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  1. #76
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    That was hilarious.

    Why would charges need to be placed at the very top of the building?

  2. #77
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    I've seen interviews with a maintenance guy who said he saw a huge fire in the lower floors of WTC7, maybe even the basement, but I've never seen any photographic or video proof that there was a fire on the lower's important because the prevailing theory is that fire destroyed WTC7....and in order for that to happen there must have been huge fires in floors 1-6........
    Here's the best video that I have found showing the south side of 7 WTC.

    At the 1:30 mark you can hear someone talking about "a hole in that building" and that it "might come down."

  3. #78
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    The Twin Towers were blown to kingdom come. Don't believe me? Watch THIS!!

    The Ultimate Con - 911
    I am on strike.

    I refuse to watch another ty youtube video until you prove to me that yo have spent at least 2 hours reading a good debunking site.

    Quid pro quo.

  4. #79
    Live by what you Speak. DarkReign's Avatar
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    Well, I wouldn't call them liars, but exposions could have been caused by the fires in the building igniting combustibles or jsut the sounds of the floors/equipment/etc falling and hitting each other at great force. I heard a loud bang outside of our aparment in LA a few years ago that sounded like a bomb going off when it was a drunk driver crashing into 7 cars. Sounding like an explosion doesn't necessarily mean that there was one.
    Look, I understand what youre saying....but listen to their words! These arent some mistakable sounds, or a trick of the ear....most of those survivors were being blown back, off their feet, hit with retreating debris, knocked unconscious, hard of hearing on and so on.

    Not just one or two "secondary explosions", but multiple, multiple secondary explosions. Cops and Firefighters evacuating their people from the area because of "bombs" in the building?

    Just too convenient. Way too many coincidences, far too many.

  5. #80
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Look, I understand what youre saying....but listen to their words! These arent some mistakable sounds, or a trick of the ear....most of those survivors were being blown back, off their feet, hit with retreating debris, knocked unconscious, hard of hearing on and so on.

    Not just one or two "secondary explosions", but multiple, multiple secondary explosions. Cops and Firefighters evacuating their people from the area because of "bombs" in the building?

    Just too convenient. Way too many coincidences, far too many.

    When it became obvious that this was a terrorist attack, and you are sitting in a police/fire command post and get reports of explosions, what would YOUR first thought be?

    Remember all the bomb scares for months afterwards?

    Let's assume, for a minute, that there were bombs in the buildings.

    Which is more likely, a government plot to bomb them, or the same group of terrorists that tried to bomb the same buildings a decade earlier and who rammed two jetliners into skyscrapers the same day?

    Simultaneous bombs in multiple places is something of an Al Qaeda hallmark.

  6. #81
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Get real. A montage of real time reporting of 'assumed' sound to cause and effect are not reliable. I see they keep focusing on explosion. That does not mean bomb. It's a sound quality.
    Something I learned from ty youtube conspiracy videos:

    Since verbose, difficult-to-read scientific reports contradict my claims of conspiracy, I'll use a different approach: Nothing says "Science" like lots of photos, drawings, and short captions in a PowerPoint or Flash animation backed by spooky "conspiracy music."

  7. #82
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    What I Learned from
    9-11 Conspiracy Theories.
    • The U.S. is actually quite popular worldwide; so much so, in fact, that its government must create artificial terrorist organizations to attack it. Left to their own devices, everybody else pretty much respects Americans and leaves them alone.

    • It takes the complacency or cooperation of the world's largest superpower to hijack a defenseless civilian aircraft.

    • If you believe what your government tells you about 9-11, you are part of the conspiracy or, at least, part of "the problem." But if you accuse people at all levels of the government, including the U.S. military, of planning and carrying out the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil, killing thousands of civilians, then you are a patriot.

    • The large fireballs seen at the WTC impacts look like napalm explosions, so it was probably a napalm bomb that actually caused the damage. Of course, napalm being jellied fuel, and jet aircraft being full of fuel, you can see the vast difference there.

    • The WTC towers fell in what was obviously a controlled demolition. The largest, messiest, deadliest, most witnessed, most mismanaged, most ill-timed, most poorly executed, and most uncontrolled controlled demolition in history.

    • Even though our civilian airliner pilots had been trained to cooperate with hijackers and not try to physically resist, and even though short knives and box cutters were allowed in carry-on luggage, we shouldn't believe the absurd claim that four or five strong and very determined men armed with knives and a fanatic eagerness to die killing Americans could take over an unlocked pit.

    • Several of the hijackers are still alive, and apparently are living well.
      The government planted explosives at the exact aircraft impact sites of the Pentagon and both WTC towers, the explosives and activity surrounding their placement went completely unnoticed, the rigging of the explosives was unharmed by the aircraft impacts, and they went off exactly when planned.

    • Somehow orchestrating the hijacking of multiple airliners to have them crash at explosive-rigged sites was more effective than just setting off the explosives by themselves in the first place.

    • Those plane crashes were like so totally fake cuz they were so totally unlike all the real fiery passenger jet crashes into buildings I've seen in real life.

    • When you refer to the planes, say "alleged aircraft." When referring to the terrorists, say "alleged terrorists." Because not only can we not be sure they even existed, but also, "alleged" has such a nice, objective ring to it.

    • The plane-shaped holes in the WTC towers were an absurdity, like a cat-shaped hole in a fence in a Tom and Jerry cartoon, because the planes would have either smashed to pieces against the building and fallen straight down to the street below, or flown right through the building (making a cartoon-like hole) and emerged out the other side relatively intact.

    • Cries of "Death to America!" and "America is the Great Satan!" by Islamic extremists are all part of our government's plan for world domination. Left to themselves, the so-called "extremists" are actually quite pleasant, simple folk (but very good actors).

    • The rigged explosives in the upper floors of WTC2 were powerful enough to collapse a skyscraper, but not powerful enough to instantly kill Kevin Cosgrove, on floor 105, who was talking on the phone with a fire dispatcher and managed to blurt out three words between the time of the "explosion" and the collapse that killed him.

    • The meandering directions of the hijacked aircrafts' flight paths were all part of well-planned routes, and not due to the terrorist pilots flying and navigating a large, real, multi-engine passenger jet for the first time.

    • Our service men and women chose not to shoot down the planes or protect the Pentagon and WTC because they were part of the conspiracy, and they're not speaking out because they've been bought off. Better still, NORAD actually sent the remote-controlled aircraft into their targets.

    • A black helicopter was hovering over the WTC South Tower before, during, and after the crashes, and the floor that was on fire the most must have had barrels and barrels of a crude oil-diesel mixture that was remotely ignited to ensure a hiding place for the helicopter which is the only thing that could explain black sooty smoke coming from an office building filled with office supplies, and the people working on that floor didn't notice the barrels and barrels of oil and went about their daily routine, and nobody working security or janitorial in the building noticed black-suited men rolling barrels of crude oil on the elevators, all to hide the black helicopter because we all know what black helicopters do. Seriously!

    • If a large, thin-skinned aircraft impacts the side of a thick concrete building at 400mph, and only small pieces of the aircraft are found outside on the lawn, then it's obvious the pieces were planted there, and a plane didn't crash at all.

    • The shape of the Pentagon and the approach path of the aircraft are Illuminati symbols. 'Nuff said.

    • Although the 1993 WTC bombing was obviously the work of terrorists, the idea that the 2001 attacks were perpetrated by terrorists is ludicrous.

    • Because the shape of the impact holes in the WTC towers and the Pentagon don't match what I think the shape of the planes should be, then it must have been some other type of craft that did the damage, in spite of all of the eyewitness reports and physical evidence to the contrary. Which means that, since the alleged hijacked aircraft are, indeed, missing, and the passengers on said aircraft are, indeed, missing, then the government must have landed those passenger jets in secret somewhere, removed the people, killed them, dismembered them, sprinkled their remains around the crash sites somehow, and destroyed/hid the aircraft somewhere else. Masterful. Much more convincing than just actually crashing the planes into the buildings in the first place.

    • The same nefarious conspirators that pulled off the single largest concerted suicide attack in history forgot to make a hole in the Pentagon to help fake the airliner impact site.

    • The images and other references of the WTC on pre-9-11 terrorism reports and books reveals a casual, open foreknowledge of the 9-11 attacks, and in no way could possibly ever ever refer to the largest pre-9-11 foreign terrorist attack on U.S. soil, the 1993 WTC parking garage bombing.

    • Of course, if the shadow government could pull off the 9-11 attacks, then plotting the 1993 WTC attack would have been child's play.

    • Incompetence, being unprepared, not foreseeing events, rushed decisions, finger pointing, blame trading, and hysteria equal "conspiracy."

    • More information only muddles "the truth:" The most accurate and complete reports of any disaster are from selections of the first hurried reports, not from more complete, thoughtful analysis and more thorough eyewitness reports that come later.

    • Of all the types of aircraft described by witnesses at the WTC and Pentagon, we should choose to believe only the ones that fit our theories, not the ones that describe actual planes that are missing that contained actual passengers who are missing and whose body parts and DNA were found at the crash sites and whose planes were tracked to impact.

    • When some eyewitnesses at the WTC describe a really big noise as an "explosion," we should believe them, and not our own eyes that saw floors pancaking on each other, ejecting debris out the windows. And we should believe their assessment of the "explosions" because, you know, of their experience discriminating between the sounds of some of the tallest skyscrapers in the world collapsing and explosions 80 stories up.

    • When we hear witnesses describing "something like a bomb going off" in the Pentagon, we should ignore subsequent (and concurrent) eyewitness reports of a rather large passenger jet flying into exactly the same spot, and ignored reports and photos of engines, landing gear, other aircraft parts, aircraft passengers, and other debris being found on and in the site, and absolutely no evidence of any explosive.

    • When pointing out how a B-25 flew into the Empire State Building in 1945, but the building easily survived and didn't collapse, we should disregard how much smaller the B-25 is than a 767, the amount of fuel that each contains, and that the ESB was constructed largely of concrete (like, say, the Pentagon).

    • Any videos of the crashes that surface more than a day or two after the event are obviously computer-generated fakes, because the time it took to create the fake videos explains why they weren't immediately released. Because everyone knows that if someone takes home video of a disaster, they run straight to a media outlet to share it with the rest of the world.

    • The same government conspirators who plotted this complex event didn't prepare fake videos ahead of time. They waited until the events happened to prepare the computer-generated fakery, which delayed their release until a cloud of su ion could fall on their authenticity.

    • No buildings in history ever fell because of fire until 9-11. And if the WTC towers were the first modern, steel structures to collapse by fire, it is not a testament to the intelligent engineering put into the design of skyscrapers in general, but only evidence that the WTC was brought down by other means. No, I don't mean by airplanes filled with thousands of pounds of fuel ramming into them, I mean by a bomb. Yes!

    • Steel supports must liquify at their melting point of 3000°F in order to weaken and fail, and everything that metalurgists and engineers have told us about heat of only about 700°Fweakening steel is false, and for thousands of years, metal workers like blacksmiths and armorers have just had it all wrong, because they only needed large blast furnaces, spigots, and molds to form horseshoes, swords, and plowshares from liquid metal, and they didn't need a hammer and anvil, as you see in Hollywood movies' special effects.

    • If a large plane crashes into a large skyscraper and starts a raging fire inside, then a woman later waves from the outside edge of a lower part of the huge jagged entry hole, then that's proof that the fire inside isn't actually all that hot.

    • Although a simple concrete barrier can sucker punch a dump truck to a dead stop and virtually atomize a fighter jet, we should expect the impact site of a passenger jet on the world's largest reinforced concrete building to be marked by a plane-shaped hole in the wall.

    • When actor Charlie Sheen says that the U.S. government was behind the attacks, and that "We're not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue," we should believe him because he is a "highly credible public figure" who is a star on the current hit comedy show "Two and a Half Men." And his stammering, "The more you look at stuff, especially specific incidents, specific events, in or around the fateful day, it just-- it just raises a lot of questions" makes you realize just how articulate he is, and how Tom "You don't know...psychiatry--I do" Cruise could take debating pointers from him.

    • Most of the WTC towers' exterior was glass; most of the Pentagon's exterior was thick concrete. Naturally, we should expect them to be affected by aircraft impacts the same way.
      If there is disagreement on the approach angle and bank of the plane hitting the Pentagon in an official report and from online bloggers, then we can safely assume that the plane, in fact, did not exist.

    • When pointing out how the FAA rule allowing pilots to fly armed was rescinded two months before 9-11, we should ignore the fact that at the time, no pilots were taking advantage of the rule, and we should not jump to the conclusion that the repeal is any different than businesses or schools banning employees from carrying firearms.

    • It doesn't make sense that remains of the hijackers and passengers, who hit the sides of mostly open-spaced office buildings at hundreds of miles an hour and ejected out the other side, were some of the first remains discovered, and not under thousands of tons of rubble straight down. The body parts must have been planted on streets, on the roofs of buildings, and through broken windows by burglars. Or something.

    • If people aren't listening to my theories, then maybe shouting them in eye-searing hot pink will do the trick.

    • Disagreement between government reports and eyewitness accounts do not mean that the individuals witnessed the same event; they only mean that the accounts that don't agree with my paranoid point of view are lies as part of the government cover-up, are mass hallucinations, or, just to be thorough, both.

    • Since verbose, difficult-to-read scientific reports contradict my claims of conspiracy, I'll use a different approach: Nothing says "Science" like lots of photos, drawings, and short captions in a PowerPoint or Flash animation backed by spooky "conspiracy music."

    • If video is poor quality, or with low frame rates (like with a surveillance film), it must be fake.

    • The WTC towers fell straight down (more or less), which proves that it was a controlled demolition. If it were a true building falling down, it would have fallen over like a popsicle stick.

    • Although video clearly shows smoke and debris being blown out the pancaking WTC upper floors as the floors collapse against each other, but video of planned, controlled building demolitions clearly shows bright flashes of explosions before the building begins collapsing, the explosives planted in the towers must be some new super-secret kind because the explosive effect obviously goes back in time and starts the collapse of the building before the explosions throw stuff out the windows. So now there's the whole "Government Stuff Can Travel Through Time" conspiracy, and don't get me started.

    • George W. Bush is at once America's most deviously intelligent autocrat and its most stupidest president ever.

    • When an eyewitness describes a loud sound or strong, sudden vibration as "like a bomb," it means unequivocally that it was a bomb, because, you know, people have so much experience identifying bomb noises versus nearby passenger jet crashes.

    • If I am on the faculty of a university, and I use the university's good name and my position in the university as a crutch to substantiate my claims of a 9-11 mega-conspiracy, expecting my learned colleagues to believe and support me, I will get a harsh dose of reality when I am slapped down to administrative leave as my continued employment at said university is reconsidered.

    • 99.9% of the worlds top engineers, architects, physicists, and chemists are all wrong, and I am right, because I read the Intarweb and I am so smart.

    • If I repeat the same absurd claims enough times, they will become truth: There are over 6.5 billion people in the world, and about 1.1 billion of those people use the Internet.
    • Chances are, I could claim anything on the Web, and at a million-to-one odds, over a thousand people would believe me. In the age of the Internet, that makes me an expert.

    • I can't be wrong because thousands of people believe my theories. But you can be wrong even though hundreds of millions believe you, because we all know there are millions of stupid people in the world.

    • Any information that comes from the government is suspect, because everybody knows that "the government" is one vast conspiracy utterly controlled by a small number of evil-doers, not made up of millions of honest, hard-working people, at all levels of bureaucracy, of all ages, of all parties, of all walks of life, each fighting in their own way for truth, justice, and the American way.

    • The jets that crashed were not piloted by hijackers, but by "advanced robotics and remote-control technology." So the video footage of "men of middle-eastern descent" boarding each of the aircraft was falsified, the pit voice recordings were falsified, the ground service crew, mechanics, and flight crew of the four aircraft didn't notice any of the advancedroboticsandremotecontroltechnology while prepping the aircraft, body parts of known terrorists were planted at the crash sites, the live phone conversations between crew, passengers, and their loved ones on the ground were implanted memories and falsified recordings, and the Flight 93 passengers actually wrestled with some hidden robotic equipment, not terrorists.

    • "The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist 'Pearl Harbor' event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries." You know, because that strategy has worked so well in the past. And no it is not shameful to mention "conspiracy" and "Pearl Harbor" in the same breath.

    • The government has a track record of blowing up its own buildings to push its own nefarious agenda, like they did in the Oklahoma City bombing and the 1993 WTC attack, because, you know, those attacks enabled the government to, you know,... do stuff, and stuff. So you can see this isn't a new idea for them.

    • If I cave in to the majority and concede that the planes did, in fact, exist, then quibbling about the degrees of bank or impact angles or other meaningless trifles will somehow vindicate me.

    • If other conspiracy theorists make claims that are later widely disbelieved even in the conspiracy theory community, then it's not that fellow conspiracy theorists are wrong, it's that it was sinister counter-intelligence trying to undermine the "9/11 truth movement" with claims so absurd that it compromises the efficacy of the whole. Seriously.

    • Confusion of timelines and action reports at the time of the largest modern enemy attack on the United States were intentionally deceptive, and not the result of actual confusion, inconsistent memories, or finger pointing that usually accompany failures of intelligence.

    • The 9-11 attacks and the related misinformation/propaganda campaign were designed by the government to precipitate the lingering war in Iraq, so that we could get thousands of our men and women killed and thousands of Iraqi civilians killed to make the U.S. more popular and make the current administration more popular, which has worked like a charm.

    • The Pentagon fire owed much of its smoke to an emergency generator near the crash site that was remotely detonated, it's su ious that an emergency generator would have a large extra fuel tank next to it, and the WTC was only made of steel and concrete, with little to no combustible materials inside like carpet, desks, electronics and electrical cables, cubicle walls, file cabinet contents, storage rooms, and pens.

    • When an "earwitness" to the Flight 93 crash claims she didn't hear a crash, but instead heard "an explosion, like an atomic bomb," we should believe her, because of her experience discriminating between the sounds of large passenger jets hitting the ground at high speed and the detonation of atomic weapons.

    • Cory Lidle's plane crash into an apartment building proves that the WTC should have survived a similar attack. Because although both planes were vastly different in size, mass, fuel load, and speed, and although the buildings were vastly different in structure, they both happened in New York City.

    • It's somehow productive to pontificate ad nauseum about whether there was a napalm bomb, or a missile, or a pod, or a whatever, attached under a passenger jet, since we all know how much more explosive power would be added by attaching something like that to a civilian jet already full of thousands of pounds of fuel.

    • It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that any web pages that poke fun at conspiracy theories are a part of the conspiracy itself. Surely no right-thinking person could doubt and preach against the conspiracies by their own free will.

    • If I e-mail the author of a web site that pokes fun at my conspiracy theories, I will write masterfully persuasive arguments for several pages, taking an entire evening of my time, making the text flow juuust right, and when he gets the e-mail he will read it all and will naturally be persuaded to see the error of his ways. After seeing how much work I put into it, he wouldn't just delete it without reading past the first ranting line. He just wouldn't.

    • People will see what they want to see, and believe what they want to believe. Because rubbing someone's face in their own absurd beliefs only makes them close their eyes tighter, the claims in this list will continue to be believed by many. To all others: May our future rest in your capable hands.

  8. #83
    I can live with it JoeChalupa's Avatar
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    Didn't I just see that cut and paste in another thread?

  9. #84
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    It would be paranoid if there wasn't the fact that 3 groups hijacked aircraft and crashed them into buildings and then later a group sent in a video claiming credit for it.

    Paranoid would be creating a vast conspiracy attributed to a giagantic coverup by the government.
    9/11 wasn't a giant conspiracy. It might not even have been a conspiracy at all, legally.

    It always takes fewer people to pull off an inside job, than an "outside job".

  10. #85
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    Well, I wouldn't call them liars, but exposions could have been caused by the fires in the building igniting combustibles or jsut the sounds of the floors/equipment/etc falling and hitting each other at great force. I heard a loud bang outside of our aparment in LA a few years ago that sounded like a bomb going off when it was a drunk driver crashing into 7 cars. Sounding like an explosion doesn't necessarily mean that there was one.
    Was the loud bang you heard followed by a controlled demolition? If not, then it might not have been a bomb you heard.

  11. #86
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Didn't I just see that cut and paste in another thread?

    I thought since the conspiracy guys do it, I might as well adapt the tactic to my own purposes.

    Zealots of the Church of the Holy Conspiracy Theory have all manner of pre-typed posts for internet forums, as our pretentious "Galileo" demonstrates in this thread.

    I try to avoid it, but throw it in occasionally, especially if, like the above, it is somewhat humorous.

  12. #87
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    That was hilarious.

    Why would charges need to be placed at the very top of the building?
    Why not put the people who put the charges there under oath and ask them?

  13. #88
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    Here's the best video that I have found showing the south side of 7 WTC.

    At the 1:30 mark you can hear someone talking about "a hole in that building" and that it "might come down."
    If the person talking about the building that "might come down" knows why it "might come down", he should contact the NIST scientists and let them know, because after 6 years, the NIST scientists still have no idea why WTC 7 "might come down".

  14. #89
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    I am on strike.

    I refuse to watch another ty youtube video until you prove to me that yo have spent at least 2 hours reading a good debunking site.

    Quid pro quo.
    I have already read through most of the debunking websites for dozens of hours a long time ago. In fact, I have been in email correspondence with some of the authors of these sites, including Mark Roberts who created the best debunking site. Mark Roberts often posts under the name of 'Gravy', if you want to do a google search, as he is all over the internet, especially on the JREF forums.

    Unlike many conspiracy theorists, I am interested in getting to the truth about 9/11, and weigh both sides of the argument in all cases.

    The author of, Jim Hoffman does the same.

    So here are some conspiracy theories about 9/11 that are dead wrong:

    FL77 didn't hit the Pentagon theory

    The Pod theory

    Video Fakery


    Bumble planes theory

    Cleveland plane-switch theory

    Directed Energy weapons theory

    Fake phone calls theory

    The Al-Quada did it theory

    Here's what's left:

    The WTC was blown up

    The failure to intercept the hijacked planes was deliberate

  15. #90
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    What I Learned from
    9-11 Conspiracy Theories.
    • The U.S. is actually quite popular worldwide; so much so, in fact, that its government must create artificial terrorist organizations to attack it. Left to their own devices, everybody else pretty much respects Americans and leaves them alone.

    • It takes the complacency or cooperation of the world's largest superpower to hijack a defenseless civilian aircraft.

    • If you believe what your government tells you about 9-11, you are part of the conspiracy or, at least, part of "the problem." But if you accuse people at all levels of the government, including the U.S. military, of planning and carrying out the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil, killing thousands of civilians, then you are a patriot.

    • The large fireballs seen at the WTC impacts look like napalm explosions, so it was probably a napalm bomb that actually caused the damage. Of course, napalm being jellied fuel, and jet aircraft being full of fuel, you can see the vast difference there.

    • The WTC towers fell in what was obviously a controlled demolition. The largest, messiest, deadliest, most witnessed, most mismanaged, most ill-timed, most poorly executed, and most uncontrolled controlled demolition in history.

    • Even though our civilian airliner pilots had been trained to cooperate with hijackers and not try to physically resist, and even though short knives and box cutters were allowed in carry-on luggage, we shouldn't believe the absurd claim that four or five strong and very determined men armed with knives and a fanatic eagerness to die killing Americans could take over an unlocked pit.

    • Several of the hijackers are still alive, and apparently are living well.
      The government planted explosives at the exact aircraft impact sites of the Pentagon and both WTC towers, the explosives and activity surrounding their placement went completely unnoticed, the rigging of the explosives was unharmed by the aircraft impacts, and they went off exactly when planned.

    • Somehow orchestrating the hijacking of multiple airliners to have them crash at explosive-rigged sites was more effective than just setting off the explosives by themselves in the first place.

    • Those plane crashes were like so totally fake cuz they were so totally unlike all the real fiery passenger jet crashes into buildings I've seen in real life.

    • When you refer to the planes, say "alleged aircraft." When referring to the terrorists, say "alleged terrorists." Because not only can we not be sure they even existed, but also, "alleged" has such a nice, objective ring to it.

    • The plane-shaped holes in the WTC towers were an absurdity, like a cat-shaped hole in a fence in a Tom and Jerry cartoon, because the planes would have either smashed to pieces against the building and fallen straight down to the street below, or flown right through the building (making a cartoon-like hole) and emerged out the other side relatively intact.

    • Cries of "Death to America!" and "America is the Great Satan!" by Islamic extremists are all part of our government's plan for world domination. Left to themselves, the so-called "extremists" are actually quite pleasant, simple folk (but very good actors).

    • The rigged explosives in the upper floors of WTC2 were powerful enough to collapse a skyscraper, but not powerful enough to instantly kill Kevin Cosgrove, on floor 105, who was talking on the phone with a fire dispatcher and managed to blurt out three words between the time of the "explosion" and the collapse that killed him.

    • The meandering directions of the hijacked aircrafts' flight paths were all part of well-planned routes, and not due to the terrorist pilots flying and navigating a large, real, multi-engine passenger jet for the first time.

    • Our service men and women chose not to shoot down the planes or protect the Pentagon and WTC because they were part of the conspiracy, and they're not speaking out because they've been bought off. Better still, NORAD actually sent the remote-controlled aircraft into their targets.

    • A black helicopter was hovering over the WTC South Tower before, during, and after the crashes, and the floor that was on fire the most must have had barrels and barrels of a crude oil-diesel mixture that was remotely ignited to ensure a hiding place for the helicopter which is the only thing that could explain black sooty smoke coming from an office building filled with office supplies, and the people working on that floor didn't notice the barrels and barrels of oil and went about their daily routine, and nobody working security or janitorial in the building noticed black-suited men rolling barrels of crude oil on the elevators, all to hide the black helicopter because we all know what black helicopters do. Seriously!

    • If a large, thin-skinned aircraft impacts the side of a thick concrete building at 400mph, and only small pieces of the aircraft are found outside on the lawn, then it's obvious the pieces were planted there, and a plane didn't crash at all.

    • The shape of the Pentagon and the approach path of the aircraft are Illuminati symbols. 'Nuff said.

    • Although the 1993 WTC bombing was obviously the work of terrorists, the idea that the 2001 attacks were perpetrated by terrorists is ludicrous.

    • Because the shape of the impact holes in the WTC towers and the Pentagon don't match what I think the shape of the planes should be, then it must have been some other type of craft that did the damage, in spite of all of the eyewitness reports and physical evidence to the contrary. Which means that, since the alleged hijacked aircraft are, indeed, missing, and the passengers on said aircraft are, indeed, missing, then the government must have landed those passenger jets in secret somewhere, removed the people, killed them, dismembered them, sprinkled their remains around the crash sites somehow, and destroyed/hid the aircraft somewhere else. Masterful. Much more convincing than just actually crashing the planes into the buildings in the first place.

    • The same nefarious conspirators that pulled off the single largest concerted suicide attack in history forgot to make a hole in the Pentagon to help fake the airliner impact site.

    • The images and other references of the WTC on pre-9-11 terrorism reports and books reveals a casual, open foreknowledge of the 9-11 attacks, and in no way could possibly ever ever refer to the largest pre-9-11 foreign terrorist attack on U.S. soil, the 1993 WTC parking garage bombing.

    • Of course, if the shadow government could pull off the 9-11 attacks, then plotting the 1993 WTC attack would have been child's play.

    • Incompetence, being unprepared, not foreseeing events, rushed decisions, finger pointing, blame trading, and hysteria equal "conspiracy."

    • More information only muddles "the truth:" The most accurate and complete reports of any disaster are from selections of the first hurried reports, not from more complete, thoughtful analysis and more thorough eyewitness reports that come later.

    • Of all the types of aircraft described by witnesses at the WTC and Pentagon, we should choose to believe only the ones that fit our theories, not the ones that describe actual planes that are missing that contained actual passengers who are missing and whose body parts and DNA were found at the crash sites and whose planes were tracked to impact.

    • When some eyewitnesses at the WTC describe a really big noise as an "explosion," we should believe them, and not our own eyes that saw floors pancaking on each other, ejecting debris out the windows. And we should believe their assessment of the "explosions" because, you know, of their experience discriminating between the sounds of some of the tallest skyscrapers in the world collapsing and explosions 80 stories up.

    • When we hear witnesses describing "something like a bomb going off" in the Pentagon, we should ignore subsequent (and concurrent) eyewitness reports of a rather large passenger jet flying into exactly the same spot, and ignored reports and photos of engines, landing gear, other aircraft parts, aircraft passengers, and other debris being found on and in the site, and absolutely no evidence of any explosive.

    • When pointing out how a B-25 flew into the Empire State Building in 1945, but the building easily survived and didn't collapse, we should disregard how much smaller the B-25 is than a 767, the amount of fuel that each contains, and that the ESB was constructed largely of concrete (like, say, the Pentagon).

    • Any videos of the crashes that surface more than a day or two after the event are obviously computer-generated fakes, because the time it took to create the fake videos explains why they weren't immediately released. Because everyone knows that if someone takes home video of a disaster, they run straight to a media outlet to share it with the rest of the world.

    • The same government conspirators who plotted this complex event didn't prepare fake videos ahead of time. They waited until the events happened to prepare the computer-generated fakery, which delayed their release until a cloud of su ion could fall on their authenticity.

    • No buildings in history ever fell because of fire until 9-11. And if the WTC towers were the first modern, steel structures to collapse by fire, it is not a testament to the intelligent engineering put into the design of skyscrapers in general, but only evidence that the WTC was brought down by other means. No, I don't mean by airplanes filled with thousands of pounds of fuel ramming into them, I mean by a bomb. Yes!

    • Steel supports must liquify at their melting point of 3000°F in order to weaken and fail, and everything that metalurgists and engineers have told us about heat of only about 700°Fweakening steel is false, and for thousands of years, metal workers like blacksmiths and armorers have just had it all wrong, because they only needed large blast furnaces, spigots, and molds to form horseshoes, swords, and plowshares from liquid metal, and they didn't need a hammer and anvil, as you see in Hollywood movies' special effects.

    • If a large plane crashes into a large skyscraper and starts a raging fire inside, then a woman later waves from the outside edge of a lower part of the huge jagged entry hole, then that's proof that the fire inside isn't actually all that hot.

    • Although a simple concrete barrier can sucker punch a dump truck to a dead stop and virtually atomize a fighter jet, we should expect the impact site of a passenger jet on the world's largest reinforced concrete building to be marked by a plane-shaped hole in the wall.

    • When actor Charlie Sheen says that the U.S. government was behind the attacks, and that "We're not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue," we should believe him because he is a "highly credible public figure" who is a star on the current hit comedy show "Two and a Half Men." And his stammering, "The more you look at stuff, especially specific incidents, specific events, in or around the fateful day, it just-- it just raises a lot of questions" makes you realize just how articulate he is, and how Tom "You don't know...psychiatry--I do" Cruise could take debating pointers from him.

    • Most of the WTC towers' exterior was glass; most of the Pentagon's exterior was thick concrete. Naturally, we should expect them to be affected by aircraft impacts the same way.
      If there is disagreement on the approach angle and bank of the plane hitting the Pentagon in an official report and from online bloggers, then we can safely assume that the plane, in fact, did not exist.

    • When pointing out how the FAA rule allowing pilots to fly armed was rescinded two months before 9-11, we should ignore the fact that at the time, no pilots were taking advantage of the rule, and we should not jump to the conclusion that the repeal is any different than businesses or schools banning employees from carrying firearms.

    • It doesn't make sense that remains of the hijackers and passengers, who hit the sides of mostly open-spaced office buildings at hundreds of miles an hour and ejected out the other side, were some of the first remains discovered, and not under thousands of tons of rubble straight down. The body parts must have been planted on streets, on the roofs of buildings, and through broken windows by burglars. Or something.

    • If people aren't listening to my theories, then maybe shouting them in eye-searing hot pink will do the trick.

    • Disagreement between government reports and eyewitness accounts do not mean that the individuals witnessed the same event; they only mean that the accounts that don't agree with my paranoid point of view are lies as part of the government cover-up, are mass hallucinations, or, just to be thorough, both.

    • Since verbose, difficult-to-read scientific reports contradict my claims of conspiracy, I'll use a different approach: Nothing says "Science" like lots of photos, drawings, and short captions in a PowerPoint or Flash animation backed by spooky "conspiracy music."

    • If video is poor quality, or with low frame rates (like with a surveillance film), it must be fake.

    • The WTC towers fell straight down (more or less), which proves that it was a controlled demolition. If it were a true building falling down, it would have fallen over like a popsicle stick.

    • Although video clearly shows smoke and debris being blown out the pancaking WTC upper floors as the floors collapse against each other, but video of planned, controlled building demolitions clearly shows bright flashes of explosions before the building begins collapsing, the explosives planted in the towers must be some new super-secret kind because the explosive effect obviously goes back in time and starts the collapse of the building before the explosions throw stuff out the windows. So now there's the whole "Government Stuff Can Travel Through Time" conspiracy, and don't get me started.

    • George W. Bush is at once America's most deviously intelligent autocrat and its most stupidest president ever.

    • When an eyewitness describes a loud sound or strong, sudden vibration as "like a bomb," it means unequivocally that it was a bomb, because, you know, people have so much experience identifying bomb noises versus nearby passenger jet crashes.

    • If I am on the faculty of a university, and I use the university's good name and my position in the university as a crutch to substantiate my claims of a 9-11 mega-conspiracy, expecting my learned colleagues to believe and support me, I will get a harsh dose of reality when I am slapped down to administrative leave as my continued employment at said university is reconsidered.

    • 99.9% of the worlds top engineers, architects, physicists, and chemists are all wrong, and I am right, because I read the Intarweb and I am so smart.

    • If I repeat the same absurd claims enough times, they will become truth: There are over 6.5 billion people in the world, and about 1.1 billion of those people use the Internet.
    • Chances are, I could claim anything on the Web, and at a million-to-one odds, over a thousand people would believe me. In the age of the Internet, that makes me an expert.

    • I can't be wrong because thousands of people believe my theories. But you can be wrong even though hundreds of millions believe you, because we all know there are millions of stupid people in the world.

    • Any information that comes from the government is suspect, because everybody knows that "the government" is one vast conspiracy utterly controlled by a small number of evil-doers, not made up of millions of honest, hard-working people, at all levels of bureaucracy, of all ages, of all parties, of all walks of life, each fighting in their own way for truth, justice, and the American way.

    • The jets that crashed were not piloted by hijackers, but by "advanced robotics and remote-control technology." So the video footage of "men of middle-eastern descent" boarding each of the aircraft was falsified, the pit voice recordings were falsified, the ground service crew, mechanics, and flight crew of the four aircraft didn't notice any of the advancedroboticsandremotecontroltechnology while prepping the aircraft, body parts of known terrorists were planted at the crash sites, the live phone conversations between crew, passengers, and their loved ones on the ground were implanted memories and falsified recordings, and the Flight 93 passengers actually wrestled with some hidden robotic equipment, not terrorists.

    • "The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist 'Pearl Harbor' event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries." You know, because that strategy has worked so well in the past. And no it is not shameful to mention "conspiracy" and "Pearl Harbor" in the same breath.

    • The government has a track record of blowing up its own buildings to push its own nefarious agenda, like they did in the Oklahoma City bombing and the 1993 WTC attack, because, you know, those attacks enabled the government to, you know,... do stuff, and stuff. So you can see this isn't a new idea for them.

    • If I cave in to the majority and concede that the planes did, in fact, exist, then quibbling about the degrees of bank or impact angles or other meaningless trifles will somehow vindicate me.

    • If other conspiracy theorists make claims that are later widely disbelieved even in the conspiracy theory community, then it's not that fellow conspiracy theorists are wrong, it's that it was sinister counter-intelligence trying to undermine the "9/11 truth movement" with claims so absurd that it compromises the efficacy of the whole. Seriously.

    • Confusion of timelines and action reports at the time of the largest modern enemy attack on the United States were intentionally deceptive, and not the result of actual confusion, inconsistent memories, or finger pointing that usually accompany failures of intelligence.

    • The 9-11 attacks and the related misinformation/propaganda campaign were designed by the government to precipitate the lingering war in Iraq, so that we could get thousands of our men and women killed and thousands of Iraqi civilians killed to make the U.S. more popular and make the current administration more popular, which has worked like a charm.

    • The Pentagon fire owed much of its smoke to an emergency generator near the crash site that was remotely detonated, it's su ious that an emergency generator would have a large extra fuel tank next to it, and the WTC was only made of steel and concrete, with little to no combustible materials inside like carpet, desks, electronics and electrical cables, cubicle walls, file cabinet contents, storage rooms, and pens.

    • When an "earwitness" to the Flight 93 crash claims she didn't hear a crash, but instead heard "an explosion, like an atomic bomb," we should believe her, because of her experience discriminating between the sounds of large passenger jets hitting the ground at high speed and the detonation of atomic weapons.

    • Cory Lidle's plane crash into an apartment building proves that the WTC should have survived a similar attack. Because although both planes were vastly different in size, mass, fuel load, and speed, and although the buildings were vastly different in structure, they both happened in New York City.

    • It's somehow productive to pontificate ad nauseum about whether there was a napalm bomb, or a missile, or a pod, or a whatever, attached under a passenger jet, since we all know how much more explosive power would be added by attaching something like that to a civilian jet already full of thousands of pounds of fuel.

    • It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that any web pages that poke fun at conspiracy theories are a part of the conspiracy itself. Surely no right-thinking person could doubt and preach against the conspiracies by their own free will.

    • If I e-mail the author of a web site that pokes fun at my conspiracy theories, I will write masterfully persuasive arguments for several pages, taking an entire evening of my time, making the text flow juuust right, and when he gets the e-mail he will read it all and will naturally be persuaded to see the error of his ways. After seeing how much work I put into it, he wouldn't just delete it without reading past the first ranting line. He just wouldn't.

    • People will see what they want to see, and believe what they want to believe. Because rubbing someone's face in their own absurd beliefs only makes them close their eyes tighter, the claims in this list will continue to be believed by many. To all others: May our future rest in your capable hands.
    I am not going to go through this entire thing, and some of appears to be correct information, so just a few points:

    * the 9/11 conspiracy was planned by only a few people.

    *The hijackers had guns, according to the phone calls we know about, and an internal FAA memo that has been released.

    * In one of your points, you ridicule the idea that the planes didn't set off the explosives that were already in the building. But you deny that the explosions people heard were bombs.

    * I have listened to the Kevin Cosgrove audio. I don't remember him saying explosion. But I do know he was by the window, and the bombs were place inside the core on the core columns near the elevator shafts.

    The entire essay just conflates crazy ideas with rational ideas. I could do the same. I could say; "Heh, heh, you don't think Julius Caesar was killed by a conspiracy, heh, heh. You think the Virgin Mary was really a virgin, heh, heh, even though Jesus was descended from King David through Joseph, heh, heh. You don't think Watergate or Iran Contra ever happened, heh, heh, because those are government conspiracies."

  16. #91
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    9/11 wasn't a giant conspiracy. It might not even have been a conspiracy at all, legally.

    It always takes fewer people to pull off an inside job, than an "outside job".
    Sorry, I'll rephrase.
    Paranoid would be believing that a small group of people pulled an inside job rather than believing that a terrorist group who claimed credit for the attacks did it.

  17. #92
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    Was the loud bang you heard followed by a controlled demolition? If not, then it might not have been a bomb you heard.
    No it wasn't followed by a controlled demolition...much like the tower wasn't a controlled demolition either.

  18. #93
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    Sorry, I'll rephrase.
    Paranoid would be believing that a small group of people pulled an inside job rather than believing that a terrorist group who claimed credit for the attacks did it.
    * Terrorists are liars, and like to "take credit" for stuff they didn't do.

    * Osama bin Laden issued a statement a few days after 9/11, saying was not aware of the attacks and had nothing to do with them.

    * Osama bin Laden has not been charged with any crime involving 9/11.

    * The so-called bin Laden confession tape is not bin Laden. It shows a man who is right handed, writing a note with his right hand, but according the FBI website, bin Laden is left-handed.

    * bin Laden is 6' 5" tall, 160 pounds, on the FBI website, but he looks like a fat guy on the video.

    * the guy on the video doesn't look like bin Laden

    * the video is fake, and bin Laden is not on it.

  19. #94
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    Why not put the people who put the charges there under oath and ask them?
    Why don't you explain why they are needed on the very top corner of the building and designed to look exactly like glass and building materials deforming and breaking during a building collapse.

  20. #95
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    If the person talking about the building that "might come down" knows why it "might come down", he should contact the NIST scientists and let them know, because after 6 years, the NIST scientists still have no idea why WTC 7 "might come down".
    Everyone at the scene knew it might come down. They measured the deformation of the building over a few hours and came to that conclusion. That's why all the fire and rescue crews evacuated the building. The NIST scientists are trying to track down the exact cause, but the symptoms were readily apparent to the people who were actually there.

  21. #96
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    Everyone at the scene knew it might come down. They measured the deformation of the building over a few hours and came to that conclusion. That's why all the fire and rescue crews evacuated the building. The NIST scientists are trying to track down the exact cause, but the symptoms were readily apparent to the people who were actually there.
    The WTC was designed to withstand multiple airplane crashes and fires. In 1975, it withstood a substantial fire. In 1993, it withstood a substantial bomb. All other steel framed buildings in the world have survived earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados, without collapse. Steel buildings attacked by bombing raids during WWII never fell in simulated controlled demolitions.

    There is a tall steel building in San Francisco, built in the 1890s, that withstood the San Francisco earthquake and ensuing 3 day fire. It still stands today.

    The WTC was made of mostly steel and concrete, had fireproofing on the steel beams, complied with fire codes, and had a water sprinkler system.

    That's why after the planes hit, firemen and policemen rushed into the buildings, the engineers felt it was safe.

    But right after the Twin Towers fell, it would be pretty easy to get a bit paranoid and feel that WTC 7 might fall as well.

    Of course, the engineers at the scene had no idea that powerful bombs had been planted throughout the WTC.

  22. #97
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    Wow, so how does the kookaid taste, Galileo?

  23. #98
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    The WTC was designed to withstand multiple airplane crashes and fires. In 1975, it withstood a substantial fire. In 1993, it withstood a substantial bomb. All other steel framed buildings in the world have survived earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados, without collapse. Steel buildings attacked by bombing raids during WWII never fell in simulated controlled demolitions.
    Nice line of BS. The WTC was designed to absorb a 707 that was traveling at landing speed trying to avoid crashing, not a 767 traveling 550 mph intentionally trying to crash.

    There is a tall steel building in San Francisco, built in the 1890s, that withstood the San Francisco earthquake and ensuing 3 day fire. It still stands today.
    So you're saying it was constructed exactly like the WTC and hit by a 767 traveling at 550 mph.

    The WTC was made of mostly steel and concrete, had fireproofing on the steel beams, complied with fire codes, and had a water sprinkler system.
    The fireproofing was knocked of the beams by the impact and much of the water supply was cut off in the same impact.

    That's why after the planes hit, firemen and policemen rushed into the buildings, the engineers felt it was safe.
    No . If you can show a precedent for this particular set of cir stances, give me a link to them.

    But right after the Twin Towers fell, it would be pretty easy to get a bit paranoid and feel that WTC 7 might fall as well.
    And measuring the deformation of the building would help them come to an actual conclusion based on evidence.

    Of course, the engineers at the scene had no idea that powerful bombs had been planted throughout the WTC.
    Of course, they knew the building was burning uncontrolled and progressively deforming.

  24. #99
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    Hey Galileo, your name and your nutter position remind me of Alex Jones:

    The History Channel ran a program some time back called "9/11 Conspiracy: Fact or Fiction." The concept is that, as was the case with Pearl Harbor and the assassination of President Kennedy, conspiracy theories become part of the historical record, no matter how absurd they are. So THC, one of my favorite cable channels, looks into it and features a number of vocal Truthers in the process.

    In the program, Alex Jones tells the interviewer that Galileo was persecuted in his time for proclaiming that the world was round and not flat… and that he himself is a modern day Galileo.

    This would be a good analogy were it not for the inconvenient fact that Galileo was accused of heresy for suggesting the Earth moved around the Sun and not the other way around. In Galileo’s time it was widely acknowledged that the world was indeed round.

    Ironically, in a tangent but an interesting one at that, it was Islamic astronomers who were among the first to calculate the cir ference of the Earth, developing spherical trigonometry in the process, and plot the movement of the known planets at the time, in the 9th century. I say ironic because the world would indeed be a better place if Islamic fundamentalists again pursued mathematics and the sciences for the betterment of mankind instead of our destruction.

    Alex Jones discusses Galileo

    That Alex Jones, he's a card. Next to Leslie, he's the whackiest guy in town.

  25. #100
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    Nice line of BS. The WTC was designed to absorb a 707 that was traveling at landing speed trying to avoid crashing, not a 767 traveling 550 mph intentionally trying to crash.

    So you're saying it was constructed exactly like the WTC and hit by a 767 traveling at 550 mph.

    The fireproofing was knocked of the beams by the impact and much of the water supply was cut off in the same impact.

    No . If you can show a precedent for this particular set of cir stances, give me a link to them.

    And measuring the deformation of the building would help them come to an actual conclusion based on evidence.

    Of course, they knew the building was burning uncontrolled and progressively deforming.
    WTC construction manager, Frank A. DeMartini

    * He says in this interview it could withstand multiple plane impacts. That's why he stayed in the WTC after the planes hit, and died after the bombs went off.

    * Kinetic energy is based on the square of the velocity. The 707 had a cruising speed of 600 mph, while the 767 was 530 mph. So the 707 had more kinetic energy.

    * The fireproofing was only knocked off the beams in the places where the plane directly hit the beams. This is only a few of the columns a few floors. That's it. Also, fires don't burn in the core, because the core was all steel and concrete.

    You may want double check the crap you read on those archie debunking sites before you make a fool of yourself and post it online.

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