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  1. #251
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    Repug/BigCorp/oligarchy WAR ON EMPLOYEES

    Another swamp win—Republicans in Congress voted to cheat workers out of overtime pay

    As the American Prospect details, the Working Families Flexibility Act is ‘fraud masquerading as flexibility’:

    As the bill proposes, workers would have the option to get an hour and a half of paid time off in the future instead of cash for every hour of overtime worked—an option that public-sector employers have been able to offer since the 1980s as a means for cutting costs. Labor advocates say that voluntary comp time works in the public sector because, unlike the private sector, more workers are in unions and there’s no profit motive to coerce workers.

    Here’s why it will end up being a disaster for the average worker:

    Worker advocates, however, say that while Republicans wrap the bill in fluffy “flexibility” rhetoric, it would in reality erode the pillars supporting the 40-hour workweek and open up already vulnerable workers to more exploitation on the job. A key benefit of the FLSA’s

    overtime provision is that the pay premium beyond 40 hours disincentives employers from overworking their employees. If comp time instead of overtime pay is an option, employers could be driven to overwork employees while coercing them to opt in to comp time.

    “Literally, this is a complete and total fraud,”
    says Ross Eisenbrey, vice president of the Economic Policy Ins ute.

    “[The bill] doesn’t give any new rights to workers that they don’t have now. But it does give new rights to employers, including the right to not pay overtime in the week that it’s worked.”
    Emphasis added. What’s worse, employers have ultimate veto power about when the comp time can be used.

    Under the legislation, workers would theoretically be able to use their accrued comp time whenever they want. But there is a gigantic caveat:

    Employers can veto a worker’s request to use her comp time on a given day if they decide that it would “unduly disrupt” business, and instead offer a different date, days or weeks after her kid’s baseball game or parent’s doctor appointment has passed.

    The legal definition of “unduly disrupt” is quite broad and gives employers far more power over workers, who would have little recourse to contest comp-time disputes.

    Zero democrats voted for this bill, which Senator Elizabeth Warren called a 'disgrace':

    Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, who is the top Democrat on the Senate HELP committee, said the bill doesn't put workers first.

    "This is nothing but a recycled bad bill that would allow big corporations to make an end-run around giving workers the pay they've earned," Murray said in a statement.

    Yep, you can chalk up another win for the swamp and big business.

    If this passes in the U.S. Senate, it will be another huge loss for the average American worker.

    Repugs enabling employers to abuse, cheat workers LEGALLY, and there is absolutely no doubt employers will.

  2. #252
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    Republicans Scrap Rule For Small-Business Retirement Plans

    Senate Republicans voted Wednesday night to rescind an Obama-era policy that allows states to offer retirement savings plans to millions of workers.

    Retiree and worker protection groups say the move will hurt employees at small businesses.

    Many small businesses say they can't afford to set up retirement savings plans, such as 401(k) plans, for their workers. That's a big reason why so many Americans aren't saving, says Cristina Martin Firvida, the AARP's director of government affairs.

    "There are 55 million Americans who have no way to save for their retirement at work," Firvida says.

    She says when bigger companies automatically enroll workers in retirement plans, the vast majority of people stick with it and keep saving. They could opt out, but they don't.

    And Firvida says if similar plans were in place for workers at small businesses, "they would be 15 times more likely to save for retirement if they could do that straight out of their paycheck."

  3. #253
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    Republicans Scrap Rule For Small-Business Retirement Plans

    Senate Republicans voted Wednesday night to rescind an Obama-era policy that allows states to offer retirement savings plans to millions of workers.

    Retiree and worker protection groups say the move will hurt employees at small businesses.

    Many small businesses say they can't afford to set up retirement savings plans, such as 401(k) plans, for their workers. That's a big reason why so many Americans aren't saving, says Cristina Martin Firvida, the AARP's director of government affairs.

    "There are 55 million Americans who have no way to save for their retirement at work," Firvida says.

    She says when bigger companies automatically enroll workers in retirement plans, the vast majority of people stick with it and keep saving. They could opt out, but they don't.

    And Firvida says if similar plans were in place for workers at small businesses, "they would be 15 times more likely to save for retirement if they could do that straight out of their paycheck."

    Load of . Most Americans don't want to save their monies. Even when the disclosure act was passed, 401k brokers still found it hard to get more plan participants, even at minimal pay-ins and with employer matches.

    American's don't save because Americans are frivolous. They don't save because they don't care or think about it. We aren't soooooo deep in debt because we are allllllllll so impoverished. Scare propaganda. Hurts the rare individuals who do want to retire, but c'mon, this is just more "we can't think for ourselves and be responsible, so let's grill the (place enemy here)" crap.

  4. #254
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    There’s No Other Word for Kushner Visa Sale

    “This is corruption, pure and simple.”

    — Former Bush White House ethics lawyer Richard Painter, quoted by NBC News, on Jared Kushner’s sister promising visas to Chinese investors.
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 05-09-2017 at 06:01 PM.

  5. #255
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    The Kushners and Their Golden Visas

    The Kushner family has been caught in a shameless act of name-dropping. It has been highlighting its White House connections to entice wealthy Chinese investors and promising them green cards in return under a special government visa program. That’s pretty bad. But it’s also a scandal that Congress allows real estate developers to use the American immigration system to pad their profits.

    Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and special adviser, is officially no longer managing his family’s businesses, but he still benefits from many of them.

    Ms. Meyer’s disturbing investor pitch was made possible by the EB-5 investor visa, which opens an express lane into the United States for those who can afford to invest nearly 10 times what the median American household earns in a year.

    The program, which covers business investments as well as real estate, was created in 1990 and took off in the past 10 years as developers figured out how to turn it into a cheap source of capital.

    Investors are willing to settle for low returns if it means they gain permanent residence status in the United States.

    Affluent Chinese families seeking a foothold in a stable democracy snap up most of the visas, which are capped at 10,000 a year.

    I wonder if any of Trash's BFF in the Russian mafiya and oligarchy are being sold visas under cover?

  6. #256
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    Sharia Law Conspiracy Theorist Gets Trump Administration Job

    Beth Van Duyne, the outgoing mayor of Irving, Texas, to be a “regional administrator overseeing Texas and its four surrounding states.”

    In 2015 Van Duyne received national attention for falsely claiming that a Sharia law court had been established in the town where she served as mayor, a myth the Houston Chronicle called the “2015 Texas Hoax of the Year.”

    In the incident, Van Duyne attacked a religious mediation panel led by Muslims—similar panels are led by Christian, Jewish and other religious groups— as a “Sharia Law Court” and warned that the tribunal designed to resolve certain disputes could impose non-American laws, despite the fact that the tribunal’s “proceedings must be conducted in accordance with the law of the land; local, state and federal within the United States.”

    The Chronicle describes how the hoax story about the panel, which was established three years before Van Duyne pushed the Sharia court smear, gained traction:

    Email chains started to circulate about Texas allowing the first Sharia court in America. Van Duyne and state Rep. Jeff Leach (R-Plano) pushed an ultimately failed bill that would’ve forbid judges from employing foreign laws in their own rulings. But the rhetoric has had consequences for the local mosque in Irving.

    “It fuels anti-Islamic hysteria,” Zia Sheikh, imam at the Islamic Center of Irving told the Dallas Morning News in March. “[The mayor’s] whole point was to rile up her supporters. … The problem is we become the whipping boys.”

    In the past few weeks, the Ku Klux Klan and an armed militia group have used the Sharia rumors as a reason to organize protests outside the Islamic Mosque of Irving.

    An Islamic tribunal does operate in the Dallas area, and has done so for several years. But the imams that run the panel do not usurp state or federal law. What exists is a forum where Islamic scholars help settle business disputes and other non-criminal matters. The rulings are nonbinding and work within the guidelines of U.S. law.

    Since 1925, when Congress enacted the Federal Arbitration Act, U.S. law has been very open to the idea of private dispute resolution, said Lee Ann Bambach, a Georgia-based attorney who has a Ph. D in religion from Emory University. Her dissertation was led “Faith-Based Arbitration by Muslims in an American Context.”

    “Those who would jump up and down about these so-called Sharia courts, which are really just alternative dispute resolution forums, will speak very highly of Christian reconciliation,” which is based on Biblical teachings, Bambach said.

    An armed militia group protested outside the North Texas mosque in November, and then published the home addresses of Muslims in the community and “Muslim sympathizer[s].”

    Irving is the same Texas city where a young Muslim student, Ahmed Mohamed, ended up in handcuffs after he brought a digital clock that he built to school to show his teachers.

    At the time, Van Duyne praised the school and police for handling “what they saw as a potential threat” and criticized Mohamed for being “passive aggressive” with law enforcement.

    Trash piling up the around himself.

  7. #257
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    Expect the even-more-Repug/BigPharma-tainted FDA to approve even more for profit

    Nearly 1 in 3 drugs found to have safety concerns after FDA approval

    for drugs approved between 2001 and 2010, nearly 1 in 3 had a postmarket safety event.

    The team defines postmarket safety events as those that lead to either withdrawal from the market due to safety concerns, a boxed warning or FDA issuance of a safety communication.

    They found that of 222 novel therapeutics the FDA approved during this time period, three were withdrawn, 61 received boxed warnings and 59 elicited safety communications. The team's findings are published in JAMA.

    "The fact that so many new safety risks are being identified after FDA approval indicates that

    the FDA is taking its responsibility of ensuring the safety of new drugs throughout their lifetime seriously,"

    Holy !

    How about "taking its
    responsibility" BEFORE the is approved and BigPharma makes $100Ms profits from untested ?

  8. #258
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    West Virginia Reporter Arrested for Asking Questions of Trump Administration Member

    A reporter for Public News Service was arrested while asking the head of Health and Human Services if domestic violence would be a pre-existing condition in the GOP's health-care plan.

    Laughing at less twerp Sessions? arrested and convicted

    Asking a legit question? arrested.

    Thanks, Repugs and all you asshole Repug/Trash voters.

  9. #259
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    Commentator who amplified Macron hacks given White House press access

    A U.S. far-right online activist credited with initially sharing on Twitter hacked emails from the French presidential campaign of centrist Emmanuel Macron is the latest conservative media figure to receive White House access from the Trump administration.

    Jack Posobiec, a Washington-based writer at the Rebel Media, a Canadian online political and social news commentary platform, attended the daily press briefing on Tuesday and later

    broadcast video from the White House grounds with positive commentary on President Donald Trump's abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey.

  10. #260
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    Repugs preparing to CHEAT in 2018 and beyond with greatly increased voter suppression

    Civil rights groups fume over Trump’s choice of Kobach to head voter fraud panel

    Kris Kobach, who as Kansas secretary of state repeatedly made unsubstantiated voter-fraud allegations, will co-chair President Donald Trump's new Commission on Election Integrity,

    it's all intended to perpetuate the president's false claim that millions voted illegally in November.

    The 12-member bipartisan commission will review claims of improper registrations and voting, fraudulent registrations and voter suppression,

    Independent fact-checkers mocked Trump for the voter fraud allegations, saying there was no evidence. Trump's team cited two-year-old reports that did not point to fraud even then.

    Although bipartisan in name, Trump's commission will provide cover for Republican efforts to suppress voter turnout, particularly among minorities,

    "For over a decade," Kander said, "the Republican Party has made it a central part of their political strategy to push the myth of widespread voter fraud ... when the real problem they're trying to solve is there are certain groups of Americans who are unlikely to vote Republican."

    Kobach is the only secretary of state in the nation with prosecutorial power. During his tenure as Kansas' top election official, he has championed some of the strictest voting laws in the country, including the state's controversial proof-of-citizenship law, which requires people to provide birth certificates or passports in order to register to vote. n=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29

    With racist turd Sessions destroying the DoJ Civil Rights division, there will be no enforcement of Federal voting laws, already gutted by Repug/VRWC SCOTUS.

  11. #261
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    Election Experts Warn That Trump Is Laying The Groundwork To Steal The 2020 Election

    Trump is signing an executive order which is designed to justify his false claims of voter fraud, but his executive order has another purpose, and that is to lay the groundwork for stealing the 2020 election.

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  13. #263
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    Racist Sessions telling US Attys to go hard possible as knitters and Mexicans

    Jeff SessionsTells Top Prosecutors: Hold Off on Doing Justice

    Attorney-General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as good as ordered his underlings to sometimes be unethical.

    In his May 10 memo to US Attorneys nationwide, he trampled on what holds prosecutors to higher standards than ordinary lawyers.

    Prosecutors must not only win cases, but they must also see that justice be done.

    Sessions pretty much said forget about that until later, putting decent-minded prosecutors in a bind.

    “It is a core principle,” Sessions directed, “that prosecutors should charge and pursue the most serious, readily provable offense.”

    In other words, accuse a suspect of the worst thing you can right off the bat.

    As sensible as that sounds,

    it runs afoul of professional ethics in many jurisdictions, not to mention the Justice Department’s own manual for prosecutors.

  14. #264
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    In Reversal, E.P.A. Eases Path for a Mine Near Alaska’s Bristol Bay

    In another reversal of Obama administration policy, the Environmental Protection Agency announced Friday that it had settled a lawsuit over a mine on Alaska’s Bristol Bay, one of the world’s most productive salmon fisheries.

    Pebble Limited Partnership, the site’s developer, sued the agency, claiming that the Obama administration had colluded with the project’s opponents to block copper, gold and silver extraction at the site. An E.P.A. review found no evidence of such collusion.

    Friday’s settlement allows the company to file a new application for a permit, which it has said it will do.

    That effectively undercuts the E.P.A.’s
    previous determinations, based on years of scientific study, that the proposed mine on state land would be a risk to the long-term health of the fishery and wider ecosystem.

  15. #265
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    USDA’s New Top Researcher Is A Godfearing Patriot, Which Is Way Better Than A Scientist

    The USDA’s research section studies everything from climate change to nutrition. Under the 2008 Farm Bill, its leader is supposed to serve as the agency’s “chief scientist” and be chosen “from among distinguished scientists with specialized or significant experience in agricultural research, education, and economics.”

    But Sam Clovis — who, according to sources with knowledge of the appointment and members of the agriculture trade press, is President Trump’s pick to oversee the section — appears to have no such credentials.

    Clovis has never taken a graduate course in science and is openly skeptical of climate change. While he has a doctorate in public administration and was a tenured professor of business and public policy at Morningside College for 10 years, he has published almost no academic work.

    Clovis is better known for hosting a conservative talk radio show in his native Iowa and, after mounting an unsuccessful run for Senate in 2014, becoming a fiery pro-Trump advocate on television.

    Clovis advised Trump on agricultural issues during his presidential campaign and is currently the senior White House advisor within the USDA, a position described by The Washington Post as “Trump’s eyes and ears” at the agency.

    Clovis was also responsible for recruiting Carter Page, whose ties to Russia have become the subject of intense speculation and scrutiny, as a Trump foreign policy advisor.

    , compared the move to appointing someone without a medical background to lead the National Ins utes of Health. The USDA post includes overseeing scientific integrity within the agency.

    Clovis has repeatedly expressed skepticism over climate science and has called efforts to address climate change “simply a mechanism for transferring wealth from one group of people to another.”

    He has indicated the Trump administration will take a starkly different approach at the USDA. Representing the campaign at the Farm Foundation Forum in October, Clovis told E&E News that Trump’s agriculture policy would focus on boosting trade and lessening regulation and not the impact of climate change.

    “I think our position is very clearly [that] Mr. Trump is a skeptic on climate change, and we need more science,” he said.

    Enormous, morbidly obese, incompetent greasebag crapifier, just what BigAg, BigChem wants.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 05-14-2017 at 10:34 PM.

  16. #266
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    Oligarchy spending $Ms to destroy public education

    Billionaires pour millions into buying Los Angeles school board seats for the Betsy DeVos agenda

    Billionaires keep trying to buy seats on the Los Angeles school board to promote privatized charter schools in the city just as Betsy DeVos wants to do nationwide. The outside money is pouring in to the races for two critical seats on the board:

    Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings has given $5 million,

    two Walmart heirs have given six figures apiece,

    Gap co-founder Doris Fisher has given more than $1 million,

    reliable corporate education policy funder Eli Broad has put in six figures.

    Interestingly enough, some of these same names popped up as big donors back in 2012 opposing a statewide proposition to fund public education.

    California already spends big money on charter schools it doesn’t need and that don’t improve the quality of education. The millions of dollars being poured into defeating Steve Zimmer and Imelda Padilla are intended to make that worse.

  17. #267
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    Trash, Sessions going all out to cheer on the murderous, thieving, corrupt, racist police state

    Trump Celebrates Police, Targets ‘Unfair Defamation,’ ‘Hostility And Violence’

    President Donald Trump urged the nation on Monday “to work with our cops, not against them,” lauding police and issuing a veiled criticism to protest movements against police brutality.

    Trump used most of his remarks to the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service to celebrate law enforcement for their contributions to society, saying it was “the personal priority of my administration to ensure that our police are finally treated fairly, with honor and respect that they deserve.”

    “To all Americans watching this event today,” he continued, “next time you see a cop on the beat, take a moment to say two
    wonderful words which they so readily deserve: Thank you.”

    Still, parts of the speech emphasized a common theme in his campaign for President and young administration — that those who protest police brutality are responsible for violence against law enforcement and declines in public safety.

    “We are living through an era in which our police have been subject to unfair defamation and vilification,” he said, adding: “Even worse, hostility and violence. More officers were slain last year in ambushes than in any year more than two decades.”

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    Missouri lawmakers vote to undo St. Louis minimum wage raise that just took effect

    Workers who got a raise could soon see it taken away, thanks to their state representatives.

    In 2015, St. Louis passed a minimum wage increase that would have mandated that workers be paid at least $9 an hour that year, $10 an hour this year, and $11 by next year.

    But it passed on the very same day that the state’s preemption law, which blocks cities and localities from increasing their own wages, took effect.

    After a consortium of business groups sued to block the increase, it was under an injunction until a judge in February ruled in favor of the increase.

    It immediately took effect after the injunction was lifted.

    Repugs and you Repug supporters are ing racist assholes, denying all your hated knitters from making more money.

  19. #269
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    "Pro-Life" Stand From Texas Republicans Tanks Bill to Study Rising Maternal Mortality Rates

    A woman is 14 times more likely to die from complications related to a pregnancy than an abortion.

    The numbers
    are starkest in Texas, where the rate of women dying from pregnancy complications rose to around 190 deaths a year in 2012.

    No women died from abortion complications in the same timeframe.

    But don't tell that to Texas House Republicans.

    Last Thursday, conservatives spent the afternoon debating a bill that would make sure health providers are punished if they don't report complications related to abortion. Filed by Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, a Southlake Republican, it appears HB 2962's authors don't believe that abortion procedures can really be that safe and hope this bill will prove so.

    The bill would “provide a more accurate picture of abortion complications in Texas," according to Capriglione. That's because, in his words, "The data we’re getting is not right."

    Capriglione's bill is largely redundant, as state abortion providers are already required to report any kind of complications to the Department of State Health Services within 30 days.

    The only difference is that with Capriglione's bill, doctors would have to include additional personal information about the patient, like the date of her last menstrual cycle and her marital status, in their report. That, and — thanks to a last-minute amendment pitched by Rep. Matt Schaefer — doctors would have to report the incident within 72 hours.

    Pro-choice opponents of the bill say it's just another tool used to mislead women and the public into believing legal abortions are less safe than they really are.

    Of course, most of the women that TX Repug policies are killing are black, brown, and poor (some are white, but that's just collateral damage for the Christian Taliban).

    (mainly white) women with money can get all the abortions and perinatal care they want.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 05-15-2017 at 03:11 PM.

  20. #270
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    Progress on reducing drug sentencing was close until Jeff Sessions got in the way

    Jeff Sessions is what happens to the Department of Justice when we put someone in charge who doesn’t belong there and doesn’t actually care about justice.

    Though he’s only been in office for a relatively short time, we are about to see him undo the Obama-era progress on criminal justice reform and go back to waging a war on
    drugs which will only result in

    a whole bunch more black and brown bodies in prison.

    Of course,

    this (systemically using the law to disenfranchise minorities) is exactly what he intended to do with the DOJ all along. aign=Feed%3A+dailykos%2Findex+%28Daily+Kos%29

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    House panel approves bill requiring parental consent for minors to join unions

    A bill that would require parental consent for minors to join a labor union could be headed to the full Texas House.

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    House Republicans passed Medicaid-killing Trumpcare, now they're going after everything else

    Under enormous internal pressure to quickly balance the budget, Republicans are considering

    slashing more than $400 billion in spending

    through a process to evade Democratic filibusters in the Senate, multiple sources told POLITICO.

    The proposal, which would be part of the House Budget Committee's fiscal 2018 budget, won't specify which programs would get the ax; instead it will instruct committees to figure out what to cut to reach the savings.

    But among the programs most likely on the chopping block, the sources say, are food stamps, welfare, income assistance for the disabled and perhaps even veterans benefits. […]

    Atop that, GOP budget writers will also likely

    include Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposal to essentially privatize Medicare in their fiscal 2018 budget,

    despite Trump’s unwavering rejection of the idea. While that proposal is more symbolic and won’t become law under this budget, it’s just another thorny issue that will have Democrats again accusing Republicans of “pushing Granny off the cliff.”

    Not only are they admitting they're going to completely shred the social safety net, they say out loud that they're

    doing it because popular vote loser Donald Trump wants them to.

    He apparently was angered by all the headlines saying that Democrats won the short-term funding fight,

    so now Trump has to win.

    Says Rep. David Brat (R-VA), a budget committee member,

    Trump's "critique last time was that we didn’t embed enough Trump agenda items into our budget" and that he has "made it clear it will be embedded in this budget. […]

    And so people will see a process much more aligned with President Trump's agenda in this forthcoming budget."

    Nothing like embracing even more fully a historically unpopular president who is under investigation for potential treason. paign=Feed%3A+dailykos%2Findex+%28Daily+Kos%29

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    this is what you rightwingnutjob assholes voted for, right?

    Trump’s new bank regulator: Lawyer who helped banks charge more fees

    In n the early 2000s, banks successfully sued to stop Iowa from limiting their ability to charge ATM fees to non-customers.

    They also fought off states’ attempts to stop them from charging non-customers to cash checks drawn on the banks’ accounts.

    In another case, they stopped California from forcing two banks to conduct audits of their own residential mortgages.

    What do all these cases have in common?

    The winning argument in each was that states had no right to impose their laws on federally regulated national banks. And the man who helped make that

    powerful argument was Keith Noreika — President Trump’s pick to head the federal agency that oversees national banks.

    Noreika, a prominent Washington attorney who

    specializes in financial regulatory law,

    has made a career out of representing banks as they sought

    to fight back consumer-friendly state regulations and

    class-action lawsuits accusing banks of deceptive practices.

    This guy is gonna make Liz Warren look like a predatory, wealth-sucking capitalist.

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    How does the oligarchy screw poor people out of the money and freedom?

    President Trump’s Proposed Cuts to the Legal Services Corporation Would Increase the Justice Gap

    One proposed cut would eliminate entirely the funding for the Legal Services Corporation (LSC).

    The LSC’s
    purpose is to provide “financial support for legal assistance in noncriminal proceedings or matters to persons financially unable to afford legal assistance.”

    In other words, the LSC provides free legal assistance to low-income Americans involved in civil cases, giving them access to the justice system that they might otherwise not have.

    A variety of respected
    firms, legal professionals, and organizations—including the American Bar Association—are outraged at President Trump’s hostility to civil legal aid.

    My guess is that the Repug House will kill LSC, PBS, PP

  25. #275
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    Trump Administration Orders Government Offices To Switch All TVs To Fox News

    Fox News is now the official state sanctioned news network: Government staffers report that office TVs were switched from CNN to Fox News by order of the “current administration.”

    According to an email obtained by BuzzFeed News the Trump administration ordered that all televisions at the Food and Drug Administration display the cable news network favored by conservatives. BuzzFeed News reports:

    Staffers at the Food and Drug Administration were told that office TVs were switched from CNN to Fox News by order of the “current administration,” according to an email obtained by BuzzFeed News.

    also reports on the change:

    The televisions in public areas at the Health and Human Services Department headquarters in Washington have been switched to Fox News. Now the same change appears to have applied to other HHS buildings, including Food and Drug Administration buildings in Maryland.

    Think Progress
    reports the email explaining the new order from the Trump administration favoring Fox News “was initially obtained and shared to Twitter by journalist Paul Thacker and later by BuzzFeed’s Julia Reinstein.”

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