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  1. #51
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    Flynn's conflicts of interests

    Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who has reportedly been offered the role of national security adviser in Donald Trump’s White House, began receiving classified national security briefings last summer while he was also running a private consulting firm that offered “all-source intelligence support” to international clients.

    Flynn’s relationship with his overseas clients is coming in for new scrutiny amid recent disclosures that two months ago, during the height of the presidential campaign, his consulting firm, the Flynn Intel Group, registered to lobby for a Dutch company owned by a wealthy Turkish businessman close to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.

    Flynn has said Islam is a “political ideology based on a religion,”

    which he believes “the American Founding Fathers wanted nothing to do with,” and

    he’s even called it a cancer.

    Trump and Flynn both believe that the U.S. needs to work more closely with Russia to defeat the threat of radical Islam, despite Russian President Vlaimir Putin’s human rights abuses and aggressive action in Ukraine.

    Last year Flynn was paid to give a speech in Moscow and appear at a gala for the TV network RT, where he was seated next to Putin.

    Flynn said he sees no difference between the Kremlin-funded outlet and U.S. media organizations like CNN.

    Seated next to Simonyan at the dinner and just two seats away from Putin himself was perhaps the most intriguing example of how the Russians have gone about recruiting disaffected members of that establishment: a rugged-looking man in a tuxedo who less than 18 months earlier had been head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s powerful in-house equivalent of the CIA. Michael Flynn, now a private citizen after a reportedly disgruntled retirement, was not there to gather intelligence.

    His attendance at the RT gala, before which he also gave a talk on world affairs, appeared to inaugurate a relationship with the network—presumably a paid one, though neither Flynn nor RT answered queries on the subject.

    Flynn now makes semi-regular appearances on RT as an analyst,

    in which he often argues that the U.S. and Russia should be working more closely together on issues like fighting ISIL and ending Syria’s civil war. “Russia has its own national security strategy, and we have to respect that,” he said in one recent appearance.

    “And we have to try to figure out: How do we combine the United States’ national security strategy along with Russia’s national security strategy, despite all the challenges that we face?”

    At a moment of semi-hostility between the U.S. and Russia,

    the presence of such an important figure at Putin’s table startled current and former members of the Obama administration. “It was extremely odd that he showed up in a tuxedo to the Russian government propaganda arm’s party,” one former Pentagon official told me.

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    Trump Names Benghazi Zealot His CIA Director

    Rep. Mike Pompeo earned a bunch of Pinocchios for his Benghazi charges.





    Trash's pig- ing voters!

  4. #54
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    Trump’s pick for attorney general: The Ku Klux Klan was fine ‘until I found out they smoked pot’

    A supporter of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign, the 69-year-old Republican said of marijuana earlier this year:

    “This drug is dangerous, it cannot be played with, it is not funny, it’s not something to laugh about, and [I’m] trying to send that message with clarity, that good people don’t smoke marijuana.”

    “Jeff Sessions is a drug war dinosaur, which is the last thing the nation needs now,” said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. “Those who counted on Donald Trump’s reassurance that marijuana reforms ‘should be a state issue’ will be sorely disappointed.”

    What could be the senator’s motivation for holding such positions?

    Back in 1986, when Sessions was serving as a prosecutor in Alabama, President Ronald Reagan nominated him to become a federal judge.

    However, this application was rejected—by a Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee and during the racist Reagan era—because of Sessions’ behavior around race.

    His ex-colleagues testified that he had described civil rights organizations, such as the NAACP, as “un-American.”

    And Thomas H. Figures,

    a black federal prosecutor, said that Sessions had called him “boy,” and told him, “be careful what you say to white folks.”

    Figures also testified that Sessions said that the Ku Klux Klan was fine “until I found out they smoked pot.” n=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29

    Trash is racist, and he is putting a slave state, life-long AL racist into DoJ.

    You Trash fellators are racists, or are, at very least, enabling racism by electing a racist.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 11-19-2016 at 10:36 PM.

  5. #55
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    Trump’s pick for attorney general: The Ku Klux Klan was fine ‘until I found out they smoked pot’

    A supporter of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign, the 69-year-old Republican said of marijuana earlier this year:

    “This drug is dangerous, it cannot be played with, it is not funny, it’s not something to laugh about, and [I’m] trying to send that message with clarity, that good people don’t smoke marijuana.”

    “Jeff Sessions is a drug war dinosaur, which is the last thing the nation needs now,” said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. “Those who counted on Donald Trump’s reassurance that marijuana reforms ‘should be a state issue’ will be sorely disappointed.”

    What could be the senator’s motivation for holding such positions?

    Back in 1986, when Sessions was serving as a prosecutor in Alabama, President Ronald Reagan nominated him to become a federal judge.

    However, this application was rejected—by a Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee and during the racist Reagan era—because of Sessions’ behavior around race.

    His ex-colleagues testified that he had described civil rights organizations, such as the NAACP, as “un-American.”

    And Thomas H. Figures,

    a black federal prosecutor, said that Sessions had called him “boy,” and told him, “be careful what you say to white folks.”

    Figures also testified that Sessions said that the Ku Klux Klan was fine “until I found out they smoked pot.” n=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29

    Trash is racist, and he is putting a slave state, life-long AL racist into DoJ.

    You Trash fellators are racists, or are, at very least, enablish racism by electing a racist.

    Hey...I think I read somewhere that your mom has baboon vagina.

  6. #56
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    Jeff Sessions is expected to bring sweeping changes to the Justice Department

    a “sense of the Senate” resolution affirming that the United States must not bar people from the country because of their religion.Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) — a member of the Judiciary Committee, along with Leahy — voted against the resolution, but not before delivering a 30-minute oration urging fellow senators to reject the measure. the next attorney general — a position that will give him the platform to shape civil rights policy and to defend the cons utionality of policies that effectively restrict Muslim immigration, legal and civil liberties experts warn.

    Several former Justice officials predicted that Sessions would reverse the emphasis on civil rights and criminal-justice reform that Holder put in place.

    “From his time as U.S. attorney through his service on the Judiciary Committee, he has left serious doubts about whether he would faithfully enforce civil rights laws as attorney general,”

    “The civil rights division was gutted during the last Republican administration, and the burden of proof is on Senator Sessions to show that he would not follow that same path.”

    Sessions voted against confirming Lynch as attorney general,

    Sessions has opposed same-sex marriage and has a zero rating from the nation’s largest LGBT advocacy group, the Human Rights Campaign.

    “Regrettably, it is likely to be exercised toward the attempted elimination of civil rights, environmental and an rust enforcement.

    believes that there’s also a place for military commissions for unlawful foreign enemy combatants — a nonuniformed illegal terrorist without a nation who’s killing women and children overseas.”

    J. Gerald Hebert — now the director of the voting rights and redistricting program at the Campaign Legal Center — said that Sessions had called the NAACP and the American Civil Liberties Union “un-American” and “Communist-inspired.”

    America is ed and un able. Don the Con and his posse of assholes will certainly America harder and deeper, first and foremost, they'll Trash's voters.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 11-18-2016 at 03:17 PM.

  7. #57
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    Jeff Sessions, Trump’s Pick for Attorney General, Is a Fierce Opponent of Civil Rights

    He wrongly prosecuted black activists for voter fraud, was blocked from a judgeship because of racist statements, and opposed the Voting Rights Act.

  8. #58
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    10 things to know about Sen. Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general

    He's "amnesty's worst enemy": The conservative National Review crowned Sessions with that le in 2014, with good reason. Sessions has opposed nearly every immigration bill that has come before the Senate the past two decades that has included a path to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally.

    He's also fought legal immigration, including guest worker programs for illegal immigrants and visa programs for foreign workers in science, math and high-tech. In 2007, Sessions got a bill passed essentially banning for 10 years federal contractors who hire illegal immigrants.

    He's a debt hawk and a military hawk: Sessions, a lawyer before he became a politician, is known for touring Alabama with charts warning of the United States' "crippling" debt. On foreign policy, Sessions has advocated a get-tough approach, once voting against an amendment banning "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of prisoners.

    He's a climate change skeptic: Here's Sessions in a 2015 hearing questioning Environmental Protection Agency's Gina McCarthy: "Carbon pollution is CO2, and that’s really not a pollutant; that’s a plant food, and it doesn’t harm anybody except that it might include temperature increases."

    Repug "science"

  9. #59
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    Trouble For Trump As NSA Pick Michael Flynn Reported For Potentially Violating Federal Law

    Less than a day after being chosen, President-elect Donald Trump's choice to head the NSA has been reported for a potential violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). _campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politicus +USA+%29

  10. #60
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    Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Promoted Anti-Semitic Tweet And “Diversity Is ... White Genocide” Writer

    In July 2016, Flynn shared a tweet that read, “Not anymore, Jews. Not anymore.”

    In February, Flynn tweeted: “Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL.”

    Flynn frequently tweets at and has endorsed the work of Mike Cernovich, who is part of the white nationalist “alt-right” movement. On October 8, Flynn tweeted, “Follow Mike @Cernovich He has a terrific book, Gorilla Mindset. Well worth the read.”

    endorsed a racist author who claims “diversity is code for white genocide.”

    Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke has declared Flynn to be a “great pick!” ampaign=Feed%3A+MediaMattersForAmerica-CountyFair+%28Media+Matters+for+America+-+Blog%29

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    Gen. David Petraeus is in the running for secretary of state. Shouldn’t Donald Trump want to lock him up?

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    Donald Trump is bringing torture back: His entire foreign-policy team is comprised of big fans of the worst Bush-era practices

    Potential CIA head Pete Hoekstra, like many others around Trump, wants to "work out" a policy for American torture

  13. #63
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    Trump is stocking his administration with white nationalists

  14. #64
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Trump’s pick for attorney general: The Ku Klux Klan was fine ‘until I found out they smoked pot’

    A supporter of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign, the 69-year-old Republican said of marijuana earlier this year:

    “This drug is dangerous, it cannot be played with, it is not funny, it’s not something to laugh about, and [I’m] trying to send that message with clarity, that good people don’t smoke marijuana.”

    “Jeff Sessions is a drug war dinosaur, which is the last thing the nation needs now,” said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. “Those who counted on Donald Trump’s reassurance that marijuana reforms ‘should be a state issue’ will be sorely disappointed.”

    What could be the senator’s motivation for holding such positions?

    Back in 1986, when Sessions was serving as a prosecutor in Alabama, President Ronald Reagan nominated him to become a federal judge.

    However, this application was rejected—by a Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee and during the racist Reagan era—because of Sessions’ behavior around race.

    His ex-colleagues testified that he had described civil rights organizations, such as the NAACP, as “un-American.”

    And Thomas H. Figures,

    a black federal prosecutor, said that Sessions had called him “boy,” and told him, “be careful what you say to white folks.”

    Figures also testified that Sessions said that the Ku Klux Klan was fine “until I found out they smoked pot.” n=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29

    Trash is racist, and he is putting a slave state, life-long AL racist into DoJ.

    You Trash fellators are racists, or are, at very least, enablish racism by electing a racist.

    LOL all the Bernie voters whose legal weed is about to become illegal again now that federal prosecution will pick right back up.

  15. #65
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    Normalizing the Abnormal: NPR Begins Its Whitewashing of Breitbart's Racism

    Trumpites all use the same technique; trot out blame the victim reverse racism.

    “Let’s hear a defense of Steve Bannon,” NPR host Steve Inskeep began, offering a view of exactly what direction this interview would take. Pollak started by launching into a gushing assessment of Bannon, calling him “a national hero,” and talking about how it’s so great we’ll have someone “so calm under pressure in the White House.”

    (Maybe this is true, though it contradicts accusations against Bannon of domestic abuse, sexual harassment and being a “verbally abus[ive]” “bully” “who is prone to a lot of tirades” by former staffers.)

    When Inskeep interjected to ask about Bannon’s tireless work to turn Breitbart into the alt-right outlet of choice, Pollak attempted to distance the site from the movement it has nurtured on a steady diet of xenophobia, racism, sexism and anti-Semitism.

    “The only alt-right content we have is a single article out of tens of thousands of articles, which is a journalistic article about the alt-right by Milo Yiannopoulos, and Allum Bokhari, which basically went into this movement, and tried to figure out what it was all about,” Pollak said. “That’s not racist; that’s journalism.”

    And just like that, Bannon’s site was suddenly unaffiliated with the alt-right movement

    Bannon himself boasted in August that Breitbart is the "platform of the alt-right.”

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    Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon suggests having too many Asian tech CEOs undermines ‘civic society’

    Bannon responded: “When two-thirds or three-quarters of the CEOs in Silicon Valley are from South Asia or from Asia, I think . . . ” he didn’t finish his sentence.

    “A country is more than an economy. We’re a civic society.”

  17. #67
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    These are actual headlines Bannon published on his "news" site, this is Trump's chief strategist & sr. counselor

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    Trump considering lunatic World Net Daily writer for deputy national security post

    Donald Trump is reportedly considering appointing Clare Lopez, an anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist, to serve as his deputy national security adviser.Lopez is the vice president of the Center for Security Policy, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that focuses on the threat of Islamic jihad. She was on a short list of names that the Daily Caller reported as coming directly from the Trump transition team.

    That would be Frank Gaffney's think tank, the one that believes the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated not only the government but the conservative movement itself.

    Their biggest claim to fame is their insistence that

    conservative anti-tax guru Grover Norquist is a secret ally of the Muslim Brotherhood;

    when they demanded the conservative CPAC conference remove Norquist and other "secret Muslims" from the board, CPAC kicked them out.

    Clare Lopez, for her part, outlines her group's various lunatic anti-Muslim conspiracies on Breitbart and on World Net Daily, two of the most-known conservative conspiracy sites.

    She and her fellow conspiracy-inventors are

    convinced that everyone from Clinton's aide Huma Abedin to Grover Norquist are secretly allies of terrorists;

    the group's evidence for this consists solely of any drawable lines between their targets and any ethnic Muslim anywhere.

    They are absolutely unhinged, and for a long while were shunned in conservative circles—until Steve Bannon used his own power to re-mainstream them over the objections of those "serious" conservatives by giving them a large public platform and deriding conservatives who don't ascribe to their lunacy.

    This is the person in the running to be Trump's deputy national security adviser: the woman who believes secret Muslims have infiltrated all ranks of our government and politics, and has advocated for a return to the McCarthy era of investigating and rooting out Muslims and Muslim-enablers.

    "personnel is policy"

  19. #69
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    Be My Little General...

    He's gonna take off after that blood cult, & _,,,he ain't gonna stop.

  20. #70
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    Be My Little General...

    He's gonna take off after that blood cult, & _,,,he ain't gonna stop.
    Most here have no idea what that means, Dale. Most never served.

  21. #71
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    LOL all the Bernie voters whose legal weed is about to become illegal again now that federal prosecution will pick right back up.
    such crocodile tears with their states rights rhetoric when convenient

  22. #72
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    ‘Hamilton’ Cast Sends Message to Pence (video)

    On Friday night, Mike Pence attended the Broadway musical in New York. After the performance, the actor Brandon Victor Dixon delivered a message to the vice president-elect.



    Mike Pence booed at Hamilton performance and hears diversity plea

    After audience jeered vice-president elect at New York musical, actor addressed him from stage: ‘We are the diverse Americans anxious you will not protect us

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    Trump's national security adviser vows to tackle North Korea nuclear threat

    U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's national security adviser says North Korea's nuclear program would be given a high priority under the new administration

    Trump had suggested during the election campaign he would be willing to withdraw U.S. military stationed in South Korea unless Seoul paid a greater share of the cost of the deployment. There are about 28,500 U.S. troops based in South Korea in combined defense against North Korea. tm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign= Feed%3A+Reuters%2FPoliticsNews+%28Reuters+Politics +News%29

    This flaming asshole, criminal, Flynn plans to do what to NK?

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    Gays can be reformed, just like arsonists, Trump’s new domestic policy adviser has said

    Ken Blackwell, tapped last week by President-elect Donald Trump to head domestic policy during the businessman's transition to the White House, has made anti-LGBT statements for years.

    Among them: sexuality is a sin, and gay people, just like petty thieves and fire-setters, can be rehabilitated.

    The Ohio politician has long endorsed a controversial mental health practice known as conversion therapy or reparative therapy.

    The goal is to cure a person of his or her sexuality, and in the case of transgender people, to reaffirm the gender into which they were born.

    KB was the OH Secy of State in 2004 that stole OH from Kerry vote counting fraud, and got dubya re-elected by the smallest margin of any in bent president.

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    Why Steve Bannon may literally not be fit to serve in the White House

    Anyone seeking a security clearance would be subject to an extensive background check and investigation by the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

    Tim Mak of The Daily Beast spoke with a number of experts on that process, and

    they were unanimous — any ordinary person with Bannon’s history would probably have an uphill battle on his hands to clear those hurdles.

    Remember, this is a guy who has do ented ties to far-right groups both home and abroad, is suspected of voter fraud in Florida, may have taken illegal payments from pro-Trump fat cats, and has a history of domestic violence.

    I say “any ordinary person” because, on paper, Trump would have the right to overrule the FBI and ODNI if they find Bannon can’t be trusted with a security clearance.

    But just because he can doesn’t mean he should. Indeed, Adam Schiff, the ranking Dem on the House Intelligence Committee, was concerned enough to put the FBI and ODNI on notice—don’t give Bannon any special favors.

    “Given that the president-elect disregarded what the intelligence community must have been telling him about Russia’s role in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee… there are already profound concerns [over whether] he will accept the views of the intelligence community when it differs from his own view of things,” Schiff said.

    “Were he to move forward with someone that the intelligence community found to be disqualified on the basis of his background checks, that would be another cause for grave concern.”

    I’d go further than that. If Trump were to grant Bannon a security clearance despite being told he couldn’t be trusted with one, it would be grounds to demand his resignation. You could even make the argument that it would be an impeachable offense.

    I expect Flynn, Boy Toy for the Russians and taking Turkey govt money while working for Trash, will also have a hard time with clearance.

    it, I think Trash would have a hard time getting Top Secret clearance with all his foreign entanglements.

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