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  1. #26
    Believe. panic giraffe's Avatar
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    I could not identify a single nofx song if my life depended on it. That means they ing blow. And this guy "fat mike" sounds utterly pathetic... But that is true of most of the "music industry"
    so just because you haven't heard something, means it sucks?

    that makes no sense.

    they just wanted to make their money their own way. they even left epitaph records because epitaph was going to align with the RIAA, so you can't call them industry.

    they would even label their albums "mtv off" when mtv actually played music.

    they're kinda required listening for any kid who picks up a skateboard......but if you think that show sounds "utterly pathetic" then i heard that nickelback and creed are going to tour together with the jonas brothers opening up. that sounds right up your alley.

  2. #27
    TheDrewShow is salty lefty's Avatar
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    What the

  3. #28
    NBA = RIGGED thispego's Avatar
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    so just because you haven't heard something, means it sucks?

    that makes no sense.

    they just wanted to make their money their own way. they even left epitaph records because epitaph was going to align with the RIAA, so you can't call them industry.

    they would even label their albums "mtv off" when mtv actually played music.

    they're kinda required listening for any kid who picks up a skateboard......but if you think that show sounds "utterly pathetic" then i heard that nickelback and creed are going to tour together with the jonas brothers opening up. that sounds right up your alley.
    i dont know how you connected "I could not identify a single nofx song" to "never heard it". i'm sure their ty music has been played on countless radio stations and i tend to ignore ty music and bands, which is why i could not identify a ty song as a product of nofx.

    sounds like you're in love with them though, sorry i exposed your preference in music as crap.

  4. #29
    Manure Ginobili Mixability's Avatar
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    i'm sure their ty music has been played on countless radio stations
    Actually, i don't think i've EVER heard them on the radio, maaaaaybe on KSYM.

  5. #30
    NBA = RIGGED thispego's Avatar
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    doubtful dude

  6. #31
    The cat won symple19's Avatar
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    my favorite NOFX song

    "Skinny girl, eat some more food"!

  7. #32
    Manure Ginobili Mixability's Avatar
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    if you say so....

  8. #33
    NBA = RIGGED thispego's Avatar
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    that's right. what i say, goes.

  9. #34
    PELICANS!!! BRHornet45's Avatar
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    and some people want to blame rap music for all the problems with kids these days ...

  10. #35
    NBA = RIGGED thispego's Avatar
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    Good point, son

  11. #36
    PELICANS!!! BRHornet45's Avatar
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    God bless

  12. #37
    Believe. panic giraffe's Avatar
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    i dont know how you connected "I could not identify a single nofx song" to "never heard it". i'm sure their ty music has been played on countless radio stations and i tend to ignore ty music and bands.
    like the other dude said........mmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyybe ksym if you're in san antonio.
    but depending on where you live i highly doubt they would be on any much less countless radio stations.....

    but i haven't heard their music in years, last album i picked up was "so long..." they just bring back fond memories of skating, drinking, smoking, and taking via to the north side to rich white girls...ah to be young again.

    but even if you hate their music, this performance is rich in dark humor, which makes it the .
    because i said so.

  13. #38
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    NOFX is almost never played on the radio. As a matter of fact they once sued a station for playing their music without their consent. I think they've outgrown the "punk" thing as they've softened up to play Conan O'Brien last year, but their popularity used to be all the more impressive since they never went the traditional MTV/Radio mainstream route.

  14. #39
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    i dont know how you connected "I could not identify a single nofx song" to "never heard it". i'm sure their ty music has been played on countless radio stations and i tend to ignore ty music and bands, which is why i could not identify a ty song as a product of nofx.

    sounds like you're in love with them though, sorry i exposed your preference in music as crap.
    nofx has never been played on the radio

    they've been independent all along
    they sing that one song Linoleum that creil would always try to sing and play on the guitar

  15. #40
    NBA = RIGGED thispego's Avatar
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    this is all very interesting, but nofx still sucks

  16. #41
    Do you expect me to talk? DieMrBond's Avatar
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    so why would a lady with a 2 year old kid still be lactating?
    A woman can lactate until she stops regularly breast-feeding.

    It is actually recommended by the World Health Organisation to breast-feed until the child is two AT A MINIMUM. I know some people who have breast fed their child until 4/5.

    My son is 2.5 and still has breast milk once a day.

    But, to the point of the topic - that guy is messssed up.

  17. #42
    Do you expect me to talk? DieMrBond's Avatar
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    Say what? It has nothing do with me being Australian...
    How long should a mother breastfeed?

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mother and baby desire. The World Health Organization recommends continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond.
    You know in people who havent been mind-washing into thinking that formula is the best thing for their child, its quite normal to breast feed for as long as the child feels it needs to?

  18. #43
    Motivation for me... Stringer_Bell's Avatar
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    maybe in non first world countries
    Ya, the WHO usually says that kind of stuff to poor countries without good normal milk from cows or formula. It's part of the UN so you know it's probably a crock of .

    Breastfeed for as long as the child needs to? lol

    I wonder what affect it has on tooth development.

  19. #44
    Keith Jackson mookie2001's Avatar
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    naw naw that's ignorant.

  20. #45
    Do you expect me to talk? DieMrBond's Avatar
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    Hey, i'm 90% certain you're just taking the piss, but anyway here goes...
    See if you can notice the difference between these two... (if you can be bothered reading it)

    Benefits of Breast Milk:
    The main benefit of breast milk is a nutritional one. This is because the breast milk contains exactly the right balance of fatty acids, water, lactose, and amino acids that the baby needs. In addition, breast milk contains at least 100 ingredients that cannot be replicated in infant formula. Babies also cannot be allergic to their mother’s milk, only have a reaction to something that the mother eats. By simply eliminating that food from her diet, the baby’s reaction will clear itself up. The breast milk contains all of the nutrients that the baby needs for at least the first six months of its life and it is the most important part of their diet past this, supplying half of their nutrients up to their first birthday and a third up to their second birthday. The colostrum, or the first milk that the baby receives after being born, is a nutritional powerhouse, and is vital for helping to protect the baby against infection.

    Breastfeeding is good for the child because it promotes good jaw development. The baby has to work harder to get milk from the breast then they do to get it from a bottle and this exercise strengthens the jaw and encourages the teeth to grow in straight and healthy. Breastfeeding may also help to protect your child against allergies. As an example, eczema is significantly rarer in babies that have been breast fed. Breast feeding has also been shown to reduce the amount of ear infections that the baby gets, and also prevents the infections from recurring. Babies that are breastfed are also much less likely to suffer from diarrhea. As well, breastfed babies have better development of their eyesight, speech, jaw, and oral cavity.
    Antibodies that Pass Through Breast Milk

    Breastfed babies are healthier as the milk contains antibodies that the mother has produced. Approximately eighty percent of the cells in breast milk contain macro es, a special type of cell that kills bacteria, fungi and viruses. Because of these macro es, breastfed babies are protected from illnesses such as pneumonia, bronchitis, the flu and ear infections, to name a few. As the mother also makes antibodies to counter the diseases present in their specific environment, these antibodies are passed through the milk, helping the baby to become more resistant to disease.

    Breastfeeding also affects the development of the immune system, both in the short term and in the long term. If the baby is weaned from breast milk too early, they may be more likely to contract immune-related diseases in later life. The immune system in the baby is underdeveloped and because of this, antibodies pass through the breast milk to help protect the child. These antibodies are resistant to digestion and pass through to the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems where they help to fight infectious agents.

    How the Child Benefits Later in Life

    Breastfeeding is not only advantageous to the child in their first years of life. The benefits of breastfeeding are lifelong. Some of these include:

    * fewer dental cavities
    * breastfed children are less likely to become obese in their later childhood
    * they are less likely to develop juvenile, insulin-dependent diabetes
    * lower blood pressure in adulthood
    * fewer psychological, behavioral or learning problems
    * increased cognitive development
    * breastfed children are more mature, assertive and secure within themselves

    Benefits of Formula:
    - Public feedings tend to be easier. You don't get those
    disapproving looks from people while breastfeeding in a public
    place. A bottle is easier than breastfeeding in public, less
    embarrassing for other people as well as the mother, who has a
    lot to worry about, while feeding her baby in a public place.

    -Feeding the baby is less time consuming. When bottle feeding
    your baby it can take up to 10 to 15 minutes where breastfeeding
    can take up to that long but on each side, taking up to twice as
    long than bottle feeding, and when a newborn is eating every 2
    to 4 hours it can seem like all your doing is breastfeeding your
    baby. So if you don't have a lot of time bottle feeding can
    help you out.

    - Anyone can feed your baby formula, unlike breastfeeding where
    the mother is the only one that can feed baby, until baby starts
    solids. This can help involve the father of the baby as well,
    unlike the breastfeed baby who can only eat from mom unless she
    expresses milk. The dad can now share in the responsibility of
    feeding baby, this helping mom get more sleep, because they can
    trade off feedings. Also a babysitter, grandparent's siblings
    whoever can feed baby as well.

    -It is easy to see how much baby is eating. When breastfeeding
    many moms are concerned that baby is not getting enough to eat.
    They can not see the intake, so this is a big concern when it
    comes to breastfeeding. The bottle feed baby doesn't have that
    problem, the mom can see just how much the little bundle of joy
    is eating this easing her worry of her baby eating enough to

    -Bottle feed babies don't need to eat as often, the bottle fed
    baby eats once every three to four hours depending on the baby,
    opposed to the breastfed baby who needs to eat every 2 hrs. The
    milk protein in formula keeps baby full and satisfied longer.

    -Bottle fed mothers don't have to watch what they eat, they can
    take medicine, or have a few drinks at dinner, and not have to
    worry about it harming baby. The breast fed mother cannot, she
    can't drink caffeine or drink alcohol or take medicine because
    that all goes thought to the baby.

    -The bottle fed mom can diet as soon as the baby is born while
    the breast fed mother cannot she still needs to eat for two, she
    needs to eat more fatty things to ensure her milk keeps coming

  21. #46
    All Hail the Legatron The Reckoning's Avatar
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    i bet after two years the kid starts growing a vagina too

  22. #47
    Motivation for me... Stringer_Bell's Avatar
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    We don't care about the benefits for the babies when they're babies or full grown adults...breast feeding them when they got teeth is just plain wrong. WRONG. Get your crazy Australian propaganda off this AMERICAN FORUM!!

  23. #48
    I heart 2Blonde PakiDan's Avatar
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    Hey, i'm 90% certain you're just taking the piss, but anyway here goes...
    See if you can notice the difference between these two... (if you can be bothered reading it)

    Benefits of Breast Milk:
    The main benefit of breast milk is a nutritional one. This is because the breast milk contains exactly the right balance of fatty acids, water, lactose, and amino acids that the baby needs. In addition, breast milk contains at least 100 ingredients that cannot be replicated in infant formula. Babies also cannot be allergic to their mother’s milk, only have a reaction to something that the mother eats. By simply eliminating that food from her diet, the baby’s reaction will clear itself up. The breast milk contains all of the nutrients that the baby needs for at least the first six months of its life and it is the most important part of their diet past this, supplying half of their nutrients up to their first birthday and a third up to their second birthday. The colostrum, or the first milk that the baby receives after being born, is a nutritional powerhouse, and is vital for helping to protect the baby against infection.

    Breastfeeding is good for the child because it promotes good jaw development. The baby has to work harder to get milk from the breast then they do to get it from a bottle and this exercise strengthens the jaw and encourages the teeth to grow in straight and healthy. Breastfeeding may also help to protect your child against allergies. As an example, eczema is significantly rarer in babies that have been breast fed. Breast feeding has also been shown to reduce the amount of ear infections that the baby gets, and also prevents the infections from recurring. Babies that are breastfed are also much less likely to suffer from diarrhea. As well, breastfed babies have better development of their eyesight, speech, jaw, and oral cavity.
    Antibodies that Pass Through Breast Milk

    Breastfed babies are healthier as the milk contains antibodies that the mother has produced. Approximately eighty percent of the cells in breast milk contain macro es, a special type of cell that kills bacteria, fungi and viruses. Because of these macro es, breastfed babies are protected from illnesses such as pneumonia, bronchitis, the flu and ear infections, to name a few. As the mother also makes antibodies to counter the diseases present in their specific environment, these antibodies are passed through the milk, helping the baby to become more resistant to disease.

    Breastfeeding also affects the development of the immune system, both in the short term and in the long term. If the baby is weaned from breast milk too early, they may be more likely to contract immune-related diseases in later life. The immune system in the baby is underdeveloped and because of this, antibodies pass through the breast milk to help protect the child. These antibodies are resistant to digestion and pass through to the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems where they help to fight infectious agents.

    How the Child Benefits Later in Life

    Breastfeeding is not only advantageous to the child in their first years of life. The benefits of breastfeeding are lifelong. Some of these include:

    * fewer dental cavities
    * breastfed children are less likely to become obese in their later childhood
    * they are less likely to develop juvenile, insulin-dependent diabetes
    * lower blood pressure in adulthood
    * fewer psychological, behavioral or learning problems
    * increased cognitive development
    * breastfed children are more mature, assertive and secure within themselves

    Benefits of Formula:
    - Public feedings tend to be easier. You don't get those
    disapproving looks from people while breastfeeding in a public
    place. A bottle is easier than breastfeeding in public, less
    embarrassing for other people as well as the mother, who has a
    lot to worry about, while feeding her baby in a public place.

    -Feeding the baby is less time consuming. When bottle feeding
    your baby it can take up to 10 to 15 minutes where breastfeeding
    can take up to that long but on each side, taking up to twice as
    long than bottle feeding, and when a newborn is eating every 2
    to 4 hours it can seem like all your doing is breastfeeding your
    baby. So if you don't have a lot of time bottle feeding can
    help you out.

    - Anyone can feed your baby formula, unlike breastfeeding where
    the mother is the only one that can feed baby, until baby starts
    solids. This can help involve the father of the baby as well,
    unlike the breastfeed baby who can only eat from mom unless she
    expresses milk. The dad can now share in the responsibility of
    feeding baby, this helping mom get more sleep, because they can
    trade off feedings. Also a babysitter, grandparent's siblings
    whoever can feed baby as well.

    -It is easy to see how much baby is eating. When breastfeeding
    many moms are concerned that baby is not getting enough to eat.
    They can not see the intake, so this is a big concern when it
    comes to breastfeeding. The bottle feed baby doesn't have that
    problem, the mom can see just how much the little bundle of joy
    is eating this easing her worry of her baby eating enough to

    -Bottle feed babies don't need to eat as often, the bottle fed
    baby eats once every three to four hours depending on the baby,
    opposed to the breastfed baby who needs to eat every 2 hrs. The
    milk protein in formula keeps baby full and satisfied longer.

    -Bottle fed mothers don't have to watch what they eat, they can
    take medicine, or have a few drinks at dinner, and not have to
    worry about it harming baby. The breast fed mother cannot, she
    can't drink caffeine or drink alcohol or take medicine because
    that all goes thought to the baby.

    -The bottle fed mom can diet as soon as the baby is born while
    the breast fed mother cannot she still needs to eat for two, she
    needs to eat more fatty things to ensure her milk keeps coming
    Australians are funny.

  24. #49
    Master of Information Dr. Gonzo's Avatar
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    I just finished watching this video and it's pretty messed up how Fat Mike doesn't seem to have any emotional reaction to any of the stories. He seems to have numbed himself pretty well. It's an interesting video to watch. I recommend it.

  25. #50
    Master of Information Dr. Gonzo's Avatar
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    The piss thing was bull . I am on the fence about the some of the stories though. It was pretty entertaining to watch though and I would have loved to have been there.

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