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  1. #26
    It's to be wrong isn't it Dan?
    I don't recall being wrong lately? My $4 gas prediction will take time, but even that will happen, you'll see.

  2. #27
    Well, when you're wrong by at least 20 point on election day, will you eat crow?

    I'm predicting Bush in a 10 point or better landslide and have been since February. You say Kerry by at least 10. One of us is way wrong.

    See you on November 2.

  3. #28
    I think Kerry will shake up the world by knocking Dubya out faster then a loaded pretzel.

  4. #29
    Tommy Duncan
    Unless someone can graft Kerry's face onto Clinton's head it isn't happening.

    Face it, the Democrats managed to nominate the wrong guy.

  5. #30
    Lay down the Repubican's plan for the future, but excuse me if I don't fall for W.'s pie in the sky dreams in tonight's acceptance speech, like going to Mars, at least, not without a realistic plan about how it is gonna get done.

    And you couldn't make this statement of Kerry, how? :wink

  6. #31
    Just out of curiosity, who would have been the "right" guy?

  7. #32
    Tommy Duncan
    None of the guys who ran, basically.

    I would say someone like Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson or Indiana Senator Evan Bayh. Both had been Democrat Governors of historically strong GOP states. The Demos should have had a guy at the top of the ticket who did not have a long and well do ented extreme liberal voting record. You want someone with a more moderate past and image.

    At this point John Edwards would have been an improvement.

  8. #33
    And you couldn't make this statement of Kerry, how?
    Oh, you can, but Bush should have a realistic plan for the future since he is the one who got us into the Iraq mess in the first place.

  9. #34
    IMO, Chris kind of went over to the dark side for awhile there in the 90's but he is definitely back on his game now.
    I think there are a few good core people out there who realize that the media has been whipped into submission by 9/11 and then by this administration.
    It is the most cowed press corps in history as some have said.
    Zell was unbelievable.
    When he came out with that line "I have knocked on the door of his (Bush"s soul) my Democratic party friends whom I was watching/working with, said "That is because he tried knocking on Dumbya's head and it was hollow"!
    We all thought that was pretty funny but unfortunately not part of proper etiquette for rapid response.

  10. #35
    OH, and Zell Miller has been openly denounced by the Democratic Party and as recently as today by Terry McAuliffe as not being a Democrat.

    , he doesn't even join the Democratic Senate caucus anymore. Hasn't for a year or so now. He sits with the Republicans though. He kept his D just to feel special. You guys want another asshole? Have him.

  11. #36
    Tommy Duncan
    It's ing payback. Payback for all those years that the Democratic Party drifted to the extreme left yet counted on moderates and conservative Democrats to vote for them and keep them in power.

    One delicious aspect of this campaign is that all of the hysterical rants and childish antics of the liberal-left in this country over the past couple of years are going to drive moderate and conservative Democrats into Bush's camp.

    The more McAuliffe (the "Macker" as he calls himself) wants to condemn Miller and say he's not a Democrat then the more that helps Bush.

  12. #37
    Tommy Duncan
    Come on you libbies, what did Miller do that was so wrong? , he just gave a speech, that's all. It's not like he decided to give control of the United States Senate to the other party.

    Buck it up and shut the **** up.

  13. #38
    He isn't really anything. What's most profitable. Like Reagan he was a Democrat until it was more profitable to be a Republican.
    No party, no honor, no scruples, no integrity.


  14. #39
    Tommy Duncan
    Yeah, just like jumpin' Jim Jeffords, eh?

    Now run over to or whatever and find something to spam up in here.

  15. #40
    His remarks were obnoxious, pompous, outrageous!

  16. #41
    Confetti, would you please post just what a Democrat is.
    What do you all stand for? Don't bash the other party just
    tell us what you stand for. What you want for the country.
    How are you going to accomplish it? Your party leader,
    Kerry, certainly hasn't told anyone. He is just going to do
    a better job. How, doing the same thing as Bush, but better.
    Give me a break!

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