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  1. #101
    adolis is altuve’s father monosylab1k's Avatar
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    Why so angry about this?
    still asshurt weeks later.

  2. #102
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    still asshurt weeks later.
    No. Asking why you're so mad about people feeling different than you about this episode.

    And why would I be mad at you having to deny Mel Gibson was shunned? Youre the one who had to "get me" by logging into one of your dozens of alts to reach, misinterpret something to call me a "coffee snob". Editing quotes and alts shows deep rooted anger issues.

    But still, LOL. "People don't feel the same way I do. RAGE"

  3. #103
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    "Mods...make him take down his post. He spoiled a Star Wars movie for me. "

  4. #104
    adolis is altuve’s father monosylab1k's Avatar
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    still asshurt weeks later.

  5. #105
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    "Mods...make him take his post down."

    "You don't feel the same way I do about a movie and I don't know how to feel about that...except anger."

  6. #106
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    You've got some issues, play. Go talk it out amongst your catalogue of alts.

  7. #107
    adolis is altuve’s father monosylab1k's Avatar
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    Yeah, you’re right. This place ing blows now. See yall later.

  8. #108
    You have no idea UZER's Avatar
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    Damn, I stayed away from spoilers so I didn't see this before, but Mark was spot on.

  9. #109
    Manu Mania lefty20's Avatar
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    X-wing fighter they SHOWED submerged in the water.
    I think Luke was using one of it's wings as a door for his hut. I didn't actually catch this myself during the movie, just saw it mentioned in a article last night.

  10. #110
    Manu Mania lefty20's Avatar
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    As a casual Star Wars fan I thought the movie was quite enjoyable. Of course, I mainly went to the theater to catch the Infinity War trailer on a big screen, so everything after that was just gravy.

  11. #111
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    1. Redemption story for a once great Jedi, who could never live up to his former glory, failed miserably in training his nephew, and lives in exile hating himself, but then gets one last chance to do something great.


    2. Ultimate badass kicks everyone’s asses. The End.

    And y’all think #1 is the lazy idea? what you were hoping for Luke’s story to be is literally what Prequels Era George Lucas would have thought up.
    They wanted Luke to come in and kick so much ass so like you said there would be no need for a third movie.

  12. #112
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    Also, had Snoke lived that would have been a rehash of Vader/Palpetine. No one walked into the theater and expected Kylo to slice that up.

    "But we didn't even have a chance to find out where he was from "

  13. #113
    Veteran Raven's Avatar
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    Also, had Snoke lived that would have been a rehash of Vader/Palpetine. No one walked into the theater and expected Kylo to slice that up.

    "But we didn't even have a chance to find out where he was from "
    if anything, people have been eating turd sandwitches for too long and complaining too little.. I mean just the arguments you're making, sound like wwe apologists..

  14. #114
    Machacarredes Chinook's Avatar
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    People really seem to be hating on Finn and Rose. I actually liked both characters and thought they worked well together. It was cool that Finn still sucks at melee fighting (kept his character grounded) but it sucked that they didn't really give him anything to shoot at. To that extent, I do agree with what other folks are saying about their plot. It felt that most of the that happened was a waste of time. Had Rose just gone with Finn on his original plan to find Rey, that would have been preferable. Instead they are setting up this love triangle (seems pretty clear that Rey has jungle fever going on). I could see Rose and Finn getting together after the movie. They bounded and . But the whole "We're in love" aspect was really weird. I mean, the whole plot takes place over the course of one ing day, give or take.

    And yeah, TFA gave me the impression that the First Order was like a fascist group made from the remnants of the old Empire (which definitely fell, according to the the Battlefront II campaign). So how the are they about to take over the galaxy now?

  15. #115
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    if anything, people have been eating turd sandwitches for too long and complaining too little.. I mean just the arguments you're making, sound like wwe apologists..
    " The Force Awakens played it too safe"

    " The Last Jedi took too many chances"

  16. #116
    Veteran Raven's Avatar
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    " The Force Awakens played it too safe"

    " The Last Jedi took too many chances"
    yeah that's exactly it. You're literally making sure you like the taste of turd right now.. It's a concept called reframing.

  17. #117
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    yeah that's exactly it. You're literally making sure you like the taste of turd right now.. It's a concept called reframing.
    Ah you're one of those whiny es who can't decide what they wanna see.

  18. #118
    Veteran Raven's Avatar
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    Ah you're one of those whiny es who can't decide what they wanna see.
    far from it, i knew exactly what i wanted which is why i don't pay for disney movies and pirate the crap out of them. As far as I'm concerned, it is very clear that the focus of star wars, currently is not to develop characters, tell a story or have well directed action scenes. Also, I can tell when a studio has no idea what to do with a franchise. The Marvel stink is strong and undeniable.

  19. #119
    TRU 'cross mah stomach LaMarcus Bryant's Avatar
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    Don’t worry guys, Fast and Furious 9 will be out before you know it. I’m sure Vin Diesel won’t die or have an existential crisis, he’ll just drive a big ass car and blow up like he has for 8 other movies. That should keep you happy.

  20. #120
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    I knew this . People have been creating troll acounts, multiple at a time to trash the movie on RT

  21. #121
    Still Hates Small Ball Spurminator's Avatar
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    The Leia space scene didn't really even bother me. I assume if a powerful Jedi can lift a ship out of water, they can also create enough force to pull themselves towards a ship in weightless space. Execution was a little cheesy, I guess, but that's a minor gripe. My only other issue was Luke was a little too curmudgeony, but then again he's old and he's been on an island by himself for years. Still a little surprised he'd abandon everyone he cares about while allowing a new Empire to rise, but that was a decision made in the last film, not this one.

    I started dozing during the Finn/Rose scenes (12:30am showing), but overall I loved how the movie turned expectations on their heads. I already commented that I'm tired of all of the reveals that everyone is related, and the way they revealed that Rey is just the daughter of common smugglers after implying otherwise was perfect. Same with Kylo turning on Snoke out of power-thirst rather than personal redemption.

  22. #122
    Veteran vy65's Avatar
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    Well only because he was the only Jedi around at the time. He literally just became a Jedi at the end of ROTJ, after a lot of failures and a battle with the Dark Side. To act like his destiny after ROTJ is to be a dominant Jedi badass for 30+ years is completely unrealistic. What’s more realistic would be Luke never being able to achieve the levels of his past successes, and to slowly decline. The Luke we see in TLJ is a completely unromantic, worst case scenario Luke, but it is certainly more believable than the deification of Luke that many people had in their minds.
    This would be a good take if the original trilogy wasn’t so caught up in the notion of destiny. To think Luke is some pitily at the end of ROTJ totally discredits his narrative arc, and one of the most powerful motifs of the original three movies: kid coming from a backwoods planet and bringing down the empire. That and the fact that the intervening years sees him start a school for a new generation of Jedi.

    I could see your point if they made Luke seem like some invinceable bad ass. But to make him seem like a ty stand up comic, with ridiculous proclivities (lol milking teets), who’s constantly shook is absolutely disengenious to the character.

  23. #123
    Veteran vy65's Avatar
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    1. Redemption story for a once great Jedi, who could never live up to his former glory, failed miserably in training his nephew, and lives in exile hating himself, but then gets one last chance to do something great.


    2. Ultimate badass kicks everyone’s asses. The End.

    And y’all think #1 is the lazy idea? what you were hoping for Luke’s story to be is literally what Prequels Era George Lucas would have thought up.
    Not too double up, but they did little to nothing to build up #1. A few cut scenes totalling less than 5 minutes of screen time is absolutely lazy. If this movie was dedicated to building that story line up then you’d be right because we’d be emotionally invested. As it stands, the necessary plot and character work for #1 was totall glossed over. And that’s why this story doesn’t work at all.

  24. #124
    Veteran vy65's Avatar
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    you can't defend this movie and still have any sort of credibility. Then again, I kinda get that people are just really waking up to how truly damaging and flat out awful TFA was, now that they see that all those plot points that looked like teasers, were really bad writing and none of that was other than fans justifying the movie to themselves. People have been accepting mediocrity for too long.
    This. TFA was not nearly as good as people make it seem. And it’s all the more reason why Rogue One worked so well. New characters, with similar themes, but with a new perspective. It was true to the original trilogy while developing characters that you can become invested in.

    A lot of people defend TLJ on the basis that “it’s new.” So what? Having a new approach to the trilogy doesn’t somehow inoculate you from telling a good story. And TLJ tells a particularly atrocious one.

  25. #125
    Veteran vy65's Avatar
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    " The Force Awakens played it too safe"

    " The Last Jedi took too many chances"
    Because it has to be one of those two. No other choices

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