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  1. #1
    Boring = 4 Rings SA210's Avatar
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    Ok, he cheated on his wife, he lied about the affair and the child he had with his mistress. We all know that, and I don't condone what he did.

    Whether you like him or not, and most I'm sure hate him...Is he guilty of campaign finance fraud?.. hatred aside.

    As many know i don't think his affair and lying about it has anything to do with how he would have run the country or his political beliefs. We see that Arnold had an affair and love child.. California survived, Bill Clinton cheated, Kennedy, Newt Gingrich, the list goes on.

    People want him punished for his affair.

    And it's no coincidence in my opinion that the US Attorney who first started this proceeding is a Republican looking for higher office., who also from what I read reported by Rachel Maddows show that Edwards and the Republican US Attorney "crossed paths" in years prior.

    DELLINGER: There's no question that it's an inconvenient fact for the government. There's never been a case like this before. This is not Blagojevich selling a senate seat. This was not an ambassadorship for sale. A lot of folks have wondered what could have motivated this type of prosecution. It is a fact that the U.S. attorney, a staunch Republican who is able to stay in office, thanks to the Republican U.S. attorney scandal stayed in office during the first two years of the Obama administration. That U.S. attorney indicted John Edwards and stepped down and started running as a Republican for congress. He and Edwards crossed paths in the years past. I think there's a discomfort with a novel prosecution and the pivotal role played by someone who decided to play the candidate. He may be the next U.S. senator from North Carolina.

    MADDOW: Has he made an issue of the fact that he brought their prosecution against John Edwards in trying to build his political career? Has he been campaigning on it?

    DELLINGER: It's exhibit A.
    This isn't the normal case, and no case sets precedents. The money never went to his campaign, and never touched his hands. Their key witness is Andrew Young who also LIED that he was the father of the child, so he has his own credibility issues and wasted no time in trying to get rich off of his own book on the matter.

    Again, hate aside..Did he commit campaign finance fraud, and secondly will he be convicted?

    I say no he didn't. On a conviction..That's tough, it all depends on what the jury is convinced of and if their personal hate for the guy interferes and whether or not the Judge allows the 2 FEC Chairmen to testify for Edwards. I do know many political experts, even haters of Edwards think the case is a sham.

    What's your honest opinion? Any lawyers have an opinion?
    Real discussion, no childish crap. It is important, tax dollars are being spent on this. More than what they say Edwards used lol

    Let's see the fighter he always claimed to be. They offered him a deal, take a few months in prison and he retains his license to practice law. Edwards turned it down and will face up to 30 years if convicted now. Wow.

    Cheater, yes. Criminal, no. We shall see..

    I say he walks.

    You've heard of "blended families"? This case features two "blended trial teams." Edwards has churned through nearly a dozen lawyers but has settled finally on the threesome of Washington-based Abbe Lowell and North Carolina lawyers Alan Duncan and Allison Van Laningham. The latter two joined Team Edwards just a month ago, but they know well the key fact witnesses (Edwards, his mistress, Rielle Hunter, and political aide-turned-legal nemesis Andrew Young), having represented Hunter in her civil lawsuit against Young over possession of the infamous "sex tape." Lowell has led Edwards' defense team since August. The eleventh-hour addition of Duncan and Van Laningham seems to have gone smoothly, but the test will come when the jury is in the box. How much of a role will Lowell (and Edwards) let the local lawyers play? (I predict a big one, particularly for Van Laningham.)

    The prosecution trial team has been more stable, but it is also a Washington-North Carolina mix. Two lawyers are from the Public Integrity Section of the Justice Department in Washington, and the third, Robert Higdon, is with the U.S. attorney's office in Raleigh, N.C. Combining "Main Justice" and "Main Street" federal prosecutors proved disastrous in the Ted Stevens case. Public Integrity needs this prosecution to be scandal-free. (I predict it will be.)

    Beyond the two legal teams, there is the larger issue of the extent to which U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles will rein in or let loose the lawyers in terms of both the pace and the substance of their work.

    Will the former Federal Election Commission members get to testify?

    Two former FEC chairmen, Robert Lenhard and Scott E. Thomas, are prepared to testify that Edwards' conduct does not violate civil law, much less criminal. Eagles has so far denied prosecution efforts to bar their testimony but has instructed Edwards' counsel "not to address [FEC] expert testimony during opening statements." Whether the commissioners ultimately testify, and to what extent they are permitted to opine, may ultimately be more important than whether Hunter or Edwards take the stand.

    Does the jury focus more on the facts or the law? On what this case is or what this case isn't?
    There are many ways to view the Edwards case, but here are the two most salient to my mind: The prosecution will want the jury to focus on the facts and what the case is about. The defense hopes the jury fixates on the law and what the case is not about.

    Here's why. Edwards' personal conduct (cheating on his cancer-stricken wife and lying about it) is abhorrent. And hundreds of thousands of dollars in "off the books" activity in the orbit of a political candidate should be troubling to all but the most laissez faire observer. The more the jury focuses on the facts of what did happen, the more likely is a conviction. Conversely, the strength of Edwards' defense lies in the lack of legal precedent (i.e., law) for a criminal prosecution based on the pattern of facts present here and how his actions differ from the typical political corruption cases (i.e., quid pro quos, excessive and unreported donations that pay for TV ads, get-out-the-vote or other direct campaign support, or lobbyist-sponsored lining of a politician's pockets). The more Edwards is able to introduce evidence (through the former campaign regulators or otherwise) about the legal novelty of the charges against him, the better his chances.

    How well will the jury understand the case?
    The Edwards case is no ordinary whodunit. When a death is ruled a murder, there's no doubt someone committed a crime. The jury's role is then limited to deciding whether or not the defendant is the perpetrator. In the Edwards trial, the jury must first decide whether key facts are established (What did Edwards do? What did he know?). Then it must determine whether those facts cons ute criminal activity. I've worked on campaign finance lawsuits as an attorney, taught election law as a professor and followed the Edwards investigation and prosecution closely from the outset. Maybe I'm alone in finding the issues of law and fact implicated by this case complex (and at times confusing), but I doubt it.

    What will the jury instructions and the verdict form consist of?
    Because of the case's complexity and its likely duration of a month or longer, the jury instructions and the verdict form that will close the trial could be of paramount importance. So far, they have received little attention. But as the trial winds down, expect heated arguments (oral and in written, and outside the presence of the jury) between the prosecution and the defense over the precise wording of each.,4182763.story

    Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a watchdog group that generally supports the Justice Department against politicians charged with corruption, took the unusual step of criticizing the prosecution of Edwards. The group contends that the payments were gifts, not campaign contributions, noting they continued after Edwards ended his campaign.
    Last edited by SA210; 04-23-2012 at 05:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Boring = 4 Rings SA210's Avatar
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    The current case against Edwards, the one for which he is on the verge of being indicted, rests on a novel and expansive reading of what cons utes a campaign contribution.

    The crux of the case is that during the 2008 campaign, Edwards, directly or indirectly, approached two of his biggest financial backers, the late trial lawyer Fred Baron and heiress Rachel “Bunny” Mellon, to solicit financial support for Hunter. Baron and Mellon, motivated at least in part by a desire to fuel Edwards’s presidential ambitions, anted up, to the tune of more than $750,000.

    Was that a contribution to the Edwards campaign, in which case it would be illegal because it was not reported as such and exceeded the allowable contribution limits? That’s a stretch.

    The campaign finance law defines a contribution as “any gift . . . loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value made by any person for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office.” But as the Supreme Court has noted, that expansive definition must have some limits. If I lend my daughter money so she can volunteer for a political campaign, that’s not an illegal contribution to the campaign. If a friend of a candidate offers to underwrite her addict son’s stay in rehab during the campaign, that is not an illegal contribution, even if it has the benefit of keeping the errant youth out of the public eye.

    In a 2000 advisory opinion, the Federal Election Commission concluded that a Washington business executive could not give $10,000 checks to favored candidates to compensate them for “forgoing opportunities in the private sector.” The commissioners concluded that “payment by a third person of a candidate’s personal expenses during the campaign would be considered a contribution by the third person . . . to that candidate, unless the payment would be made irrespective of the candidacy.” But in the Edwards situation, the money did not go to the candidate himself and it came from people with whom he had prior relationships.

    Even if you were to conclude that the payments to Hunter cons uted impermissible campaign contributions, there is the more serious question of whether criminal prosecution is the appropriate remedy. A single advisory opinion hardly seems like adequate notice that funneling money to Hunter could land Edwards in prison.

    I don’t like questioning prosecutors’ motives, but the interrelationships in the Edwards case are unsettling. Unlike most U.S. attorneys in the Obama administration, Holding is a Republican holdover. Named to the job by George W. Bush, he was an aide to the late Republican Sen. Jesse Helms and a law clerk for federal judge Terrence Boyle, another former Helms aide whose elevation to the appeals court was blocked by . . . one John Edwards, back when he was a senator.


  3. #3
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    I don't like Edwards as well. I think he's a piece of that will rot in when his time comes.

    That said, and I don't know if there is merit to the case or not, I don't want him prosecuted just because I don't like him.

    My God...

    I would be as bad as those wanting Zimmerman convicted.

    Careful trusting what the MadCow says. This wasn't a case that had race baiters or the media pushing for prosecution like against Zimmerman. I will wager there is something tangible to base a case on.

    Again, do not trust anything the MadCow says.

    I do have to say though....

    CREW supporting Edwards makes me dislike Edwards even more.

  4. #4
    Boring = 4 Rings SA210's Avatar
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    Live twitter feed on Edwards trial

  5. #5
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    I'm not sure how the campaign finance laws work but, if the money was ever represented as campaign funds or, if the money was used to advance Edward's bid for office -- and, arguably, bribing a baby momma mistress to keep her mouth shut so it won't blow his chances fits that category -- I think he's in some trouble.

  6. #6
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    So does the Roger Clemens trial. What a joke.

  7. #7
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    It's novel, but it could work.

    I'm glad someone with such horrible judgment about a cover up is no longer in office.

  8. #8
    Boring = 4 Rings SA210's Avatar
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    a judge says a key prosecution witness in the criminal trial of former presidential candidate john edwards contacted other witnesses in the case to ask about their planned testimony, a possible violation of federal law. (ap)
    u.s. District court judge catherine c. Eagles said monday that former edwards aide andrew young called the three other witnesses in the last two weeks. Eagles ruled that lawyers for edwards could mention the improper contact to jurors in opening arguments monday, but barred using the term "witness tampering" or telling the jury that young had a one-night stand with one of the other witnesses in 2007. (ap)

  9. #9
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    lol hoping for technicalities

  10. #10
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    lol hoping for technicalities
    As I understand the law the technicality would just be icing on the cake. Since the money paid to the mistress was never campaign funds it's a real stretch to claim he misappropriated campaign funds.

  11. #11
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    This should be fun. I'm coming out right now and saying Edwards is not guilty of the charge.

    C'mon BouChump. Attack! (pulling wranglers up and sticking out ankle)

  12. #12
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    As I understand the law the technicality would just be icing on the cake. Since the money paid to the mistress was never campaign funds it's a real stretch to claim he misappropriated campaign funds.
    Depends on what you consider to be campaign funds.

    You are free to think and say whatever you want.

  13. #13
    Veteran DarrinS's Avatar
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    John Edwards is irrelevant and has been for a long time.

  14. #14
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    Depends on what you consider to be campaign funds.

    You are free to think and say whatever you want.

    how profound...

    So you think Edwards is guilty?

    You know, it really is OK to state an actual opinion instead of just ankle biting others when THEY have the balls to state an opinion.

  15. #15
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    how profound...

    So you think Edwards is guilty?

    You know, it really is OK to state an actual opinion instead of just ankle biting others when THEY have the balls to state an opinion.

    My opinion is really that important to you.

    lol anonymous message board balls

  16. #16
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    My opinion is really that important to you.


    But the refusal to give one shows what a cowardly little you really are.

  17. #17
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    But the refusal to give one shows what a cowardly little you really are.

    Your little vendetta against me on an anonymous message board is REALLY important to you.

    I really got under your skin.

    Sorry I made you feel bad. You came back after I apologized.

  18. #18
    Boring = 4 Rings SA210's Avatar
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    John Edwards is irrelevant and has been for a long time.
    A lot of tax dollars are going into this trial to prosecute him on bogus charges, so that should be important to you.

  19. #19
    Boring = 4 Rings SA210's Avatar
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    This should be fun. I'm coming out right now and saying Edwards is not guilty of the charge.

    C'mon BouChump. Attack! (pulling wranglers up and sticking out ankle)
    Good luck getting a real stance, discussion from him. He'll insinuate what his stance may be by ankle biting and hating, but afraid to make an actual prediction as to not feel he lost something should Edwards win his case, but if Edwards loses he'll be front and center claiming thats what he thought. Trolling is all he will try to do. I mentioned when starting this thread that it was for a real discussion.

    Thanks for actually giving your opinion. I make the same prediction.

    Not guilty.

  20. #20
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    My opinion is even important to people who have me on ignore.

    I think I'll string you guys on a little more.

  21. #21
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    What a pathetic .

  22. #22
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    This should be fun. I'm coming out right now and saying Edwards is not guilty of the charge.

    C'mon BouChump. Attack! (pulling wranglers up and sticking out ankle)
    You're probably right. I'm not going to try to follow it. If I see stuff here, fine. if not, I don't care anyway.

    I will honestly say, since I really dislike him, I would like to see him guilty of something. just not wrongfully convicted. I think most of those who want to see Zimmerman conv9ctedm, don't care if he is wrongfully convicted.

  23. #23
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    Your little vendetta against me on an anonymous message board is REALLY important to you.

    I really got under your skin.

    Sorry I made you feel bad. You came back after I apologized.
    Myself, I just now see you as a Glob Fly.

  24. #24
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    A lot of tax dollars are going into this trial to prosecute him on bogus charges, so that should be important to you.
    The justice department will spend that money one way or another anyway.

    If you have ever seen how these things work, they have to try to spend more money than they were allocated. If not, their next budget will be reduced.

    Bureaucracy is a mess, even by definition alone.

  25. #25
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Good luck getting a real stance, discussion from him. He'll insinuate what his stance may be by ankle biting and hating, but afraid to make an actual prediction as to not feel he lost something should Edwards win his case, but if Edwards loses he'll be front and center claiming thats what he thought. Trolling is all he will try to do. I mentioned when starting this thread that it was for a real discussion.

    Thanks for actually giving your opinion. I make the same prediction.

    Not guilty.
    Maybe I shouldn't change the subject here, but a random thought from when you said...

    The Secret Service agents in trouble could start singing like crazy, all the stuff that happens in the Obama administration if this pushes forward against them. Anyone notice how Obama is actually distancing himself from it, other than a few expected remarks...

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