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  1. #176
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    lol vega 7 benchmark reviews are out, what a fkn joke of a card rushed out by amd
    What did you expect? Vega is one of the worst gpu architectures I have ever seen.

  2. #177
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    God damn look at this horrible performance in Metro Exodus. A ing GTX 1080 can't stay above 60 fps at 1080p.

    DJR210 and Cry Havoc rolling in their graves at this news.

  3. #178
    Club Rookie of The Year DJR210's Avatar
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    God damn look at this horrible performance in Metro Exodus. A ing GTX 1080 can't stay above 60 fps at 1080p.

    DJR210 and Cry Havoc rolling in their graves at this news.
    I'm personally not rolling in my grave. Couldn't care less about Metro

  4. #179
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Wow Nvidia RTX is such a complete failure. So now five months after launch of the RTX crap we finally get a game that can do RT and DLSS with the newest update to Battlefield V. An here is what it looks like on a 2080 at 3440x1440 with:

    left: native 3440x1440
    center: 3440x1440 rendered with an internal 80% resolution scale
    right: 3440x1440 Nvidia DLSS

    Last edited by baseline bum; 02-19-2019 at 12:56 PM.

  5. #180
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    What a joke from Nvidia. I'm almost certain to buy an AMD card this year or next if Navi is even halfway competent.

  6. #181
    Club Rookie of The Year DJR210's Avatar
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    RTX is trash.. they ing blew it this round. This is how they try to win gamers back after the crypto boom and price gouging? I'm gonna order a Z390 board, 3000 Mhz DDR4 RAM, and a 9600K.. My 1060GB is still kicking ass at 1080p, all I need is some more headroom on the CPU side.

  7. #182
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    RTX is trash.. they ing blew it this round. This is how they try to win gamers back after the crypto boom and price gouging? I'm gonna order a Z390 board, 3000 Mhz DDR4 RAM, and a 9600K.. My 1060GB is still kicking ass at 1080p, all I need is some more headroom on the CPU side.
    Personally I'd pay the $110 extra for the i7-9800k to get the two extra cores now that AAA games mostly target 8 cores in the consoles. Especially if the consoles end up using Ryzen 2 next gen, since that will mean games will be designed for relatively high IPC chips with lots of cores. Since a platform upgrade is so expensive I'd spend the extra now to give more time before really feeling the need to upgrade again.

    EDIT: , I meant 9700k. But I don't see 9700k for MSRP anywhere. So it's more like $410 for the 9700k vs $260 for the 9600k. I'd probably still pay the extra for the 9700k since cpu upgrade usually means full platform upgrade eg board, RAM, cooler, ssd, etc.
    Last edited by baseline bum; 02-20-2019 at 01:57 PM.

  8. #183
    Club Rookie of The Year DJR210's Avatar
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    Personally I'd pay the $110 extra for the i7-9800k to get the two extra cores now that AAA games mostly target 8 cores in the consoles. Especially if the consoles end up using Ryzen 2 next gen, since that will mean games will be designed for relatively high IPC chips with lots of cores. Since a platform upgrade is so expensive I'd spend the extra now to give more time before really feeling the need to upgrade again.

    EDIT: , I meant 9700k. But I don't see 9700k for MSRP anywhere. So it's more like $410 for the 9700k vs $260 for the 9600k. I'd probably still pay the extra for the 9700k since cpu upgrade usually means full platform upgrade eg board, RAM, cooler, ssd, etc.
    Yeah I don't wanna spend over 400.00 on a processor.. when I checked just like 3 weeks ago it was 359.00 which I would pay.. there's a short supply right now, and I don't wanna pay or wait for 9 frames better performance

  9. #184
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Yeah I don't wanna spend over 400.00 on a processor.. when I checked just like 3 weeks ago it was 359.00 which I would pay.. there's a short supply right now, and I don't wanna pay or wait for 9 frames better performance
    You're only getting two more threads though going from 3570k to 9600k. I personally wouldn't go anything less than the number of threads in next gen consoles since most PC games are going to be ty ports of the console games. Maybe the Ryzen 2 chips in the next gen are hexacores without SMT. But if they're quadcores with SMT and clockspeeds slashed to fit console power budgets you're going to get games designed for eight cores while you only have six, and IPC + clockspeed don't make up for core count deficiencies. I remember seeing the benchmarks from Digital Foundry showing the 2C/4T i3-4130 at 3.4 GHz just slaughtering the 2C/2T Pentium G3258 at 4.8 GHz in almost every game. To me the i5 don't look like the best value in a many corez world now. I'd go Ryzen+ before I'd go i5 unless you need to run games requiring straight single core grunt like the Cemu emulator, the Yuzu emulator, or if you're still a huge Arma III player.

  10. #185
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    God damn look at this horrible performance in Metro Exodus. A ing GTX 1080 can't stay above 60 fps at 1080p.

    DJR210 and Cry Havoc rolling in their graves at this news.
    Look at the R9 Fury X. 40fps from an ancient video card. That's pretty remarkable.

    Side note: Wtf why did they spell out "thirty"? xD

  11. #186
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Look at the R9 Fury X. 40fps from an ancient video card. That's pretty remarkable.

    Side note: Wtf why did they spell out "thirty"? xD
    It's not that impressive when the 980 Ti came out before the Fury X at the same price and is getting 49 fps. Especially when you factor in those are stock numbers and aftermarket 980 Ti overclocked like madmen while Fury X was right at its limits clocked at stock speeds.

    Maxwell >> Fiji

  12. #187
    No darkness Cry Havoc's Avatar
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    It's not that impressive when the 980 Ti came out before the Fury X at the same price and is getting 49 fps. Especially when you factor in those are stock numbers and aftermarket 980 Ti overclocked like madmen while Fury X was right at its limits clocked at stock speeds.

    Maxwell >> Fiji
    Yeah but the 2xx cards are still the best from that stretch of time. 290x is one of the finest GPUs in history for the price.

  13. #188
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Yeah but the 2xx cards are still the best from that stretch of time. 290x is one of the finest GPUs in history for the price.
    Aftermarket R9 290 circa November 2014 is probably the best gpu deal I have ever seen. I couldn't believe seeing those things for $200 to $230 regularly that entire month. It would be like getting an RTX 2080 for $200 today.

  14. #189
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    The 290 and the 290x were the great cards of the R9 200 series. R9 270, 280, and 280x were good cards for the money at first, but obviously 290 and 290x prices tanking meant there was no reason to buy them by late October 2014. R9 285 was crap with the drop to 2GB vram from the 3GB the R9 280 had. R9 270x was a little overpriced IMO but still solid. R7 260x and below were pretty trash.

  15. #190
    Club Rookie of The Year DJR210's Avatar
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    Pulled the trigger on a Gigabyte Z390 board, 9600k, and some 3200 Mhz DDR4

  16. #191
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Pulled the trigger on a Gigabyte Z390 board, 9600k, and some 3200 Mhz DDR4
    Please tell me you have an aftermarket cooler man. Also you should check CEMU now. That cpu (with a good overclock) and RAM with a 1060 should be enough to get a mostly locked 60 fps in BOTW as long as you have CEMU set up correctly (see the BSOD_gaming channel on youtube for a tutorial) and are using the correct shader caches (BSOD_gaming will probably link his shader cache in the video).

  17. #192
    Club Rookie of The Year DJR210's Avatar
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    Please tell me you have an aftermarket cooler man. Also you should check CEMU now. That cpu (with a good overclock) and RAM with a 1060 should be enough to get a mostly locked 60 fps in BOTW as long as you have CEMU set up correctly (see the BSOD_gaming channel on youtube for a tutorial) and are using the correct shader caches (BSOD_gaming will probably link his shader cache in the video).
    Yeah, Jewtel stopped packaging them in, but thankfully the Hyper 212 Evo is compatible w/ the Z390 boards.. Will be taking if off the current motherboard and switching it to the new one . I plan on running this at 4.9-5.0 Ghz.. I have a high air flow case, and my ambient temps are about 72 inside.. Sounds pretty attainable judging from people's reviews. Gonna XMP profile the outta that RAM too

  18. #193
    Club Rookie of The Year DJR210's Avatar
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    That's a pretty sizeable FPS gain for BFV between 2133 and 3000 Mhz tbh

  19. #194
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Yeah, Jewtel stopped packaging them in, but thankfully the Hyper 212 Evo is compatible w/ the Z390 boards.. Will be taking if off the current motherboard and switching it to the new one . I plan on running this at 4.9-5.0 Ghz.. I have a high air flow case, and my ambient temps are about 72 inside.. Sounds pretty attainable judging from people's reviews
    Meh who would even want a stock cooler on a K-series chip today anyways? They couldn't keep up with the 4790k at stock five years ago, so they'd have no hope in cooling a cpu with a smaller die and higher stock power consumption, not to mention the added power consumption from an OC. Hyper 212 EVO should get the job done though.

  20. #195
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    That's a pretty sizeable FPS gain for BFV between 2133 and 3000 Mhz tbh

    Yeah the "RAM speed doesn't matter" piece of PCMR religion died off when gpus started getting strong enough and cpu parallelization good enough that cpu started to become a bottleneck at 1080p. It was mostly true for the first half of the decade, but not the second half. I got pretty significant boosts to my worst framerate dips in cpu bound games like Fallout 4 and GTA V when upgrading from DDR3-1600 to DDR3-2400. I'm talking like 15% difference just from that one change.

  21. #196
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    tbh, I bought a Corsair H100i for my last PC upgrade here at home and highly recommend it... quiet, no huge heat sink to fit on the case, and you can place the fans laterally on a filtered vent.

  22. #197
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    tbh, I bought a Corsair H100i for my last PC upgrade here at home and highly recommend it... quiet, no huge heat sink to fit on the case, and you can place the fans laterally on a filtered vent.
    I wish Corsair still made the 250D since it's one of the few mini ITX cases that can hold a full 240mm liquid cooler like that. I want to do a mini ITX system next build and that case looked perfect for one.

  23. #198
    Club Rookie of The Year DJR210's Avatar
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    Yeah the "RAM speed doesn't matter" piece of PCMR religion died off when gpus started getting strong enough and cpu parallelization good enough that cpu started to become a bottleneck at 1080p. It was mostly true for the first half of the decade, but not the second half. I got pretty significant boosts to my worst framerate dips in cpu bound games like Fallout 4 and GTA V when upgrading from DDR3-1600 to DDR3-2400. I'm talking like 15% difference just from that one change.
    That's badass.. that's the main reason I wanted to upgrade.. GTA V runs great until the physics and particle effects and start getting hectic during explosions and stuff.. ing ruins the game for me. Maybe I can finally get some online enjoyment out of Arma 3 now too..

  24. #199
    Club Rookie of The Year DJR210's Avatar
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    tbh, I bought a Corsair H100i for my last PC upgrade here at home and highly recommend it... quiet, no huge heat sink to fit on the case, and you can place the fans laterally on a filtered vent.
    I'm going to get one too.. First I need an SSD though

  25. #200
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    I wish Corsair still made the 250D since it's one of the few mini ITX cases that can hold a full 240mm liquid cooler like that. I want to do a mini ITX system next build and that case looked perfect for one.
    That's the case I have. Loaded with a X299 MiniITX mobo, i9-7940X, and the H100i. Still rocking a GTX960, but will probably upgrade soon (will have a 2080ti at work now). It's a mini rocket ship

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