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  1. #26
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    Drug War Horror: Border Agents Probed Woman's Vagina and Anus Without Consent In Fruitless Search For Narcotics

    Law enforcement in the Southwest are about to become notorious for invasive drug searches. A week after news outlets spotlighted the cases of two New Mexico men who had their anuses searched by police looking for drugs, another woman has come forward with a similar story.

    KOB 4,
    a New Mexico news outlet, reports thatthe American Civil Liberties Union is representing a New Mexico resident who says that law enforcement agents subjected her to invasive searches in a fruitless quest for drugs. The woman, who is anonymous, told the ACLU that after she was pulled aside by police after crossing the Mexico-U.S. border in El Paso, Texas.

    According to the ACLU’s Laura Schaur Ives, federal border agents stripped searched her and told her to spread her genitalia and cough. After that, the agents are said to have pressed their fingers into the woman’s vagina to search for drugs.

    Law enforcement did not find anything, so they took the woman to a hospital. “Medical staff observed her making a bowel movement and no drugs were found at that point,” Schaur Ives told KOB. “They then took an X-ray, but it did not reveal any contraband. They then did a cavity search and they probed her vagina and her anus, they described in the medical records as bi-manual--two handed. Finally, they did a cat scan. Again, they found nothing.” The woman says she never gave consent to the search.

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    Texas cops force drivers off the road to give DNA to federal contractors

    Police in Fort Worth, Texas apologized this week after officers forced drivers off the road so federal contractors could test their saliva, blood and breath tested for a study on driving while impaired.

    Kim Cope contacted KXAS after she was pulled over because she said it “just doesn’t seem right that you can be forced off the road when you’re not doing anything wrong.”

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has insisted that the study, which was projected to cost $7.9 million over three years,

    is anonymous

    and “100 percent voluntary.”

    But Cope questioned how it could be voluntary if uniformed officers forced her off the road.

    “I gestured to the guy in front that I just wanted to go straight, but he wouldn’t let me and forced me into a parking spot,” she recalled. “They were asking for cheek swabs… They would give $10 for that. Also, if you let them take your blood, they would pay you $50 for that.”

    Colosi pointed out that the contractors were “essentially lying to you when they say it’s completely voluntary” because fine print informs drivers that their breath was being tested by “passive alcohol sensor readings before the consent process has been completed.”

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    Cop Admits He Ordered Mentally Ill Black Man To Sing, Make Animal Noises

    A suburban Detroit police officer admitted he asked a mentally ill black man to sing and dance and video recorded the incident.

    Videos and and photos with degrading portrayals of black men were submitted earlier this month to the blog, Motor City Muckraker, purportedly from officers who disseminated them to friends and colleagues in the upper class, majority-white Michigan suburb of Grosse Pointe Park. One video portrayed a voice alleged to be an officer asking black men to do humiliating tasks, including “dance like a chimp.” In another incident, an officer allegedly texted a photo of a black man in the back of his trailer with the text, “Gotta love the coloreds.” The journalist, Steve Neavling, told the Huffington Post that he has more than a dozen videos shot by officers, but has not shared most of them because of their “humiliating nature.”

    The unnamed officer has been taken off duty and is expected to face discipline, according to Neavling. But it is not clear whether that officer was the only one responsible for the photos and videos.

  4. #29
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    Texas Campus Cop Kills Unarmed College Student After Sarcastic Remark

    An unarmed college student at University of the Incarnate Word in Texas was killed by a campus police officer last Friday, and now the police are investigating the incident. The officer who fired the gun has been placed on administrative leave, but the family of the victim still has a lot of questions.

    The 23-year-old communications arts major Robert Cameron Redus was pulled over for allegedly driving recklessly, according the police. After a “struggle” took place, the officer, Christopher Carter, fired six shots. The incident took place at an apartment complex not far from the school.

    “I didn't hear him say anything like, 'Get down on your hands and knees,' you know? I didn't hear him say anything. He just started shooting,” one witness told

    Another witness told the San Antonio Express News that he heard Redus’ last words. “I heard (a man) say, 'Oh, you're gonna shoot me?' like sarcastic almost,” said Mohammad Haidarasl.

    The university says that Carter had an extensive law enforcement background and that he worked for the school for a few years. But do ents published by the San Antonio Express News show that he worked for the Texas university for two and a half years after holding nine different jobs at eight separate law enforcement agencies.

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    Kaveh Kamooneh told an Atlanta news station he never had trouble plugging in his electric car anywhere around town. That is, until he plugged it in at his son’s school during a tennis lesson.

    For that, a Chamblee Middle School police officer had him arrested, and he spent 15 hours in jail, even after he paid the bail.


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    The Over-Policing of America

    Police Overkill Has Entered the DNA of Social Policy

    By now, the militarization of the police has advanced to the point where "the War on Crime” and “the War on Drugs” are no longer metaphors but bland understatements. There is the proliferation of heavily armed SWAT teams, even in small towns; the use of shock-and-awe tactics to bust small-time bookies; the no-knock raids to recover trace amounts of drugs that often result in the killing of family dogs, if not family members; and in communities where drug treatment programs once were key, the waging of a drug version of counterinsurgency war. (All of this is ably reported on journalist Radley Balko’s blog and in his book, The Rise of the Warrior Cop.) But American over-policing involves far more than the widely reported up-armoring of your local precinct. It’s also the way police power has entered the DNA of social policy, turning just about every sphere of American life into a police matter.

    The School-to-Prison Pipeline

    It starts in our schools, where discipline is increasingly outsourced to police personnel. What not long ago would have been seen as normal childhood misbehavior -- doodling on a desk, farting in class, a kindergartener’s tantrum -- can leave a kid in handcuffs, removed from school, or even booked at the local precinct. Such “criminals” can be as young as seven-year-old Wilson Reyes, a New Yorker who was handcuffed and interrogated under su ion of stealing five dollars from a classmate. (Turned out he didn’t do it.)
    Though it's a national phenomenon, Mississippi currently leads the way in turning school behavior into a police issue. The Hospitality State has imposed felony charges on schoolchildren for “crimes” like throwing peanuts on a bus. Wearing the wrong color belt to school got one child handcuffed to a railing for several hours. All of this goes under the rubric of “zero-tolerance” discipline, which turns out to be just another form of violence legally imported into schools.

    Go to Jail, Do Not Pass Go

    Even as simple a matter as getting yourself from point A to point B can quickly become a law enforcement matter as travel and public space are ever more aggressively policed. Waiting for a bus? Such loitering just got three Rochester youths arrested. Driving without a seat belt can easily escalate into an arrest, even if the driver is a state judge. (Notably, all four of these men were black.) If the police think you might be carrying drugs, warrantless body cavity searches at the nearest hospital may be in the offing -- you will be sent the bill later.

    Overcriminalization at Work

    Office and retail work might seem like an unpromising growth area for police and prosecutors, but criminal law has found its way into the white-collar workplace, too. Just ask Georgia Thompson, a Wisconsin state employee targetedby a federal prosecutor for the “crime” of incorrectly processing a travel agency’s bid for state business. She spent four months in a federal prison before being sprung by a federal court. Or Judy Wilkinson, hauled away in handcuffs by an undercover cop for serving mimosas without a license to the customers in her bridal shop. Or George Norris, sentenced to 17 months in prison for selling orchids without the proper paperwork to an undercover federal agent.

    Criminalizing Immigration

    The past decade has also seen immigration policy ingested by criminal law. According to another Human Rights Watch report -- their U.S. division is increasingly busy -- federal criminal prosecutions of immigrants for illegal entry havesurged from 3,000 in 2002 to 48,000 last year. This novel application of police and prosecutors has broken up families and fueled the expansion of for-profit detention centers, even as it has failed to show any stronger deterrent effect on immigration than the civil law system that preceded it. Thanks to Arizona’s SB 1070 bill, police in that state are now licensed to stop and check the papers of anyone suspected of being undo ented -- that is, who looks Latino.

    Digital Over-Policing

    As for the Internet, for a time it was terra nova and so relatively free of a steroidal law enforcement presence. Not anymore. The late Aaron Swartz, a young Internet genius and activist affiliated with Harvard University, was caught downloading masses of scholarly articles (all publicly subsidized) from an open network on the MIT campus. Swartz was federally prosecuted under the capacious Computer Fraud and Abuse Act for violating a “terms and services agreement” -- a transgression that anyone who has ever disabled a cookie on his or her laptop has also, technically, committed. Swartz committed suicide earlier this year while facing a possible 50-year sentence and up to a million dollars in fines.

    Sex Police

    Sex is another zone of police overkill in our post-Puritan land. Getting put on a sex offender registry is alarmingly easy -- as has been done to children as young as 11 for “playing doctor” with a relative, again according to Human Rights Watch. But getting taken off the registry later is extraordinarily difficult. Across the nation, sex offender registries have expanded massively,

    Equality Before the Cops?

    It will surprise no one that Americans are not all treated equally by the police. Law enforcement picks on kids more than adults, the more than straight, Muslims more than Methodists -- Muslims a lot more than Methodists -- antiwar activists more than the apolitical. Above all, our punitive state targets the poor more than the wealthy and Blacks and Latinos more than white people.

    Even Our Prisons Are Over-Policed

    The over-criminalization of American life empties out into our vast, overcrowded prison system, which is itself over-policed. The ultimate form of punitive control (and torture) is long-term solitary confinement, in which 80,000 to 100,000 prisoners are encased at any given moment. Is this really necessary? Solitary is no longer reserved for the worst or the worst or most dangerous prisoners but can beinflicted on ones who wear Rastafari dreadlocks, have a copy of Sun Tzu’s Art of War in their cell, or are in any way suspected, no matter how tenuous the grounds, of gang affiliations.

    The Destruction of Families

    Prison may seem the logical finale for this litany of over-criminalization, but the story doesn’t actually end with those inmates. As prisons warehouse ever more Americans, often hundreds of miles from their local communities, family bonds weaken and disintegrate. In addition, once a parent goes into the criminal justice system, his or her family tends to end up on the radar screens of state agencies. “Being under surveillance by law enforcement makes a family much more vulnerable to Child Protective Services,” says Professor Dorothy Roberts of the University of Pennsylvania Law school. An incarcerated parent, especially an incarcerated mother, means a much stronger likelihood that children will be sent into foster care, where, according to one recent study, they will be twice as likely as war veterans to suffer from PTSD.

    Do We Live in a Police State?

    The term “police state” was once brushed off by mainstream intellectuals as the hyperbole of paranoids. Not so much anymore. Even in the tweediest precincts of the legal system, the over-criminalization of American life is remarked upon with greater frequency and intensity. “You’re probably a (federal) criminal” is the accusatory le of a widely read essay co-authored by Judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals. A Republican appointee, Kozinski surveys the morass of criminal laws that make virtually every American an easy target for law enforcement. Veteran defense lawyer Harvey Silverglate has written an entire book about how an average American professional could easily committhree felonies in a single day without knowing it.

    The daily overkill of police power in the U.S. goes a long way toward explaining why more Americans aren’t outraged by the “excesses” of the war on terror, which, as one law professor has argued, are just our everyday domestic penal habits exported to more exotic venues

  7. #32
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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  8. #33
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    here's a hyper-patriot org with the typically weird ing idea that the primary defenders of THEIR Cons ution should be sheriffs, constables, who are often owned by whoever financed their campaign.

    "Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Cons ution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Cons ution"

  9. #34
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    meanwhile home invasions are up.

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    Police escort cancer patient from Nashville steakhouse after he’s forced to remove hat

    A steakhouse in Nashville has responded to complaints that its staff forced a cancer patient to remove his hat over the weekend because he did not have a note from his doctor.

    According to WZTV, the controversy started when a group of 16 people were finishing up a $2,000 company Christmas dinner at Morton’s Steakhouse when one man, who is being treated with chemotherapy and is sensitive to the cold, decided to put on a wool cap for warmth.

    “When he put on a wool beanie in the restaurant to keep warm, he was immediately asked to remove it… which he did,” Amanda W. explained in a Yelp review. “When his family mentioned his condition and questioned the treatment from Catrina, the assistant manager, they were told he could wear it if he presented a doctors’ note… or if we had given them previous notice so we could be accommodated elsewhere. (Out of sight, out of mind?)”

    “In short, what followed was shock/disbelief (can’t say that I blame them) and the cops being called (huh?), and we were (all 16 of us) asked to leave,” she said.

    Ashley S., who was also at the dinner, told a very similar story in her Yelp review.“I understand there are rules at establishments…I get it, really. But when we are there, spending a few thousand dollars, and one of the men in the group who is battling cancer and has an extreme sensitivity to cold, decided to slip on his black wool beanie (AT THE END OF THE MEAL mind you…) he was told to take it off, which he did,” she wrote. “Upset, his son decided to tell the manager Catrina that his dad has cancer, etc…well her response was he needed a DOCTOR’S NOTE. Are you kidding me??? His wife then got extremely upset, and the family got up to leave…not before speaking with the management. They told them they should have called in advance so they could have put us in a room by ourselves…we didn’t realize cancer was so offensive!”

    aka, good ole timey Southern Hospitality!

  11. #36
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    got to 1:05

  12. #37
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    majority of comments on copblock say they hate drunk drivers, "drunk, resisted, therefore slamming a 70 year old lady to the pavement was justified".

    But if their politicians ran saying they wanted to reduce from 0.08 to 0.05 (as in countries serious about drunk driving and not corrupted by BigAlcohol), they'd probably ALL vote against 0.05.

  13. #38
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    Why not save time and money by just slamming to the ground the person buying the beer when they enter their vehicle?

  14. #39
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    didn't turn off his truck, police shoot him 6 times

    Iowa police kill son whose father only wanted to ‘teach him a lesson’

    Police chased Tyler Comstock onto the Iowa State University campus and set up a blockade that resulted in Comstock ramming Officer McPherson’s vehicle. McPherson ordered Comstock to shut off his truck, and when he refused to comply, McPherson shot at him six times

    Justified shooting, really stupid father.

  15. #40
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    This is also old news, 3 years old:

    When they examined the scene, this wood carver has his 3" carving knife folded up and in his pocket.

  16. #41
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    Justified shooting.
    bull . how is not turning off the engine threat to the pig or anybody? there was no other way to handle it? for the police, of course not. EVERY situation is best handled by shooting to kill, any number of shots

  17. #42
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    bull . how is not turning off the engine threat to the pig or anybody? there was no other way to handle it? for the police, of course not. EVERY situation is best handled by shooting to kill, any number of shots
    Investigated and ruled a justified shooting...

    How can you watch the video and think the kid was an innocent victim of the police? Or did you not bother to watch the video in your own damn link?

    Kid got what he deserved and the father is a dumbass for calling the cops and reporting his car stolen when he knew his kid took it to go get a pack of cigarettes.

  18. #43
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    The latest trick by our city's finest is a complete money scam...they 'pull over' a bait car near an entrance and line up patrol cars on the entrance and pull people over who don't move over a lane or slow down to 20 miles or less than the posted speed around'll run into one of these money traps...

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    Impatient NC cops allegedly shoot mentally ill teen: ‘We don’t have time for this’

    A North Carolina detective is on leave after shooting a mentally ill teen who had reportedly already been subdued with a Taser.

    A Brunswick County event report obtained by WECT indicated that two officers were called to Boiling Spring Lakes home after 12:34 p.m. on Sunday afternoon. One of the officers told Brunswick County Dispatchers that there had been a confrontation with 18-year-old Keith Vidal, but repeated several times that the situation was under control.

    A second unit with one officer arrived 14 minutes later and notified dispatchers that he was forced to shoot the teen in self defense.

    Mark Wilsey, the teen’s father, explained to WECT that members of his family had called the police for help with his son’s schizophrenic episode. He said that officers shocked Vidal with a Taser several times to get him under control.

    “We don’t have time for this,” Wilsey recalled one of the officers saying before he fired in between the two officers who were holding the teen down.

    “There was no reason to shoot this kid,” Wilsey insisted. “They killed my son in cold blood. We called for help and they killed my son.”

    Wilsey admitted that his son was still holding a small screwdriver when he was shot, but said that the 90-pound boy was under control and could not have hurt anyone.

  20. #45
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    Impatient NC cops allegedly shoot mentally ill teen: ‘We don’t have time for this’
    would have been a funny movie line but that's pretty sad

  21. #46
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    Bastrop TX has a huge minefield problem!

    MRAP, MAXX, and the Militarization of Local Police Forces

    Bastrop County obtains armored vehicle to help fight crime
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 01-08-2014 at 09:50 AM.

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    Chicago man sues after cops allegedly tortured him and raped him with a gun

    A 32-year-old do entary filmmaker alleges that Chicago police beat him and sodomized him with the barrel of a gun in order to intimidate him into acting as an informant.

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    Police Send Bomb Squad to Teen's House After He Doodles a Superhero with Flaming Glove

    Jersey high school officials and police sent a bomb squad to a disabled student's home and arrested him after seeing his doodles of a superhero glove with a flame coming out of it, the boy's parents claim in court.

    The parents, K.J. and T.J., sued the Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District Board of Education, the school superintendent, principal, other administrators and teacher, that Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office, the Galloway Police Department, et al., in Federal Court.

    Their son, K.J. Jr., has Asperger's syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the parents say in the 36-page lawsuit. He is, however, "a very gifted child in the areas of chemistry and engineering and likes to do experiments, fix things, build, create, and draw," according to the complaint.

    "K.J. expresses himself through his drawings," his parents say. "He doodles at school and that helps him concentrate and focus in class. His IEPs [individual education plans - required by law for students with disabilities] note that he doodles and draws in class." 946608&t=15

    dig the NSA pass his doodles to the bomb squad?

    how did the bomb squad get his doodles?

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 01-13-2014 at 05:34 PM.

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    Theater shooting: Florida man guns down movie-goer for texting in ‘Lone Survivor’ film

    Sheriff Chris Nocco told CNN that the suspect was sitting in the row behind the victim, and began arguing because “the victim was using his cellphone, he was texting, he was making a lot of noise.”

    the shooter "Reeves, who was described as being “instrumental” in helping that department establish a tactical response unit before leaving in 1993"

  25. #50
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    Cops Walk Free For Deadly Beating Of Homeless Man Thomas Kelly

    Two Fullerton, Calif. police officers standing trial for the brutal beating that killed a homeless man were found not guilty Monday.

    Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinell, a former officer and corporal for the Fullerton Police Department, attacked Kelly Thomas in July 2011 after an employee at a bar nearby reported that a homeless man was breaking into cars, KTLA reported. Thomas, 37, had a history of schizophrenia and drug abuse, although there were no drugs or alcohol in his system that night, according to the autopsy.

    A surveillance video shows Ramos approaching Thomas. It was not their first encounter, as Thomas was frequently seen in the area.

    “See my fists? They’re getting ready to f*** you up,” Ramos says, putting on rubber gloves.

    Cicinelli joins Ramos and another officer soon after, who are struggling with Thomas and striking him with their batons. Cicinelli uses his Taser on Thomas and then hits him with the butt of his gun, breaking several bones.

    Thomas’ last words were “Dad, they are killing me.”

    He was taken to the hospital, where he died five days later, never regaining consciousness. The coroner’s report stated that Thomas died of asphyxia from the beating and injuries to his head and chest.

    Well, that's one way for society to care for the mentally ill.

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