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  1. #1
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Chertoff delayed federal response, memo shows
    Knight Ridder Newspapers

    "WASHINGTON - (KRT) - The federal official with the power to mobilize a massive federal response to Hurricane Katrina was Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, not the former FEMA chief who was relieved of his duties and resigned earlier this week, federal do ents reviewed by Knight Ridder show

    Even before the storm struck the Gulf Coast, Chertoff could have ordered federal agencies into action without any request from state or local officials. Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown had only limited authority to do so until about 36 hours after the storm hit, when Chertoff designated him as the "principal federal official" in charge of the storm....

    But Chertoff - not Brown - was in charge of managing the national response to a catastrophic disaster, according to the National Response Plan, the federal government's blueprint for how agencies will handle major natural disasters or terrorist incidents. An order issued by President Bush in 2003 also assigned that responsibility to the homeland security director."

    But according to a memo obtained by Knight Ridder, Chertoff didn't shift that power to Brown until late afternoon or evening on Aug. 30, about 36 hours after Katrina hit Louisiana and Mississippi. That same memo suggests that Chertoff may have been confused about his lead role in disaster response and that of his department.

    "As you know, the President has established the `White House Task Force on Hurricane Katrina Response.' He will meet with us tomorrow to launch this effort. The Department of Homeland Security, along with other Departments, will be part of the task force and will assist the Administration with its response to Hurricane Katrina," Chertoff said in the memo to the secretaries of defense, health and human services and other key federal agencies.

    On the day that Chertoff wrote the memo, Bush was in San Diego presiding over a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II.

    Chertoff's Aug. 30 memo for the first time declared Katrina an "Incident of National Significance," a key designation that triggers swift federal coordination. The following afternoon, Bush met with his Cabinet, then appeared before TV cameras in the White House Rose Garden to announce the government's planned action.

    That same day, Aug. 31, the Department of Defense, whose troops and equipment are crucial in such large disasters, activated its Task Force Katrina. But active-duty troops didn't begin to arrive in large numbers along the Gulf Coast until Saturday.

    White House and homeland security officials wouldn't explain why Chertoff waited some 36 hours to declare Katrina an incident of national significance and why he didn't immediately begin to direct the federal response from the moment on Aug. 27 when the National Hurricane Center predicted that Katrina would strike the Gulf Coast with catastrophic force in 48 hours. Nor would they explain why Bush felt the need to appoint a separate task force.

    Chertoff's hesitation and Bush's creation of a task force both appear to contradict the National Response Plan and previous presidential directives that specify what the secretary of homeland security is assigned to do without further presidential orders. The goal of the National Response Plan is to provide a streamlined framework for swiftly delivering federal assistance when a disaster - caused by terrorists or Mother Nature - is too big for local officials to handle.

    Dana Perino, a White House spokeswoman, referred most inquiries about the memo and Chertoff's actions to the Department of Homeland Security.
    Times Leader

  2. #2
    Multimedia Spurs
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    So jerktoff / Nosferatu was Asleep At The DHS Wheel, woke up, and handed the driving to feeble FEMA Brownie, who, in turn, was 48 hours behind live TV ??

    Oh ing A, what bunch of faking jokers!!

    And whott is babbling on about trivial details, ankle-biting like Posse Comitatus, when the big picture is that faux-sheriff shrub's posse was simply ... a bunch of comatose Keystone Cops!

    Sucks to be a Repug, doesn't it??

    The pot of oil into which the Repugs will be dunked is coming to a boil VERY QUICKLY. More wood!! More wood for the fire !!

    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn, and cauldron bubble
    Let's boil these Repugs on the double!

    At this accelerating rate at which the Repug is hitting the Katrina fan, Americans will be able to switch their TVs back to Aruba and pretty blond cheerleaders Real Soon Now.
    Last edited by boutons; 09-14-2005 at 06:49 AM.

  3. #3
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    So jerktoff / Nosferatu was Asleep At The DHS Wheel, woke up, and handed the driving to feeble FEMA Brownie, who, in turn, was 48 hours behind live TV ??

    Oh ing A, what bunch of faking jokers!!

    And whott is babbling on about trivial details, ankle-biting like Posse Comitatus, when the big picture is that faux-sheriff shrub's posse was simply ... a bunch of comatose Keystone Cops!

    Sucks to be a Repug, doesn't it??

    The pot of oil into which the Repugs will be dunked is coming to a boil VERY QUICKLY. More wood!! More wood for the fire !!

    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn, and cauldron bubble
    Let's cook these Repugs on the double!

    At this accelerating rate at which the Repug is hitting the Katrina fan, Americans will be able to switch their TVs back to Aruba and pretty blond cheerleaders Real Soon Now.
    with an squeal squeal here and an oink oink an squeal, there an oink everywhere a squealing oink.

    And that ankle biting act you brought up is one designed to prevent the Federal Government from taking over or intimidating a state...and boutons...if you call yourself boutons...don't go around sticking ankle biting labels on things...because if anything has ever squealed ankle's the name boutons.

    From this point on you are on ignore until you no longer include the words shrub and Repugs multiple in every is annoying beyond belief...your political views are annoying need to make yourself even more obnoxious...when you prove you can somewhat control your childish name calling habit then you will be freed from the pen.

  4. #4
    Multimedia Spurs
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    "to prevent the Federal Government from taking over or intimidating a state"

    A Very Good Thing, of course. The rationale behind Posse Comitatus, to protect the States from the Federal, is also why the USA doesn't have a national police force, why the US Army can't be deployed within USA except under special cir stances, etc.

    shrub has no problem bridging the extremely clear and equal Cons utional separation of Church and State when his Bible-thumping cons uency is tugging on his short and curlies.

    The DHS National Response Plan, etc, doesn't seem to be very worried about that "States protected from Feds" rationale getting in the way of DHS/FEMA.

    If Posse Comitatus rationale really is the explanation behind any delay in shrub's shiny, new, exemplar, built-by-Repugs DHS, the I'd really like to hear shrub, jerktoff, whoever say it plainly and clearly.

    But shrub's weasally admission "to some extent" of responsibility for the Katrina up doesn't mention anything about Posse Comitatus concerns, so your legal-beagle-wanne-be babbling about it is moot.

    So how would shrub's vow "D.T.C", direct-to-consumer, to protect America sound:

    "I, dubya shrub, do solemnly vow to protect the United States, so help me God aka Intelligent Designer. The States must say "Pretty please". Offer void where prohibited. "mega-catastrohpes" specifically excluded. First responders must not be incapacitated. Read the fine print. Ask your doctor. Ask your governor. Side effects may include, but are not limited to:

    1) slow, ineffective relief to poor, black, Democratic states with dumb mayors and governors;

    2) hyper-extended fingers;

    3) excessive slime;

    4) whatever Karl Rove says."
    Last edited by boutons; 09-14-2005 at 06:52 AM.

  5. #5
    Roll The Dice Hook Dem's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Yep. Pretty much what I was talking about the other night. It's all there on the DHS site.

  7. #7
    Mrs.Useruser666 SpursWoman's Avatar
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    So Brown had to be the fall guy. That sucks.

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