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  1. #1576
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    The controversy over “ethnonationalism” and a Trump judicial nominee, explained

    Republicans fast-tracked Steven Menashi’s nomination after he drew protests.

    began his writing career at the Dartmouth Review, the campus conservative publication that incubated professional trolls such as
    Laura Ingraham and Dinesh D’Souza.

    Menashi used this platform

    to denounce LGBTQ rights groups,

    mock “Take Back The Night” marches protesting campus rape, and

    defend a fraternity that threw a “
    ghetto party.”

    He later became a

    law professor who may want to dismantle much of the government, a

    top aide to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and a lawyer in the Trump White House.

    If Trump gets his way, he will soon become a judge on one of the most powerful courts in the country.

    , the kind of person a president nominates if their goal is to “own the libs.”

    . He received his
    confirmation hearing on Wednesday. With Republicans controlling the Senate, he is overwhelmingly likely to be confirmed.

    This rushed schedule is highly unusual. Nominees typically wait weeks or even months for a hearing,

    opinion pieces he wrote as a college student and then later as a graduate. In them,

    he denounced college anti-rape activists as “
    campus gynocentrists,”

    accused an LGBTQ civil rights group of “incessantly
    exploit[ing] the slaying of Mathew Shepard for both financial and political benefit,” and

    likened the practice of gathering racial data on university students to the Nazi “
    Nuremberg laws.

    n a 1998 New York Times op-ed, which reads like a liberal college student’s bad parody of something a conservative might write,

    attacked need-based financial aid at colleges and universities

    claiming that it “punishes families with the foresight and prudence to save for their children’s education.”

    , he appears to defend “ethnonationalism.”

    he touts court decisions that could form the tip of a spear into the heart of progressive economic regulation.

    a 2010 academic article he wrote led “
    Ethnonationalism and Liberal Democracy.”

    Menashi argued that “democracy can’t work unless the country is defined by a unifying race.”

    suggests that ethnic diversity is itself harmful. “Social scientists have found that greater ethnic heterogeneity is associated with lower social trust,” he writes.

    “Ethnically heterogeneous societies exhibit less political and civic engagement,

    less effective governing ins utions, and

    fewer public goods.”

    “it does not serve the cause of liberal democracy

    “our country will be
    better off with more whites and fewer nonwhites?

    Menashi is much more likely than the typical judge to be sympathetic to policies that seek to make the United States more geneous.

    a handful of lower court decisions that question the longstanding consensus that courts should not interfere with economic regulation absent an explicit cons utional command to do so.

    That consensus emerged
    in response to an era of conservative dominance that legal scholars refer to as
    the Lochner Era. ... as an example of how judges should never, ever behave.

    Most scholars and judges still believe that Lochner is a cursed decision, although a libertarian insurgency now
    seeks to normalize it.

    Menashi is 40 years old, so he'll be ing up America for 35 years, unless HOPEFULLY he dies early

    So certainly the evangelicals love this guy because he will screw over LGBT, non-whites, non-males, non-Christians

    "ethnonationalism" is a fancy word in front of White Euro-Male Christian Supremacist RACISM

  2. #1577
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    Administration finalizes repeal of 2015 water rule Trump called ‘destructive and horrible’

    For years, the fight over how much power the federal government should have to regulate the wetlands and tributaries that feed into the nation’s largest rivers has played out across the country.

    a legal tug of war has unfolded over a 2015 rule that gave the Environmental Protection Agency much broader authority over the nation’s waterways.

    Critics say the Obama rule gave the federal government far too much power; supporters countered it would prevent the loss of vast swaths of wetlands.

    Court rulings have temporarily blocked the regulation in 28 states, while keeping it in effect in 22 others.

    On Thursday, the Trump administration plans to scrap the Obama-era OF COURSE

    definition of what qualifies as “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act,

    returning the country to standards put in place in 1986.

    critics say the rollback will speed the conversion of wetlands and headwaters, which provide critical habitat for wildlife and support the nation’s drinking water supply.

    Americans drained about half of the 220 million acres of wetlands in the contiguous United States between the 1780s and 1980s, most of it to expand farmland.

    “The administration wants to go back to an era where we are destroying wetlands heedlessly,” Robert Irvin, president of American Rivers,

    The 2015 rule gave the federal government authority to oversee a wide array of lakes, streams, wetlands, storm-water controls and ditches that feed into larger waterways that are clearly protected under the 1972 Clean Water Act.

    tens of thousands of acres that connect underground or through ditches to nearby waterways will lose protection.

    Targeting the Obama-era regulation ranked among Trump’s top priorities when he took office.

    Trash destroys any progress Obama made, ing up the country and people, as a personal vendetta.

    Of course, the evangelicals love this destruction of the planet because their ing Bible says the Lord gave them "dominion" to up everything. Biblical justified destruction of the planet. Christianity and its perverted, ed up Bible humpers.

  3. #1578
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    A brand new TX bag for hole TX

    Federal Elected Official Chip Roy Says He Won't Register His Firearms With the Federal Government

    “I can tell you I will not register my firearms with the federal government,”

    the San Antonio-area Republican said Saturday in speech to the Young Americans for Liberty Convention in Austin.

    Roy also proclaimed himself a “proud member of the Gun Owners of America,” a group that regularly
    blasts the NRA for being too soft. F

    Following the 2012 Colorado movie theatre shooting that left 12 dead, the group's top exec
    promoted a theory that the massacre was part of a plot to trigger gun confiscations.

    He also warned his audience that red-flag laws — favored by three-quarters of Americans in a
    recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll

    — are only the first step toward the big, bad gubment rounding up everyone's precious peashooters.

    "Even right here in Texas, people in the Republican Party are going wobbly on the Second Amendment

    and your right to defend your families and this country," the freshman congressman said.

    "Red flag laws are the camel's nose under the tent to confiscate our weapons."


    Chip Roy? rings a bell

    Watch a Congressman Get Emotional Defending Drug Company Profits

    Texas congressman Chip Roy who launched into what scientists are calling an emotional meltdown worthy of a guest star Emmy.

    because Roy was arguing in defense of that most maligned of social groups: Profits. :lo drug company profits!

    "I'm really glad they [made a lot of money]!" he exclaimed, already heated.

    "And I hope they make a lot more!"

    "To sit here an attack the capitalistic system that produces and distributes medicine that is saving lives around the world?

    I mean it is just offensive."

    bag TX electing bags

    (this Roy bag replaces Christian Scientist Lamar Smith who is hilariously anti-science)

  4. #1579
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    Trash and Repugs up everything they can, everything they touch, for profit

    Trump Administration Rolls Back Clean Water Protections

    The Trump administration on Thursday announced

    the repeal of a major Obama-era

    clean water regulation
    that had placed limits on polluting chemicals that could be used near streams, wetlands and other bodies of water.

    adds to a lengthy
    list of environmental rules that the administration has worked to weaken or undo over the past two and a half years.

    Those efforts have focused heavily on

    eliminating restrictions on fossil fuel pollution,

    coal-fired power plants,
    automobile tailpipes and
    methane emissions, but have also touched on
    asbestos and chemical hazards like pesticides.

    polluters will no longer need a permit to discharge potentially harmful substances into many streams and wetlands.
    But the measure, which is expected to take effect in a matter of weeks,

    has implications far beyond the pollution that will now be allowed to flow freely into waterways.

    “this is an opportunity to really drive a stake through the heart of federal water protection.”

    Trump, who characterized it as federal overreach that impinged on the rights of farmers, rural landowners and real estate developers

    to use their properties as they see fit. and everything and everybody else
    “With many of our cities and towns living with unsafe drinking water,

    now is not the time to cut back on clean water enforcement,”

    A wide range of environmental protections are similarly being eliminated.

    The administration is rushing to clear the way for

    oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, for instance, and

    weakening protections for endangered speciesin an effort to help drillers.

    And, in December 2017, Mr. Trump embarked on the

    biggest land protection rollback in United States history
    when he reduced two national monuments in Utah by some two million acres.

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    US and Brazil agree to Amazon development

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    Trash and his gutless sycophant pandering to Christian haters

    Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson send anti-trans signals to Trump’s evangelical base

    Multiple people who attended an internal meeting at the HUD offices in San Francisco told reporters that, in his remarks to staff,

    Carson claimed that “big, hairy men” are trying to infiltrate women’s homeless shelters.

    reference to the urban legend that cis men pretend to be trans women in order to gain access to women’s spaces,
    a myth that has been repeatedly debunked by researchers.

    the opposite is true — denying trans people the right to use spaces that align with their gender iden y
    increases their risk of being sexually or otherwise assaulted.

    Under Carson’s leadership,

    HUD has moved towards finalizing a rule that would allow federally funded shelters to turn away trans people seeking safety,

    one in five trans people have been homeless at some point. It’s troubling, but not surprising: Trans people often experience housing and family discrimination that leaves them without homes. By spreading these ugly myths, Carson is only contributing to the problem.

    he intended his nasty comments to get a public airing, since he chose an office full of career HUD employees in San Francisco as his audience.

    DeVos made a point of visiting Harrisburg Catholic Elementary School in Pennsylvania on Thursday.

    The school has a policy barring trans people from working there or attending school, claiming that

    gender-affirming medical care is “self-mutilation and therefore immoral.”

    purpose of the visit was to
    promote a program that redirects taxpayer money from public schools to private schools by granting tax credits to people who give scholarships to families so their kids can attend private schools.

    DeVos was sending

    a message to Christian conservative voters that she is trying to secure more government funding so they can take their kids out of public schools, which may have policies barring discrimination based on gender iden y, and instead send their kids into schools that are overtly anti-trans.

    hating trans people is really important to the white evangelical base that Trump desperately needs to win in 2020.

    overt transphobia of the sort the religious right is peddling is not popular with the public at large. Research shows that

    62% of Americans say they feel more supportive of trans rights than they used to be.

    DeVos and Carson’s gambits help them message transphobia to the Christian right,

  7. #1582
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    Trump administration approved importation of lion trophy

    A lion trophy from Tanzania has been approved for import to the US, the first such case since lions began receiving protections in January 2016 as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act,

    the hunter, Carl Atkinson, was represented by lawyer John Jackson III, a member of the Interior Department's own International Wildlife Conservation Council,

    a controversial panel convened to advise on how trophy hunting helps conservation.

    the Trump administration is preparing to approve the importation of other species -- such as elephants -- from Tanzania.

    Atkinson wanted to bring back the trophy because it is key to hunters to "memorialize the experience."

    It is "unethical to waste any part of the hunt" or to leave behind any part, holy

    Jackson said his client paid $100,000 for the 21-day safari.

    The decision to allow some imports came after public backlash to the rollback of Obama -era restrictions

    "I'm working to save wildlife from animal protectionists," Jackson said

    Trash gonna spite Obama, and ignore who or what suffers and dies.

  8. #1583
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    BLM Headquarters Moves to Building Housing Oil Company Offices

    The Bureau of Land Management is moving its headquarters to a building that

    houses offices for several oil and gas companies operating in Western Colorado, including Chevron USA, Inc., and

    the local branch of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association.

    ... facilitating the corruption of govt employees and destruction of the commons

  9. #1584
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    “Sacrilege”: Michiganders outraged after Pence visits island where cars are banned in 8-car motorcade

    Vice President Mike Pence brought an eight-vehicle motorcade with him while attending the Republican Leadership Conference over the weekend in Mackinac Island, Michigan.

    In a move that is not very surprising from an administration that has consistently demonstrated its contempt for environmental concerns,

    Vice President Mike Pence brought an eight-vehicle motorcade with him while attending the Republican Leadership Conference over the weekend in Mackinac Island, Michigan.

    While many readers may now be scratching their heads wondering why such an action rises to the level of a condemnable offense when large motorcades are such a standard feature of the privileges normally afforded to our nation’s political elite, it may help to know that

    the island —which is home to about 500 people — has banned vehicles since the late 19th century

    except in
    extremely limited cir stances where the motorized vehicles are allowed only by special permit on an individual’s private property and for emergency purposes.

    Pence arrived at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island via his unprecedented motorcade and faced cries of “sacrilege” from local residents on social media in response.

    The last senior U.S. official to visit the island was President Gerald Ford, who traveled to Mackinac Island in 1975 and was transported with his First Lady Betty Ford around the island in a horse-drawn carriage.

    The Repug aristocracy says " you peasants"

  10. #1585
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    Pence family’s failed gas stations cost taxpayers $20M+

    his father helped build a Midwestern empire of more than 200 gas stations that provided an upbringing on the “front row of the American dream.”

    The collapse of Kiel Bros. Oil Co. in 2004 was widely publicized. Less known is that the state of Indiana — and, to a smaller extent, Kentucky and Illinois —

    are still on the hook for millions of dollars to clean up more than 85 contaminated sites across the three states, including underground tanks that leaked toxic chemicals into soil, streams and wells.

    Indiana alone has spent at least $21 million on the cleanup thus far, or an average of about $500,000 per site, according to an analysis of records by The Associated Press. And the work is nowhere near complete.

    The federal government, meanwhile, plans to clean up a plume of cancer-causing solvent discovered beneath a former Kiel Bros. station that threatens drinking water near the Pence family’s hometown.

    Pence’s older brother Greg Pence — who was president of Kiel Bros. when it went bankrupt and is now running for Congress as a Republican — distanced himself from the cleanup costs.

    “Greg Pence has had nothing to do with Kiel Bros since 2004. This is another attempt by the liberal media to rehash old, baseless attacks,”

    Mike Pence, then a third-year congressman, lost more than $600,000 when the company went under.

    He later became Indiana governor and now has assets worth between $532,000 and $1.13 million.

    Greg Pence, who is seeking the vice president’s old congressional seat, has total assets worth $5.7 to $26 million.

    Nearly a decade after going under, Kiel Bros. sites still ranked among the top 10 recipients of state money for such cleanups in Indiana in 2013,

  11. #1586
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    ‘Trump tied everything together’: Republican host says Trump just ruined his own denial on Ukraine scandal

    Republican CNN host S.E. Cupp pointed out Monday during “The Lead with Jake Tapper” that Trump admitted to his scandal involving Ukraine.

    Tapper explained that no one has alleged explicit quid pro quo, but it isn’t necessary to be illegal.

    “Trump explicitly tied withholding the aid to this investigation,” Cupp said.

    “And explicitly said,

    ‘Why would you give money to a foreign country if you thought it would be corrupt?'” Cupp continued.

    “He tied it together. It’s hard to follow, which is why in some ways this is the perfect story for Donald Trump.

    It’s complicated, there are moving parts, some of this happened years ago under a different administration.

    The only part he cares that you heard is ‘Joe Biden and his son are corrupt.’

    It doesn’t have to be true.

    He doesn’t have to prove it. He doesn’t have to provide evidence.

    All he cares about is sowing those seeds of distrust and doubt in the American electorate months before an election.”

    There is obviously a threat and a carrot and a stick you have there — asking a foreign country to get involved.”

    “His greatest defense has always been a lie, and

    it’s serious because Trump had admitted it,” n=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29

    Why is Trash/Pence so obsessed with corruption in Ukraine?

    Why is Trash hiding the wb complaint that obviously totally exonerates him?

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    The Interior Secretary Wants to Enlarge a Dam.

    An Old Lobbying Client Would Benefit.

    For years, the Interior Department resisted proposals to raise the height of its towering Shasta Dam in Northern California.

    The department’s own scientists and researchers concluded that doing so would

    endanger rare plants and animals in the area,

    as well as the bald eagle, and

    devastate the West Coast’s salmon industry downstream.

    But the project is going forward now, in a big win for a powerful consortium of California farmers

    that stands to profit substantially by gaining access to more irrigation water from a higher dam and has been trying to get the project approved for more than a decade.

    For much of the past decade, the chief lobbyist for the group was David Bernhardt. Today, Mr. Bernhardt is the Interior Secretary.
    It is not the first time that the Interior Department under Mr. Bernhardt’s leadership has taken actions that benefit

    his former client, the Westlands Water District,

    a state en y created at the behest of, and

    largely controlled by, some of California’s wealthiest farmers.

    Mr. Bernhardt also
    promoted the weakening of an endangered-species regulation that would get Westlands more water,

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    Betsy DeVos' security detail is expected to cost taxpayers $7.87 million in fiscal year 2020

    With an estimated net worth of $1.3 billion, Betsy DeVos is the wealthiest member of President Trump's Cabine

    That figure represents
    an increase from the $6.24 million spent on DeVos’ security during the 2019 fiscal year and

    the $6.79 million spent during the 2018 fiscal year, according to Politico.

    When coming up with an estimate for fiscal 2019, which ended on Monday, the agency had anticipated it would spend $7.74 million to protect the billionaire education secretary.

    It is not normal protocol for an education secretary to receive such an extravagant security detail.

    The four secretaries to serve prior to DeVos were all protected by the department’s small security force,

    DeVos dodged questions at a congressional hearing about a report which found that the department had been scammed by fraudulent or poorly managed charter schools. DeVos herself is a long-time advocate of using taxpayer money to fund charter schools.

    up to $1 billion awarded by the federal government’s Charter Schools Program (CSP) had been allocated to schools that only opened for brief periods or did not open at all.

    They estimated that roughly one-third of the $4.1 billion spent by CSP had ultimately been wasted.

    DeVos has also been criticized for pursuing policies perceived as discriminatory.

    attempted to
    delay implementing President Barack Obama’s regulations to fight racism in special education,

    expressed support for schools that bar transgender people from working or attending and

    threatened to pull money from a Middle East studies course jointly run by the University of North Carolina and Duke University for supposedly portraying Islam too positively.

    Just another example of the oligarchy fleecing govt to enrich itself

    Is anybody in Congress exercising oversight on Devos corrupt enterprise?

  15. #1590
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    oligarchy / Repug vandalism of govt

    Science is in ‘crisis’ under Trump, new reports show

    Between 2010 and 2017, Washington policymakers became less supportive of the science behind climate change.

    What’s more, Washington elites have formed ideological echo chambers —

    metaphorical hidey-holes for people who have the same views on stuff —

    and become increasingly polarized.

    Here are a few examples from the Brennan Center report that show how the government has led by example when it comes to politicizing climate research:

    • The EPA approved new regulations that stop experts from serving on congressional science boards and stocked those boards with industry researchers.
    • The Department of the Interior reassigned its head climate scientist after he raised the alarm about the effects of climate change.
    • When Trump made a false statement about Hurricane Dorian reaching Alabama, his Chief of Staff threatened to fire officials at the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration in order to pressure them into releasing a statement that supported Trump’s false assertion.

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    Betsy DeVos violated a court order to stop collecting on some loan debts.

    A judge is weighing whether it's contempt

    Education Secretary Betsy DeVos violated a court order to stop collecting on the debts of some former Corinthian College students and now a judge is weighing sanctions or finding her in contempt of court.

    "I feel like there have to be some consequences for the violation of my order 16,000 times,"

    said US Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim at a hearing held Monday in San Francisco

    The Department of Education has said that more than 16,000 borrowers were incorrectly informed that they owed a payment on their debt,

    About 1,800 had their wages garnished and

    more than 800 were mistakenly subject to adverse credit reporting.

    "Whether it's contempt or whether it's sanctions, I'm going to entertain them," Kim said.

    "I'm not sending anyone to jail yet, but it's good to know I have that ability."

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    600 former EPA officials demand investigation into Trump administration over California threats

    593 signatories asked for a probe to determine whether EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s aggressive focus on California officials is rooted in

    a retaliatory effort to punish the state for not backing President Trump’s political agenda.

    “EPA’s credibility depends on its commitment to use its authority to protect public health and our environment in an objective, even-handed manner, rather than as a blunt instrument of political power,”

    “We urge your committee to determine whether Mr. Wheeler’s letters of Sept. 24 and 26

    threatening to withhold grant funds and increase EPA oversight were motivated by improper partisan concerns.” aign=a56b7f24db-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2016_12_12_COPY_01&utm_medium=email &utm_term=0_6e35f7f85b-a56b7f24db-80115881

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    Enlarged Atlantic Fishing Area Could Further Imperil Right Whales

    Environmentalists Charge Trump’s Fisheries Overseer Failed to Follow Endangered Species Act

    Trump regulators opened about 3,100 square miles of ocean to fishing for scallops and fish

    that live near the bottom of the ocean such as halibut and flounder that

    had been closed for more than two decades,

    including a section of
    Georges Bank off Cape Cod, Mass., and part of the ocean near southern New England.

    Environmentalists say the
    National Marine Fisheries Service, overseen by Chris Oliver,

    failed to follow the Endangered Species Act to protect right whales

    despite published research from its own scientists that showed the move could harm right whales.

    “The officials charged with protecting this species appear willing to

    misrepresent the facts and the science to both the court and the public because

    they’re bent on doing nothing that might save right
    whales from extinction,”

    Kakistocrats doing kakistocracy things, operating to nullify, destroy their responsibilities.

  19. #1594

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    Scientists Were Hunting for the Next Ebola.

    Now the U.S. Has Cut Off Their Funding.

    Predict, a government research program, sought to identify animal viruses that might infect humans and to head off new pandemics.

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    BigChem paying Repug s so BigChem keep poisoning people and the planet, for profit.



    THE WIDESPREAD ENVIRONMENTAL contaminants known as PFAS cause multiple health problems in people, according to Linda Birnbaum,

    The statement may come as little surprise to those following the medical literature on the industrial chemicals that have been

    used to make
    nonstick coatings, firefighting foam, and host of other products.

    Thousands of scholarly articles have linked the chemicals to at least 800 health effects.

    Some of the health problems found in humans —

    including elevated cholesterol levels, liver dysfunction, weight gain, reproductive problems and kidney cancer —

    have been shown to increase along with the levels of the chemicals in blood.

    Extensive research also shows that children with higher levels of PFAS have weakened immune responses.

    Birnbaum was not allowed to use the word “cause”

    when referring to the health effects from PFAS or other chemicals.

    “I was banned from doing it,” said Birnbaum.

    “I had to use ‘association’ all the time.

    If I was talking about human data or impacts on people,

    I had to always say there was an association with a laundry list of effects.” Birnbaum said

    this restriction

    “was coming from the office of the deputy director.

    His job hinged on controlling me.”

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    FERC created Frankenstein organizations it no longer controls, while those orgs donate $100Ks back to the FERC

    Energy commission stacked with Trump appointees is shielding a big political donor

    A federal commission stacked with Trump appointees said the organization that runs our nation’s largest wholesale electricity market may keep secret how it spends millions of Americans’ utility-bill dollars on lobbying and political contributions.

    slapped down a complaint by a watchdog group known as Public Citizen. The watchdog wanted PJM Interconnection to disclose spending.

    PJM gave at least $456,500 to the Democratic Governors Association and the Republican Governors Association from October 2007 to August 2017, according to Public Citizen’s complaint.

    Such donations, said Public Citizen, are

    “the wild, wild West of campaign finance” because they aren’t limited by state or federal rules and can be used to funnel large amounts of money to candidates for office.

    The Trump-dominated commission dubbed the money “membership fees” that let PJM maintain “access to these organizations

    the commission has no jurisdiction over many internal actions of organizations like PJM that are formed with the commission’s approval to monitor our nation’s electrical system.

    FERC has legally signaled the organizations are Frankensteins, monsters they created but no longer control,

  23. #1598
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    Trump Administration Proposes Relaxing Rules On Waste From Coal Plants

    The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed relaxing two


    ... regulations on waste products from coal-fired power plants,

    a move environmental groups say would

    prolong the risk of toxic spills or drinking water contamination.

    polluted air, water, land, animals, people GOOD, Obama BAD

  24. #1599
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    Trump administration schedules lease sale for Arctic Alaska lands

    The Trump administration said on Tuesday it will be auctioning off nearly 4 million acres (1.6 million hectares) of land in Arctic Alaska for oil development next month, and it is promising much more territory will be open to development in the future.

    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that its annual oil and gas lease sale in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska will be held on Dec. 11. The sale will be the 15th in a series of oil lease sales held by the BLM for that region on the western side of Alaska’s North Slope.

    The BLM is also finishing up a draft plan to overturn Obama-era

    protections that put about half of the 23 million-acre (9.3 million-hectare) reserve off limits to oil development,

    citing needs to protect caribou, migratory birds and other resources important to the region’s indigenous people and to the nation.

    Goddamn this mother ing Trash, BigOil, BigLumber to

    Trash is obviously quid-pro-quo transactioning with the oligarchy and expecting $100Ms of dark money campaign donations.

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    'Forever indebted' no more,
    Trump administration will end Fillipino veterans program

    The Trump administration’s racism and cowardice knows no bounds

    as it continues forward in its intentions to end the
    Filipino World War II Veterans Parole Program (FWVP).

    The program, begun during the Obama administration sicko Trash's vendetta against Obama

    attempted to help reunite Filipino veterans and their families in the United States

    while awaiting official federal decisions on their visas.

    The idea of the program is to

    allow elderly veterans the chance to have family members help support them in the states.

    It’s a decent and humane program, Trash and his white nationalist mafiya are indecent, inhumane.

    giving the very least back to people who sacrificed so much for the rest of us.

    To serve his pathological need to treat immigrants as cruelly as possible,

    and to undo any program ever created by Barack Obama,

    Donald Trump is dishonoring Filipino World War II veterans

    More than a quarter million Filipino soldiers enlisted to serve in the U.S. army during World War II and

    a little less than 30,000 were allowed to move to the United States and become citizens.

    "Cruelty (to non-Euro-whites, non-males) IS the point"

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 11-12-2019 at 08:00 AM.

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