1. #35601
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    'Nobody's ever seen a number like this!' New data reveals just how bad the Trump economy actually was

    Across Trump's four years in office, the nation recorded

    its lowest overall rate of GDP growth — at 1.6 percent

    — since President Herbert Hoover's administration during the Great Depression

    it's a widely used metric and Trump was downright obsessed with it."

    Trump's historically low number continues a trend of the last 75 years in which both

    the GDP and job numbers have grown faster under Democratic presidents than Republican ones,


  2. #35602
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    Islamic State supporters are reportedly using Trumpworld social network GETTR as a 'safe haven' for extremism

    being "inundated with terrorist propaganda spread by supporters of Islamic State,"

    Such content includes

    "graphic videos of beheadings,

    viral memes that promote violence against the West and

    even memes of a militant executing Trump" in a Guantanamo Bay-esque orange jumpsuit,

    The social network, intended as a "MAGA-alternative to sites like Facebook and Twitter," launched only a month ago.


  3. #35603
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Covid Fodder Units

    Nearly 900 Secret Service employees tested positive for COVID-19 between March 1, 2020 and March 9, 2021, according to government records obtained by CREW. The vast majority served in protection jobs, either as Special Agents or in the Uniformed Division.

    The records obtained by CREW show that in the first year of the pandemic, 881 active Secret Service employees were diagnosed with COVID. The list consists of 477 Special Agents, 249 members of the Uniformed Division, 131 working in Administrative, Professional, Technical Positions, 12 Investigative Protection Officers and 12 Technical Security Investigators.

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    A NY Times headline on the 2020 election promoted by Trump Jr. was digitally altered

    The fake headline in the screenshot, according to Reuters, reads,

    "Even If The Election Was Stolen, Recalling It Will Just Further Divide The Country."

    But no editor at the Times, according to Reuters, published anything with that headline.

    The authentic headline reads:

    'Trump Pressed Justice Dept. to Declare Election Results Corrupt, Notes Show.'"


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    Trump reduced to talking like a sleazy TV preacher in bid to keep bilking his fans for cash

    one way the former president has managed to rake in millions of dollars since leaving office

    using the same kind of tactics that notorious televangelists use when

    they beg their flock to send money to Jesus.

    While Trump has promised his supporters that he is fighting the 2020 election, he's mostly relied on state Republican Parties and super PACs to fund continuing vote "audits" of his 2020 loss.

    "His dire prophesies and

    his calls for donations

    brings to mind some evangelists

    who have used a deft combination of scare tactics and appeals for help to enrich their ministries

    and themselves,"

    reminiscent of Jimmy Swaggart, who played the role of the American hero in the 1980s, raising as much as $150 million annually, at least until he was caught with pros utes.


  6. #35606
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    Trump has plenty of company in his FASCIST project

    Jeff Clark Urged DOJ Officials To Block Biden Georgia Win

    a top Trump DOJ official advocating for federal law enforcement to throw its weight behind a demand that Georgia reject Biden’s win in the state in last year’s election,


    civil division chief Jeffrey Clark sent a draft letter on Dec. 28, 2020 that

    asked the governor and state legislature of Georgia to convene

    a special session that would examine mythical allegations of mass voter fraud perpetuated by President Trump,

    Clark also reportedly told Rosen to declare that the election had been tainted with corruption,

    and that Trump would install him as AG.


  7. #35607
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    way worse than Watergate

  8. #35608
    Against Home Schooling Ef-man's Avatar
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    Trump has plenty of company in his FASCIST project

    Jeff Clark Urged DOJ Officials To Block Biden Georgia Win

    a top Trump DOJ official advocating for federal law enforcement to throw its weight behind a demand that Georgia reject Biden’s win in the state in last year’s election,


    civil division chief Jeffrey Clark sent a draft letter on Dec. 28, 2020 that

    asked the governor and state legislature of Georgia to convene

    a special session that would examine mythical allegations of mass voter fraud perpetuated by President Trump,

    Clark also reportedly told Rosen to declare that the election had been tainted with corruption,

    and that Trump would install him as AG.

    I have heard this tune before trump has made it popular with the MAGA s.

    “No quid pro quo” with Ukraine.

    "I want no quid pro quo."

    Even if there was "quid pro quo," it’s not impeachable.

    “No quid pro quo” with Georgia/Rosen.

  9. #35609
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    Has trump been inaugurated again yet?

    Is he in charge of USA again?

    Was the fraud revealed and trump in WH again?

    Asking for desperate Q-types.

  10. #35610
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    Or is it tomorrow, or some other as yet unrevealed date?

  11. #35611
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    Trump appears to have committed 'several federal crimes' -- and they're 'deadly serious'

    Trump had committed a crime while in office -- and Honig didn't hesitate to say yes.

    It is a federal crime to deprive a state of a fair election.

    It is a federal crime to solicit false counting of ballots, false certification of an election.

    It is a federal crime to conspire against the United States."

    "I've not seen a single public indication

    the current justice department has any inclination to look at anything Donald Trump has done," Garland is a wimp

    Imagine if there is no consequences for this whatsoever -- what kind of message does that send?


    Message? Dems holding the door wide open for the Capitalist/Christian Nationalism FASCISM

  12. #35612
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    This is going to leave a mark in their bank accounts.

    Lawyers sanctioned for 'conspiracy theory' election fraud lawsuit.

    Lawyers who attempted a class action lawsuit claiming voter fraud in the 2020 election were sanctioned by a federal judge in Colorado on Wednesday for the frivolous, meritless case, a major condemnation of pro-Donald Trump allies' attempts to use the courts to vet right-wing conspiracies.

    The attorneys -- Gary D. Fielder and Ernest John Walker -- that filed the election lawsuit in late December 2020 in Colorado federal court now must pay attorneys fees for Facebook, Dominion Voting Systems, the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin, and the non-profit Center for Tech and Civic Life, all of which were named as defendants in the lawsuit, Magistrate Judge N. Reid Neureiter ruled.

    Neureiter wrote a scathing 68-page opinion condemning the post-election lawsuit, calling it an "enormous conspiracy theory" and potentially defamatory. The lawsuit had no lawyers or experts that were able to support the claims, the judge noted.


  13. #35613
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  14. #35614
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    Has trump been inaugurated again yet?

    Is he in charge of USA again?

    Was the fraud revealed and trump in WH again?

    Asking for desperate Q-types.
    not yet. Trash second term starts Friday 13th, 2021, sez Pillow-for-brains

  15. #35615
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    'Did Nazi this coming': Trump's PAC brutally mocked over plan

    to issue membership cards to loyal supporters

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 08-05-2021 at 08:12 AM.

  16. #35616
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    'Star witness' emerges as hearings over Trump's attempt to delegitimize election grow closer

    Richard P. Donoghue, the former acting deputy attorney general under Trump, has emerged a potential star witness,

    Donoghue's name repeatedly appears in notes and emails pushing back against Trump's efforts to delegitimize the election he lost.

    testimony could include details of notes he wrote during a December meeting with Trump where the former president Trump urged the Justice Department to "just say the election was corrupt" and to "leave the rest to me and the R[epublican] Congressmen."

    a highly unorthodox draft letter from [then-head of the Justice Department's civil division, Jeffrey Clark]. In it, Clark sought to urge the Georgia state legislature to call a special session to look at potentially overturning the election results in their state,

    , Donoghue again flatly objected.

    it was hardly the Justice Department's business to urge a state legislature to take such actions based upon investigations the department generally would never comment upon."


  17. #35617
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    not yet. Trash second term starts Friday 13th, 2021, sez Pillow-for-brains
    OK, will put it down as the new date for the "inauguration" as I was expecting a horrible commute out of DC today and that is good news.

  18. #35618
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    ‘Demented clown’ Trump blasted for ‘rooting against America’ with unhinged statement attacking US women's soccer team

    Trump attacked the U.S. Women's National Team on Thursday,

    calling the players "leftist maniacs" and

    claiming they didn't win a gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics because they are "woke."

    Trump singled out an old nemesis, Megan Rapinoe, who incidentally scored two goals in the bronze medal victory over Australia

    "If our soccer team, headed by a radical group of Leftist Maniacs, wasn't woke, they would have won the Gold medal instead of the Bronze,"

    Woke means you lose,

    everything that is woke goes bad,

    and our soccer team certainly has.


  19. #35619
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    ‘Demented clown’ Trump blasted for ‘rooting against America’ with unhinged statement attacking US women's soccer team

    Trump attacked the U.S. Women's National Team on Thursday,

    calling the players "leftist maniacs" and

    claiming they didn't win a gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics because they are "woke."

    Trump singled out an old nemesis, Megan Rapinoe, who incidentally scored two goals in the bronze medal victory over Australia

    "If our soccer team, headed by a radical group of Leftist Maniacs, wasn't woke, they would have won the Gold medal instead of the Bronze,"

    Woke means you lose,

    everything that is woke goes bad,

    and our soccer team certainly has.

    Posting that as if Trump was wrong...

    that stupid Women's USA Team; glad they lost and also lost to some high school boys team a while back too. Rapinoe and the rest of those s bags except the one or two who stand for our flag.

  20. #35620
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    'Did Nazi this coming': Trump's PAC brutally mocked over plan

    to issue membership cards to loyal supporters


    There was also an "Offical" card.

  21. #35621
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    Government Watchdog Group Says Trump May Have Mishandled COVID Data in Report

    Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the

    Trump Administration made "frequent and significant changes" to hospital capacity data systems that reporting en ies said introduced "challenges" and "lack of clarity" to the data reporting process

    The memo focuses on a directive HHS made in April of 2020 that instructed hospitals to divert information on inpatient and intensive care beds in use from the CDC's National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) to HHS Protect which partnered with private company TeleTracking Technologies, Inc. to collect the data.

    "Reporting en ies said they experienced multiple challenges implementing the changes, including a lack of clarity on the requirements and logistical challenges such as having to adapt their systems to provide the data."

    by involving TeleTracking Technologies, the Trump Administration issued the responsibility to a private en y "without any epidemiological expertise."

    the Trump Administration's abrupt and frequent changes to hospital data reporting requirements and failure to engage with stakeholders placed additional burdens on hospitals trying to save lives as the virus spread,"

    "These ill-conceived actions harmed the nation's ability to respond to the pandemic, including efforts to allocate desperately needed resources."

    former CDC Director Robert Redfield where he said that former

    HHS Secretary Alex Azar made the decision to redirect hospitalization data away from CDC.

    The Clyburn report writes that Redfield was not consulted about the decision to redirect the data.


  22. #35622
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    Trump's Scottish golf courses could soon be the center of another major investigation

    Lawyers affiliated with a global activism organization are intensifying their push for a "McMafia" legal order against former President Donald Trump.

    Under that order, Trump would be required to disclose financial origin of his "all-cash purchases and development of his two Scottish golf resorts,"

    Citing the Trump Organization's legal and financial woes with prosecutors in New York, the lawyers argue that their

    concerns about the Aberdeenshire and Ayrshire properties have merit.

    Prosecutors allege Weisselberg was part of "a 15-year tax scheme to defraud the city, state and federal government by concealing the salaries of top company executives."

    "that as far as the issues raised by the pe ion were concerned, they passed the test set out by the law, so he was convinced "there is enough to have a sensible argument."


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    Former Milwaukee Co. Sheriff David Clarke Rages At ‘Crap Sandwich’ Wisconsin Audit


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    Trump forced to return almost $13 million to supporters this year after donation scam


  25. #35625
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    Trump 'terrified' of losing his supporters as new wave of Republicans maneuver to replace him

    a new wave of GOP officeholders are appropriating his tactics in the hopes of moving up through the Republican ranks and assuming his mantle.

    Trump has always couched his public statements in such a way that he doesn't alienate his followers

    "Trump's fear of alienating the wackos he invited under the GOP tent he slapped his logo on manifested itself in ways that are sometimes comical, but always dangerous,"

    "Trump talks about the 'loving' mob on Jan. 6 that stormed the Capitol Building in hopes of lynching his vice president,

    it not only amounts to an endorsement of the insurrection,

    but also evinces his desperate obeisance to his followers, no matter how repugnant they might be."

    got vaccinated in secret for fear of offending the anti-vaxxers in his base.

    With the Delta variant running wild now, he has emphasized the 'freedom' of Americans to refuse the jab."

    "Just as Trump has prostrated himself before the extremists, bigots and conspiracists he welcomed into the Republican Party,

    the GOP's leadership has turned the party more fully into an appendage of Trump,

    the GOP and its leaders chose to throw in their lot with the most odious and marginal political faction to have gained power in the nation since the Civil War.

    The GOP has chosen to place itself at direct odds with the majority of the citizens of its own country.

    "That is how political parties ultimately die,"


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