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  1. #526
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    Randy Bryce

    .@SpeakerRyan can just ask me what it's like to get behind an M60 while defending our country in a chopper. I did it for real - not photo op
    2:27 PM - Aug 1, 2017

  2. #527
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    Texas’ War on Local Control is Part of National Trend

    Local officials in Texas’ big cities are awfully isolated these days. The Texas Legislature is attacking local control with the kind of zeal it usually reserves for criminals, and the governor has even refused to meet with some urban mayors. But the fight between red states and blue cities isn’t unique to the Lone Star State.

    “Texas is getting up there, but state interference is increasingly a national phenomenon,” said Brian Beach, legal director for the Partnership for Working Families. “Governor Abbott has shown, I think, a willingness to pursue some of the more extreme versions.

    … But unfortunately, even if he succeeded, Texas would not be alone in adopting those more extreme measures.”

    The agenda of the special session of the Texas Legislature, now underway, includes a raft of legislation that would pre-empt cities and counties from establishing their own policies.

    The measures target everything from property taxes to bathrooms to trees.

    The state’s most infamous pre-emption measure is its “sanctuary cities” ban, set to go into effect September 1, but even that legislation isn’t as unusual as Texans might think.

    Three other states — Georgia, Indiana and Mississippi — all passed “sanctuary” legislation this year, and at least 21 bills were filed in states around the country, according to Michael Bare, a policy analyst with Grassroots Change, a nonprofit that tracks pre-emption legislation.

    They were part of at least 140 total pre-emption bills filed this year, Bare said.

    “These laws, which are corporate-backed state power grabs, are happening in places all over the country,”

    state lawmakers have increasingly adopted it to push back against progressive local policies.

    “States became one-stop shops,” said Alfano. “They can come in at the state level and take power away from local officials.”

    In Missouri and Iowa this year, governors signed laws that would undo minimum wage increases passed by cities, catapulting workers back into poverty.

    Last year, Ohio managed to pre-empt wage hikes before Cleveland could pass one, and

    Arizona signed a law to deprive cities of essential funding if they’re found in conflict with any state laws.

    Repugs in control? non-stop, widespread, authoritarian CRAPIFICATION

  3. #528
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    Think Tank Led By Man Who Warned High Schooler’s Clock Was ‘Half A Bomb’ Says It’s Advising White House On Qatar Crisis

    A new think tank led by men associated for years with conspiracy theories about Muslims is now advising the White House on an ongoing dispute between Qatar,

    Reaboi has warned of “the infiltration of the conservative movement” by GOP figures who ask the party to consider American Muslims’ concerns and see Islamophobia as real.“the sheer amount of money being allocated by Congress to fund what is essentially an invasion of the third-world in the form of refugees and illegal aliens [which] is outright treasonous.”

    has described the Orlando shooting as “in keeping with totalitarian Islamic code” and suggested that

    a homemade clock brought to a school by a 14-year-old American Muslim “was half a bomb.”

    all three men spent time working at the Center for Security Policy, an organization whose founder, Frank Gaffney, has

    claimed President Barack Obama was a Muslim and that

    Gen. David Petraeus
    submitted to Islamic Sharia law.

    Reaboi was true to form, blasting national security adviser H.R. McMaster and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis for their faith in experienced, conventional experts,

    “the national security smart set” would try to hinder Trump’s agenda, and that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is failing to carry out Trump’s vision by urging caution with regard to Qatar.

    the president reassert himself, because I think that he’s begun to see that some of the people that he’s brought on don’t necessarily share his priorities and his vision,” Reaboi told HuffPost, adding that any president “deserves and requires” people who can “carry out his vision.”

    This is probably Bannon's influence, pushing his apocalyptic clash of Christian vs Muslim civilizations (Muslims got oil so ...)

    Trash has a "vision"? Sicko Trash doesn't even have a fully functioning brain, so I'd sat tgat his vision is paranoid hallucination

    oh, wait, Trash did have a vision of 100s of Muslims in NJ celebrating on 9/11.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 08-02-2017 at 07:20 AM.

  4. #529
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    In fully Repug-crapified America, there won't be much if any prosecution of govt or BigCrop crimes

  5. #530
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    Trash's ethics guy is ANTI-ETHICS

    New Ethics Chief Has Fought to Roll Back Restrictions

    David J. Apol, named by President Trump last week as the new head of the Office of Government Ethics, has repeatedly clashed with colleagues over his career at the agency as he sought to roll back or loosen ethics requirements on federal employees, including those in the White House,

    his former colleagues said. Mr. Apol has argued that the agency is often too rigid in interpreting conflict-of-interest laws,

    Mr. Apol suggested that Derek T. Kan, then a general manager at Lyft, the car-sharing service, should not be required to sell his vested stock options in the company before he accepted a job at the Department of Transportation as the head of policy.

    many policy matters now before the Department of Transportation could affect Lyft’s financial fate — including possible actions related to self-driving cars and the car-sharing industry.

    he proudly acknowledged that he had frequently raised questions about how the agency interprets federal ethics laws that govern the activity of 2.7 million federal employees in more than 130 executive agencies, including the White House.

    Mr. Apol has advocated consulting with the White House before he issues certain policies

    “Moves like this jeopardize O.G.E.’s independence,”

    Mr. Apol had argued that a former government official, who had helped oversee the issuance or management of a government contract, should be allowed to take a job with the company that won the contract and then interact with his former colleagues, despite a ban on lobbying by former agency officials.

    Dave had a tendency toward idiosyncratic legal interpretations that frequently were more permissive than O.G.E. orthodoxy.”

    worried that with Mr. Apol in charge, decades’ worth of ethics rulings might be revised in a way that will make it easier for Mr. Trump and members of his administration to bend federal ethics rules.

    The crapifying corruption will be UnPresidented

  6. #531
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    Stephen Miller Dismisses Famous Statue of Liberty Poem: It Was ‘Added Later’

    Miller, however, didn’t spend long on this argument, not deeming the poem, that was in fact added to the statue 17 years after it opened, not relevant to the debate of immigration.

    “The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of liberty and lightening the world, of American liberty lighting the world.

    The poem that you’re referring to was added later;

    it’s not actually an original part of the Statue of Liberty.”

    Acosta fired back saying that what Miller was doing “sounds like some national park revisionism.”

  7. #532
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    ‘Screech’s older and racist brother.’: Trump aide Stephen Miller gets mocked over immigration meltdown

    “Stephen Miller proves that if you don’t want your new immigration plan to be called racist, don’t let it be presented by a creepy racist,” actor John Fugelsang tweeted.

    “Poor Stephen Miller is getting very upset,” another user wrote. “Its really hard when the facts, data and truth are not on your side Stephen.”

    Britni Danielle

    Stephen Miller is what white nationalism looks like in 2017. It's not KKK rallies & hoods, it's well-spoken, educated bigots in suits.
    2:40 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    Sam Stein

    stephen miller, santa monica native and duke grad, accusing people of elitism.
    2:23 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    James Poniewozik


    About time someone like Stephen Miller had the political genius to take on the very overrated Statue of Liberty, who everybody hates
    2:35 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    Bill Wilson @wtwesq

    New MAGA Plan:
    1) Tweet a lot more
    2) Put Stephen Miller in front of camera more often
    3) Wait for the Federal marshals to arrive

    3:21 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    Alexandra Petri


    so could we describe Stephen Miller as statue-wary
    2:54 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    Alexandra Petri


    look the original cons ution was just a blank page
    -Stephen Miller soon probably

    2:38 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    andy lassner


    Stephen Miller is maybe the single worst thing to come out of Los Angeles and we've had some bad come out of here.
    2:41 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    John Cook @johnjcook

    wow crazy quote from stephen miller at the podium “actually self-sucking is totally normal behavior and was practiced by nobility in ancien
    2:50 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    Matt Fuller


    Sometimes Stephen Miller forgets that he's at the White House podium in front of the nation and not Union Pub in front of Sessions staffers.
    3:00 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    Parker Molloy


    Stephen Miller made it out of that briefing without calling anyone a "cuck," so there's at least that.
    3:08 PM - Aug 2, 2017· Chicago, IL

    Steve Redmond @sjredmond

    Just as I was wondering what the WH disaster of the day was going to be, in walks Stephen Miller. Back under the rock for you!
    2:59 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    Donald J Orwell @DonaldJOrwell

    Spoiler for Stephen Miller: The Statue of Liberty is from another country and came to America, just like all of us but the Native Americans.
    3:12 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    BlackFilmsonNetflix @blknetflix

    The fact they bought Stephen Miller out, means Trump really, really, really wants a distraction from Russia. #PressBriefing
    1:57 PM - Aug 2, 2017

    DesertWolfPS @DesertWolfPS

    Stephen Miller explaining Trump's new immigration policies
    2:35 PM - Aug 2, 2017

  8. #533
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    John Kelly is a nightmare in a uniform

    Despite the respect he has from both parties, Trump's new chief of staff has a terrifying record.

    Kelly’s record during his short tenure at Homeland Security showed that he was anything but a moderating influence on Trump’s worst instincts.

    has supported Trump's idea to build a wall on the Mexican border,

    has floated the idea of requiring visitors to the country to turn over their social media passwords, and

    defended the administration’s travel ban.

    As Julianne Hing wrote for The Nation last week, Kelly turned Homeland Security into a “deportation machine,” inflicting “apprehension and fear” on immigrant communities.

    Immigration arrests have increased 40 percent since Trump’s inauguration, including

    more than 10,000 “non-criminal arrests” of people whose only crime is being in the United States ( aka "bad hombres" )

    Kelly told CNN in April ... “If you are simply here illegally, we don’t really have the time to go after you,”

    Kelly has suggested “expediting” removals by bypassing immigration courts altogether.

    given what we know about what happens in countries that rely on the military to fill a void where credible political leadership has vanished, that should worry everyone.

    Maybe one day Genl Kelly with give a do a Genl Alexander Haig: "I'm in charge here"

  9. #534
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    Sessions is a dangerous, vindictive Napoleonic fool

    Attorney general threatens to punish Stockton, San Bernardino and other 'sanctuary cities'

    n another move to pressure cities into cooperating with immigration enforcement,

    U.S. Department of Justice threatened Thursday to withhold crime-fighting help from four cities — including two in California —

    if they refuse to help federal agents target jail inmates suspected of being in the country illegally.

    But the decision to publicly question San Bernardino and Stockton as well as Baltimore and Albuquerque

    appeared poorly thought out.
    That assumes ANY thought at all

    Perplexed officials in all four cities said they do not operate any jails.

    In two, officials said they have no sanctuary policies.

    That's tellin them, Jefferson Beauregard! The Racist South Will It Up Again!

    The Trash Klown Kar keeps on rollin, and 3 more years.

  10. #535
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    Nebraska State Patrol Forced Vaginal Exams Upon Female Recruits, Lawsuit Alleges

    Women applying to join the Nebraska State Patrol were required to undergo vaginal and rectal exams that their male counterparts generally were not, according to a federal lawsuit that has prompted a criminal investigation.

    For at least three years, female candidates were subjected to the sexually invasive exams by a male physician that was selected by the state patrol,

    The state patrol had said the physical examination, which was allegedly performed by Dr. Stephen Haudrich of Lincoln,

    checked for hernias in the women,

    Outside doctors have also said that the examination procedure is unnecessary to check for hernias.

    “There would be no reason to look in the genital or anal area,”

    a bit suspect,”

    Repub red state misogynist Sooper Troopers, as reliable as global warming

    Now, let's the photos and vids of the examinations.

  11. #536
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    Governor Who Switched Parties For Trump Owes Millions In Taxes After Deal With Russian Company

    It was a nice photo-op for the West Virginia governor, but there seems to be more to the story than a simple change of heart.

    “Jim Justice deceived the voters of West Virginia when he ran as a Democrat 8 months ago,” said DGA Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson.

    “West Virginians have learned that they simply can’t trust Jim Justice. He will always put his financial interests above the needs of West Virginians.

    As Republicans have repeatedly said, Jim Justice owes millions of dollars in unpaid company taxes,

    after a deal with a Russian coal company.

    The debts have only worsened during Justice’s term as governor. I

    f President Trump cut a deal, we hope it does not put U.S. taxpayers on the hook to bail out Jim Justice’s personal finances.”

    it’s unclear if Republicans, who had previously criticized him for his financial dealings, will be as eager to do so.

    After all, most GOP leaders in Washington have repeatedly turned a blind eye to Trump’s transgressions.
    In any event,

    it’s no surprise that both men thought it was necessary to join teams at a time when each of them is under fire.

    Unpaid taxes?

    Sketchy financial dealings?

    Ties to Russian companies?

    It’s a match made in heaven.

  12. #537
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    Trump impressed by Stephen Miller’s ‘Rainman’ skills and may have him replace Scaramucci

    Miller “has a ‘Rainman’ ability to recall immigration statistics,” Allen noted.

    Allen also reports that Trump “dug the performances” of Miller on TV.

    “Steve Bannon likes the idea of Miller for the job, and Miller was the hero of the West Wing after he attacked Acosta as a ‘cosmopolitan’ for his views on immigration,” Allen reported.

    “When Miller finished that press briefing, his colleagues high-fived him, according to Sebastian Gorka, a national-security aide who’s a favorite of the president’s for his over-the-top TV hits.”

    “The super-key point: Trump cares primarily about how people perform on TV,”

  13. #538
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    Trash (Bannon, Miller, Gorka, Stone, Breitbart, alt-Reich) is on a mission to convert white resentment into a federal agency

    Trump appointees with white power leanings are not just scaling back federal civil rights protections.

    They are elevating the defense of white Americans across the government as the nation’s demographics become increasingly diverse.

    This startling shift can be seen across many departments, from justice to education to environmental protection to labor.

    It’s not just top appointees in policymaking posts who have long opposed affirmative action and worked to subvert equal rights for minorities;

    it’s also emerging civil rights enforcement directives,

    proposed budgets slashing civil rights lawyers and

    announcementsfor new anti-minority agendas.

    “This White House initiative represents a dangerous departure from policies and practices that help heal our nation’s racial divisions;

    instead, it serves as a desperate appeal to the worst fears of those who consciously or subconsciously despise the increasing diversity and shifting power dynamic in America today,”

  14. #539
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    Just another ignorant , made ignorant and stupid by decades in the military?

    New WH Chief of Staff Apparently Clueless About What the Cons ution Says About the President

    Kelly, apparently oblivious to what is actually contained in that “piece of paper,” then continued:

    “So where did the oath come from? As the story goes it’s generally accurate as I understand it.

    They were about to inaugurate our very first president, who’d never done that before, George Washington, in our first capital, New York City.

    They were just about to go out and do it, and someone said, don’t we need an oath?

    Because up until then they had been Englishmen and Englishmen and Englishwomen and had always taken their oath to the sovereign.

    So they sat down and wrote up the oath that you generally are about to take and handed it to George Washington before he became President. The only thing he added to that oath was so help me God.”

    Really? As George Washington was about to step out on the balcony to be inaugurated somebody suddenly thought,

    “Oh , we need to have some kind of oath for him to take?”

    But this is the ridiculous story that the new White House chief of staff actually believes is “generally accurate” — a story that would be hard to believe even

    if the president’s oath weren’t right there in the freakin’ Cons ution.

    Not only did Kelly tell his completely insane story (which of course

    also included the
    long-ago-debunked myth that George Washington added the words “so help me God” to his oath)

    at the commencement at one of our military service academies, but

    his not knowing that the president’s oath is in the Cons ution went completely unnoticed by every news organization that covered this commencement.

  15. #540
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    Yet another ignorant little asshole, career racist, a little Napolean, with no personal authority, exploiting his positional authority.

    Here’s why Jeff Sessions’s leak probe press conference was misleading

    “This culture of leaking must stop,” Sessions said, echoing Trump’s increasingly bitter tweets.

    Flanking Sessions were Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the Director of National Intelligence, Daniel Coats, and William Evanina, head of the little-known National Counterintelligence and Security Center.

    “Con uously absent,” The Washington Post noted, “were representatives for the FBI, which generally investigates leaks.

    U.S. intelligence agencies are barred from criminal investigations of leaks (although they conduct their own internal probes).

    “Only the FBI has jurisdiction to conduct that type of investigation,”

    “Indeed, the entire intel establishment has no authority over leaks.“

    The National Counterintelligence and Security Center, says Marion “ e” Bowman, a former deputy chief of the agency, is only a policy-making body and “has no powers other than persuasion” to get access to the progress of a leak investigation.

    Coats, the Director of National Intelligence, who was featured at the Sessions press conference. It has “no investigative, subpoena or other powers,”

    Sessions added a dark element to his Friday announcement, suggesting he might start issuing subpoenas to reporters.

    The secret monitoring of media organizations could well accompany such investigations, history shows.

    the tiny, fraudulent Wizard of Oz trying to intimidate the media, trying to hide the Trash show behind a curtain of fear.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 08-06-2017 at 07:30 AM.

  16. #541
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    Bush’s Ethics Lawyer’s Reacts To Conway Wanting Lie Detectors At The White House To Stop Leaks

    Richard W. Painter @RWPUSA

    Kellyanne wants lie detectors in the White House?

    Try one on the press secretary podium.

    The place will light up like a disco!

    7:27 PM - Aug 4, 2017

    And on Trash's podiums

  17. #542
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    ^They've finally discovered a tunnel to the surface for Bush.

    Glory b.

    And what does he do? You'd think he'd lash back for being locked out in the rain since his "win?" Noooooooooooooooooo. Just as chipper and good natured as you'd expect of a re .

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    Jeff Sessions Marijuana Task Force Just Backfired ‘Big League’

    According to AP:

    “The Task Force, a group of prosecutors and federal law enforcement officials,

    has come up with no new policy recommendations

    to advance the attorney general’s aggressively anti-marijuana views.

    The group’s report largely reiterates the current Justice Department policy on marijuana.”

    Instead, AP has concluded after reviewing do ents, the Task Force will be advising the Justice Department to “keep studying whether to change or rescind the Obama administration’s more hands-off approach to enforcement…”


    "Heckuva job, J-Beau"

    You need to hire some more white male supremacists, xenophobes, jingoists, and Christian Taliban for DoJ, maybe some assholes from Liberty or Orifice Roberts "universities"

  20. #545
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    Trash's life-long strategy of stiffing investors and suppliers being duplicated at Ditsy Devos' DoE

    New Fears For Public Service Loan Forgiveness

    Public Service Loan Forgiveness was created a decade ago. A 2016 blog post, which still appears on the official website, describes it as a "broad, employment-based forgiveness program for federal student loans."

    Anyone who works for the government or a nonprofit can have their loans erased after 10 years of on-time monthly payments,

    Our previous reporting has showed that many people in the last 10 years made binding life decisions based on the promise of Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

    They chose lower-paying jobs in the public sector, and enrolled in payment plans, as instructed, that left their loans piling up interest.

    Ten years into their careers, if stuck with thousands of dollars in debt they hadn't planned on, many will have to forego buying a home or saving for retirement.

    The department says it has taken no final action on any of those half a million PSLF applicants. It may have accepted their paperwork, the filing states, but those are only "interim, non-binding, individualized determinations."

    In fact, the filing states that final eligibility for PSLF is decided only after those 10 years of payments:

    "Once a borrower has made 120 qualifying payments, she may submit an application for PSLF."

    "The expectations and financial well-being of thousands of dedicated public servants hang in the balance in this case,"

    "In its new filing, the

    Department of Education unfortunately reiterates that it has no intention of upholding promises made under the very program it created.

    We find this position unfair and unlawful."

  21. #546
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    Trump Just Announced End Of Obama Rule Allowing Nursing Home Victims To Sue For Mistreatment

    The Trump administration is preparing to eliminate protections that allow victims of alleged nursing home abuse to sue their caretakers.

    The Hill
    is reporting today that
    , “The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services (CMS) announced plans in June to do away with an Obama-era rule that prohibited nursing homes that accept Medicare or Medicaid funds from including language in their resident contracts requiring that disputes be settled by a third party rather than a court.”

    contractually forcing patients to surrender their right to sue a nursing home can’t be good for seniors. Trump, however, doesn’t seem to care.

    "a third party" I can guess who that would be

    same as forcing employees, customers into kangaroo court arbitration peopled by corporate lawyers.

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    31 year old sicko asshole, been an asshole his whole life.

    As a Jew, he probably won't ever have "come to Jesus" epiphany about his assholiness

    Read a good analogy by Josh Marshall:

    The Darkness and the Rot

    Eventually I sensed that Trump wasn’t inducing people’s self-destruction so much as he was acting like a divining rod,

    revealing rot that existed already but was not apparent.

    It may seem like an odd comparison.

    But I’m reminded of the effect in the
    Pirates of the Caribbean movie series where the cursed pirates appear to be flesh and blood bodies.

    But the moonlight reveals them as desiccated skeletons, animated but undead.

    The rot was there but hidden.

    Trump is the moonlight.

    Perhaps better to say, to invert our metaphor,

    Trump is the darkness.

    the evangelical right political faction, which is distinct and different.

    Nothing I have seen before has more clearly revealed this group’s moral rot than the adoration of Trump,

    an unchurched hedonist with the moral compass of a predator

    who is lauded and almost worshipped purely and

    entirely because he produces political deliverables.

    But it’s not just them. It’s a general malady.

    Trump is exposing our collective rot.

    The rotten flock to him.

    And there’s so much rot to go around.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 08-07-2017 at 11:50 AM.

  23. #548
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    Trump administration refuses to close fossil fuel loophole, admits it will cost taxpayers millions

    Expert contends Interior Department underestimates revenue losses to taxpayers.

    The Trump administration’s decision not to close a loophole that allowed energy companies to sell coal, oil, and natural gas at significantly depressed prices will cost taxpayers $75 million per year, a fact the administration itself acknowledged in a Federal Register notice published Monday.

    will be a net decrease in royalties as a result of the changes.

    “They are hurting coal and oil and gas communities that need the revenue to diversify their communities and adjust to the changing energy realities,”

    “The plan to repeal the ONRR rule… is an egregious handout to oil, gas, and coal companies, literally redirecting taxpayer resources into industry coffers,”

    Critics applauded closing what they saw as a loophole allowing companies, mainly coal mining firms, to sell their product to subsidiaries or affiliates at deflated prices.

    “This decision flies in the face of experts and government watchdogs who agree that

    a 12.5 percent royalty is excessively low, costing taxpayers, states, and the U.S. government much-needed revenues,”

    Zimmerman wrote.

    “In fact, the excessively low 12.5 percent royalty rate for onshore oil and gas production is a primary reason the

    Interior Department has been flagged since 2011 by the Government Accountability Office as a high-risk area vulnerable to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.”

    With an anti-environment asshole fraud like Zinke at Interior, "the corruption will be UnPresidented"

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    Secrecy and Su ion Surround Trump’s Deregulation Teams

    ProPublica and The New York Times identify more possible conflicts of interest among appointees, as Democrats in Congress demand greater transparency from the White House.

    When President Trump ordered federal agencies to form teams to dismantle government regulations, the Transportation Department turned to people with deep industry ties.

    One appointee had previously lobbied the department on behalf of American Airlines. Another held executive roles for several electric and hybrid car companies regulated by the department. A third was a lawyer who represented United Airlines in regulatory matters.

    The three appointees have been identified by ProPublica and The New York Times in a continuing effort to track members of the deregulation teams. The appointments, previously unreported, follow a pattern identified by the two news organizations:

    By and large, the Trump administration has stacked the teams with political appointees, some of whom may be reviewing rules their former employers sought to weaken or kill.

    A full vetting of industry connections has been difficult because some agencies have declined to provide information about the appointees — not even their names.

    Trash/Bannon/Repugs enabling the oligarchy to better America and Americans.

  25. #550
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    The RNC Just Hired A New Spokeswoman With A History Of Racism & Bigotry

    their new spokeswoman, 29-year old Kayleigh McEnany – the same woman who is now running the White House’s official “Trump TV” news channel.

    Twitter users immediately began digging through McEnany’s online past and found several instances of what would be extremely problematic statements for any decent human being.

    McEnany has joked about “birtherism,” excused Donald Trump’s “grab her by the pussy” remarks, defended the flying of the Confederate flag, and propagated harmful transphobic myths.

    iow, she's the prefect RNC spokes , racist, LGBT hater, birther, approves sexual assault, pro-Confederacy

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