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  1. #51
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    Judge just overturned PA anti-voter fraud (disenfranchisement) law. Pittsburgh and Philly will keep the PA for the President.

  2. #52
    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    princess, ing classic!

  3. #53
    The Boognish FuzzyLumpkins's Avatar
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    I like it too. PrincessCowboy.

  4. #54
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    Key word WH: Allegations!

  5. #55
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    never stopped you, unless there was a Republican to defend.

  6. #56
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    National Republican Voter Registration Strategy Includes Lying to Potential Voters About "Taking a Poll" in Order to Screen Out Obama Supporters

    From Palm Beach to Richmond, from Las Vegas to Portland, it's not a coincidence, it's a coordinated GOP scheme intended to keep Obama supporters from signing up to vote.

    While a major element of the Republican National Committee's strategy to game the 2012 elections by affecting who gets to vote and who does not has been cut off at the knees in the wake of a criminal election fraud complaint and other late developments in the still-widening GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal, a disturbing and abhorrent nationwide GOP voter registration strategy may have also been revealed by it.

    The coordinated strategy, as evidenced by recent video do entation emerging from a number of key states, includes registration workers screening out Democratic-leaning voters from registration drives in order to keep them from registering. The way it's done: lying to potential registrants about a "voter survey," rather than disclosing that workers are actually there to register voters --- but only Republican-leaning ones. The deceptive tactic has so far been seen this year in several of the five battleground states where the RNC's controversial, and potentially criminal, $3 million registration program was scuttled late last week after fraudulent registration forms were discovered to have been turned in by a shady firm hired by the RNC to sign up Republican voters in Florida and four other states.

    In Virginia

    In Nevada,

    In Florida

    In California

    Illegal? Or just incredibly unethical?

    When we initially reported on the video that went viral out of Colorado Springs just over one week ago, we were told by Richard Coolidge, the Communications Director for CO Secretary of State Scott Gessler (R) that "there is nothing in state law would prevent" a registration worker from specifically screening for Republican-only voters to sign up. He stressed, however, that "once the person starts filling out the application, the registrar is required to submit the form to the county clerk."

    Examination of the CO election code seems to, mostly, bear him out, (see section 1-2-506. Prohibitions [PDF]), though part of the code says registration workers may not "display any political preference or party allegiance", which the young lady in the viral video clearly did when she was pressed by the woman taping her to know if she was there supporting Romney. She admitted she was.

  7. #57
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    For the record, I think hiring people to register voters for either side is ing stupid.
    What about throwing away completed registration forms for the party you don't like, after they have been filled out and given to you to turn in?

    Is that stupid?

    Or something else?

  8. #58
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    What about throwing away completed registration forms for the party you don't like, after they have been filled out and given to you to turn in?

    Is that stupid?

    Or something else?
    Sounds illegal to me.

  9. #59
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    This is a very common occurrence in DFW. Has been an issue for decades. Up here, it's almost an exclusively Democratic Party problem. Go figure.

  10. #60
    SpUrsFan4EteRniTy! howbouthemspurs's Avatar
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    G.O.P. Operative Long Trailed by Allegations of Voter Fraud

    For a year, the Republican National Committee has portrayed Democrats as the villains when it comes to voter fraud.

    In a provocative article on CNN's Web site, the committee's chairman, Reince Priebus, said, "Democrats know they benefit from election fraud."

    The tables have turned, however, and Republicans are now playing defense over the role of a well-paid operative, Nathan Sproul, in a voter registration scandal that emerged in Florida and has spread to other states.

    The Florida Department of Law Enforcement said it was reviewing "numerous" claims involving a company that Mr. Sproul runs to determine if a criminal investigation is warranted. Complaints have surfaced in 10 Florida counties, among them allegations that registrations had similar signatures or false addresses, or were filed under the names of dead people. In other cases, party affiliations appeared to have been changed.

    In recent days, similar claims against Mr. Sproul have arisen in Nevada and Colorado.

    Mr. Sproul, 40, a former executive director of the Arizona Christian Coalition and the Republican Party in Arizona, is well known in political circles there. Since 2004, Mr. Sproul's companies - he has operated under several corporate names - have collected more than $17.6 million from Republican committees, candidates and the "super PAC" American Crossroads, mostly for voter registration operations, according to campaign finance records.

    The Republican Party, which paid Mr. Sproul about $3 million this year for work in five states, has severed its ties with him, saying it has no tolerance for voter registration fraud.

    But questions about Mr. Sproul's methods first emerged in 2004, when one of his companies, Sproul & Associates, was paid nearly $8 million during the election cycle. The payouts made the company the seventh-biggest recipient of campaign expenditures by the committee, according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics.

    Mr. Sproul declined to be interviewed.

    In a statement issued by his lawyer, Mr. Sproul said the huge size of his voter operation - he claims to have registered more than 500,000 people in more than 40 states through election cycles - would invariably lead to a few problems. "Inevitably, there have been accusations of 'bad registrations,' isolated instances that have been thoroughly investigated not only internally but by the appropriate legal authorities," the statement said.

    Mike on, a former chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, said that Mr. Sproul had been considered "very controversial" in Arizona Republican circles before the recent allegations, partly because of past voter registration investigations. "There are questions among a lot of people in the party about how he gets these contracts and why he gets contracts," Mr. on said.

    As a political operative in Arizona, Mr. Sproul is known for a no-holds-barred approach. He was criticized for dredging up 28-year-old domestic abuse claims against an in bent State Senate candidate in 2008.
    That same year, he promoted a ballot initiative that would have made it more difficult to impose additional taxes or increase spending in the state. The measure failed, despite considerable financial backing from the liquor industry and from Jim Click, a Tucson car dealer and a large Republican donor who has worked closely with Mr. Sproul on local elections.

    On a campaign trip to Arizona last year, Mitt Romney visited one of Mr. Click's auto dealerships. Mr. Click is a co-chairman of Mr. Romney's campaign in Arizona. Mr. Sproul has also worked for the campaign, receiving about $60,000 since last year, according to campaign finance records. A spokesman for the campaign said that Mr. Sproul collected pe ion signatures during the Republican primary elections and provided office space.

    Mr. Click said that while he had worked with Mr. Sproul on campaigns and thought highly of him, he had nothing to do with securing his recent contracts with the Republican National Committee. "He's always performed for me," Mr. Click said. "He's always been aboveboard."

    Mr. Sproul is one of the biggest players in a for-profit industry that relies on low-paid seasonal workers who must be quickly trained in the legalities of voter registration. In addition to $12 an hour, workers might be eligible for college internship credit, the ad said.

    Mr. Sproul has said that his company employs 4,000 workers. "We have in place a background check system and stringent quality controls meant to prevent individuals from skirting the system," said the statement released by his lawyer, David Leibowitz.

    Mr. Sproul runs at least five affiliated companies that have conducted registration drives, polling and political consulting. According to a lawsuit filed against him by a former employee over pay, Mr. Sproul changed his company's name in 2008 to Lincoln Strategy Group, from Sproul & Associates, after the negative publicity.

    More recently, Mr. Sproul has operated under the name Strategic Allied Consulting.

    Susan Bucher, the superintendent of elections in Palm Beach County, Fla., said that about 100 questionable voter registrations had been flagged there. Of those, more than half involved changing a voter's party affiliation to Republican or independent. Ms. Bucher said that the revised registrations gave her "the feeling that the person completing the application had not come in contact with the voter," because they failed to include proper identifying information, like the last four digits of the voter's Social Security number.

    The voter registration fraud allegations against Mr. Sproul's companies seem to fit a pattern.

    In Nevada, a complaint filed last month with the secretary of state's office alleged that a woman, Cathy Sue Yancey, was told to tear up a form in which she registered as a Democrat and fill out another one without marking her party affiliation.

    The complaint was filed by another woman who said she witnessed the event outside an unemployment office in Henderson, Nev., on Sept. 13. That woman, Gina Greisen, said she and a group of friends had been approached by a man who told them that they needed to update their voter registration. "He talked about voter fraud and mentioned Acorn and illegals voting," Ms. Greisen said.

    The worker then approached Ms. Yancey. "He was sure a Republican, because he was totally against Obama," said Ms. Yancey, who was reached by phone and verified Ms. Greisen's account. "I'm a Democrat. I'm certainly voting for Obama."

    The election forms were traced to a Sproul operation. Similar allegations prompted an investigation by the Oregon Department of Justice in 2004.

    In that case, a couple told the police in Roseburg that they had been approached by a woman outside a Walmart who asked them to register to vote. The husband, John Gomez, filled out a card registering as a Republican. His wife, Katheline, registered as a Democrat.

    About a month later, Mr. Gomez received a ballot in the mail, but his wife did not, the Oregon authorities said. Her registration form seemed to have evaporated. Investigators determined that the woman who solicited the couple had been paid by Sproul & Associates.

    The woman told investigators that she was paid only when she registered Republicans or those who said they would vote for President George W. Bush. The Oregon inquiry focused on more than 100 fraud complaints, many pointing to operations run by Mr. Sproul, but did not result in any charges. A lawyer for Mr. Sproul said at the time that the company had a system in place to prevent and detect fraud and forgery.

    Additional investigations of Mr. Sproul's organization, including one by the Portland office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, also failed to produce any charges.

    Around the same time, officials at a library in Pittsburgh complained that Mr. Sproul's company had used false pretenses - claiming to represent the nonpartisan America Votes - to get permission to set up a voter
    registration desk outside their building. It was only after visitors began to complain that the library learned that the canvassers represented the Republican Party.

    Repugs have been the party of Dirty Tricks going back, at least, their moral leader and hero, Tricky Nixon.

  12. #62
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    This is a very common occurrence in DFW. Has been an issue for decades. Up here, it's almost an exclusively Democratic Party problem. Go figure.

    If it is "very common" it should be easy to show.

  13. #63
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Sounds illegal to me.
    Yes, yes it is.

    Are you going to call for this company to be investigated? Donde esta la outrage, senior?

    Are you going to create a thread calling for the criminals to be brought to justice?

  14. #64
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    Repug OH voter suppression suppressed, AGAIN

    Early voting reinstated in Ohio

    A federal appeals court on Friday sided with President Obama’s reelection campaign and said that if Ohio allows military voters to cast ballots in the three days leading to Election Day, it must extend the same opportunity to all voters.

    A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit said the state had not shown why voting during the Saturday-Sunday-Monday period should be offered to only one group of voters.

    “While there is a compelling reason to provide more opportunities for military voters to cast their ballots, there is no corresponding satisfactory reason to prevent non-military voters from casting their ballots as well,”

    Repugs' best chance in OH, as it was when they stole OH in 2004, is the Repug operatives doing the vote counting, aka, vote rigging.
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 10-06-2012 at 12:28 PM.

  15. #65
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Repugs' best chance in OH, as it was when they stole OH in 2004, is the Repug operatives doing the vote counting, aka, vote rigging.

    Stole the election.

    Bull !

  16. #66
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    Wave of Anti-Voter State Laws Detailed by GAO

    ew state laws that make it harder for millions of voters to cast ballots are detailed in a Government Accountability Office report released today.

    The comprehensive study was requested by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) and Bill Nelson (D-Fla.). The senators asked the non-partisan research arm of Congress to investigate what they called an "alarming number" of new state laws that will make it "significantly harder" for millions of voters to cast ballots on Nov. 6.

    Sanders called the voter restrictions, enacted mostly by Republican legislatures and governors, a "savage attack on American democracy." Leahy said "we must work to protect one of the most fundamental rights Americans enjoy." Durbin said the report confirms that the spate of state voting laws is making it harder for millions of disabled, young, minority, rural, elderly and low-income Americans to vote. "Despite widespread public outcry," Nelson said, "state lawmakers have tried to make it harder" to vote.

    The GAO report was issued two days after a Pennsylvania judge issued the latest in a string of court rulings that have struck down or limited several state laws restricting access to the ballot box.

    Overall, the study do ented a major shift during the past decade. Twenty-one states passed new voter ID laws and seven states tightened existing ID requirements. Altogether, 31 states have requirements for all eligible voters to show identification prior to casting a ballot at the polls on Election Day, the report said. In addition, six states passed new proof-of-citizenship requirements and 18 states imposed new restrictions on voter registration drives during the past 10 years.

    Since voter fraud was the ostensible reason for the new laws, the senators asked for details on "any prosecutions or convictions for voter impersonation fraud within each state during the previous 10 years." Citing a lack of data, the GAO was unable to do ent voter fraud. (An earlier report by the Brennan Center for Justice found that substantiated cases of voter fraud were extremely rare, comprising, for instance, just 0.0004 percent of votes cast statewide in the 2004 New Jersey general election - and that photo ID would not have prevented any of the problem votes.)

    The GAO plans a follow-up report next year analyzing the impact of the new state laws on voters' ability to exercise their rights. That report will include a state-by-state analysis of the cost and accessibility of do ents required to register to vote and obtain photo IDs, as well as data on the race, gender and socioeconomic status of the voters affected by the new requirements. The second phase of the report also will explore how many provisional ballots are cast and how many are ultimately counted in each state.

    "We must make it easier, not harder, for poor and working people to vote and to participate in the political process," Sanders said. "There is no credible evidence of voter fraud having had any impact whatsoever on the outcome of an election in recent history. Using unfounded scare tactics and isolated cases to weaken the public's faith in elections and to disenfranchise millions of eligible voters is reprehensible."

    "Today's GAO report shines a light on the wave of newly enacted state laws that burden and restrict the right to vote for millions of Americans," said Leahy, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman. "I hope GAO follows up quickly with the review we have requested of alleged in-person voter fraud, the justification used by states in erecting these new barriers affecting millions of voters despite an almost total absence of evidence that it has impacted any election. As we saw in our recent Judiciary Committee hearing looking at the impact of laws to restrict voting, we must work to protect one of the most fundamental rights Americans enjoy - the right to vote."

    "Today's GAO report confirms what many have been saying for over a year: the spate of recently passed state voting laws is making it harder for millions of disabled, young, minority, rural, elderly and low-income Americans to vote," said Durbin, who has chaired three congressional hearings on new state voting laws. "Protecting the right of every citizen to vote and ensuring that our elections are fair and transparent are not Democratic or Republican values, they are American values."

    "Voting is the most basic tenet of any democracy, and despite widespread public outcry state lawmakers have tried to make it harder to do," Nelson said. "The steps taken by legislatures across the country have gone too far, as evidenced once again by the study released today."

  17. #67
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    Stole the election.

    Bull !
    New court filing reveals how the 2004 Ohio presidential election was hacked

    A new filing in the King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell case includes a copy of the Ohio Secretary of State election production system configuration that was in use in Ohio's 2004 presidential election when there was a sudden and unexpected shift in votes for George W. Bush.

    The filing also includes the revealing deposition of the late Michael Connell. Connell served as the IT guru for the Bush family and Karl Rove. Connell ran the private IT firm GovTech that created the controversial system that transferred Ohio's vote count late on election night 2004 to a partisan Republican server site in Chattanooga, Tennessee owned by SmarTech. That is when the vote shift happened, not predicted by the exit polls, that led to Bush's unexpected victory. Connell died a month and a half after giving this deposition in a su ious small plane crash.

    Additionally, the filing contains the contract signed between then-Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell and Connell's company, GovTech Solutions. Also included that contract a graphic architectural map of the Secretary of State's election night server layout system.

    How incredibly naive, uh, rather election-fraud ennabling, it is that USA allows political hacks, operatives, hit men to count votes.

  18. #68
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    My god. This is ed up:
    Altogether, 31 states have requirements for all eligible voters to show identification prior to casting a ballot at the polls on Election Day
    Only 31 states require identification...

  19. #69
    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    My god. This is ed up:

    Only 31 states require identification...
    this is a plus for republicans.

  20. #70
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    All states should require identification to vote.

  21. #71
    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    All states should require identification to vote.
    but.....that would make it harder for the republicans to cheat.

  22. #72
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    but.....that would make it harder for the republicans to cheat.
    not at all. Repugs are demographically outnumbered, increasingly so, so they have better chances cheating on voting counting, with their Repug operatives counting votes in red states, and flaky voting machines supplied by companies that are run by and contribute to Repugs.

  23. #73
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    but.....that would make it harder for the republicans to cheat.

  24. #74
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    not at all. Repugs are demographically outnumbered, increasingly so, so they have better chances cheating on voting counting, with their Repug operatives counting votes in red states, and flaky voting machines supplied by companies that are run by and contribute to Repugs.
    You mean like the flaky voting machines that almost got Kerry elected in 2004?

  25. #75
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    This is a very common occurrence in DFW. Has been an issue for decades. Up here, it's almost an exclusively Democratic Party problem. Go figure.
    So I'm not getting a link?

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