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  1. #26
    Eh, Fuck It. easjer's Avatar
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    do you guys ever get repeated dreams even when they were long time ago and suddenly reappears a few years later, then again a few years later....
    I had a recurring drowning dream for years, but it's been awhile since I've had it. It was awful. I would actually hold my breath until I couldn't anymore and breathe in the water. Then when I took a breath, I'd wake up, because it was really air.

    The dreams I tend to remember are things that are either terribly disturbing or terribly embarrassing.

    And props on the troll job, I like the way you just slipped it in there about the other dude. Nice.

  2. #27
    All Hail the Legatron The Reckoning's Avatar
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    i used to have a reoccuring dream when i was a little kid (like 5 years old) that a witch needed a boy for a sacrifice. of course my friends chose me, so she'd take me away and that was the end of it.

    little did i know that was the story of my life. my friends suck.

  3. #28
    Veteran Sisk's Avatar
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  4. #29
    @Kap10Jack Blackjack's Avatar
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    I've had an ongoing dream/theme going on for years. It's not something like drowning or flying, it's more like an alternate world -- a lot of that makes no sense in real life but somehow seems commonplace in dream. Like, "Of course that's what would happen. It's just the way things are."

    But the way things are in my dream rarely have anything to do with reality. I wish I could give you an example, but I usually only realize the connection for a brief period of time and don't write down or try to do ent all that goes on afterwards. But I do know I've somehow created an alternate world in my dreams where rules and consequence are broken or altered.

    I'm not right, tbh. Not that anyone here needed to be told . . .

  5. #30
    Banned CubanSucks's Avatar
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    I've had an ongoing dream/theme going on for years. It's not something like drowning or flying, it's more like an alternate world -- a lot of that makes no sense in real life but somehow seems commonplace in dream. Like, "Of course that's what would happen. It's just the way things are."

    But the way things are in my dream rarely have anything to do with reality. I wish I could give you an example, but I usually only realize the connection for a brief period of time and don't write down or try to do ent all that goes on afterwards. But I do know I've somehow created an alternate world in my dreams where rules and consequence are broken or altered.

    I'm not right, tbh. Not that anyone here needed to be told . . .

  6. #31
    Veteran spursfan09's Avatar
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    I think they are called Lucid dreams that I have. But I'm in a state where my mind feels awake and I can see, but my body is still asleep. I have had them a couple of times where its to the point I know that I will wake up soon, so I don't freak out anymore. But a few times, I have seen shadowy figures by my bed, heard crazy laughter and I feel like I'm being held down. Scary stuff. My dad says he get these, so he must have passed it down to me.

  7. #32
    Spur-taaaa TDMVPDPOY's Avatar
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    wet dreams ftw

  8. #33
    All Hail the Legatron The Reckoning's Avatar
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    I think they are called Lucid dreams that I have. But I'm in a state where my mind feels awake and I can see, but my body is still asleep. I have had them a couple of times where its to the point I know that I will wake up soon, so I don't freak out anymore. But a few times, I have seen shadowy figures by my bed, heard crazy laughter and I feel like I'm being held down. Scary stuff. My dad says he get these, so he must have passed it down to me.

    it's called sleep paralysis.

    my roommate used to have that problem when he'd take naps and id be watching tv. he'd try to call out my name but couldn't...and then he'd wakeup and start freaking out and run out of the room .

  9. #34
    Veteran spursfan09's Avatar
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    That's right! it is sleep paralysis. you're poor friend. Did he ever get the feeling of just plain evil, that's what it felt like.

  10. #35
    All Hail the Legatron The Reckoning's Avatar
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    yeah he felt like he was suffocating and there was some malevolent force keeping him from communicating with me lol. also, rooming in a 200 year old monestary with gothic everywhere didnt help very much either .

  11. #36
    TheDrewShow is salty lefty's Avatar
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    I had sleep paralysis last night

    It felt like someone was pressuring his finger on my back, and everytime I tried to wake up, I heard a "groooomph!!!! "

    And a few nights ago, I had an Alien abduction dream

  12. #37
    Veteran spursfan09's Avatar
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    yeah he felt like he was suffocating and there was some malevolent force keeping him from communicating with me lol. also, rooming in a 200 year old monestary with gothic everywhere didnt help very much either .

  13. #38
    Veteran spursfan09's Avatar
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    I had sleep paralysis last night

    It felt like someone was pressuring his finger on my back, and everytime I tried to wake up, I heard a "groooomph!!!! "

    And a few nights ago, I had an Alien abduction dream
    It felt like someone holding my arm down on my chest and when I would try to move it I'd hear a grunt or a growl. So that's crazy how people all have the same expierences pretty much.

  14. #39
    Veteran spursfan09's Avatar
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    Never had the alien abduction dream though.

  15. #40
    Veteran spursfan09's Avatar
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    Oh and another recurring a dream I have is a Spider coming down from the cieling on to me while in bed. Or I'll wake up and there's a huge spider in front of my face. That gets me out of bed. Then I'll turn on the light and start looking for it.

  16. #41
    TheDrewShow is salty lefty's Avatar
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    It felt like someone holding my arm down on my chest and when I would try to move it I'd hear a grunt or a growl. So that's crazy how people all have the same expierences pretty much.
    That kind of stuff happens to me if I had had a heavy dinner beforehand (usually)

    Never had the alien abduction dream though.
    It was weird

    It wasnt a full dream; there was a succession of 2-3 seconds unrelated sequences, and one of them was me lying on a surgery table, 3 aliens looking at me and the closest one leaning towards me.
    That dream would have made sense had I watched or read something about aliens/UFOs before going to bed, but it wasnt the case

  17. #42
    Thats what the moneys for Don Draper's Avatar
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    One time I had a dream that I was extremely rich, handsome, and could have any woman I wanted. Then I realized I wasn't dreaming.

  18. #43
    Spur-taaaa TDMVPDPOY's Avatar
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    do you guys still have dreams from ur first home u lived in as a child....

    oh when u dream of it, then it occurs in real life not talkin about lottery numbers bull

  19. #44
    Veteran spursfan09's Avatar
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    That kind of stuff happens to me if I had had a heavy dinner beforehand (usually)

    It was weird

    It wasnt a full dream; there was a succession of 2-3 seconds unrelated sequences, and one of them was me lying on a surgery table, 3 aliens looking at me and the closest one leaning towards me.
    That dream would have made sense had I watched or read something about aliens/UFOs before going to bed, but it wasnt the case
    Well that explains alien abduction stories then...

  20. #45
    Better than a dumb ass Smart Ass's Avatar
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  21. #46
    bandwagon hater
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    Not only do I remember most dreams when I wake up, I can think of something before I go to bed and dream about it, and recall the entire dream the next morning.

    Its actually rare for me to not remember a dream. To me, not remembering a dream when I wake up is like the feeling you get when you are thinking of something that you KNOW but for the life of you cant name it or describe it.

  22. #47
    bandwagon hater
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    do you guys still have dreams from ur first home u lived in as a child....

    oh when u dream of it, then it occurs in real life not talkin about lottery numbers bull
    That happens to me ALOT actually. The one instance I remember the most is when I was about 16 my family went to Vegas. A few weeks prior I dreamed about going and in the dream there was a condemned building on a corner, we turned the corner and on the doorway it was spray painted "no fat chics alowed". Sure enough, when we went, I saw the same exact building with the same writing and pointed it out to my father and brother who I had told about the dream. They where unnerved to say the least.

    It's not like I can see/predict the future though.... I have these dreams and think nothing of it until the event actually happens. Sometimes years later. they are not tied to significant events or anything like that. Its a really weird feeling when that happens.

    Im not talking De Ja Vu either.... I have experienced De Ja Vu, as most people have, these are events that I REMEMBER dreaming about and on occasion have TOLD people about that dream before the event happens and they have been there to see it.

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