying it.

    -- If you do end up hitting Whataburger, just get the burger and forget the coke and fries/rings. The burger's not too bad, but the fries and coke are horrible for you.

    -- You can actually make oatmeal taste decent by mixing in a chopped banana and putting some cinnamon in it.

    -- Personally, I'm a big fan of eggs, as long as you're not cooking them in a bunch of butter or bacon lard.

    -- Most of all, it's important to get out of the mindset that every meal should taste good, and view food more as fuel than anything. I'm not saying to cut out going out to enjoy a nice meal a couple of times a week, but don't get stuck going out every day for lunch or every other day. Way better to save money and pack a decent sandwich and some fruit or something.
    Last edited by baseline bum; 06-06-2010 at 12:14 PM.

  20. #145
    Runrunrunawaybaby ashbeeigh's Avatar
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    Alright guys. I think I found something to work with my shin splints as they get absolutely unbearable as I start getting more into some circuit training stuff.

    Upon my first visit with my neurologist a few years ago he mentioned that I had drop foot which is a symptom of neurological issues (duh...why I was there). Wikipedia says

    Foot drop is an inability or difficulty in moving the ankle and toes upward (dorsiflexion). In walking, the leg must be lifted higher than usual to prevent the foot from dragging along the ground. Foot drop is usually caused by nerve damage, but may also be caused by muscle damage, abnormal anatomy, or a combination.
    about it.

    Anyway. Point being it hurts like a and I have reason to complain about it. It's always been like that it's just that I'm using my ankles in different ways now. So, this thing I found, it's called aA foot Flexr and is used by runners to help them hit the ground in a better easier way. Have any of you runners used anything like that? Have you seen anything like that in our great city of San Antonio or should I order it online?

  21. #146
    Esse quam videri ploto's Avatar
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    So, this thing I found, it's called aA foot Flexr and is used by runners to help them hit the ground in a better easier way. Have any of you runners used anything like that? Have you seen anything like that in our great city of San Antonio or should I order it online?
    Check with Roger Soler.

  22. #147
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    LOL at everyone suggesting eating fruits for weight loss.

  23. #148
    Runrunrunawaybaby ashbeeigh's Avatar
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    Thanks for the suggestion, ploto! I'll check there later this week.

  24. #149
    Spur-taaaa TDMVPDPOY's Avatar
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    lol i went to b uy clothes the other day

    ny shirt size are usually M

    tried on this cardigan, lol ripped it...fkn now xl...

  25. #150
    Linger Ficking Good! CuckingFunt's Avatar
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    Alright guys. I think I found something to work with my shin splints as they get absolutely unbearable as I start getting more into some circuit training stuff.
    Stretching properly, before and after walking/running/working out, will help with shin splints.

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