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  1. #26
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    They aren't opposing the war...they are opposing America. When was the last time you saw them protesting the terrorists?

    Pacifists my ass. When you call us the bad guys and label them the freedom fighters you are definitely anti-American. We were at war in Iraq to remove Saddam...
    China Issues New Rules for News Websites
    By VOA News
    25 September 2005

    China has imposed new rules on Internet news sites in another step to regulate web sites in the country.

    The official Xinhua news agency says the new regulations are effective immediately.

    It says Internet news sites and content must provide information that is beneficial to the public and state. It added that sites are prohibited from spreading news that goes against China's security and public interest.

    Chinese authorities closely monitor Internet content and remove sites they believe are inappropriate. China also requires people to register their websites and blogs.

    If it ain't patriotic, it should be banned. I think you and the Chinese government are in agreement there.

  2. #27
    Marilyn Rae Lover jochhejaam's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=RandomGuy]Iraq had NOTHING to do with the "war" on terrorism until we made it that way. [QUOTE]

    And that's officially and without arguement the final and popular consensus? Because RG says so?

    The point I made is that it has been for some time and is today the main artery of terrorist insurgency and is the main theatre of battle where terrorism is being fought.
    Argue the historical points of the War, which are presently irrelevant to the battles taking place, with the other pacifists who would prefer we be picked apart by the terrorist's a hundred or a thousand at a time on our soil. As for now, we are fighting a sick, demonic, demented enemy who arbitrarily maim and kill regardless age, gender, race, nationality or political affiliation!

  3. #28
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=jochhejaam][QUOTE=RandomGuy]Iraq had NOTHING to do with the "war" on terrorism until we made it that way.

    And that's officially and without arguement the final and popular consensus? Because RG says so?

    The point I made is that it has been for some time and is today the main artery of terrorist insurgency and is the main theatre of battle where terrorism is being fought.

    Argue the historical points of the War, which are presently irrelevant to the battles taking place, with the other pacifists who would prefer we be picked apart by the terrorist's a hundred or a thousand at a time on our soil. As for now, we are fighting a sick, demonic, demented enemy who arbitrarily maim and kill regardless age, gender, race, nationality or political affiliation!
    The historical aspect of the war is very relevant. At what point do we realize that Iraq is a growing terror state because we made it that way? We are inciting more and more of the region's Arab population to raise arms against us than we can arrest, kill and murder because of our cultural indifference and utopian dreams. As in Vietnam, at some point the U.S. is going to have to withdrawal a majority of it's troops. We cannot afford to have over 100,000 there forever. The Iraqi forces we have trained to fill the eventual void left by American troops and the police in many municipalities are infected with Iraqis who are sympathetic to the insurgents.
    The insurgents are there for the long-haul, willing to wait out the American presence.

  4. #29
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    All I'm saying is that I'm glad we're at war, the deficit is rising like no other, jobs are being exported, the borders are open, and every poor school district is desperately seeking full time teachers.

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    Mommy, why do got ass liberals protect the terrorists, who hate us because of our got ass liberals, and why don't they understand the root cause of terrorism is all the despotic anti-Democratic leaders in power over there and that installing a liberal government puts pressure on all the terrorist producing states to become more Democratic and therefore less despotic(and less likely to produce future terrorists?

    Suzy, you are 4 years old and thus have a greater understanding of the impact of opressive rule on people than the average liberal. Someday, when the liberals achieve your level of political IQ they'll understand as well. You have to realize that the anti-war movement is cowardly, ambivalent to the suffering of the people in the middle east, much like they were to the millions of Vietnames and Cambodians who they were responsible for slaughtering after the US pulled out of vietnam, completely ignorant of the root causes of terrorism and how to combat it, and are actually a bunch of ing racist bigots who don't believe those savage mideasterners can embrace freedom when given the opportunity, in short Suzy, liberals think you can suck arab for another 80 years and it will have a better result than it did the first 80 years...Suzy, I guess the answer is that they are so ing stupid that their political insight can be summed up on a bumper sticker or stupid picture...I guess you could say they are re s...But just remember Suzy, if they say the same things Usama says...they support Usama and therefore you should vote in a way that makes sure they don't have any say in how the government is to leave them protesting like a bunch of idiots where they can do the least amount of harm and their support of terrorist murderers is only symbolic.

    Ok Mommy...but why do they act like this is Vietnam when there is no longer a draft and our service is volunteer?

    Suzy...I think on some level they realize this...but basically they are scared because the terrorists are fighting back...Remember...they are stupider than an average 4 year old, and only support wars where the opposition doesn't fight back, they don't understand that the terrorists are going to fight back and think it's a disaster that they have chosen to do so...You see...they'd rather have the terrorists spread out in the world working in the shadows as opposed to being attacked conventionally in Iraq.

    Geez Mommy...those mother ers are stupid.
    Last edited by whottt; 09-25-2005 at 06:33 PM.

  6. #31
    Marilyn Rae Lover jochhejaam's Avatar
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    At what point do we realize that Iraq is a growing terror state because we made it that way? .
    And who's responsible for the terrorist's killing innocent Islamic, American, Israeli, Russian, British, Spanish, etc., women and children?

  7. #32
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    If it ain't patriotic, it should be banned.
    Well, at least you are honest about it not being patriotic...

    I think you and the Chinese government are in agreement there.

    Link to where I said it should be banned?

    That's what I thought.

    Protest away...but freedom of speech is a two way street...if you use your freedom of speech in a way that I feel is detrimental to the country, I certainly have a right to express my opinion the subject as well..or aren't I allowed the same modi of Free Speech you are? Who is the commie here again? Use your free speech...just don't whine when you get judged for what comes out of your guys get 1/10 of the abuse you heap on the elected leader of this country....

    I mean if you speak out advocating pedophillia, and I call you a pedophile, that doesn't mean I am a's just means I am telling the truth.

    You'll understand what I mean when you turn 4(mentally)...

  8. #33
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    Mommy, why is it that they never protested Saddam, Usama or the Taliban, that it's only America they protest? And why do they think it's horrible that we are attempting to install a Democratic humane and liberal government in the Middle East?

    Well....Suzy, it's because they hate America and Democracy, not Saddam, Usama and the Taliban, Communism and Millitant Islam, and they don't give a about the people in that region of the world, and in fact are probably being funded by the terrorists themselves and other anti-Democratic organizations, like the anti Vietnam movement was funded by the communists...isn't that obvious?

  9. #34
    Sleeping With The Original Axis of Evil hussker's Avatar
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    Praise, Anger at Pro-War Rally in D.C.


    The Associated Press
    Sunday, September 25, 2005; 2:32 PM

    WASHINGTON -- Support for U.S. troops fighting abroad mixed with anger toward anti-war demonstrators at home as hundreds of people, far fewer than organizers had expected, rallied Sunday on the National Mall just a day after a massive protest against the war in Iraq.

    "No matter what your ideals are, our sons and daughters are fighting for our freedom," said Marilyn Faatz, who drove from New Jersey to attend the rally.

    (BS: the war is being fought exclusively for the Repubs 2004 re-election campagn and for inflating oil prices to flush $Bs of windfall profits into oilco coffers. )

    "We are making a mockery out of this. And we need to stand united, but we are not."

    (the Repbus are making a mockery of running the country.)

    About 400 people gathered near a stage on an eastern segment of the mall, a large photo of an American flag serving as a backdrop. Amid banners and signs proclaiming support for U.S. troops, several speakers hailed the effort to bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan and denounced those who protest it.

    Many demonstrators focused their ire at Cindy Sheehan, the California woman whose protest near President Bush's Texas home last summer galvanized the anti-war movement. Sheehan was among the speakers at Saturday's rally near the Washington Monument on the western part of the mall, an event that attracted an estimated 100,000 people.

    "The group who spoke here the other day did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty and spreading that around the world," Sen. Jeff Sessions, an Alabama Republican, told the crowd. "I frankly don't know what they represent, other than blaming America first."

    (When the Repubs start a bogus war based on lies, who the else ya gonna blame? And, Repubs DO-NOT-EQUAL America)

    One sign on the mall read "Cindy Sheehan doesn't speak for me" and another "Arrest the traitors"; it listed Sheehan's name first among several people who have spoken against the war.

    Melody Vigna, 44, of Linden, Calif., said she wants nothing to do with Sheehan and others at nearby Camp Casey, an anti-war site set up to honor her son, Casey, who was killed in Iraq.

    "Our troops are over there fighting for our rights, and if she was in one of those countries she would not be able to do that," Vigna said.

    (BS: the troops are doing what they are told. The war is strcitly for the Repubs, not for America.)

    ( "she would not be able to do that", ... if the Repubs had their way, they would remove the freedom and right of expression of dissent and anti-war deomonstrations.)

    The husband of Sherri Francescon, 24, of Camp Lejeune, N.C., serves in the Marine Corps in Iraq. One of the many military wives who spoke during the rally, Francescon said that the anti-war demonstration had left her frustrated.

    "I know how much my husband does and how hard he works, and I feel like they don't even recognize that and give him the respect he deserves," Francescon said.

    ( hey dumbass, it's an anti-(Repub)war demonstration, NOT an anti-military demonstration. The military is just a neutral tool of the Repub policy, being abused, deteriorated, and sacrificed by the Repubs. I have nothing against the military, and support them 100% by calling this war BULL and unworthy of our military's involvement)

    "I want him to know and I want his unit to know that America is behind them, Cindy doesn't speak for us, and that we believe in what they are doing."

    Organizers of Sunday's demonstration acknowledged that their rally would be much smaller than the anti-war protest but had hoped that as many as 20,000 people would turn out.

    ( shows how connected to reality the pro-war people are.
    20,000? how about some "hundreds" )

    On Saturday, demonstrators opposed to the war in Iraq surged past the White House in the largest anti-war protest in the nation's capital since the U.S. invasion. The rally stretched through the night, a marathon of music, speechmaking and dissent on the mall.
    Do you feel better now?

  10. #35
    Sleeping With The Original Axis of Evil hussker's Avatar
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    WHOTT....Great post!!!!

  11. #36
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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    Mommy, why is it that they never protested Saddam, Usama or the Taliban, that it's only America they protest?
    And why do they think it's horrible that we are attempting to install a Democratic humane and liberal government in the Middle East?

    Well....Suzy, it's because they hate America and Democracy, not Saddam, Usama and the Taliban, Communism and Millitant Islam, and they don't give a about the people in that region of the world, and in fact are probably being funded by the terrorists themselves and other anti-Democratic organizations, like the anti Vietnam movement was funded by the communists...isn't that obvious?
    using your cons utional rights is anti-american and anti-democratic, remember you cons ution loving libs

  12. #37
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    using your cons utional rights is anti-american and anti-democratic, remember you cons ution loving libs
    Again we see clear evidence of the stupidity of the libs....Notice how they try to wrap their terrorist sympathizing and anti-Americanism in the cons ution?

    I mean let's apply this logic to other issues besides the Iraq war...

    Cons ution gives you the right to bear arms...if you go buy a gun and then shoot at US soldiers with it...that is anti-American, and me saying so is not infringing on your cons ional rights.

    If you speak on a message board and spew a bunch of racial saying...oh for hate rich white calling you a racist is not an attack on your cons utional pointed out's merely being truthful.

    It's not excercising your freedom of speech that makes you's what you say when using it that gives you that label and the cons ution gives me the the right to say so. As much as you may hate the truth.

    IF you use your freedom of speech to say America is evil and should be destroyed or the government should be over thrown...that makes you an anti-American....

    When you turn 4(mentally) you'll get it...right now it's too compex for you to understand..but just realize the inability to comprehend lies on your side...

  13. #38
    Still Hates Small Ball Spurminator's Avatar
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    Meanwhile, on the other side of town..

    They were out voting and doing other stuff that actually makes any kind of difference in anything.

  14. #39
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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    Again we see clear evidence of the stupidity of the libs....Notice how they try to wrap their terrorist sympathizing and anti-Americanism in the flag?

    I mean let's use apply this logic to other issues besides the Iraq war...

    Cons ution gives you the right to bear arms...if you go buy a gun and then shoot at US soldiers with it...that is anti-American, and me calling so is not infringing on your cons ional rights.
    If you speak on a message board and spew a bunch of racial saying...oh for hate rich white calling you a racist is not an attack on your cons utional pointed out's merely being truthful.
    nobody here has ever done that

    If not excercising your freedom of speech that makes you's what you say when using that gives you that label.

    IF you use your freedom of speech to say America is evil and should be destroyed or the government should be over thrown...that makes you an anti-American....
    the problem you have you stupid mother er is
    is that people say things you dont want to hear
    which is the nature of free speech
    i dont agree with some of whatever protesters youre talking about
    but nobody is going to challenge free speech over an issue of Martha Stuart Living, its gonna be a case where you dont like whats being said

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    nobody here has ever done that

    the problem you have you stupid mother er is
    is that people say things you dont want to hear
    which is the nature of free speech
    Oh yeah...and you guys are so tolerant of those with differing views...

    i dont agree with some of whatever protesters youre talking about
    but nobody is going to challenge free speech over an issue of Martha Stuart Living, its gonna be a case where you dont like whats being said

    Who is denying them their right to free speech? Show me in the cons ution where I don't have a right to judge someone for their opinion...

    How hard is it to figure out that it's not free speech I have a problem with...

  16. #41
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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    like you said youve got the right to call anyone anything
    except if you tell cheney to go himself

  17. #42
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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    well explain "protest zones" to me

  18. #43
    Sleeping With The Original Axis of Evil hussker's Avatar
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    Meanwhile, on the other side of town..

    Meanwhile, as a matter of history:

    PRESIDENTIAL RESULTS (270 Electoral Votes Needed to Win)

    Electoral Votes Popular Votes % Popular Votes

    Bush (R) 286 60,693,281 51

    Kerry (D) 252 57,355,978 48

    Get geared up for 08...Slam the Lame Duck as much as you only adds to the rhetoric your side has already spouted.

    PSSST....Don't spend too much time figuring out how to beat George Bush. It did not help you when he was running for office.

  19. #44
    Sleeping With The Original Axis of Evil hussker's Avatar
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    like you said youve got the right to call anyone anything
    except if you tell cheney to go himself
    BUGGERING oneself is probably tough enough, let alone post operatively. Lay off the old guy intil he gets better.
    (By the way, I was a Med School Classmate of the guy who tends to the VEEP and his family)

  20. #45
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    Liberal Logic at work:

    Terrorist Sympathizer: Bush is evil. America is the most murderous country on earth. Those killing US soldiers in Iraq are freedom fighters. I hate America. Arab tastes great. Anyone who doesn't agrree with us is a murder and the true terrorist.

    Intelligent Responder: Geeez what a disgusting anti-American piece of you are, I loathe you and I think you are demoralizing our troops and aiding those we are fighting.

    Terrorist sympathizer: You are denying my right to Free Speech!

    Re s.

  21. #46
    Sleeping With The Original Axis of Evil hussker's Avatar
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    And to think Today is Ben Franklin's 300th Birthday. If we had only kept the wisdom before we buried the man...

  22. #47
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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    im only 3 mentally
    explain protest zones

  23. #48
    Sleeping With The Original Axis of Evil hussker's Avatar
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    Liberal Logic at work:

    Terrorist Sympathizer: Bush is evil. America is the most murderous country on earth. Those killing US soldiers in Iraq are freedom fighters. I hate America. Arab tastes great. Anyone who doesn't agrree with us is a murder and the true terrorist.

    Intelligent Responder: Geeez what a disgusting anti-American piece of you are, I loathe you and I think you are demoralizing our troops and aiding those we are fighting.

    Terrorist sympathizer: You are denying my right to Free Speech!

    Re s.
    So true, so true

  24. #49
    Still Hates Small Ball Spurminator's Avatar
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    im only 3 mentally
    explain protest zones
    Depends on who you ask... they either prevent obstruction that usually happens with large groups of people, or they shield government officials from the barrage of witty posters and catchphrases.

  25. #50
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    well explain "protest zones" to me

    I don't believe the right to free speech gurantees the right to obstruct traffic or cause civil disorder etc...s'not hard to figure out. You have the right to use it intelligently...not be a dumbass about it, or expect others to be stupid about it when it is being abused .

    If you go around saying you want to kill someone and that guy gets will get investigated because of your comments.

    What's the expression? You can't just go and yell fire in a movie theater...

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