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  1. #76
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    Bern Notice: A 13 Point Swing Has Sanders Gaining Ground On Clinton In North Carolina

    A new poll from PPP reveals that Bernie Sanders is gaining ground on Hillary Clinton in North Carolina.According to PPP:On the Democratic side Hillary Clinton still has a dominant lead, but things are tightening up some in the way that they are in other places across the country.

    Clinton’s at 55% to 20% for Bernie Sanders, 7% for Jim Webb, and 4% each for Lincoln Chafee and Martin O’Malley.

    Clinton’s dropped from 62% to this 55% standing over the last month, while Sanders has made an almost corresponding lead from 14% to 20%. Webb’s up 2 points from a month ago, and Chafee and O’Malley have stayed in place.

    Hillary Clinton remains the overwhelming favorite to win the Democratic nomination, but she is being pushed by Sen. Sanders in a way that the media never anticipated. Sanders’s rise in the poll can be attributed to Democratic voters getting to know him.

  2. #77
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    Good article about how Sanders' polling is deceptive:

  3. #78
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    wanna rilly laff?

    Donald Trump tops another poll. Will he stay there?

    Trump exposing you rightwingnuts as racists, xenophobes, jingoists, ignorant mofos, all the worst in America.

  5. #80
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    Polls at this stage are as useless as your takes.

  6. #81
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    Polls at this stage are as useless as your takes.
    Trump equalling or beating the establishment candidates at any point is just like TB

    Kock Bros' Kockenstein monster from Kockenstan is polling at or near the top, too. Repugs!

  7. #82
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    Another worthless take.

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    Another worthless take.
    TB still butthurt and stalking The Great Boutons

  9. #84
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    And yet another take.

  10. #85
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    Sanders vs Trump in the general would be awesome.

  11. #86
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    Sanders would destroy Trump in 5 minutes.

  12. #87
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    Sanders would destroy Trump in 5 minutes.
    Trump would beat Sanders in the biggest landslide in history.

  13. #88
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    Trump would beat Sanders in the biggest landslide in history.

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    Sanders, Democrats urging Obama to expand Social Security

    Scores of Democrats are calling on President Obama to champion an expansion of Social Security benefits for millions of seniors nationwide.

    In a letter to be delivered to the White House Monday, the lawmakers say evolving trends surrounding employer retirement packages have put a financial squeeze on the nation's retirees. They want the president to fill the gap by expanding Social Security."As employers continue moving from a defined benefit model to a defined contribution model of retirement savings, it is critical that we fight to protect and expand Social Security –– the only guaranteed source of income in retirement," the lawmakers write.

    Their campaign coincides with Monday's White House Conference on Aging, a once-in-a-decade event where administration officials will discuss specific policy prescriptions for the nation's seniors.

    The Democrats want a Social Security expansion to be "the number one retirement security recommendation" put forth by the White House.

    The Democrats cite polls indicating that such an expansion is both necessary –– "more than half (53 percent) of today's working Americans are not expected to have sufficient resources upon retirement to maintain their standard of living," they write –– and enormously popular.

    "This support crosses party lines: 90 percent of Democrats, 73 percent of Independents, and 73 percent of Republicans favor expanding Social Security," they write.

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    The thing Bernie Sanders says about inequality that no other candidate will touch

    “Unchecked growth – especially when 99 percent of all new income goes to the top 1 percent – is absurd,” he said. “Where we’ve got to move is not growth for the sake of growth, but we’ve got to move to a society that provides a high quality of life for all of our people. In other words, if people have health care as a right, as do the people of every other major country, then there’s less worry about growth.

    If people have educational opportunity and their kids can go to college and they have child care, then there’s less worry about growth for the sake of growth.”

    Sanders’s position inverts decades of orthodoxy among liberal and conservative candidates alike, by prizing redistribution above all else.

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    ‘Jesus was a socialist’: Bernie Sanders excites previously unmotivated Alabama voters

    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) drew about 300 supporters to a rally in deeply conservative Alabama – including one woman who has never voted in 22 years of eligibility.

    The Vermont independent, who is running for president as a Democrat, appeared Sunday at the Good People Brewing Company in Birmingham, reported

    One of the those supporters was 40-year-old Elizabeth Hewitt, of Blount County, who said she has never felt like her vote mattered because she never heard a candidate’s message that resonated with her until Sanders.

    “I didn’t like either candidate,” she told the newspaper. “I didn’t care who won because I felt it didn’t matter.”

    Another voter, 56-year-old Peter Stuart, of Lincoln, said the liberal senator had gotten him excited in politics again.

    “He’s not just in it for the money or his own career,” Stuart said. “To me, he’s what politicians should be.”

    Stuart plans to continue his monthly donations to the Sanders campaign because the senator’s democratic socialist views match his own Christian beliefs better than Republican’s lip service on family values.

    “I think Jesus was a socialist,” Stuart said.

    The rally was organized by three Sanders supporters from Alabama who found one another through Facebook – and who expected about 30 people when they began planning the event.

    The candidate has drawn packed crowds at rallies in the Midwest and New Hampshire, surprising many political observers.

    Sanders appeared Sunday morning on “Face the Nation,” where he promised that his campaign would visit states traditionally written off by Democratic candidates.

    “We’re going to go to Alabama, we’re going to go to Mississippi, we’re going to go to conservative states,”
    Sanders said.

    Supporters said they were excited by the turnout.

    “For a state that’s so red, it’s exciting to see [hundreds] of people for this,” Marty Colbert, a 27-year-old from Pelham, told the newspaper. “It sticks to the grassroots theme.”

  17. #92
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    Sanders is irrelevant. I can't believe the media is even taking him seriously. They will kick his commie ass to the curb when Biden announces. They currently just need someone besides Hillary to talk about.

  18. #93
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    Sanders is irrelevant. I can't believe the media is even taking him seriously. They will kick his commie ass to the curb when Biden announces. They currently just need someone besides Hillary to talk about.
    He's a distraction from Hillary's scandals and nothing more.

  19. #94
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    Bernie Sanders has raised more money than every GOP campaign so far. But there’s a catch.

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    Bernie Sanders Blindsided by New York Times Blackout

    Media bias: sometimes it’s invisible until you look for it

    he front page story is about such issues as “work force anxieties, “shrinking middle class,” “stagnant wages,” and a growing income gap at pre-Depression levels. The candidate who has been raising these issues longer and louder than any others is Bernie Sanders. Yet the New York Times story about these issues does not even mention Bernie Sanders, although it mentions others with less credibility.

    That is the level of intellectual dishonesty actually achieved by the Times in its July 13 page one story headlined “Growth in the ‘Gig Economy’ Fuels Work Force Anxieties.” Two of the most relevant words excluded from the 1700-word story are “Bernie Sanders,” even though it includes two Republican and Hillary Clinton.

    It’s intellectually dishonest to write about these issues without mentioning the Independent senator from Vermont now running for the Democratic nomination for president as a Democratic Socialist. It is also deceitful and would be journalistic malpractice for anyone purporting to practice actual journalism.

    But the Times has long since ceased to be “the paper of record” in this country, which no longer has a paper (or any media) of record. The Times still serves, as it always has, as the voice of the establishment. That explains the paper’s “balanced” view here of the “gig economy” and the two generations of economic suffering it represents. Reporter Noam Scheiber’s anecdote-ridden story shimmers with an upper income bias, as befits any ambitious Times reporter looking with disdainful sympathy at lesser earners driven increasingly into jobs that are variously part-time, short-term, temporary, or freelance but almost universally more insecure and lower-paying than people could expect from the American economy 50 years ago.

    Hillary Clinton takes on “the vision thing” in a Bushlike manner

    Bernie Sanders has railed against such economic injustice for almost as long, but Scheiber and/or his editors lack the integrity to mention that, even when they quote a supporter of Hillary Clinton saying: “People know things are changing. They don’t feel like anyone has a handle on it. There’s a yearning for a political vision that addresses that.”

    Well, yes, that seems to be true. That also seems to explain why Bernie Sanders continues to surge in the polls since declaring for president in May. Though Clinton still holds a formidable lead, it has been shrinking, and her total support has been shrinking for several months.

  21. #96
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    I like his new KFC commercials.

  22. #97
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    The NY Times "blackout" of Bernie Sanders in action:

    This is just from the past month alone. "But, but, the media isn't talking about Bernie Sanders every waking hour of the day, it must be a conspiracy!"

    If anything, the media is talking about Bernie too much in order to shift everyone's focus away from Hillary's scandals.

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    The plot to marginalize Bernie Sanders: The shared agenda that links Fox News and Hillary Clinton surrogates

    Both parties are owned by plutocrats. Sanders' challenge threatens them both, and their responses are oddly similar

    The point is that there are no socialist candidates running for president. However elastic the term has become, “socialist” does not mean progressive or liberal Democrat. Socialism, at minimum, requires the abolition of private property and government ownership of the means of production.

    Nothing in Bernie Sanders’ platform qualifies as socialist, if that term has any relation at all to its historical meaning. Obsessing over Sanders’ socialist leanings is an exercise in distraction. The choice today, the only choice we really have, is between different species of capitalism. Republicans are absolutists; they fetishize the free market. People like Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal want no regulation, no safety nets, and no constraints on private power. They represent the true believers, the ones who despise government and make a divinity of the market. Sanders rejects this brand of capitalist theology, but that doesn’t make him a socialist.

    Take a look at Sanders’ actual platform.

    He’s not calling for the elimination of private ownership of productive forces. His agenda fits neatly under a capitalist paradigm – as it must. Yes, he wants to regulate commercial activities. Yes, he wants to break up too-big-to-fail banks. Yes, he supports unions. And yes, he believes healthcare and education are human rights. He is, however, a capitalist. What he – and many other Americans – reject is corporate welfare and monopoly capitalism and the complete financialization of the American economy. Again, that doesn’t make him a socialist. Even the conservative columnist George Will has acknowledged that Sanders’ vision is just a diluted version of the “social democracy” practiced in much of Europe.

    What Sanders proposes is a reasonable equilibrium between public goods and private interests, one that existed for much of the 20th century. He doesn’t want to change America so much as make it work in ways it once did. The hysteria surrounding his candidacy is manufactured, a ploy to marginalize his voice, which is much more mainstream than his opponents would have you believe.

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  25. #100
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    If anything, the media is talking about Bernie too much in order to shift everyone's focus away from Hillary's scandals.
    Well Hillary is a conservative so you're basically criticising one of your own.

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