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  1. #26
    I agree, you don't get rid of Parker for the sake of getting rid of him.

    But even if we keep Parker- we are still in the position of having to field the best team.

    That best team probably doesn't include Parker getting significant minutes at the 2- since both Jackson and Manu are better 2 guards than Parker.

    Either Parker is traded (in a good trade) or he is on the bench, limiting his chances to be on the scoring end of a Kidd instigated fast break.

  2. #27
    They'll have $3.8 mil in cap room to work with that's not exactly chump change. Depending on how long they are prepared to commit to a free agent big they could still be in the game for their services.

  3. #28
    Scott, you need to rewatch the finals and witness Kidd sucking wind in the 4th after chasing Parker around all night.

    For the purposes of this argument discussing the merits of running on LA...

    Parker is the guy that's gonna run Payton's legs off not Kidd. Parker ran Kidd's legs off.

    And Kidd doesn't want to go 40, part of the reason he is coming here is to lighten his work load.

    We can get a scrub like Rasho without giving up Parker..and for the purposes of being a running team, Parker, Kidd, and Manu gives us the ability to run for 48 minutes per game. I don't think running is the way to go, but if you do go with it..Parker isn't gonna hurt your running game, he may be Kidd's biggest asset.

  4. #29
    Oh come on Whottt it's not like Duncan always took on the toughest defensive assignment for the entire game.

    Another thing you seem to forget is that NJ didn't have a decent backup for Kidd so he had to play extended minutes with little rest. TP did have an excellent backup.

    Drop your Kidd hate. It's stupid and pointless now.

  5. #30
    I am not hating on Kidd at this particular time..I am saying if you want to run, something I am against on a team with the best post up bigman in the NBA, which is why I hate on Kidd...dumping Parker hurts your cause, especially if you do it for nothing. The only people that think Parker would be a weak link on a running team are here in this forum. No coach is gonna say that.

    Surely you guys can see that? And Parker did wear Kidd out, he said chasing Parker around all night is tough to do. It ought to be, Kidd is 30 years old Parker is 21 and lightning quick. It's not hate..Kidd himself admitted it, and then Kittles was given the chore of chasing Tony around.

  6. #31
    Ghost Writer
    Guys, Parker has no place here anymore if Kidd comes. We need a center. We have only $3.8 million to do that. Connect the dots.

  7. #32
    Whottt- who is saying that Parker would be the weak link on a running team?

    I don't think you are arguing with anyone...

  8. #33
    Ghost is..Ghost is saying let's run, oh and let's trade the fastest player in the NBA for Rasho.

  9. #34
    Ghost Writer
    scott, just let Whott argue with himself. Like an ant trying to crawl out of a glass of water, he'll evntually tire himself out and quit.

    I'm not saying to dump Parker for crap, but I would like to capitalize on his value and get some money in return so we can address the hole at center.

    Parker is too good to backup Kidd and not good enough to play an effective off-guard.

  10. #35
    I know that a lot of people are assuming that TP is on the block (or should be) if the Spurs acquire Kidd. But the Spurs serious plan is to have a Kidd/Parker backcourt. Will it work? Who knows. But that's their intention.

    A Spurs roster of:

    Brown, Malone, Zo?

    Donny Marshall

    Will be able to run as well as play in the half-court set. Having a team that will have a good transition game but can also set up will be the key to victory.

  11. #36
    Unfortunately, his value is only about $750K or thereabouts. Which will only buy crap.

  12. #37
    Jesus christ, this conversation went way off track. How do we beat the lakers? Defense.

  13. #38
    Ghost you have suggested trading Parker for everyone from Kwame Brown to some dog out in front of the SBC..

    I point out why Parker would be a benefit to a running team, why Parker, not Kidd is the guy who could wear Payton down by running and you guys call me a hater...

    Well here you go, straight from the horses mouth:

    Byron Scott:
    Q: You made a lot of adjustments tonight, putting Kerry on Tony Parker for a while, playing with Kidd's minutes, what was your thinking, and how do you feel they worked?
    Scott: I thought Kerry did a wonderful job. I think the thing that it allows us to do is J-Kidd doesn't have to chase it around all over the place so he doesn't expend a lot of energy on the defensive end doing that, trying to guard Tony.

    Jason "God" Kidd himself:
    Q: David Robinson has criticized Tony Parker for taking some ill-advised shots. Did you play him any differently than previously, No. 1, and No. 2, when they pulled him and you're leading by 15, did you guys relax a little bit?
    Kidd: Well, I did play him a little bit different; I was over on the sideline. I was guarding Ginobili or Bowen, so I guarded him a little bit differently in that sense. (Laughter).

    Q: That was at the end, wasn't it?
    Kidd: That was during the whole game. That allowed me to play 47 minutes tonight. To chase Tony around, it wears on you offensively and defensively. So we made a little adjustment in that sense to give me a chance to play off the ball.
    Yeah trade a guy like that for Rasho when you want to run.

    I gladly wear the idiot label if it means disagreeing with that Parker is garbage sentiment.

    Too bad Tony has no future and is washed up, remember how great he was at the age 19? Ahh sweet youth, how it goes so fast.

    Dip s.

  14. #39
    Ghost Writer
    Fine, Whott. Enjoy Malik Rose as your 6'7, jumpshot-bricking starting center and 97 year-old Kevni Willis as your primary big man off the bench.


  15. #40
    Ghost, the Spurs aren't looking at getting Kidd and not acquiring a center. And getting a center does not necessarily mean they have to trade someone. PJ Brown was here yesterday and things went extremely well. He even looked at real estate, etc. Also, another center is coming to visit this weekend. There are a lot of negotiations going on.

    Though trading may be an option, it's not the only option.

  16. #41
    Careful, if you start bagging on Malik you are gonna piss the baselinebum off..

    You want a center? Get Oberto, and you don't have to give up Tony to do it.

  17. #42
    Keep in mind we still might be able to swing a Claxton S&T for a rookie-contract big.

  18. #43
    We outscore them.

  19. #44
    You don't trade Parker unless you are getting a very good player back. On the open market right now, he'd demand $8-9M.

    No crack-induced trades like Parker for Malone.

    :vomit :vomit :vomit

  20. #45
    Finally a voice of reason. If you can't have size, the next best attribute to have in this league is speed, and when it's coupled with a killer teardrop like dont just give it away. Tony at the very least is worth a top lottery draft pick.

    If our championship hopes hinge getting a scrub like Rasho to have a chance to beat the Lakers...then we aint winning a championship this year.

  21. #46
    Ghost Writer
    timvp, you really think that Parker is worth $8-9 million?


  22. #47
    How much do you think he'd get in this market?

    He has more potential than Arenas and AMiller and they are going to cash in.

    Remember, he's 21.

    People laughed when Orlando gave TMac a MAX contract.

    Who is laughing now?


  23. #48
    Ghost...players who are unguardable by the best PG in the NBA are generally viewed as an asset to a team.

    The only people that view him as a liability are the fans of the team he just won a le with.

    Are you gonna answer my question about Oberto?

  24. #49
    That is when he becomes a FA. As of right now, Parker's contract is in the 800 thousand dollar range.

    In a trade, salaries must match, to within 15% of each other.

  25. #50
    Ghost Writer
    True dat, timvp. If only we could find a way to package Parker up to get an equitable valued big man in return.

    Parker backing up isn't right and him starting at SG isn't desirable either.

    I just don't wnat people getting into this mode where good but not star players like Parker and Bowen are deemed untouchable. We have to do everything in our power to tightne up our lineup in light of the Lakers' moves.

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