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  1. #21376
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    “It was these f---ing lib s over here, man,” the California man, in a short-sleeve button-down shirt with a marijuana-leaf print, told police in video captured at the protest. “These commies — I didn’t do anything.”

    Anyone check his calves for spurs?


    druggie maga with calf tats

  2. #21377
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    Former FBI assistant director: Trump's 'spiraling downward, incredibly vulnerable' to foreign actors

    Even by Donald Trump's standards, Wednesday was an epically bad day for him.

    Early on, Trump dissed U.S. Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS as "no angels," a move that so pained Senate Majority Leader Mitch

    McConnell, he was forced to actually
    offer a rebuttal. “I want to express my gra ude to the Kurds,” McConnell said several hours later, calling the partnership a "terrific alliance."

    Then the House voted on a resolution condemning Trump's troop withdrawal from Syria that passed 354-60 with overwhelming bipartisan support,
    including 129 Republicans.

    to prove Trump hadn't greenlit Turkey's precipitous advance into Syria,

    White House
    released a letter Trump sent to Turkish President Recep Erdoğan on Oct. 9 that was

    unbelievably embarrassing, news outlets felt moved to confirm its authenticity with the White House.

    Trump, however, thought the letter was so masterful that he handed out copies of it to lawmakers

    in a bipartisan meeting at the White House, during which he reportedly berated Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a "
    third-grade politician" after she brought up the bipartisan vote on Syria.

    "Are we ready yet to have a full national conversation about the diseased mental state of the president of the United States?"

    "He is spiraling down into a dangerous, dangerous posture,"

    Trump is acting "almost in total isolation."

    "He is in a corner all by himself and

    if you're a foreign leader trying to assess him,

    you actually don't know where this is going except that he is incredibly vulnerable,"

    Essentially, any foreign leader could call up Trump right now, just like
    Erdoğan did, and

    bend him to their will because he's just that fragile.

    If any foreign leader lavishly praised Trash and/or offered him $$$, Trash would roll over and ask for a belly rub.

  3. #21378
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    Former FBI assistant director: Trump's 'spiraling downward, incredibly vulnerable' to foreign actors

    Even by Donald Trump's standards, Wednesday was an epically bad day for him.

    Early on, Trump dissed U.S. Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS as "no angels," a move that so pained Senate Majority Leader Mitch

    McConnell, he was forced to actually
    offer a rebuttal. “I want to express my gra ude to the Kurds,” McConnell said several hours later, calling the partnership a "terrific alliance."

    Then the House voted on a resolution condemning Trump's troop withdrawal from Syria that passed 354-60 with overwhelming bipartisan support,
    including 129 Republicans.

    to prove Trump hadn't greenlit Turkey's precipitous advance into Syria,

    White House
    released a letter Trump sent to Turkish President Recep Erdoğan on Oct. 9 that was

    unbelievably embarrassing, news outlets felt moved to confirm its authenticity with the White House.

    Trump, however, thought the letter was so masterful that he handed out copies of it to lawmakers

    in a bipartisan meeting at the White House, during which he reportedly berated Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a "
    third-grade politician" after she brought up the bipartisan vote on Syria.

    "Are we ready yet to have a full national conversation about the diseased mental state of the president of the United States?"

    "He is spiraling down into a dangerous, dangerous posture,"

    Trump is acting "almost in total isolation."

    "He is in a corner all by himself and

    if you're a foreign leader trying to assess him,

    you actually don't know where this is going except that he is incredibly vulnerable,"

    Essentially, any foreign leader could call up Trump right now, just like
    Erdoğan did, and

    bend him to their will because he's just that fragile.

    If any foreign leader lavishly praised Trash and/or offered him $$$, Trash would roll over and ask for a belly rub.

    i got news for you-

    the alarming part is that we are just finding out now- three years into this traitors modus operandi

    he has BEEN conducting these deals for 3 ing years

    ask the saudis, the UAE , israel, russians, etc

    what the do you think a criminal does when he is given a “get out of jail free-unlimited access- card?”

    commit crimes like any criminal who is told he is above the law!

  4. #21379
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    GOP panics after Graham challenger breaks fundraising record, and new poll shows 7-point gap

    South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham may soon learn that

    his plan to convert himself into Trump’s bootlicker wasn’t such a hot idea after all.

    Although Graham is still currently the favorite to win in this safe Trump state,

    he is trending downward after several major embarrassments,

    with a historically low approval rating for an in bent: 35%.

    Additionally, 58% said they want someone other than Graham representing them in the Senate.

    Although Graham remade himself into a sycophant, it has not helped him much as he tries to ride Trump’s coattails.

    On the flip side, Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison has been steadily rising in the polls,

    with the latest national poll indicating that
    Harrison only trails Graham by seven points.

    Could Confederate South ing Hole Carolina elect a black Senator?

  5. #21380
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    Jesus, Dennison is just a wind-up Jackie Mason doll now.

  6. #21381
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Lifelong politicians good now

    that’s the conclusion you draw?


  7. #21382
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    Trump reversed course on hosting G-7 at his club

    after learning that impeachment-weary Republicans were tired of defending him

  8. #21383
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    that’s the conclusion you draw?

    Sure. If you want someone to be POTUS who isn't one, you'll likely have to deal with ego and someone stepping on their s quite often. Had Perot won, imagine the show.

  9. #21384

  10. #21385
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    There’s trouble for Trump and the GOP’s future

    PRRI’s 10th annual 2019 American Values Survey released Monday paints a picture of a highly polarized electorate.

    Though health care is the highest rated issue overall (65 percent),

    followed by terrorism (54 percent),

    Democrats and Republicans do not share any of the top policy concerns.

    “Democrats are most likely to regard health care (77%) as critical.

    But Democrats rate climate change (72%) and

    foreign interference in presidential elections (63%) as the next most critical issues.

    By contrast, Republicans’ top three critical issues are terrorism (63%), immigration (60%), and crime (50%).”

    “Republican white evangelical Protestants (99%) and Republicans who say Fox News is their primary source of news (98%)

    Trump is an effective party recruiter for Democrats.

    “More than one in four (27%) say they have become more likely to think of themselves as Democrats,

    fewer than one in five (17%) say they have become more likely to think of themselves as independents

    , opposition to Trump is more intense and fixed than is his support, “with three in four (75%) saying there is

    almost nothing Trump could do to win their approval. …

    Americans who approve of Trump’s job performance are more open to the idea of changing their mind:

    Two-thirds (66%) say he could do something to lose their approval.”

    high percentage of Americans overall who agree with their progressive policy stances —

    “making college tuition free at public ins utions (68%),

    making recreational use of marijuana legal (67%), and

    a ‘Medicare for All’ plan that would replace private health insurance

    with government-backed health insurance coverage for all Americans (63%).

    About one in three Americans
    strongly favor each of these proposals.”

    white evangelical Christians remain far more supportive of Trump than any other subset of the electorate.

    White evangelical Christians are much more likely to reflect

    ( less, Macho Man wannabe)

    male resentment (e.g., society is too feminine, society punishes men for being men) than any other group.

    Trump (his personality, his prejudices, his anti-immigrant sentiment, his climate change denial, etc.) almost perfectly matches up with white evangelicals

    Opposition to child separation runs high (about 75 percent), although evangelicals are far less averse to it than are other Americans

    Big majorities think immigrants are hard-working and family-oriented, but white evangelicals are much less likely to believe so.

    Trump (along with those who espouse his brand of right-wing nativism and know-nothingism) is hugely dependent on the overwhelming support of white evangelicals, but

    in doubling and tripling down on positions and conduct that pleases this core part of his base, he winds up turning off more of the electorate.

    that makes

    evangelicals out of step with the majority of Americans on everything

    from immigration to climate change to impeachment to beliefs about gender and race.

    Their burning resentment toward “elites” masks

    a more fundamental alienation from a majority of all Americans. :l

    Trump and the GOP’s

    hyper-dependence on white evangelicals is an electoral problem,

    given the declining number of white evangelicals who are aging and seeing significant drop off among millennials.

    Each election it becomes harder to win outside deep red environs.

    Trump and Republicans’ segment is smaller than the rest and is shrinking over time.

    Republicans are playing a losing hand

    as the electorate as a whole becomes more diverse and identifies with progressives on policy and cultural issues.

  11. #21386
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    In disastrous development for Trump, his allies start looking out for themselves

    Until now, senior members of the administration and other Trump defenders had mostly managed to hang together

    while bumbling through a cascade of revelations and even self-inflicted wounds about Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

    But the splinters within the administration started to emerge this week brought on by a
    raft of heroic testimony from career public servants that culminated in

    one of the first instances of a veritable Trump conspirator placing his own interests above those of Trump and his coterie of crooks.

    major Trump donor turned ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland that history would not look kindly on his role in aiding Trump's efforts to abuse the presidency for his personal gain,

    Sondland decided, at the very least, he wasn't going to be the fall guy for anybody.

    First, in direct conflict with the Cons ution's Emoluments Clause, Trump would be awarding his own Doral Resort a major contract to host the 2020 G7 summit, in the month of June, when Miami is hot as blazes and Doral bookings plunge.

    Second, the quid pro quo Trump and his defenders had eagerly and combatively denied for weeks actually existed. Say what?

    “Absolutely, no question" that Trump talked about "the corruption related to the DNC server," Mulvaney stated.

    "That’s why we held up the money.”

    As reporters marveled over the admission,

    Mulvaney instructed them to "get over it" and

    boasted that "elections have consequences." Wow.

    The Justice Department rushed to say the quid pro quo was "news to us," and

    Trump's outside lawyer Jay Sekulow equally as swiftly said the legal team wasn't "
    involved" with Mulvaney's briefing. "

    In interviews with more than 20 GOP lawmakers and congressional aides in the past 48 hours,

    many said they were repulsed by Trump’s decision to host an international summit at his own resort and

    incensed by acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney’s admission,"

    the more Trump flails and the more precarious his actions and his grip on his allies become,

    the more everyone who took part in his dirty scheme will become increasingly self interested,

    just like Sondland did in his testimony.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 10-21-2019 at 05:16 PM.

  12. #21387
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    Yet Another Trash up (c)

    The Shattered Afghan Dream of Peace

    "If the ceasefire revealed a profound desire for peace among Afghans,

    the ensuing year has shown how grievously difficult that will be to achieve.

    An effort at diplomacy collapsed spectacularly: the U.S. spent months in historic negotiations with the Taliban, but, in September,

    President Donald Trump abruptly scuttled a nearly completed accord

    that would have provided for a phased withdrawal of American troops from the country and

    direct talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government.

    An underlying premise of the accord was the recognition that neither side could decisively vanquish the other—

    that there is no military solution.

    Now it appears that they will go on fighting anyway.

    iow, Trash is NOT bringing the US troops home, but keeping them in mortal danger, violating yet another campaign promise

  13. #21388
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    Trash Attacks Obama As

    He Spends 283 Years Of Presidential Salary On Taxpayer Funded Golf

    Trump attacked Obama for not donating his presidential salary,

    but Donald Trump has spent nearly 300 years of presidential salary on taxpayer-funded trips to go play golf at his private clubs.

    Trump said,

    “I give away my salary.

    I give it away and nobody said anything.

    Now it comes up because of this.

    I give away my presidential salary.

    They say no other president has done it.

    I am surprised to be honest with you.

    They say if George Washington may have been the only other president.

    Let’s see whether Obama gave up his salary or all your favorites give up their salary.

    The answer’s no.

    They say it is the only one. $450,000, a lot of money, close to. I give that up.”

    Poor little bag $10Billionaire Trash, nobody loves him, sniff, sniff

  14. #21389
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    Ex-GOP rep. says Republican buddies will flip on Trump:

    ‘They do believe he’s a moron’

    Joe Walsh predicted this week that lawmakers from

    his own party will eventually support the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

    “I think he knows it’s coming,”

    Walsh told CNN’s Brianna Keilar following the president’s remarks to reporters.

    “He sounded like a frightened baby right there.”

    According to Walsh, “even Republicans” are embarrassed by Trump’s failed effort to hold the G7 summit at his Miami Doral resort.

    Joe Walsh predicted this week that lawmakers from his own party will eventually support the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

    . “Republicans in Congress.

    They don’t like him,

    they don’t fear him,

    they don’t respect him.

    They do believe he’s incompetent,

    they do believe he’s a moron.”

    “They fear Trump’s voters, and

    Trump’s voters were bothered by what Trump did,”

    he said.

    “That will move them.”

  15. #21390
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    Fox News is not a news network. It's a training ground for Trump dead-enders, poll shows

    On issue after issue, the poll found

    big gaps

    between Republicans whose primary news source is Fox and white evangelicals on one hand,

    and Republicans who are neither regular Fox viewers nor white evangelicals on the other.

    Fox News viewers and white evangelicals were also the groups of Republicans most likely to say that

    there was basically nothing Trump could do that would affect their support for him—

    the true “shoot someone on Fifth Avenue” Trump base.

    Fox News is a partisan network that

    should never, ever be understood as anything else—

    not just a tool of the Republican Party, but a driver of it

    and that “white evangelical” is now not so much a religious affiliation as a political one.

  16. #21391
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    Slow down boots, you ing spambot

  17. #21392
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  18. #21393
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    i can not even fathom why rosie is even still in the news/MSM/etc... that should've been put out to the pasture when some idiot thought it'd be a good idea to put that cow into lingerie for "exit to eden". i was scarred as a kid after seeing that cow in leather & lace.

  19. #21394
    non-essential Chris's Avatar
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    i can not even fathom why rosie is even still in the news/MSM/etc... that should've been put out to the pasture when some idiot thought it'd be a good idea to put that cow into lingerie for "exit to eden". i was scarred as a kid after seeing that cow in leather & lace.
    yeah that leather scene was rough CNN and MSNBC will have anyone who is willing to bash POTUS and they pay well$$$

  20. #21395
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    yeah that leather scene was rough CNN and MSNBC will have anyone who is willing to bash POTUS and they pay well$$$
    it'll be grand when CNN has no other route but to finally file for bankruptcy. Tim Pool draws more viewers to his 10 min YT videos than all of CNN.

  21. #21396
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Sure. If you want someone to be POTUS who isn't one, you'll likely have to deal with ego and someone stepping on their s quite often. Had Perot won, imagine the show.
    Your are correct.
    I am word salad for you.

    Its like YOU have been told to pack up your are going here.
    So YOU back your bra and then find out you are going to Iceland. (midcourse change of plans)
    Holy fck you say.
    The boss says tough luck, deal with it or you are fired.

    Thats this administration.
    Then Chris Wallace asks you, "did you bring a bra to Iceland?"
    You say, "no absolutely not, this is merely a device to hold my saggy breasts in place."

    I tried to simplify it for you.

  22. #21397
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    Trump Handed Awkward Defeat by Heavily Criticized DOJ Office of Legal Counsel

    Trump on Monday received a rare rebuke and a decided “no” from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) on a prospective staffing decision.

    had two men in mind for the job:

    (1) acting Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Cuccinelli; and

    (2) acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan.

    Both men are serving on an acting basis,

    and neither has been nominated by Mr. Trump for permanent roles,

    which would require Senate confirmation. …

    as a result, neither man is eligible to be elevated to the Department’s top job on an acting basis,

  23. #21398
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Moody's picks Trump to win next year. Traditional Democratic candidates and TDS may not be the way to go.

  24. #21399
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    Someone is making $$$ off Trump's tweets and announcements.

  25. #21400
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