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  1. #526
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    That is absolutely wrong. The theory of evolution is supported by recorded factual data.

    So you have proof Evoulution is not a theory ?

    Please share this discovery.

  2. #527
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    By who?
    Name the lies.
    The same can be said about Darwin
    No one is telling me anything I have eyes I can see the grand canyon where are the fossils?
    Glad you brought that up since Evoilution us on taught in a America
    And your proof?
    why do you believe In Evoilution?
    I believe in the facts and man evolving from an ape is theory please know the difference if we are to move foward.
    I am not going to attempt to educate you on what science says. I have given you links to scientifically accurate descriptions and evidence, and you have ignored them, and continued to misstate the facts, and say things like "man evolving from ape" that are provably not what science has shown happened.

    How can I have a reasonable discussion with you if it is provable that you don't understand the subject under discussion?

    Theories are superior to facts, because they explain facts.

    You don't have a theory that explains what we as a species have observed in our universe.

  3. #528
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    That is absolutely wrong. The theory of evolution is supported by recorded factual data. Noah's arc is a biblical story.

    "Outside of science, you might say something is 'just a theory', meaning it's supposition that may or may not be true. In science, a theory is an explanation that generally is accepted to be true." .... "A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it."

    ... so this being said, the Theory of Evolution is something that has been thoroughly tested on several levels of science. It has not been disproven by anything at all. We have even observed Evolution at work in very modern times through the adaption of insects to farming pesticides.

    Noah's Arc does not pass the scientific tests required to qualify as something factual. This seems painfully obvious... there would be obvious evidence if the Earth had been flooded. It's silly to assume that every species that exists at this present moment survived on an arc from only a pair of it's kind.

    So if science is something taught in school, Evolution is something that passes every scientific test so far... so it belongs there. Noah's Arc does not because it is a fictional story. The beautiful thing about science is that if Evolution is ever proven wrong, it will be taken out of the books.

    All life on earth has evolved from a common ancestor. Scientists are constantly finding more links between man and ape.

    ... but this is just the "God of the Gaps" fallacy, as Neil Degrasse Tyson would say.... your basis and stance is an ever receding gap of ignorance. The bigger picture is understanding that all life branched at forks in the road.

    And fyi, we know for a fact that the Earth was not created in 7 days. We understand how nebulas function and how stars are created and how they die.

    You're promoting ignorance.... and you're talking about things you know nothing about. Your basis on several of these topics are just what you've heard on conservative shows. Instead of repeating what some moron has said for publicity, you should do research yourself.

    Your lack of knowledge of common ancestry, the scientific meaning of the word 'theory,' the process of star birth and death and it's orbiting heavenly bodies/satellites/planets/moons/asteroids.... and to be honest, your grammar, are all indications to me that you're in way over your head in a debate like this.
    Save yourself the bother of trying to tell mouse anything.

    He doesn't want to hear it, and would'nt understand the science involved anyway.

    Some of the stuff he posts here, are things he has been putting out for years, even after it has been shown to him to be debunked bull .

    He does not care what the truth is, and is more interested in "showing up" the sceintists.

    You may have noticed mouse loudly proclaiming his knowledge and expertise in not being "fooled by the scientists and their making up."


    When Ignorance Begets Confidence: The Classic Dunning-Kruger Effect

    The first of the original Dunning Kruger experiments featured a group of undergraduate students who were asked - just as they walked out of an exam - to rate their performance for the class just completed. In particular they were asked how well they had mastered the course material, and what they predicted their raw score to be for the test just taken.

    After comparing the student's own impressions with their actual performance, a clear pattern emerged in Dunning and Kruger's data: Worse students grossly overestimated their own performance, while top students somewhat underestimated theirs. You get a clear sense of the extremety of the poor student's penchant to overestimate their own performance, when you consider these results: For the bottom quartile, while their actual performance may have

    "put them in the 12th percentile, they estimated their mastery of the course material to fall in the 60th percentile and their test performance to fall in the 57th".

    Bottom performers tended to overestimate their performance by roughly 30%; a general pattern that has been replicated many times over since.


    "Participants taking tests in their ability to think logically, to write grammatically, and to spot funny jokes tend to overestimate their percentile ranking relative to their peers by some 40 to 50 points, thinking they are outperforming a majority of their peers when, in fact, they are the ones being outperformed
    Dunning-Kruger as a Vicious Cycle

    Dunning and Kruger often refer to a "double curse" when interpreting their findings: People fail to grasp their own incompetence, precisely because they are so incompetent. And since, overcoming their incompetence would first require the ability to distinguish competence form incompetence people get stuck in a vicious cycle.

    "The skills needed to produce logically sound arguments, for instance, are the same skills that are necessary to recognize when a logically sound argument has been made. Thus, if people lack the skills to produce correct answers, they are also cursed with an inability to know when their answers, or anyone else's, are right or wrong. They cannot recognize their responses as mistaken, or other people's responses as superior to their own."

    [I.e. they became creationists]
    Mouse does not want to learn. He "knows" he is smarter than you or I, because he "knows" the material and underlying science.

    You will not break through that.

    It is not kind to mouse, and for that, I wish the truth were otherwise. Mouse is a good person, all things told, IMO.

    It is what it is.

  4. #529
    Veteran Proxy's Avatar
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    So you have proof Evoulution is not a theory ?

    Please share this discovery.
    If you hadn't blatantly ignored to gist of my post, you would see that I answered that question. I'll go ahead and assume that you can't read based on the high number of spelling mistakes (Evoulution?... ... Evolution) and ignorant questions you produce.

    I'll go ahead and take RandomGuy's advice and leave this discussion even though I just entered it. It makes me sad to know that you aren't the only human in this world that looks at things in a similar moronic fashion.

  5. #530
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    If you hadn't blatantly ignored to gist of my post, you would see that I answered that question. I'll go ahead and assume that you can't read based on the high number of spelling mistakes (Evoulution?... ... Evolution) and ignorant questions you produce.

    I'll go ahead and take RandomGuy's advice and leave this discussion even though I just entered it. It makes me sad to know that you aren't the only human in this world that looks at things in a similar moronic fashion.
    I am going to take my own advice as well. Not worth my time anymore.

  6. #531
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    "Evolution" mixes two things together, one real, one imaginary. Variation (microevolution) is the real part. The types of bird beaks, the colors of moths, leg sizes, etc. are variation. Each type and length of beak a finch can have is already in the gene pool and adaptive mechanisms of finches.

    What evolutionists do not want you to know is that there are strict limits to variation that are never crossed, something every breeder of animals or plants is aware of. Whenever variation is pushed to extremes by selective breeding (to get the most milk from cows, sugar from beets, bristles on fruit flies, or any other characteristic), the line becomes sterile and dies out. And as one characteristic increases, others diminish. But evolutionists want you to believe that changes continue, merging gradually into new kinds of creatures. This is where the imaginary part of the theory of evolution comes in. It says that new information is added to the gene pool by mutation and natural selection to create frogs from fish, reptiles from frogs, and mammals from reptiles, to name a few.

  7. #532
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    Evolutionists tell us we cannot see evolution taking place because it happens too slowly. A human generation takes about 20 years from birth to parenthood. They say it took tens of thousands of generations to form man from a common ancestor with the ape, from populations of only hundreds or thousands. We do not have these problems with bacteria. A new generation of bacteria grows in as short as 12 minutes or up to 24 hours or more, depending on the type of bacteria and the environment, but typically 20 minutes to a few hours. There are more bacteria in the world than there are grains of sand on all of the beaches of the world (and many grains of sand are covered with bacteria). They exist in just about any environment: hot, cold, dry, wet, high pressure, low pressure, small groups, large colonies, isolated, much food, little food, much oxygen, no oxygen, in toxic chemicals, etc. There is much variation in bacteria. There are many mutations (in fact, evolutionists say that smaller organisms have a faster mutation rate than larger ones16). But they never turn into anything new. They always remain bacteria. Fruit flies are much more complex than already complex single-cell bacteria. Scientists like to study them because a generation (from egg to adult) takes only 9 days. In the lab, fruit flies are studied under every conceivable condition. There is much variation in fruit flies. There are many mutations. But they never turn into anything new. They always remain fruit flies. Many years of study of countless generations of bacteria and fruit flies all over the world shows that evolution is not happening today.

  8. #533
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    Did you know that the teaching of Evolution is linked to racism? If you don't believe it, please know that the full le of Charles Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" is, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" Reference: Evolution is also the cornerstone for Communism and Nazism and the justification of such evils as genocide.

  9. #534
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    The theory of the Big Bang was first conceived as a result of the work of American astronomer, Edwin Hubble. Hubble was the first to propose the idea of an expanding Universe. 3 If he is correct, and if we could travel back into the past, to the beginning of time, before it all expanded (or so the theory goes), then there must have been a time when everything was clumped together into one tiny ball of matter. And then we are told that something happened...

    All of the sudden, this tiny clump of matter is supposed to have exploded into a Big Bang, and then Vwuallah! Seven to 20 billion years later (depending on whom you ask, and what year you asked them), here we are... without any sort of Intelligence to plan out, or act upon any of that matter. And as preposterous as this is to the laws of nature, and logic, and common sense itself, it is still the ONLY viewpoint that is allowed to be taught in public school classrooms today: for any viewpoint that even HINTS at the (STRONG) probability of a Creator being involved is said to be off limits (to so-called "science" and logic), and out of the realm of "science", and therefore should not be allowed to be examined and explored, much less even mentioned to our curious kids: who (we are supposed to believe) shouldn't be exposed to logic and common sense, but rather ONLY to progressive liberal fantasies that don't make sense.

    Those who promote this theory also usually speculate that this small clump of matter, that contained all the matter in the universe, was no larger than a golf ball.

    In other words, the Big Bang theory speculates that out of a great chaotic explosion came all of the order and complexity that we see around us today, with no intelligence required to plan out, design or build anything. In reality though, this theory is nothing more than an attempt by men (whose knowledge is quite limited) to try and explain how they think we might have been created without a Creator. For this reason, the Big Bang theory goes hand in hand with the theory of evolution, which is an attempt to do likewise. Small wonder that those who promote the Big Bang are also, more often than not, believers in evolution.

  10. #535
    Long, Dark Blues redzero's Avatar
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  11. #536
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    Did you know that the teaching of Evolution is linked to racism? If you don't believe it, please know that the full le of Charles Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" is, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" Reference: Evolution is also the cornerstone for Communism and Nazism and the justification of such evils as genocide.
    I never imagined to see Godwin's law in this thread, even with someone as goofy as mouse posting in it

  12. #537
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    Cool copypasta, bro.
    Would you prefer I type every word for word?

    It never fails every debate I do on the age of the earth or Evolution ends in the same way.

    Either they say "I refuse to go any further and try to educate you"

    Translation: I really can't answer your questions without looking like a fool.

    Or else they say "ROFL you copy and paste" "you an ______fill in the blank outdated insult"
    Translation: I will do my best to turn this into a smack off.
    Anything they can come up with so they don't have to address the issues at hand and answer the tough questions.

    But no matter what they say at the end the truth is always you were right, I was wrong, lets move on.
    Last edited by mouse; 04-28-2012 at 08:13 PM.

  13. #538
    Make a trade steal
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    God likes to watch people suffer.

    Suffering is only temporary. Are you too big of a pussy to endure suffering. You can learn great things from suffering and in the end when it is all over you are better for it.

  14. #539
    Veteran jack sommerset's Avatar
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    Suffering is only temporary. Are you too big of a pussy to endure suffering. You can learn great things from suffering and in the end when it is all over you are better for it.
    So true, I don't think Blake is a pussy but all that other stuff is well put. God bless

  15. #540
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    Suffering is only temporary. Are you too big of a pussy to endure suffering. You can learn great things from suffering and in the end when it is all over you are better for it.
    I'm not saying the opposite of that or disagreeing with that at all.

    I'm saying God's a sick .

    He's like a kid with a magnifying glass in the sun burning ants, only it's not ants.

  16. #541
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    I'm saying God's a sick .
    kinda off topic but I need to know if was you molested as a child?

  17. #542
    silverblk mystix
    I'm not saying the opposite of that or disagreeing with that at all.

    I'm saying God's a sick .

    He's like a kid with a magnifying glass in the sun burning ants, only it's not ants.
    You are pretty blind.

    First of all, you don't know what God is and neither does anyone else.
    So, who are you even calling a sick ?

    If you don't even know what God is and you don't really know who or what is the reason that people suffer, then you are talking nonsense.

    Sometimes, it's better to think before you speak.

  18. #543
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    You are pretty blind.

    First of all, you don't know what God is and neither does anyone else.
    So, who are you even calling a sick ?

    If you don't even know what God is and you don't really know who or what is the reason that people suffer, then you are talking nonsense.

    Sometimes, it's better to think before you speak.
    Clearly he's talking about the god of the bible.

    I'm not surprised that someone who chooses to abuse inmates find common ground with the god of the old testament tbh.

  19. #544
    silverblk mystix
    Clearly he's talking about the god of the bible.

    I'm not surprised that someone who chooses to abuse inmates find common ground with the god of the old testament tbh.
    You make even less sense so STFU.

  20. #545
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    kinda off topic but I need to know if was you molested as a child?
    aren't you always complaining of childish insults

  21. #546
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    Sometimes, it's better to think before you speak.
    I've thought about this:

    You're an idiot.

  22. #547
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    Evolutionists believe the earth was a result of a huge explosion.

    aka "the big bang"

    what they wont tell you is all matter that explodes from a single mass the particles rotate in the same direction outwards yet we have are moons in the solar system spinning in the opposite direction of the "big Bang"

    these questions are hard to answer when you have to rely on Darwin.

    where is your Science God now?

  23. #548
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    aren't you always complaining of childish insults
    only when they are not funny.

  24. #549
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    only when they are not funny.
    Yours are never funny, fwiw

  25. #550
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    Yours are never funny, fwiw

    I had no idea you represent the www.

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