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  1. #51
    That is when he becomes a FA. As of right now, Parker's contract is in the 800 thousand dollar range.

    In a trade, salaries must match, to within 15% of each other.
    Not when you have cap room.

    Apology Accepted.

  2. #52
    good but not star players like Parker and Bowen
    By age 21, what more could Parker have done to prove he has star potential?


  3. #53
    Ghost Writer
    There's that 'P' word again.


    Parker is still not a star in my book.

    Stars don't get benched two games in a row in favor of Speedy Claxton when it matters most.

  4. #54
    To prove he has star potential, he could become the focal point of team on both ends of the court, and lead his team to the playoffs.

    Parker is a solid point guard. He is not a superstar.

    And thank you for correcting me on the salary situation earlier, TimVP.

  5. #55
    Ghost I don't think that Parker should be so easily dismissed as you do. Anyways, let's focus on the primary discussion at hand.

  6. #56
    He didn't get benched 2 games in a row. He lit up the Nets in game 5 with Kittles on him and hung 10-12 points on the Nets in the 3rd quarter when we increased our lead from 3 points to 15.

    He sucked in game 6 because they keyed on him, if you rewatch the game you will see the Nets running 3 defenders at him at times..and they forced him to turn it over.

    Claxton on the other hand had Kidd leaving him wide open. Claxton didn't have a defender within 3 feet of him in the second half and he was turning it over too.

    The difference between Parker and Jax that game was that Pop stayed with Jax..they were both sucking for most of the game.

    I can't believe you want to trade Parker for a guy like Kwame Brown who cries like a because MJ is mad at him...

    While Parker was kicking Kidd's ass off the court..and oh yeah Kidd just happens to be the guy coming to take his job..not to mention the NY media grilling him, in the NBA finals...he's got DROB of all people calling him out, he's got Pop assreaming him after every play, he's got Manu and Jax ing at him for following Pop's directions and not give them the ball instead of Duncan, and he's the second youngest player in NBA finals history.

    Parker has balls. Brown doesn't. If you want to trade a talent for one bad game...why aren't you on Duncan's ass? He cost us game 1 against Phoenix when he choked those FT's.

    You don't just give up on a guy for one bad game. You especially don't do it when the guy is 20 years old.

  7. #57

    Thank you.

  8. #58
    Hmmm...John Paxson lit up the Lakers in NBA Finals 1991. Did he ever make an all star team at any point in his career?

  9. #59
    The truth hurts doesn't it. Kidd got smoked by Parker and he even admitted it.

  10. #60
    Ghost Writer
    Whott, Parker was relived in Games 5 & 6 by Claxton. He is not a superstar yet. He’s the second best player on the Spurs by default and one our only tradeable commodities. He will be a non-essential should Kidd come here.


  11. #61
    That's ing funny Adidas I don't remember any quotes from Lakers saying they couldn't guard John Paxon.

  12. #62
    I hope Rasho is a superstar or at least has potential if we're to trade Bowen and Parker for him.

    Works both ways.

    Chad Ford = Sam Smith

  13. #63
    Most of your favorite players today were finishing up summer school at 21. Not winning championships.


    GW, you didn't answer the


  14. #64
    Just because a player is a key compenent of a championship winning team, doesn't mean he has superstar potential.


  15. #65
    Ghost Writer
    Um, play well enough to stick around at the end of Games 5 & 6 versus Kidd and the Nets.


  16. #66
    Bowen is a key component to the don't just run him off for crap.

  17. #67
    If Kidd comes here I think Parker's role is reduced. PERIOD. Bring up past double headed PG experiments like Frazier/Monroe, Cassell/Payton etc.... but that does not mean Kidd and Parker is really going to work.

    Parker is a fine player, is more of a scoring PG/2G but I don't think he would be real successful playing the 2G consistently. I rather save that spot for Manu or Sjax depeding on what Pop does at the 2-3 spots or if he starts Manu and Jax at the same time.

    But with that said I think Parker's role becomes smaller and it will hinder his growth slightly if Kidd comes than if he did not.

    But I have to agree with Ghost -- sure Parker has potential -- but if Kidd comes than Parker will not be the same to our team and won't improve like he would if Kidd did not come to SA.

    Parker has potential sure -- but so does Gilbert Arenas. Not that I think Arenas is any better right now -- but Arenas is also very young 22. Does that mean he will automatically be a Top 5 PG for years to come with Tony Parker because they are doing well at a young age? Not neccesarily.

  18. #68
    What other 21 year old PG's in the NBA have Parker's talent? I don't see many. I'd say he is the best PG taken in the last 3 drafts.

  19. #69
    Ghost Writer
    Okay, Archie. It seems like you think everyone including Bateer is a key component to the Spurs. I'm not saying you run anyone out of here for crap. But you don't load up on certain positions when you have a gaping hole at another one, either, champ.


    Whott, the day Kidd signs on the bottom line, you be on his dillsnick just like your on Parker's so STFU already.

  20. #70

    This is not hard to understand. You don't just run players off just because you can. If you can get the same level of talent without shipping out a Bowen, you do that. No matter what you seem to think Bowen is the best on ball perimeter defender in the NBA.

    The Spurs wouldn't be capped out after they signed Kidd. With a $42.5 mil cap they would have $3.8 mil in cap room. That's something significant to work with. If you disagree with my numbers let's see yours.

    F'in A.

  21. #71
    Normally I would say don't get Kidd and KEEP Parker at the same time.

    But since Jermaine O'Neal ain't coming the Spurs really do not have much other choice. Kidd and Zo may be the way to go if Mourning is healthy.

    I like Parker -- has great poise and a lot of talent and could one day be a top 5 PG. But right now he isn't. His vision is not even close to Kidds, his defense is weaker, his rebounding is weaker etc.....Sure Parker is faster but what good is that if he is going to be inconsistent and not run the team like a PG like Kidd could?

    Normally I wouldn't want the Spurs to give away Parker -- I liked O Neal or Brand as an idea to play along Duncan. But its looking like that won't happen.

    With that said, if the Spurs get Kidd, then Parker is not going to be the same player. He isn't really going to grow like he should. It won't be the same Tony Parker. Maybe he will show some flashes of brilliance with Kidd -- but we do we have Manu and Sjax -- whos games could also double with a guy like Kidd dishing them the rock. Plus the fact that Manu and Sjax are going to improve anyway. I like Parker, but getting Kidd reduces his game for this team. If the Spurs don't mind doing that, then so be it. But I would not hinder Manu and Jax growth just to experiment with TP at the 2G.

    Thus, Kidd and Zo may be the best way to go.

  22. #72
    Ghost Writer

    No sh1t, Archie. Now get one of those marginal big men here for $3 million and we won't have to worry about a sign-and-trade of Bowen and Parker to NJ.

  23. #73
    Ghost is freaking because he wanted to see Payton play for SA, much like myself I might add. He sees the writing on the wall.

    Payton playing for the Lakers scares the out of him and it should. That's not just slapping superstars together like SA is trying to do..that's hitting a grandslam homerun with getting the absolute perfect piece for a Laker le.

    Don't fight it Ghost..sometimes you just have to take your beating like a man.

  24. #74
    Come on you er show me how it's $3 mil instead of $3.8 million. Dammit I must have missed your cap calcs. Bring it or stop trying to sing it. I didn't realize that PJ Brown was a marginal big. In case you didn't notice he was in town a couple of days ago and had a good visit.

  25. #75
    Ghost Writer
    I thought 'marginal' was your word.

    Sorry I left off the 0.8 million.

    $3.8 million.

    There. That should be more than enough to attract Brown or Nesterovic or Mourning.

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