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  1. #26
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    You sound like Chris Matthews very ill informed and drinking the kool aid. Your messiah has spent more money than any Us president in history.
    you're full of ignorant , , GFY

    the deficit and federal spending is actually going down in under Obama, while St Ronnie tripled it and dubya doubled the debt.

  2. #27
    Garnett > Duncan sickdsm's Avatar
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    Generational theft is an appropriate term. It doesnt matter if we are talking gen x,y,or z.

    Every next generation will be paying for the previous.

  3. #28
    The Boognish FuzzyLumpkins's Avatar
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    Generational theft is an appropriate term. It doesnt matter if we are talking gen x,y,or z.

    Every next generation will be paying for the previous.
    Umm, no. Prior to FDR and social security the elderly got the shaft. In many cultures they just let those that need support in order to survive die.

    The baby boomers have set up for themselves the biggest gravy train in the history of the US. They wracked up debt rather than actually pay for the social security and general welfare of their parents.

  4. #29
    Since 1979 Das Texan's Avatar
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    Gotta say my kids are exceptions but most of y'all are worthless s.

    ing old bas !

    *agrees, especially those ing gen Y'ers*

  5. #30
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    WTF are you talking about? We paid for ours. Congress stole it and spent it.
    Bull .
    If I was able to invest everything I paid into the SS system, into an S&P or Dow index fund instead, I would get much more in my latter years than SS will ever pay me. So will most who have contributed.

    As for Reagan ac ulating such a debt. Yes, he did. Do you forget however, that he inherited double digit inflation from Carter? Government EE bonds cost 50% of their fact value and matured in 5 years. No intelligent and honest person can blame the growth in debt on Reagan.


    I have paid into the SS, medicare, federal tax, and state tax systems since Nixon was in office, and filled out my own forms. How about you?
    Last edited by Wild Cobra; 03-05-2013 at 03:34 AM.

  6. #31
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    I have read that the social security plan will remain the same for people 55 & older…Generation X & Y will eventually have their benefits delayed to age 70 & 72…Seems like a simple solution…
    Everyone on today's would needs to save with their own retirement fund. If they don't have a 401k or equivalent available, they need to have their own IRA.

  7. #32
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Are Baby boomers the tiest generation ever to exist in all of humanity?
    No question, they are.... they're the ones who made voting themselves money from the public largesse a way of life, thereby ing up our political process, turning elections into "whoever promises the most perks for my group wins," and helping bankrupt the economy....
    Well, if you are looking at how the majority of a group votes, I think the Boomer crowd is still more conservative overall. I didn't verify, so I may be wrong, but I don't think I am.
    On top of the damage they've done to politics and the economy, Baby Boomers do nothing but blame the Silent Generation for "having all the power in Congress when we were young" and (ironically) Gen X and Gen Y for "being selfish and en led" while never pointing the finger at themselves, tbh...
    Huh? I have never heard another "Baby Boomer" cry about the previous generation. Gen X/Y... My God... What political liberal puppets, overall.
    [QUOTE=Clipper Nation]

  8. #33
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Can't blame X and Y fully.. they were brought up by their parents generation obviously and last I checked how your parents raise you more often than not translates into the kinda person you are
    Maybe most Baby Boomers were able to give their children enough, that their children feel en led...

  9. #34
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Gotta say my kids are exceptions but most of y'all are worthless s.
    I have a daughter that has done real well with responsibility, and finding employment. My youngest just turned 25. She's a hard worker, but not as responsible. I hope the future doesn't bite her in the ass.

  10. #35
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    So says the generation whose hallmark was being hippies and not doing a lick of work, get high, and off. There is no justification for saying this other than baby boomers that refuse to ever ever be introspective. The baby boomer motto: something for nothing.

    The boomers generation is set; you all are retiring and leaving the power structure. The proof is in the pudding. Those that follow are still writing theirs. There is nowhere to go but up especially after you all die off and quit sponging.
    Hey now. I somewhat resemble that remark. I had quite a bit of hippie in me, but I was a responsible dope smoker.

  11. #36
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Generational theft is an appropriate term. It doesnt matter if we are talking gen x,y,or z.

    Every next generation will be paying for the previous.
    Yes, that is what it is. Stealing from our progeny. I find it de able when it occurs anytime outside of war or recession. The national debt should be paid down when times are normal or good, and we should only incur debt when we have bad time.

    You hear that Clinton... You had the best economy in the 20th century, yet you didn't have a single year that you paid down the debt. The last time the debt was ever decreased was during Nixon. That's ing sad!

  12. #37
    Spur-taaaa TDMVPDPOY's Avatar
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    baby boomers and public workers....just fkn up the system

  13. #38
    Believe. BobaFett1's Avatar
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    you're full of ignorant , , GFY

    the deficit and federal spending is actually going down in under Obama, while St Ronnie tripled it and dubya doubled the debt.
    More CNBC talking points. I bet the dems have never error in your eyes?

  14. #39
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  15. #40
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    BooBot mainlines thinkprogress.

  16. #41
    Believe. BobaFett1's Avatar
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    BooBot mainlines thinkprogress.
    A liberal troll and a Obama worshipper.

  17. #42
    Believe. BobaFett1's Avatar
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    The federal government has now borrowed more money during Barack Obama’s time as president than it did in the period lasting from the time President George Washington took the oath office until July 2, 2001, more than five months into the first term of President George W. Bush.

    At the close of business on Jan. 20, 2009, when President Barack Obama was inaugurated, the national debt stood at $10,626,877,048,913.08, according to the Treasury. At the close of business this Thursday, it stood at $16,323,083,449,604.98.

    That means the debt has increased $5,696,206,400,691.90 during Obama’s presidency.

    On July 2, 2001, more than five months after President George W. Bush entered office, the national debt was $5,693,220,327,798.14, according to the Treasury. By the close of business on July 3, 2001, it had risen to 5,698,195,769,465.40. Since then, the debt has never again dropped below $5,696,206,400,691.90—the amount it has increased in less than one full term of Obama.

    (Between late 1999 and the middle of 2001, as federal revenues sometimes exceeded expenditures, the debt fluctuated back and forth over the $5.696 trillion mark--only to finally pass that threshold, without retrenching, between July 2 and 3, 2001.)

  18. #43
    Cogito Ergo Sum LnGrrrR's Avatar
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    Hey now. I somewhat resemble that remark. I had quite a bit of hippie in me, but I was a responsible dope smoker.
    Wait, you smoked pot? I thought you were against legalization?

  19. #44
    Believe. BobaFett1's Avatar
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    It’s official. President Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of the world. And that is not hyperbole. Like a shopaholic who denies the addiction, Obama has consistently been in denial about his reckless spending addiction. Despite President Barack Obama’s denials, though, an analysis by Forbes shows there has not been a greater spender than Obama.
    According to Forbes, “Obama’s own fiscal 2013 budget ... shows federal spending increasing from $2.983 trillion in 2008 to an all time record $3.796 trillion in 2012, an increase of 27.3%” and, “before Obama there had never been a deficit anywhere near $1 trillion.”
    In addition, Obama had four consecutive budget deficits of over a trillion dollars and, in just one term, will “will have increased the national debt as much as all prior Presidents, from George Washington to George Bush, combined.”
    And according to the study, budget proposals supported by Obama and Congressional Democrats will increase federal spending to the point where it will become 80% of the GDP if not reined in.
    And in the short term, according to Forbes:
    Obama’s 2013 budget proposes to spend $47 trillion over the next 10 years, the most in world history by far, increasing federal spending by $1.5 trillion above the current CBO baseline.
    The first step in treating Obama’s spending addiction will be for him to admit he has a problem. What should scare Americans is that Obama seems a long way from even realizing he has a spending problem, let alone admitting that he does.

  20. #45
    Believe. BobaFett1's Avatar
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    media won't report on it because they have been complicit in their support for him. They are as much responsible for this as he is because they have abandoned their responsibility to report the news accurately and fairly. I understand that those who own these media outlets are leftists, but how can reporters even live with themselves when they know that they are either not reporting important news and/or giving their viewing audience only one side of the story? I guess if those who report the news are comfortable with what they report, then that just shows how they have sold their souls to the media moguls. My suggestion would be to post this story on all your social media sites. The only way to get the news out there is to pass it along to as many people as possible.

  21. #46
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    all you less right-winger got nothing, you're shooting blanks

  22. #47
    Believe. BobaFett1's Avatar
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    all you less right-winger got nothing, you're shooting blanks
    Not a right winger just a American who wants the rule of law to be returned to the people. You a euro socialist. Take some responsibilty for your life.

  23. #48
    on instagram, str8 flexin DUNCANownsKOBE's Avatar
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    Wait, you smoked pot? I thought you were against legalization?
    Just another hypocritical baby boomer being hypocritical, tbh.

  24. #49
    Cleveland Rocks CavsSuperFan's Avatar
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    Isn’t it true that Social Security has been well funded but Congress has raided its assets on two occasions?

  25. #50
    Cleveland Rocks CavsSuperFan's Avatar
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    So says the generation whose hallmark was being hippies and not doing a lick of work, get high, and f-off. There is no justification for saying this other than baby boomers that refuse to ever ever be introspective. The baby boomer motto: something for nothing.
    Mother went to see the 25th anniversary of Woodstalk back in 1994 & commented that” The Problem with the USA is that all those stoned hippies are now running the country”…

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