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  1. #76
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    After Lead Contamination In House Office Building’s Water, Lawmakers Demand EPA Reforms

    A day after House members learned that the drinking water in one of the Congressional office buildings had been shut off due to lead contamination, a bipartisan group of 61 representatives sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency demanding that it improve its lead regulations.

    The letter urges the EPA to update the Lead and Copper Rule, the regulation meant to keep the U.S.’s drinking water free from lead contamination, so that the threshold for action is lower. Currently, if a water system finds that at least 10 percent of homes tested show levels of lead at 15 parts per billion, steps have to be taken to reduce it, including replacing lead service lines and improving the use of corrosion control measures to keep lead from leeching from pipes into water.

    Next up: Repugs push hard to defund and/or kill the EPA.

  2. #77
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Why is no one in jail??

    This is insane. Even in a 3rd world holes someone would be in jail. Wow USA has hit a new low
    I feel ill. Something I just not right.

    This is about the only thing this poster has written that makes any sense.

  3. #78
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    how much to obtain water quality in the worst communities?

    The people who know about their ty water will probably pay more in a year(s) for bottled water (which is like at least 1000x per gallon more expensive than tap water) than they would in increased taxes to get quality water.

    and BigWaterCorp will lobby like to block any tax increases to fix bad water.

  6. #81
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    Six state employees charged with wrongdoing in Flint water crisis

    After months of investigation, more state employees have been charged with crimes related to Flint's water crisis.

    The Detroit Free Press reports that the six charged employees include "Michigan Department of Health and Human Services workers Nancy Peeler, Corinne Miller and Robert Scott, and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality employees Leanne Smith; Adam Rosenthal and Patrick Cook."

    According to the Detroit News, the six employees are charged with "misconduct in office, conspiring to commit misconduct in office, and willful neglect of duty."

    They are accused of, among other things, hiding test results that showed toxic levels of lead in the residents' bloodstreams.

  7. #82
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    Unsafe levels of toxic chemicals found in drinking water of 33 states

    Levels of a widely used class of industrial chemicals linked with cancer and other health problems — polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) — exceed federally recommended safety levels in public drinking-water supplies for 6 million people in the United States, according to a new study led by researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

    The study will be published Aug. 9 in the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

    “For many years, chemicals with unknown toxicities, such as PFASs, were allowed to be used and released to the environment, and we now have to face the severe consequences,” said lead author Xindi Hu, a doctoral student in the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard Chan School, Environmental Science and Engineering at SEAS, and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

    “In addition, the actual number of people exposed may be even higher than our study found, because government data for levels of these compounds in drinking water is lacking for almost a third of the U.S. population — about 100 million people.”

    PFASs have been used over the past 60 years in industrial and commercial products ranging from food wrappers to clothing to pots and pans. They have been linked with cancer, hormone disruption, high cholesterol, and obesity.

    Although several major manufacturers have discontinued the use of some PFASs, the chemicals continue to persist in people and wildlife. Drinking water is one of the main routes through which people can be exposed.

    The researchers looked at concentrations of six types of PFASs in drinking-water supplies, using data from more than 36,000 water samples collected nationwide by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from 2013 to 2015.

    They also looked at industrial sites that manufacture or use PFASs; at military fire-training sites and civilian airports where firefighting foam containing PFASs is used; and at wastewater-treatment plants. Discharges from these plants — which are unable to remove PFASs from wastewater by standard treatment methods — could contaminate groundwater. So could the sludge the plants generate, which is frequently used as fertilizer.

    3rd world America is broke, can't even deliver healthy water. I'm sure P/E taking over municipal water will deliver perfect water.

  8. #83
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    Flint's growing mental health crisis

    People living in Flint are experiencing mental health issues caused by the ongoing water crisis, including stress, anxiety and fear over what the future holds as they continue to rely on bottled water and filters more than two years after problems first surfaced with the drinking water.

    A widespread concern for residents throughout the lead-poisoned city is not knowing how they, or their children and grandchildren, may be impacted because of exposure to the contaminated water.

    “You try to keep going like everything’s OK,” Angie Thornton-George told the Free Press, of living with the water crisis that still has no known end date. “But… it’s not OK."

    Thornton-George, like others in town, wonders what effect the water will have on her down the road.

    “It’s not so much that you’re like just walking around in fear, but it’s always in the back of your mind — what will happen to me in later years that may be a result of the drinking of this water?” said Thornton-George, 48.

    Health care workers and community leaders said they've seen increased anxiety in all ages — kids through senior citizens — because of the situation.

    They point out there are more resources to help families and if people take advantage of them, their children are much more likely to have positive outcomes.

    Repug governance, $$$ trumps (black) people's health.

  9. #84
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    Another Flint? Gov. Mike Pence Absent Amid ‘Astronomical’ Lead Contamination in Indiana Neighborhood

    In a case reminiscent of the
    crisis in Flint, Michigan, the EPA is stepping up efforts to respond to lead contamination levels in an affordable housing complex in Indiana.

    According to reporting by The Young Turks, 1200 people have been evacuated already from homes that were built on the site of multiple lead smelting plants in the state’s industrial corridor.

    Amid signs warning children not to play on the lawns because of the dangerously high levels of lead contamination brimming on the surface, TYT‘s Jordan Chariton spoke to residents, local politicians, and environmental activists, do enting a neighborhood beset by multiple health problems and administrative indifference.

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    This Region Is Twice Flint’s Size—And Its Water Is Also Poisoned

    California's agriculture boom means nitrate-tainted water for at least 212,000 people.

    The toxin in question is nitrate, which leaches into aquifers when farmers apply synthetic nitrogen fertilizers or large amounts of manure to fortify soil.

    Although probably
    not as ruinous as lead, the contaminant that fouled Flint's water, nitrate isn't something you want to be gulping down on a daily basis.

    Nitrate-laced water has been linked to a
    range of health problems, including birth defects, blood problems in babies, and cancers of the ovaries and thyroid.

    BigChem, BigAg are polluting, sickening, killing us all

  11. #86
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    ^^ can't wait to hear that ku uunt Pence spin this.

  12. #87
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    New Michigan Environmental Chief Enters Through Reverse Revolving Door

    Michigan’s Governor Snyder is perpetuating a dubious tradition with his selection of an oil industry executive for his state’s top environmental job.

    one Flint activist thought that she’d just read an article from The Onion, the online news satire website.

    But the story
    was not a joke.

    Snyder shocked environmentalists and Flint residents in July when he named Heidi Grether, a former executive for both Amoco Corporation and BP America, to head the state Department of Environmental Quality, one of the government agencies at the center of the Flint drinking-water crisis.

    Repugs screaming a HUGE ALL Y'ALL

  13. #88
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    Austerity on Trial as Flint Emergency Manager Slammed With Criminal Charges

    "All too often, there's been a fixation on finances and balance sheets," said Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette. "This fixation cost lives."

    Putting austerity on trial, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette on Tuesday announced criminal charges against four high-level officials for their role in causing the Flint water crisis, including former city manager Darnell Earley, who made the budget-driven decision to switch the city's water supply to the dangerously corrosive Flint River.

    "There are some who would simply wish that the problems in Flint would go quietly away, and there are voices out there who hope the poisoning of the water would be swept under the rug," Schuette said during a Tuesday morning press conference. "These voices hope to simply blame nameless bureaucrats, call it a day and move on."

    "That's not how I operate," he continued, "that's not how we operate. Flint deserves better. The people of Flint are not expendable...People in positions of responsibility who broke that law must be held accountable."

    Congressional Repugs will cite Flint as another reason for defunding, crippling, if not killing, the EPA, for which they blame for Flint.

  14. #89
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    Nearly 3,000 US Communities Have Lead Levels Higher Than Flint: Reuters

    Advocates hope new investigation will spur action from community leaders, as aid and attention have been slim

  15. #90
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    The thousands of U.S. locales where lead poisoning is worse than in Flint

    A Reuters examination of lead testing results across the country found almost 3,000 areas with poisoning rates far higher than in the tainted Michigan city. Yet many of these lead hotspots are receiving little attention or funding.

    Flint is no aberration. In fact, it doesn’t even rank among the most dangerous lead hotspots in America.

    In all, Reuters found nearly 3,000 areas with recently recorded lead poisoning rates at least double those in Flint during the peak of that city’s contamination crisis. And more than 1,100 of these communities had a rate of elevated blood tests at least four times higher.

    Trash and the Repugs will be all over this with $Bs, right?

    or just $54B spent upsizing Trash's military ?


    Here's why the Repugs HATE CPB/NPR and want to kill it.

  16. #91
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    FDA, CDC Warn Families About Inaccurate Readings In Some Lead Tests

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are sounding the alarm to warn parents of children who are six years or younger, nursing or expectant mothers, and the elderly that

    certain lead tests manufactured by Magellan Diagnostics — widely used by many doctors and laboratories around the country — may show that lead levels in the blood are lower than they actually are.

    If you fall into any of those categories, the CDC recommends you talk to your doctor or another healthcare professional about whether or not you should be retested.

    “The FDA is deeply concerned by this situation and is warning laboratories and health care professionals that they should not use any Magellan Diagnostics’ lead tests with blood drawn from a vein,”

    hmm, seems like Trash/Repug stooges/lobbyists/political hacks in FDA/CDC haven't acted fasted enough to block this warning, keep lead leves high, and thereby protect Magellan's profits.

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    Michigan health department chief charged with involuntary manslaughter in Flint water crisis

    Nick Lyon is accused of failing to alert the public about an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease, which some experts have linked to tainted water in the Flint area,

    Lyon is the highest-ranking official to be charged in the state attorney general’s investigation of the ongoing crisis.

    Legionnaires’ disease is a lung infection caused by bacteria that thrive in warm water.

    Legionnaires'-associated deaths grow to 12 in Flint area

  19. #94
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    “Gov. Snyder, drink the water”: Michael Moore sprays “Flint water” at Michigan Capitol

    Filmmaker Michael Moore showed up at Michigan’s Capitol building with a film crew and sprayed “Flint water”

    delivered a stern message to the state's GOP Gov. Rick Snyder: If the water in Flint is safe, drink some yourself.

    The demonstration also came in light of Snyder's decision earlier this month, in which he announced that residents of Flint would no longer receive free bottled water,

    Moore, who was born in suburbs just outside of Flint, has been one of the leading voices and has continued to raise concerns about the ongoing water crisis that has left the city devastated.

    As a result of the disaster, the fertility rate in Flint plummeted.

    The Washington Post elaborated:

    That decline was primarily driven by what the authors call a “culling of the least healthy fetuses” resulting in a

    “horrifyingly large” increase in fetal deaths and miscarriages.

    The paper estimates that among the babies conceived from November 2013 through March 2015,

    “between 198 and 276 more children would have been born had Flint not enacted the switch in water,”

    write health economists Daniel Grossman of West Virginia University and David Slusky of Kansas University.

    But residents of Flint have not been quick to trust the government's word that the water is safe again, and Flint Mayor Karen Weaver criticized Snyder's decision to end the free bottled water distribution.

    Repugs, hypocritically Pro-Life, really care about black (and brown) fetuses and mothers.

  20. #95
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    The EPA Barred Flint's Representatives From Attending Its Toxic Water Summit

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues its descent into

    authoritarianism under Scott Pruitt.

    At a summit about reducing toxic chemicals in drinking water,

    the agency reportedly barred staff from Rep. Dan Kildee’s (D-Michigan) district from entering.

    Kildee’s district includes Flint, which has been mired in the biggest toxic water scandal in the country for years.

    Excluding staff from a district that knows firsthand about the pain of poisoned water and government mismanagement makes absolutely no sense.

    What’s more,

    Kildee’s district is home to a number of sites

    contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) according to the Environmental Working Group.

    PFAS, which include chemicals linked to cancer and other health problems, are what this summit was about.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 05-24-2018 at 09:51 AM.

  21. #96
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Michigan official to stand trial for involuntary manslaughter:

    Genesee District Judge David Goggins determined that there was probable cause that Lyon committed involuntary manslaughter against Robert Skidmore and John Snyder in 2015. The two men died during an outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease, which researchers have connected to the devastating use of improperly treated water in Flint starting in 2014.

  22. #97
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Michigan official to stand trial for involuntary manslaughter:
    One can hope someone goes to ing jail.

  23. #98
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Drinking water is delivered via one million miles of pipes across the country. Many of those pipes were laid in the early to mid-20th century with a lifespan of 75 to 100 years. The quality of drinking water in the United States remains high, but legacy and emerging contaminants continue to require close attention. While water consumption is down, there are still an estimated 240,000 water main breaks per year in the United States, wasting over two trillion gallons of treated drinking water. According to the American Water Works Association, an estimated $1 trillion is necessary to maintain and expand service to meet demands over the next 25 years.

  24. #99
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    One can hope someone goes to ing jail.
    he was the only guilty one? or being scapegoated for Repug systemic misgovernance

  25. #100
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    Detroit turns off every public school’s drinking water due to high levels of lead, copper

    For Michigan, it's just the latest turn in the state's ongoing water crisis.

    schools throughout the Detroit Public Schools Community District will be without drinking water after tests detected elevated levels of lead and copper.

    As Annalise Frank of Crain’s Detroit
    reported, Nikolai Vitti, the superintendent of Michigan’s largest school district

    ordered that the water be shut off “immediately,”

    Vitti ordered testing of all schools this spring, after tests in 2016 found elevated levels of the metals.

    Initial results for 24 schools returned last week found 16 had levels higher than acceptable, he said in the emailed letter.

    All water sources, including drinking fountains and sinks, were tested.

    Water is still available for hand washing and toilet flushing.

    “Although we have no evidence that there are elevated levels of copper or lead in our other schools (over 50) where we are awaiting test results,

    out of an abundance of caution and concern for the safety of our students and employees,

    I am turning off all drinking water in our schools

    until a deeper and broader analysis can be conducted to determine the long-term solutions for all schools,”

    Crain’s Detroit reports that the results of the testing were not immediately available, but that

    in April of 2016, elevated levels of lead and copper were detected in 19 schools within the Detroit school district.

    The well-publicized lead water crisis in Flint, Mich. prompted the testing round. At least one expert told Crain’s Detroit that

    such water contaminations “could be found nationwide, wherever school authorities spend the time and money to look.”

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