VIRGINIA BEACH — U.S. Rep. Ed Schrock abruptly announced his retirement late Monday, citing unspecified allegations that “called into question my ability to represent the citizens of Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District.”

The two-term Republican did not answer questions or address the allegations.

A Washington-based activist claimed on his Web site that Schrock engaged in sexual activity, but offered no evidence. Schrock has refused to confirm or deny the allegations for two weeks.

“After much thought and prayer, I have come to the realization that these allegations will not allow my campaign to focus on the real issues facing our nation and region,” he said in a written statement. “Therefore, as of today, I am stepping aside and will no longer be the Republican nominee for Congress in Virginia’s Second Congressional District.”

Republicans leaders scheduled a special meeting for tonight to choose a replacement candidate.

The new candidate must be submitted to the state Board of Elections by Friday. He or she will face Democratic challenger David Ashe.
He Used to Have His "Beard" Before Elections, But Not Anymore.

Arnold and Maria know he's gay.

He has never missed a single opportunity to vote FOR any anti-gay legislation in Congress.

He also ALWAYS steers interviews that even touch on the subject of sexuality, gay rights, marriage and such. Check it out, you'll see for yourself.

The last time he was on Bill Mahr's program, Mahr would bring the subject up, all the other guests would chime in and then, when it was Dorothy (he's from Kansas) Drier's time to address THE subject he unartfully changed it to September 11th, blah, blah, blah.

I've watched this for over ten years. He ALWAYS dodges the gay question and the interviewer just doesn't get "it" and Drier skates.

I hope he gets busted like Sullivan and the rest.

He's really hurt gay and lesbian Americans for decades with his own self-loathing.

I hope he' pooping in his pants at the convention about being outed.

Larry Flynt, where are you?

"if he's not gay, i don't know who is"