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  1. #101
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    Each particular system has its weak and strong points. This guy makes it a point to hammer the consoles while he makes shrines for all things PC.
    Because, from a hardware standpoint, the consoles are now mid-range PCs. Nothing more, nothing less. They're x86 PCs running mid-low range cards that are optimized just enough to get them in the ballpark of modern PC performance. So that means the only thing that distinguishes consoles is the exclusives. As far as PS4 and X1 go... there aren't many exclusives to be had right now, because they're new systems.

    Also, you mind showing me where consoles can keep up with this?

    To say nothing of the Steam sales. PC is simply a better deal for the money right now and the indie scene is absolutely exploding with content at the moment.

    When reviewing a product you have to maintain a neutral stance even if you like one thing over the other. This guy seems more interested in mocking what he doesn't like.
    He mocks everything, even stuff he enjoys. Because it's funny. And he is even harshly critical of some of his favorite games. To me, that's as unbiased as you can get. You clearly didn't watch enough of his reviews if you think he only mocks the games he actively dislikes. If he sees a problem with a game, or something they could have done better, he points it out instead of slapping a "9.5 ZP RECOMMENDED!" sticker on it like every other gaming website on the planet does (Giant Bomb and a couple of others excepted). His stance is as neutral as it gets, he just hates games that don't innovate (Call of Duty/most other FPS games being the poster child for this sort of thing).

  2. #102
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    In favor of not getting in a shoving match with you I'll just keep it simple..

    Not everybody, in fact most everybody just doesn't care for PC gaming and that's something PC crazies dont seem to get.

    PC being more powerfull than consoles aside, you guys dont seem to grasp the concept of personal choices. Just because the PC is more mightier doesn't mean you should go run and get a PC because the graphics look better.

    It comes down to affordability, comfortability and experience.

    I've played PC games before and I simply didn't take to them.

    Consoles are quicker and painless to acces on the go.

  3. #103
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    idk why you are even bothering arguing with him

  4. #104
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    In favor of not getting in a shoving match with you I'll just keep it simple..

    Not everybody, in fact most everybody just doesn't care for PC gaming and that's something PC crazies dont seem to get.
    Which is stupid. If you care about getting the best experience possible, you should be willing to look at alternatives.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as "console" gaming anymore. The Ps4 and X1 are PCs. Period. No way around it. Just because they have a proprietary UI doesn't change that fact.

    PC being more powerfull than consoles aside, you guys dont seem to grasp the concept of personal choices. Just because the PC is more mightier doesn't mean you should go run and get a PC because the graphics look better.
    Again ignoring my arguments. It not even about graphics anymore. Steam, amazon, and Humble bundle type sales have created a new market. It's a more robust market and caters to every level of gaming possible. Look at the indie les on Steam right now. It's amazing. , look at the game I'm play right now, it looks like it's from the 8/16 bit era but it's a blast. I made a thread about it. Highly recommended, as it will run on anything.

    It comes down to affordability, comfortability and experience.
    Console games still cost $40 to $60. That's laughable. I doubt I'll ever pay $50+ for a game again. Just not worth it. Tomb Raider just went on sale for PC for $8. $8! I've seen Bioshock Infinite for $10.

    Your arguments are archaic. PC gaming absolutely blows away consoles now. It's not even a debate worth having. I LOVE gaming and it if was worth it to own a Ps4 or an X1 I'd already have one by now, like I did with the last generation of consoles.

    As for comfortability, you're telling me that PSN/Xbox are easier than Steam? Steam is as straightforward as it gets, man. If you can use a keyboard/mouse, you can use Steam. Simple. I don't understand the argument behind "PCs are too complex" when you have a service that literally installs every game for you and does every bit of back end work possible for the game to start functioning.

  5. #105
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    idk why you are even bothering arguing with him
    Keep paying $60 for those games, dude.

  6. #106
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  7. #107
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    Yeah, man, it just SUCKS saving money and being able to buy more games with it.

  8. #108
    Linger Ficking Good! CuckingFunt's Avatar
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    Which is stupid. If you care about getting the best experience possible, you should be willing to look at alternatives.
    The last thing I ever want to do is get involved in the PC vs. consoles war, since even though I'm not much of a PC gamer anymore I consider myself a fan of good games no matter where they live, but you can't pretend as if "best experience possible" is an objective measure.

  9. #109
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    idk why you are even bothering arguing with him
    it's an echo chamber...

  10. #110
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Don't get me wrong, I like Cry, but he's a dude that completely misses certain concepts and preferences from other people.

    - I don't pay more or less for games on PCs or Consoles, that's not an argument that matters to me.
    - Graphically, past a certain threshold, I'm ok with the graphics. I'm much more interested in a compelling game experience.
    - I don't play online, so pay to play online doesn't matter to me either.
    - Over the life of a PC, it simply needs much more upkeep than consoles. I'm not interested in that. I want to turn on the console and play games. When I'm done, I want to push the off button and not have to wait to shut the thing down, install updates, etc. (which is the reason you see Steam coming out with it's own game platform/hardware. You can't fake the console experience on a PC. They know, we do too).

  11. #111
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    The last thing I ever want to do is get involved in the PC vs. consoles war, since even though I'm not much of a PC gamer anymore I consider myself a fan of good games no matter where they live, but you can't pretend as if "best experience possible" is an objective measure.
    Hence why I said "look at alternatives". I didn't say "well if you're a real gamer you'd ONLY care about PC". I mean FFS I've owned basically every console ever made at one point or another. I even had the Virtual Boy and the old Atari Jaguar at one point.

    Don't get me wrong, I like Cry, but he's a dude that completely misses certain concepts and preferences from other people.

    - I don't pay more or less for games on PCs or Consoles, that's not an argument that matters to me.
    - Graphically, past a certain threshold, I'm ok with the graphics. I'm much more interested in a compelling game experience.
    - I don't play online, so pay to play online doesn't matter to me either.
    I'm totally on board with the fact that for some people a console is a better choice. That's not my point. My point is that PC has evolved so far that it's now just as easy, far more flexible, and now cheaper than consoles if you consider the cost of the games, and I think a lot of gamers would make the switch if that small gap would be bridged in their minds. And ElNono, with all due respect, I don't think you represent a majority or even a small minority of gamers. There's a pretty substantial demographic now, probably a hefty majority, that plays for and only for the multiplayer.

    - Over the life of a PC, it simply needs much more upkeep than consoles. I'm not interested in that. I want to turn on the console and play games. When I'm done, I want to push the off button and not have to wait to shut the thing down, install updates, etc. (which is the reason you see Steam coming out with it's own game platform/hardware. You can't fake the console experience on a PC. They know, we do too).
    Totally agree, gaming on PC used to be a cluster . I remember back in the DOS days where you actually had to know specific commands for each game to get them to run under prompts. And if Steam wasn't around, I'd say consoles would still have a pretty huge lead in usability. Steam has really changed that game now, though, and you see other companies scrambling to catch up (like EA's Origin). Steam *is* as simple as a console, though, with a few exceptions when games aren't really completed before release. However, you see that on consoles now too, remember Skyrim's launch on PS3 with the save file?

    As far as the keeping up to date thing, that will be extremely interesting to see now that gaming PCs have really evolved (so that they're less hamstrung by the demands of the OS) and that the new consoles are running on x86 architecture. My guess is they'll lag pretty far behind in 2-3 years. If graphics don't matter to you it won't be a big deal but if that's the case you probably aren't worried about buying a next gen console anytime soon, right?

  12. #112
    Linger Ficking Good! CuckingFunt's Avatar
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    Hence why I said "look at alternatives". I didn't say "well if you're a real gamer you'd ONLY care about PC". I mean FFS I've owned basically every console ever made at one point or another. I even had the Virtual Boy and the old Atari Jaguar at one point.
    Sure. But when you make the assumption that anyone who doesn't like PC gaming hasn't looked into it as an alternative, you're still suggesting that there is a specific "best gaming experience" that they're missing out on.

  13. #113
    Veteran Baam's Avatar
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    I think Consoles getting closer to PCs is gonna favors Steam... I used to be a console gamer who mostly gave up gaming but I'm considering jumping on the Steam box wagon.

    Steam OS is gonna make PC gaming as pain free as console gaming basically and the power and possibilities will be greater...

    When you look at people renewing their phone every 3 years at most, I don't see how people would choose to stick with the older stuff over let's say games built around the oculus rift or who knows what other crazy coming up next... The PS4 and the Xbone are getting dreamcasted...

    The early success of the PS4 is really mindboggling to me, it's basically a brick. Fanboys are happy they shat on MS for the "entertainment" focus of the Xbone when they forgot the bluray player was one of the best attributes of the PS3... The "entertainment" stuff is uncool now somehow because console gamers are mostly re ed and they got what they deserves : a brick that can't stream to your tv and has zero system seller... But it sells like crazy somehow mostly because the length of the consoles cycles is outdated and because people want to have the most powerful stuff even if it's useless...

    Valve is gonna make a killing if they do it right (meaning keep it affordable, mostly).

  14. #114
    Veteran NASpurs's Avatar
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    PC gamers are funny especially when it comes to those Humblebundle and Steam bundle specials. They spend $500 in games, have like 1,000 games in their library and only play like 5 games out of that bunch. Seriously, you spent a ton of money in games that you'll never play.

    but they were so cheap

    Besides, we know most PC gamers pirate the out of their games. That's why they can afford to upgrade every two or three years.

  15. #115
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    Well this went well.

    Baam. Does this guy even know what he's talking about? Brick? Cant stream, no selling point.

  16. #116
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    Besides, we know most PC gamers pirate the out of their games. That's why they can afford to upgrade every two or three years.

    Its so damn easy to just look a game up (tehparadox) these days that actually buying a PC game is a hassle. rofl

    There is virtually no penalties for downloading a pirated version of a game and playing it on your PC because there are so many workarounds.

    I wish it were that easy for consoles too. I'd be be pirating most games if it wasn't for having to mod your console and pretty much be contend with playing offline forever. Just not worth it imo.

  17. #117
    The cat won symple19's Avatar
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  18. #118
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    Its so damn easy to just look a game up (tehparadox) these days that actually buying a PC game is a hassle. rofl

    There is virtually no penalties for downloading a pirated version of a game and playing it on your PC because there are so many workarounds.

    I wish it were that easy for consoles too. I'd be be pirating most games if it wasn't for having to mod your console and pretty much be contend with playing offline forever. Just not worth it imo.
    Yeah! PC gaming sucks because it's so... easy to buy the games! Yeah! It sucks having MORE games and MORE choice! Who wants that!? And even if you don't want to pay money for them you can get them for free almost instantly!

    Sorry, I just found this humorous.

  19. #119
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    Yeah! PC gaming sucks because it's so... easy to buy the games! Yeah! It sucks having MORE games and MORE choice! Who wants that!? And even if you don't want to pay money for them you can get them for free almost instantly!

    Sorry, I just found this humorous.
    You're so enraged everyone is taking turn ting on your precious you cant even read correctly anymore. Or maybe you're just running out of arguements and are just making stuff up now?

    I never mentioned anywhere in my posts PC gaming sucks. lol

  20. #120
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    You're so enraged everyone is taking turn ting on your precious you cant even read correctly anymore. Or maybe you're just running out of arguements and are just making stuff up now?

    I never mentioned anywhere in my posts PC gaming sucks. lol
    Wtf? Enraged? Where did you get that? I thought what he was saying was funny. Jesus dude, chill out. It was a joke. You were basically giving the PC a huge compliment after arguing against it for a while and I found that funny.

  21. #121
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    I'm totally on board with the fact that for some people a console is a better choice. That's not my point. My point is that PC has evolved so far that it's now just as easy, far more flexible, and now cheaper than consoles if you consider the cost of the games, and I think a lot of gamers would make the switch if that small gap would be bridged in their minds. And ElNono, with all due respect, I don't think you represent a majority or even a small minority of gamers. There's a pretty substantial demographic now, probably a hefty majority, that plays for and only for the multiplayer.
    But that's the problem. Everybody has their own preference, and they should be able to express what they are without somebody coming along and getting into a stupid argument of why they should like something else. From the get go, you're assuming that these people have not tried alternatives, and that they might actually like the setup they have, for a bunch of reasons you might not agree with, but are just a matter of preference.

    And sure, I don't speak for all gamers. That applies to you as well.

    Totally agree, gaming on PC used to be a cluster . I remember back in the DOS days where you actually had to know specific commands for each game to get them to run under prompts. And if Steam wasn't around, I'd say consoles would still have a pretty huge lead in usability. Steam has really changed that game now, though, and you see other companies scrambling to catch up (like EA's Origin). Steam *is* as simple as a console, though, with a few exceptions when games aren't really completed before release. However, you see that on consoles now too, remember Skyrim's launch on PS3 with the save file?
    No, it's not "used to be". I have a Windows 8.1 tablet that boots into a "Your PC will install important updates during the next restart", or "Important updates require a restart. [Reboot] [Postpone]". Don't have an antivirus installed? Here comes the nagging. Firewall not on? Well, let me show you a popup for that. Windows has come a long way, but it still likes to remind you you're on a PC. That's why I kinda like that Steam picked up Linux. They can remove the PC-ness and go straight with a console experience.

    My XBox gets a dash update once every blue moon (like, a year?). I don't know what you're talking about Skyrim, but I don't have a PS3... I installed it on my 360 and played it all the way through, no hassles, and no problems.

    As far as the keeping up to date thing, that will be extremely interesting to see now that gaming PCs have really evolved (so that they're less hamstrung by the demands of the OS) and that the new consoles are running on x86 architecture. My guess is they'll lag pretty far behind in 2-3 years. If graphics don't matter to you it won't be a big deal but if that's the case you probably aren't worried about buying a next gen console anytime soon, right?
    I'm not buying a next gen console until a ODDE for them is available.

  22. #122
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    Wtf? Enraged? Where did you get that? I thought what he was saying was funny. Jesus dude, chill out. It was a joke. You were basically giving the PC a huge compliment after arguing against it for a while and I found that funny.
    What are you talking about? Your last post had you saying I thought PC gaming sucked. Where did you get that? You're twisting my words into something that's not there.

  23. #123
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    What are you talking about? Your last post had you saying I thought PC gaming sucked. Where did you get that? You're twisting my words into something that's not there.
    It was entirely tongue in cheek. My apologies for not being more clear on that or making it more apparent that I was joking.

  24. #124
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    But that's the problem. Everybody has their own preference, and they should be able to express what they are without somebody coming along and getting into a stupid argument of why they should like something else. From the get go, you're assuming that these people have not tried alternatives, and that they might actually like the setup they have, for a bunch of reasons you might not agree with, but are just a matter of preference.
    I enjoy the discussion and the back and forth. Not forcing anyone to debate the issue, I make my comments and if no one responds to it, no worries about that, either. I typically respond to stuff like, "I like consoles better because you can play them on a big TV" or "consoles are better because you can use a controller" and that sort of thing.

    No, it's not "used to be". I have a Windows 8.1 tablet that boots into a "Your PC will install important updates during the next restart", or "Important updates require a restart. [Reboot] [Postpone]". Don't have an antivirus installed? Here comes the nagging. Firewall not on? Well, let me show you a popup for that. Windows has come a long way, but it still likes to remind you you're on a PC. That's why I kinda like that Steam picked up Linux. They can remove the PC-ness and go straight with a console experience.
    They've made huge strides to the point where they're very, very easy to use, particularly if you're running a distribution service like Steam.

    My XBox gets a dash update once every blue moon (like, a year?). I don't know what you're talking about Skyrim, but I don't have a PS3... I installed it on my 360 and played it all the way through, no hassles, and no problems.
    My point was that console games have had issues just like PC games, and the problems will likely be very generalized now that consoles are running x86.

  25. #125
    Club Rookie of The Year DJR210's Avatar
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    For those closed minded, console only gamers hating on PC for the stereotypical reasons..don't worry, you'll be the proud owner of Steambox/PC sooner than later..

    Steam just eclipsed 7 million concurrent users a week ago, up 1 million from last years record. On top of that they just leapfrogged the active Xbox Live user base with over 65 million users. Give Gabe Newell three years, he will be sitting atop the video game industry.

    The writing is on the wall, might as well get on board and enjoy the future now, instead of staying close minded and settling for less. I look forward to gaming with you console faithful, I will embrace you with open arms.

    500.00 and struggling to display 1080p
    "PC gamers are geeks hunched over desks"
    "I will never buy a PC because I want to use a wireless controller"

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