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  1. #226
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    krazy kruz
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  2. #227
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    krazy kruz
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    so eloquent

  3. #228
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    what a piece of

    Cruz injects bogus partisanship into Flint crisis

    “You know, there’s an interesting parallel between Flint and New Orleans. Both cities have been governed with one-party government control of far-left Democrats for decades.”

    Oh, I see. Flint is an absolute outrage if it can be worked into a partisan frame that Ted Cruz can use to advance his presidential campaign.

    Look, there’s simply no reason to turn a catastrophe like Flint into the latest partisan food fight. It’s a human crisis and a public-health disaster, not an election-year stunt. That said, if Cruz really is eager to go down this road, he may want to consider an important detail: Flint’s Democratic officials weren’t responsible for the water crisis.

    On the contrary, Michigan’s Republican governor, Rick Snyder, working with powers given to him by Michigan’s Republican-led state legislature, stripped local Flint officials of their power and decision-making authority. Snyder put an “emergency manager” in place – someone who answered to the governor, not the people of Flint – who shifted the city’s water supply.

    “Far-left Democrats” had no say in the matter.

    Maybe someone ought to let the Texas Republican know.

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    For all those decades of "Democratic mgmt", Flint and New Orleans didn't get destroyed, poisoned, ed up until Repugs took over, until Repugs ed up/mismanaged FEMA.

  5. #230
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    Cruz Camp Left Iowa Voters Voice Mails Repeating Carson 'Suspending' Rumors

    Two voice mails apparently left by Ted Cruz campaign reps told Iowa precinct chairs to use reports that Ben Carson was "suspending campaigning" to encourage caucusgoers to chose Cruz over Carson, Breitbart reported.

    Breitbart posted the audio of two of the voice mails, both left on the phone of Nancy Bliesman, a precinct captain for Cruz in Crawford County, Iowa. They were left at 7:07 p.m. and 7:29 p.m CST (caucusing began at 7), notably after the Carson campaign clarified a CNN report that he was taking a brief respite from the campaign trail after Iowa.

    A Carson spokesperson tweeted a little before 7 pm CST that the neurosurgeon was making a quick jaunt to his home in Florida to refresh his wardrobe before returning to the campaign trail.

    In the first, the caller identified herself as being from the Cruz campaign looking to get in touch with a precinct captain.

    "It has just been announced that Ben Carson is taking a leave of absence from the campaign trail," she said. "So it is very important that you tell any Ben Carson voters that for tonight, uh, that they not waste a vote on Ben Carson, and vote for Ted Cruz. He is taking a leave of absence from his campaign."

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    Cruz Camp Left Iowa Voters Voice Mails Repeating Carson 'Suspending' Rumors

    Two voice mails apparently left by Ted Cruz campaign reps told Iowa precinct chairs to use reports that Ben Carson was "suspending campaigning" to encourage caucusgoers to chose Cruz over Carson, Breitbart reported.

    Breitbart posted the audio of two of the voice mails, both left on the phone of Nancy Bliesman, a precinct captain for Cruz in Crawford County, Iowa. They were left at 7:07 p.m. and 7:29 p.m CST (caucusing began at 7), notably after the Carson campaign clarified a CNN report that he was taking a brief respite from the campaign trail after Iowa.

    A Carson spokesperson tweeted a little before 7 pm CST that the neurosurgeon was making a quick jaunt to his home in Florida to refresh his wardrobe before returning to the campaign trail.

    In the first, the caller identified herself as being from the Cruz campaign looking to get in touch with a precinct captain.

    "It has just been announced that Ben Carson is taking a leave of absence from the campaign trail," she said. "So it is very important that you tell any Ben Carson voters that for tonight, uh, that they not waste a vote on Ben Carson, and vote for Ted Cruz. He is taking a leave of absence from his campaign."

    The trail from that caller needs to be followed all the way up. Whoever authorized changing the message from Carson was taking a brief respite to tell any Ben Carson voters that they not waste a vote on Ben Carson and vote for Ted Cruz needs to be fired. That kind of dirty-handed change needs to be rooted out and Cruz, if he wants to be taken seriously as the evangelical candidate, must do it.

  8. #233
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    that guy should be fired

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    Cruz sees border wall as solution to drug abuse

    When Ted Cruz reflected this week on the crisis in Flint – which he inexplicably blamed on local Democratic officials who had no decision-making authority – he wrapped up his thoughts by reflecting on the road ahead for struggling cities like Flint. The solution, Cruz added, is to “go with the policies that work” – such as giving taxpayer money to private schools.

    It was a bit jarring. A discussion about poisonous water led the Republican presidential hopeful to think about privatizing education – as if, on some unidentified level, the two unrelated topics were pieces of the same puzzle.

    Yesterday, we saw something eerily similar happened at an event in New Hampshire. The Wall Street Journal reported:

    Ted Cruz spent 18 minutes telling an emotional, gripping story of his family’s history of drug and alcohol abuse. His older half-sister and later his father, he told an addiction policy forum, got hooked and became addicted. His sister died, his father survived only after becoming religious, Mr. Cruz said in a Baptist church here.

    So it was jarring to hear Mr. Cruz then pivot to his policy solution: building a wall along the nation’s southern border to stop illegal immigration and halt the flow of drugs from Mexico.

    “If we want to turn around the drug crisis we have got to finally and permanently secure the border,” Mr. Cruz said. “We need to solve this problem; we need to build this wall.”

    At a certain level, my expectations have fallen to such a low point, I’m inclined to give Cruz at least some credit for acknowledging an actual, real-world problem. There’s a drug epidemic; it’s destroying lives and families; and policymakers at every level desperately need to take it seriously. While some Republicans have dismissed the addiction crisis as meaningless, it seems like a small step in the right direction for Cruz to recognize, even briefly, that the problem exists.

    If only his proposed solution were serious, we might be getting somewhere.

    A Huffington Post report added:

    After Cruz blamed the drug crisis on an insecure border, he blamed the insecure border on the Democrats, and some “cynical” Republicans, who favor immigration reform. He accused them of having base political motives for not doing more on the issue.

    “As a political matter, the Democratic Party does not want to solve this problem. And as a political matter, far too many Republicans don’t either,” he said. “Sadly, stopping the drug traffic gets de-emphasized, because their policy view instead is to open the borders to illegal immigration.”

    None of this reflects reality in any way. Border security is up and illegal immigration is down. The facts are not in dispute.

    But when given a choice between reality and absurd campaign rhetoric, Cruz finds it easy to ignore the former and celebrate the latter.

  10. #235
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    Bill Moyers: Ted Cruz is America’s ‘God Squad’ bully-boy goon

    if you follow politics (as of course you do) you know the other Canadian-born guy in this story is Ted Cruz. He is another kind of enforcer who is always spoiling for a fight. Instead of brawling on the ice, he brawls in the courts, on the Senate floor, and on the campaign trail. In Iowa, if they had wanted an enforcer, you might think the call would have gone to Donald Trump. But Trump is merely a bully who bungles scripture. Cruz is a brute, the Crusader Warrior, armed with e and shield and holy zeal, summoning true believers to war against the infidels. Deus vult! they cried out in those days. “God wills it!”

    Unlike John Scott, who is said to be a nice guy, and humble, there’s malice in Ted Cruz’s swagger. When the Christian right in Iowa bested Trump and the GOP establishment on Monday, lofting him to victory, he shouted to the exultant worshippers, “To God be the Glory” — his self-referential pronouncement that a new Messiah had come to town.

    Yet while Cruz may have won Iowa fighting the GOP elites, he’s no outsider, and he’s no down-to-earth “journeyman.” There is hardly an all-star team that he hasn’t made: Princeton, Harvard Law School, Supreme Court clerkship, boutique DC law firm. As a teenager he told people he intended to be president.

    With a sharp mind and sharper elbows, he has always been determined to win MVP at all costs, never backing down from a fight, or an opportunity to climb higher.

    Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with ambition, but here is another striking difference between John Scott and Ted Cruz. Even as the fiercest of enforcers, Scott remains a team player. As he says, “I make my teammates feel safe to do what they do best.”

    Ted Cruz is no team player. He’s out for no one but himself. And he has a history of switching teams until they fulfill his ambitions.

    Cruz was on George W. Bush’s team for the Florida recount in 2000, helping to stop the vote tallying there before Al Gore could be declared the winner — an ambitious 29-year-old gunning for a top post in the White House. When he didn’t get one, Cruz wrote in his 2015 autobiography that it was “a crushing blow.” He landed a job at the Federal Trade Commission instead.

    Cruz didn’t stop fighting, but when his colleagues still didn’t value him as he thought he deserved, he switched leagues and went local back in Texas. As the state’s solicitor general, he began climbing the political ladder again, eventually considering a run for Texas attorney general. And when he saw an opening on the tea party team in 2012, he used it to campaign for the US Senate, picking fights with the Washington establishment that he felt had rebuffed him, and scoring an upset victory.

    Once in the Senate his goon-inspired behavior soon antagonized just about everyone, including his fellow Republicans. No one was beyond the reach of his brass knuckles, sharp elbows, and forked tongue. He fought against the Affordable Care Act (including a 21-hour rant on the Senate floor), immigration reform, Planned Parenthood — and against the Anti-Christ, Barack Obama.

    Now, to win the White House, Cruz has switched to the God Squad. He is the new Chosen One. His ground game in Iowa relied on scores of fundamentalist clergy, hundreds of volunteers, and his own father, Rafael, a Texas pastor who told a Christian TV channel that his son’s race for the White House was divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit.

    It is as calculated as any of his previous plays. Robert Draper, in The New York Times Magazine, did the math: “Of the 22 states that will be casting their ballots for a Republican nominee between Feb. 1 and March 5, 11 of them feature a Republican electorate that is more than 50 percent evangelical. Even more significant, the first state to vote is Iowa, roughly 60 percent of whose Republican caucus-goers describe themselves as evangelical Christians.”

    iow, Krazy Kruz is one nasty, egocentric, hated sonofa political goon.

  11. #236
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    Terrifying Ted and his Ultra-Conservative Vision for America

    Perhaps nothing captures the imperialist arrogance of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz more succinctly than his campaign’s statement declaring, “What is best for America is best for the world.”

    In addition to the obvious issue that billions of people around the world might disagree with Cruz on this point is the fact that it is not at all clear that the Republican presidential candidate’s proposed policies are even best for most Americans. But given his victory this past week in the Iowa caucus, Cruz’s ultra-conservative views can no longer be ignored while mainstream and progressive pundits busy themselves dissecting the bombastic rhetoric of the far less scary Donald Trump.

    In contrast to most candidates that run for president, Ted Cruz has a clear vision for the future of the country. The problem for many Americans is that it is a terrifying vision. It is a vision that is imperialist, racist, sexist, classist and phobic.

    For instance, Cruz proposes building a giant wall across the US-Mexico border in addition to using high-tech measures to keep out “illegal” immigrants while allowing corporate labor needs to dictate the flow of “legal” immigrants into the country.

    In addition to strengthening the military to ensure US hegemony around the globe, he also vows to boost US military support for Israel and to withhold funding from the United Nations if it “continues its anti-Israel bias.”

    On the domestic front, Cruz is calling for a flat tax that will benefit the rich and gut government social spending.

    He has also vowed to curtail women’s rights by stating that he will order the attorney general to investigate Planned Parenthood on his first day as president.

    And he opposes same-sex marriage, declaring that “marriage is a sacrament between one man and one woman.”

    Finally, Cruz would not only fail to address climate change, which he views as a hoax, he would promote expanded oil and gas production.

    Given that these policy proposals make Cruz one of the most conservative presidential contenders in decades, it would behoove us to take a closer at them.

    The new Republican frontrunner has proposed a border wall be built along the US-Mexico border to keep out so-called illegal immigrants. To this end he also intends to triple the size of the Border Patrol and put in place a biometric entry-exit system.

    Additionally, Cruz will scrap Obama’s amnesty and seek a five-year minimum prison sentence for those who illegally re-enter the United States.

    As for legal immigration, foreigners will only be allowed to enter the United States when Corporate America is running short of workers, an approach that is a far cry from the compassionate and humanitarian refrain, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.”

    Ultimately, such a repressive approach is not sustainable because it addresses the symptoms and not the cause of “illegal” immigration. One of the principal causes of immigration—and terrorism—is the global free market economic model, and the Republican candidate has vowed to address this cause by strengthening the US military in order to defend this model.

    According to Cruz, he will have the right as president to dictate to the rest of the world how they should live because, as his campaign states, “The United States of America is the exceptional nation, the nation other countries aspire to be like. We should stand as a shining beacon of what free people enjoying a free market and system of government can achieve.”

    And if the “free people” of other nations should decide that they don’t want to live in a free market under a US-style liberal democratic government then we will just have to force them to because they simply don’t know what’s best for them. In actuality, Cruz doesn’t really care about their freedom anyway. Upon assuming office he intends to “prioritize American national security interests in every instance” by strengthening the military to ensure the continuation of US imperialism throughout the globe.

    He also advocates boosting US military ties with Israel, which already receives approximately a quarter of all US foreign aid. According to Cruz, “America’s security is significantly enhanced by a strong Israel.” It is unclear how a strong Israel enhances the security of the United States given that US support for Israel is one of the principal grievances of not only terrorist groups in the Middle East but of an overwhelming majority of the people in that part of the world. In addition to militarily supporting Israel, Cruz intends to back the Jewish state politically by withholding funding from the United Nations if it continues to condemn Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.

    He has also pledged to cut federal funding to any US universities that join the global campaign to boycott the Jewish state because of its repeated violations of international law. It is likely his promise to increase military support for Israel is linked to his pledge to throw out Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran as soon as he reaches the Oval Office, which would leave him few options besides the military one for dealing with that country.

    Meanwhile, domestically, Cruz aims to eliminate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by implementing a flat 10 percent income tax. While the IRS is not a loved ins ution by any means, such a policy would not only eliminate it, but also many social programs. The primary beneficiaries of a flat tax would be wealthy Americans who’d see their income tax rate plummet from the current 40 percent to 10 percent. Meanwhile, the average American worker’s tax rate would only drop by five percent. Clearly, Cruz has not learned from the mistake made by Britain’s former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who was ousted from power after she tried to introduce a flat tax.

    The resulting loss in government revenues from a flat tax would inevitably lead to cuts in government programs and, given that Cruz intends to increase funding for the military, it would mean that social programs that benefit lower-income Americans would have to be gutted.

    The first social program that Cruz intends to eliminate is Obamacare. But unlike Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who wants to replace Obamacare with a more comprehensive universal healthcare plan, Cruz simply wants to scrap it and rely on a market-based system that has left fifty million Americans without affordable health coverage.

    With regard to the economy, Cruz seeks to “unleash economic prosperity” in the United States through the “Great American Energy Renaissance.” This renaissance has nothing to do with shifting the country towards renewable energy sources; rather

    it seeks to reinvigorate the fossil fuel industry by promoting oil and natural gas exploration and production.

    To this end, Cruz vows to approve the Keystone Pipeline and “remove federal impediments to energy exploration.” Cruz isn’t concerned about the consequences of his energy policies for the environment because he doesn’t believe that human activity contributes to climate change. The conservative Southern Baptist claims that “global warming alarmists” act with a religious fervor that shows how “climate change is not science. It’s religion.”

    And speaking of religion, it is a driving force of Cruz’s policy agenda. He uses his religious views to justify targeting both women and s.

    “Marriage is a sacrament between one man and one woman, it has strengthened societies for millennia, and we must uphold the truth of marriage,” his campaign literature states. It goes on to declare, “Extreme leftists … are trying to extinguish these most fundamental, God-given rights.” Cruz believes that these “God-given rights” mean that only heterosexual couples can “value authentic companionship and intimate connection” and that sexuality is a “choice.” Accordingly, he has fought against the right of federal judges to rule in favor of same-sex marriage.

    The Republican frontrunner has also repeatedly sought to restrict women’s access to abortion through legislation and through attempts to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood. In fact, he vows that, if elected, one of the first things he will do on his first day in office is order the attorney general to investigate Planned Parenthood. Cruz’s religious fervor is also evident in his campaign’s declaration that “Our rights do not come from government. They come from God.” Accordingly, Cruz was instrumental in ensuring that the Supreme Court did not remove the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Cruz is also an opponent of gun control and a staunch defender of his interpretation of the Second Amendment. In reference to his defense of our right to bear arms, Cruz’s campaign states, “When citizens cease to have the right to defend ourselves, we cease to be free. And now, more than ever, as radical Islamic terrorists seek to attack Americans on our own soil, Americans’ right to protect our families and communities is all the more critical to our safety and freedom.” If Cruz is seriously concerned with the safety of US citizens then it is Americans and not foreign terrorists that he should be worried about. After all, the number of Americans killed on US soil by radical Islamic terrorists is miniscule in comparison to the more than 10,000 Americans who are killed by their gun-wielding fellow Americans every year.

    A Cruz victory in November would result in a serious shift to the right for the United States with regard to both domestic and foreign policies. The Republican candidate’s policy proposals should terrify not only Americans, but people around the world who do not believe that the United States is an “exceptional nation” that knows what’s best for everyone. Such an imperialist approach over the past half-century by Washington has bestowed on us a chaotic world marked by terrorism, refugee crises, human trafficking, growing inequality and ecological destruction. A Cruz administration would only intensify this tragic reality. Contrary to what Cruz believes, what is best for America is not best for the world, as evidenced by recent polls that show the United States is seen around the globe as the greatest threat to world peace. A Cruz presidency would further validate that perception.

    But but but, Krazy Kruz is widely, deeply loved by all who know him personally.

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    Cruz App Data Collection Helps Campaign Read Minds of Voters

    Protecting the privacy of law-abiding citizens from the government is a pillar of Ted Cruz’s Republican presidential candidacy, but his campaign is testing the limits of siphoning personal data from supporters.

    His “Cruz Crew” mobile app is designed to gather detailed information from its users’ phones — tracking their physical movements and mining the names and contact information for friends who might want nothing to do with his campaign.

    That information and more is then fed into a vast database containing details about nearly every adult in the United States to build psychological profiles that target individual voters with uncanny accuracy.

    Cruz’s sophisticated analytics operation was heralded as key to his victory in Iowa earlier this month — the first proof, his campaign said, that the system has the potential to power him to the nomination.

    The Associated Press found the Cruz campaign’s app — downloaded to more than 61,000 devices so far — goes furthest to glean personal data.

    The Cruz app prompts supporters to register using their Facebook logins, giving the campaign access to personal information such as name, age range, gender, location and photograph, plus lists of friends and relatives. Those without a Facebook account must either provide an email address or phone number to use the app.

    The Cruz app separately urges users to let it download their phone contacts, giving the campaign a trove of phone numbers and personal email addresses. The campaign says that by using its app, “You hereby give your express consent to access your contact list,” but Wilson said the campaign will not do this to anyone who declines to allow it when the app requests permission.

    Cruz’s app also transmits to the campaign each user’s physical location whenever the app is active, unless a user declines to allow it. The campaign said it does this “so that we can connect you to other Cruz Crew users based on your particular geographic location.”

    The campaign tells users it can share all the personal information it collects with its consultants or other organizations, groups, causes, campaigns or political organizations with similar viewpoints or goals.

    It also shares the material with analytics companies. Cruz’s campaign combines the information with data from a group called Cambridge Analytica, which has been involved in his efforts since fall 2014. A Cambridge investor, Robert Mercer, has given more money than anyone else to outside groups supporting Cruz.

    But can we know who is providing the "dark money" for candidates? no

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    hard-core Christian Taliban news

    Porn Star From a Pulled Ted Cruz Ad Is the Chatter at Bob Jones University

    In a corner of Bob Jones University, the evangelical ins ution where presidential candidates have long gathered to highlight their faith, Senator Ted Cruz stared into the cameras to answer the question that had almost certainly never been posed inside these halls.

    What was up with that porn star in your attack ad?

    “It happened that one of the actresses,” Mr. Cruz told reporters coyly, “had a more colorful film history than we were aware.”

    The remarks came a day after Mr. Cruz’s campaign pulled an ad knocking Senator Marco Rubio for his shifting positions on immigration. It had featured a mock support group for disappointed voters, with one woman calling Mr. Rubio nothing more than a “pretty face.” That woman, as Buzzfeed reportedon Thursday, has appeared in several soft-core pornographic films.

    “She came and auditioned, and we did not realize her film history,” Mr. Cruz said. “When we did, we decided that prudence dictated pulling the ads.”

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    Ted Cruz's Wife Says He Will Reveal 'the Face of the God' in Wacky Religious Rant

    his wife says the Texas Republican is running for president to show Americans the “face of God.”

    Heidi Cruz, who is probably best known for turning her own face away from her husband’s kiss, said the senator had an explicitly religious motivation for his White House bid, reported Right Wing Watch.

    Cruz’s father said the Holy Ghost had authorized the senator’s presidential campaign, and his wife said she and her husband were “doing it for our country.”

    “We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this race to show this country the face of the God that we serve — this Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country, our country was built on Judeo-Christian values, we are a nation of freedom of religion, but the God of Christianity is the God of freedom, of individual liberty, of choice and of consequence,” Heidi Cruz said.

    Heidi Cruz said her husband’s campaign — which is built largely on the intolerant, socially conservative ideals abhorred by younger voters — should help reverse that demographic tide.

    “That’s something that this country really needs to be reminded of, is that

    Christians are loving people, are nonjudgmental people,

    but there is right and wrong, we have a country of law and order, there are consequences to actions and we must all live peaceably in our own faiths under the Cons ution,” Heidi Cruz said. “And Ted is uniquely able to deliver on that combination of the law and religion.”

    "there is right and wrong" and we ing scary, deluded, Bible-addled Christian Taliban are hateful, unpeaceful, judgmental toward non-Christian Taliban.
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 02-13-2016 at 12:19 AM.

  15. #240
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    Lol Canadians....

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    Christian Taliban Krazy Kruz hatin on non-Christian Jews

    Maddow rips Cruz for embracing Ted Nugent’s support after singer’s anti-Semitic rants

    While no candidate is responsible for the people who like them, Rachel Maddow argued on Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) latest endorsement from an extremely conservative figure should be setting off some red flags.

    “Honestly, this year, Ted Cruz is shooting the moon on this stuff,” she said. “I don’t know how long it’s gonna be before the Beltway and notices this pattern, and realizes it might be a real issue for him.”

    As Media Matters reported,
    Cruz boasted on his website that he had won the support of Ted Nugent, less than a week after Nugent made several anti-Semitic posts, including one accusing Jews supporting gun safety laws of being “Nazis in disguise.”

    Maddow compared Nugent’s support of the Tea Party senator to similar endorsements by anti-Semitic pastor Mike Bickle and Kevin Swanson, a pastor who has called for the death of the US LGBT population.

    “If you’re Senator Cruz and you put this up on your website proudly embracing an endorsement from Ted Nugent — showing off, campaigning even tonight on the fact that you are the choice for president of Ted Nugent — then you do kind of own this,” she argued.

    “Just like you own the guy who said that God sent Hitler to kill all the Jews, because you campaigned on his endorsement, too.

    Just like you own it when the guy saying every gay person in America should be executed, because you attended his event. You shared a stage with him. You did not have to do that.”

    yep, Christian Taliban are hateful, intolerant, murderous assholes, just the opposite of which Krazy Kruz' Goldman-Sacks says.

    America the Beautiful

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    Ted Cruz would radically reform taxes but also explode the debt

    Ted Cruz has promised voters his tax reform plan would simplify their income taxes so much that Americans could do their taxes on a single postcard.

    The details of the Republican presidential candidate's plan suggest that may be a slight exaggeration. But his plan is "much simpler than current law and than the other [Republican candidates'] plans we've analyzed," said Len Burman, director of the Tax Policy Center, which released its analysis of Cruz's plan on Tuesday.

    That's because Cruz would impose a single flat rate on wages and salaries, get rid of most tax breaks, eliminate whole taxes like the payroll tax, and tax businesses at a single broad-based consumption rate.

    There is one big way, however, that Cruz's plan is very much like his Republican compe ors' in the race for president: It would explode the nation's debt over time, unless unrealistically large spending cuts are imposed.

    The Tax Policy Center estimates that his plan would add at least $8.6 trillion to deficits over the first decade, and by more than $12 trillion in the second decade.

    Another way Cruz's plan echoes that of his fellow GOP candidates: It would disproportionately benefit the rich.

    Here are some key details from the Texas senator's plan:

    A 10% flat income tax rate

    Cruz would replace the seven income tax rates in current law with a single flat rate of 10%. He would increase the standard deduction to $10,000 from $6,000 currently for single filers, and to $20,000 for joint filers, up from $12,600 today. He would also preserve personal exemptions at $4,000 a person.

    Eliminate several major taxes

    Cruz would repeal the payroll tax, the alternative minimum tax, the estate tax, the Medicare surtax on income and investment imposed by Obamacare, and the corporate tax.

    Bye-bye tax breaks but for a few

    Cruz would get rid of all deductions, except those for mortgage interest, charitable contributions, and retirement savings.

    But he would only allow mortgage interest deductions to be taken on loans up to $500,000, half of what it is today. And the tax incentive to give to charities would be reduced since one would only be able to deduct 10% of the money, down from rates as high as 39.6% today.

    He would also get rid of all tax credits other than the earned income tax credit and child tax credit.
    Cruz wants to create one big tax break of his own, however: Filers could deduct up to $25,000 a year if they put it in a Universal Savings Account.

    Change how businesses are taxed

    In place of today's corporate tax, Cruz wants to impose what he calls a business flat tax of 16% on their sales minus their purchases from other businesses (e.g. for supplies). They would no longer, however, be able to deduct the costs of wages and salaries.

    Even though Cruz objects to his proposal being called a value-added tax, that's exactly what the Tax Policy Center calls it. (Here's why.)

    The flat tax -- or VAT -- could reduce wages somewhat, the analysis asserts, because the 16% rate is higher than the payroll tax rate that employers pay today and which would be repealed under Cruz's plan. Both taxes reflect the cost of employing people, and as such is part of the calculation an employer would make in deciding what a worker's wage should be.

    What the plan means to taxpayers' bottom line

    The Cruz plan would cut taxes for everyone in 2017 by an average of $6,100, boosting after-tax income by 8.5%, according to the Tax Policy Center.

    But the bulk of those tax cuts would flow to the richest of the rich. The analysis estimates that the top 0.1% of filers (those with incomes over $3.7 million) would see a boost in after-tax income of $2 millionon average, or nearly 29%.

    Middle-income filers would get an average tax cut of $1,800, providing a 3.2% boost to their after-tax income.

    The lowest-income filers, however, would barely notice a difference -- enjoying an average tax cut of just $46, or 0.4% of income.

    By 2025, the analysis finds that those in the lowest income group might even see their taxes rise a bit, by $116 on average.

    The economic effects

    There are plenty of elements in the Cruz plan that could benefit the U.S. economy, the Tax Policy Center found.

    "Repealing the corporate income and payroll taxes, imposing a new VAT, and significantly reducing individual income tax rates would boost incentives to work, save, and invest if interest rates do not change. The plan would also remove most of the tax distortions in the allocation of capital," according to its report.

    But it cautioned that all those good effects could be undermined unless there are "unprecedented cuts in federal spending" to ensure the Cruz plan doesn't add crippling amounts to the nation's already high debt load.

  18. #243
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    it would be nice if cruz gets the nomination but gets crushed in the national election. the republican base is operating under the delusion that they haven't been successful because they aren't conservative enough. having an uber conservative get crushed might actually get them to start looking in a different direction.

    but if a wildcard like trump gets the nomination and loses, they'll again shift to being even more conservative come 2020

  19. #244
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    it would be nice if cruz gets the nomination but gets crushed in the national election. the republican base is operating under the delusion that they haven't been successful because they aren't conservative enough. having an uber conservative get crushed might actually get them to start looking in a different direction.

    but if a wildcard like trump gets the nomination and loses, they'll again shift to being even more conservative come 2020

  20. #245
    Grab 'em by the pussy Splits's Avatar
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    it would be nice if cruz gets the nomination but gets crushed in the national election. the republican base is operating under the delusion that they haven't been successful because they aren't conservative enough. having an uber conservative get crushed might actually get them to start looking in a different direction.

    but if a wildcard like trump gets the nomination and loses, they'll again shift to being even more conservative come 2020
    Funny thing is all they have to do is quit hating on Hispanics. They're a natural cons uency, and they only need to with 2 out of 5 to win the WH.

  21. #246
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    Funny thing is all they have to do is quit hating on Hispanics. They're a natural cons uency, and they only need to with 2 out of 5 to win the WH.
    Hispanics aren't real Americans for the Repug Euro White males.

  22. #247
    Veteran Aztecfan03's Avatar
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    Hispanics aren't real Americans for the Repug Euro White males.

  23. #248
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    First up from the God Machine this week is a culture-war pitch from a Republican presidential hopeful that pushed the ideological envelope in unexpected ways.

    As a rule, when national GOP candidates make appeals to social conservatives, they stick to the usual issues like reproductive rights, the Second Amendment, and LGBT rights. But McClatchy reported this week on a new area of interest for one Texas senator.

    Even before Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death last weekend, Ted Cruz was already stoking fears among conservatives about what could happen if Democrats win the White House and trigger a liberal takeover of the high court.

    Like sandblasting the crosses and Stars of David off of the headstones in veterans’ cemeteries?

    That’s actually the argument Cruz made on NBC’s “Meet the Press” earlier this week.

    As the Texas Republican put it,

    “[I]f liberals are so confident that the American people

    want unlimited abortion on demand,

    want religious liberty torn down,

    want the Second Amendment taken away,

    want veterans’ memorials torn down,

    want the crosses and stars of David sandblasted off of the tombstones of our fallen veterans,

    then go and make the case to the people.”

    The notion that liberals “want the crosses and stars of David sandblasted off of the tombstones of our fallen veterans” seemed new to me, but Cruz campaign spokesman Rick Tyler defended the claim in a McClatchy interview, citing “several cases where memorials to veterans – in the shape of crosses – built on public land have triggered lengthy legal battles.”

    Still, there’s a pretty significant different between crosses erected on public land and “sandblasting” crosses off tombstone in veterans’ cemeteries.

    So, I checked in with Rob Boston, a longtime friend and a spokesperson for American United for Separation of Church and State, to ask if Cruz’s concerns have merit. Boston described the senator’s argument as “pathetic,” adding,

    “At cemeteries like Arlington, the families of deceased veterans have the right to choose from a variety of religious and secular symbols to use as grave markers. Obviously these are private graves that memorialize the individuals buried there. That’s far removed from the government erecting a giant cross and saying it represents all veterans. I’m sure Cruz knows the difference.”

    Thanks, nullifying, secessionist, Bible humping Texians

  24. #249
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    Ted Cruz declares war on gluten-free meals (because we are living through the dumbest election in history)

    The 2nd-place candidate for the GOP nomination thinks its *very* important that the military not worry about gluten

    Here is how head-smackingly ridiculous the 2016 election has gotten before we’re even out of February.

    This week, the second-place candidate for the Republican nomination told an audience of South Carolina primary voters that as president, he will ban the military from serving gluten-free MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat, those foil-wrapped packets of dehydrated food-like substances that soldiers carry into combat zones).

    I’m sure that’s right at the top of every soldier’s wish list, right after sufficient armor to wear in combat and a functioning Veterans Administration.

    What is Ted Cruz’s rationale for saving our mighty fighting forces from the scourge of exposure to dietary items for sufferers of celiac disease?

    Quoth Cruz:

    “[T]he last thing any commander should need to worry about is the grades he is getting from some plush-bottomed Pentagon bureaucrat for political correctness or social experiments — or providing gluten-free MREs.”

    Psst, no one tell Cruz that our military’s Muslim soldiers can get halal MREs if they so desire. His brain might turn into pudding.

    Holy , you Repugs, rigthwingnuts, right wing hate media consumers, bubbas, rednecks, kickers, dirt scratchers, dimestore cowboys, etc, etc, really, really gave some EXCELLENT civilization-uplifting candidates. Thanks!

  25. #250
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    Rafael Cruz: God Sent My Son's Wife A Sign That He Should Run For Prez

    Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) father said last year on a syndicated radio program that his son decided to launch a bid for the White House after his wife, Heidi, was sent a sign from God.

    In audio surfaced Monday by Mother Jones, Rafael Cruz said that he and his family spent "six months in prayer" to learn of God's plan for his son. The "green light" finally came on a Sunday while the family and some of the senator's staff members were at church in Houston, Texas, he recalled.

    "After the church service, we all gathered at the pastor's office," said Cruz, who is a pastor himself. "We were on our knees for two hours seeking God's will. At the end of that time, a word came through his wife, Heidi. And the word came, just saying, 'Seek God's face, not God's hand.'"

    Cruz said he then felt as if a "cloud of the Holy Spirit" had filled the room.

    "Some of us were weeping, and Ted just looked up and said, 'Lord, here am I, use me. I surrender to you, whatever you want,'" he said. "And it was as he felt that was a green light to move forward."

    Ted Cruz's Christian faith has been a cornerstone of his presidential bid. Heidi Cruz previouslyhas said that her husband's presidential campaign was showing Americans "the face of the God that we serve."

    Even worse, -for-brains Bible humpers believe Cruz is from God.

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