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  1. #101
    coffee is for closers Infinite_limit's Avatar
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    If we had psychopaths all throughout this country that go around the world bombing civilians I might think he had a reason for being here.

    (wtf I'm not even for the war but I sure as don't have a bleeding heart for those people like you seem to)
    Collateral damage occurs. Marines bomb civilians around the world.

    My issue is with how the OP worded his explanation. I'm trying to find out if it's a byproduct of watching such a Nationalistic film. He seems to disregard that we invaded them and they are simply defending their homeland. Poles and/or Jews did the same exact stuff in WW2 against the Nazis.

  2. #102
    CubanSucksSuperFunTimeGo! Pauly D's Avatar
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    Collateral damage occurs. Marines bomb civilians around the world.

    My issue is with how the OP worded his explanation. I'm trying to find out if it's a byproduct of watching such a Nationalistic film. He seems to disregard that we invaded them and they are simply defending their homeland. Poles and/or Jews did the same exact stuff in WW2 against the Nazis.
    I watched Schindler's List last week for the first time in years. Thinking about it made me laugh at this comment. Again, I'm all for leaving that part of the world to live in their own misery and enduring a terrorist attack every once in a while

  3. #103
    coffee is for closers Infinite_limit's Avatar
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    I watched Schindler's List last week for the first time in years. Thinking about it made me laugh at this comment. Again, I'm all for leaving that part of the world to live in their own misery and enduring a terrorist attack every once in a while
    Schlindler's List is a 2nd rate Holocaust film made by a Hollywood Jew. If you want a more accurate depiction of what occurred, watch the Pianist.

    I'd say it's naive to assume Europe/the West had no negative influence on how the Middle East is today

    What World War I Did to the Middle East

    "World War I may have ended in 1918, but the violence it triggered in the Middle East still hasn't come to an end. Arbitrary borders drawn by self-interested imperial powers have left a legacy that the region has not been able to overcome."

    "To understand how this historical anomaly came to pass, several factors must be considered: the region's depressing history prior to World War I, the failure of the Arab elite and the continual intervention by the superpowers thereafter, the role of political Islam, the discovery of oil, the founding of Israel and the Cold War."

  4. #104
    Long, Dark Blues redzero's Avatar
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    I just saw the movie and I enjoyed it. It wasn't as black or white as people were making it out to be, but it still was an "America, Yeah!" kind of film. Kyle's portrayal would be criticized no matter what: if he lied about his military exploits, he would have been called a coward and if he didn't, he would have been called a murderer (some have called him both). I think the chief issue, from an accuracy standpoint, was movie Kyle's struggle with PTSD. The real Kyle seemed to have loved every moment of his four tours, but the movie Kyle is haunted by his experiences in Iraq.

    What I would have liked to have seen--which would probably piss off people on the other side of the political spectrum--would be a Full-Metal-Jacket-Chopper-Gunner portrayal of Chris Kyle, which would have been far more entertaining.

  5. #105
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    ^ , that's for the got above you. And as for you, suck a . I thought you were a reasonable, "the more of those ers dead the better," type person
    I don't care one way or the other, but if you don't see this movie for the hurr durr American soldiers are really the good guys even though we're raping these people's culture propoganda e that it is, you're a dumbass.

  6. #106
    CubanSucksSuperFunTimeGo! Pauly D's Avatar
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    I haven't seen the movie yet but the book is nowhere near the description you just used. He was pretty pragmatic about the whole thing. The only time you saw he had passion about anything in the war was when he referred to them as savages.

  7. #107
    Believe. Malik Hairston's Avatar
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    Is it worth watching if Bradley Cooper is on your top 3 list of punchable celebrities, tbh?

  8. #108
    CubanSucksSuperFunTimeGo! Pauly D's Avatar
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    pretty meh. They flew by everything. The SEAL training looked like just a cold weekend at a water park. I didn't care when anyone died. The action was a little overdone. The cat and mouse thing they had going was half-ass. The ending should've been way more subtle. Don't Put the ing date up there like "OK GUYS, THIS IS HIS LAST DAY." And then depicting the marine like he's the Joker sneaking up on Batman instead of a tragic case of irony as it really was. As a fan of Chris Kyle and Clint Eastwood and stoked at how legit Cooper looked and played him, I'm bummed it didn't turn out better

    Critics of American Sniper Chris Kyle Threatened with Violence and Rape Fantasies

    Kyle wrote in his memoir, American Sniper,

    Our ROEs [Rules of Engagement] when the [Iraq War] kicked off were pretty simple: If you see anyone from about sixteen to sixty-five and they’re male, shoot ‘em. Kill every male you see. That wasn’t the official language, but that was the idea.

    So Kyle was ordered, he says, to systematically execute every male between 16 and 65.

    Hero? Kyle, in his own book, was pathological killer, a sicko, murdering monster.
    you need some context. This is hilariously ridiculous

    this dude and his movie.

    It was blindly patriotic
    nope. It did lean in that direction but it was hardly the "cheering after every headshot" type movie.

    Wonder how many imbeciles cheered usa usa usa throughout the film, stood up and the end of the film and saluted all the dumb bubbas for "serving" their country, went out to a bar afterwards and downed gallons of budweiser. Soon you'll be seeing the bubba masses (including culturally confused hiSPanICS---never my fellow s --I wonder why that is?) sporting the punisher emblem as if it's some indicator of their lethal nature. Just good 'ol, silly, mindless, 'murican propaganda.
    'murican sniper
    your bitterness isn't very subtle, is it? Geez

    Best thing about this movie is that it gets the liberal gots panties up in a wad for some reason.
    it really is. Above all else it makes me smile seeing how it's making some grind their teeth in anger

    But... but Jesus loves America and the Christian soldiers sent to liberate the Middle Eastern non-believers. Oh wait.
    why can't the movie just be about one incredibly efficient soldier's life? No need to get worked up

    Tom Hanks and his sickeningly sweet character ruins that movie for me as great as the first few minutes are.
    what?! I though his character had the perfect amount of cynicism. When Ryan was talking to him when they were chilling before the last battle you see how reluctant he was. He showed a perfect lack of compassion quite a few times

    Good movie. Kept me wanting to watch. And it wasn't too long.
    should've been longer. They might've been able to actually DEVELOP some part of his story. If this had been done in the 60s or 70s it could've been an incredible over 3 hr epic, but that's never happening again

    So did he shoot the little dune kid with the bomb or not?
    yes. In the book it's his only experience he really dwells on. The whole PTSD thing was blown way past what he had expressed. Not saying he didn't go through that but it's obvious it was put in to fit a narrative

    read the book years ago, going to see the movie this Tuesday in the middle of the day (hate crowded theaters). But first, could some of you gots look at this, please?

    a shorter version

    so, tell me why I should give a about completely irrelevant and inconsequential lies? Becomes a SEAL, becomes a sniper, gets record numbers, buuuut he lied about stuff that had nothing to do with any of that. In fact, the only one of those lies he told in the book was the Ventura thing and he didn't even use his name. It took Opie and Anthony to get him to say it then pompous O'Reilly claims Kyle's confession as his exclusive and makes it known everywhere. The way people are reacting to this "LIAR!!!!!!" you'd think he never even made through training
    So, if they had made the movie years from now I think they could've really made him into the human badass that he was, faults and all. It would've been way too soon to see it as a realistic Lawrence of Arabia type depiction

  9. #109
    Independent DMX7's Avatar
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    Chris is a hero! The arguments I've heard against him are weak as .

  10. #110
    Veteran HI-FI's Avatar
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    finally saw it. Like I said earlier about Clint, he can be hit or miss as a director and this film is a bit of a mixed bag, but it's still really good. Its success isn't a fluke, there's a certain energy or emotion to it that works.


    the goods imo
    1)sound design. from the opening Muslim prayer to the silence at the credits, just excellent sound design throughout the film. I liked the minimal use of music, reminded me of No Country for Old Men in that regard.
    2)Tom Stern's cinematography. Clint's movies have a certain look and I thought his DP did some of his best work on this one.
    3)Acting. Overall the performances were believable and good but Cooper took the movie and his career to another level. I wouldn't be shocked if this film wins an oscar for Best Actor and Sound Design.

    It's not a perfect film, it had its cliches and flaws but other than some blacks in the theater talking, I enjoyed the experience.

  11. #111
    CubanSucksSuperFunTimeGo! Pauly D's Avatar
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    I liked the minimal use of music, reminded me of No Country for Old Men in that regard.
    normally I'd agree with you, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about, but I don't think it applies here. I can't remember specifics but I remember hearing the cliche snare drums and trumpets too many times. And I remember during some fighting the background tense builder music and thinking how much more realistic and intense it'd be if they stuck to the Saving Private Ryan philosophy.

  12. #112
    Veteran HI-FI's Avatar
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    normally I'd agree with you, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about, but I don't think it applies here. I can't remember specifics but I remember hearing the cliche snare drums and trumpets too many times. And I remember during some fighting the background tense builder music and thinking how much more realistic and intense it'd be if they stuck to the Saving Private Ryan philosophy.
    I need to re-see it and I'll most likely get the blu ray, but I don't remember much music. If you check the credits and IMDB, they don't have any composer even listed. It was mainly the music editor and Clint who wrote some small pieces for it. There is music so you could be right but it's very minimal, even Clint's song is just him on the piano.

  13. #113
    CubanSucksSuperFunTimeGo! Pauly D's Avatar
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    I guess it was just the timing. I think they over think it when it comes to music in action, especially the kind that's not supposed to be fun and adventurous. The action isn't effective unless I feel like I'm there and when there's music, no matter how subtle and quiet, I'm subconsciously reminded I'm just watching a movie

  14. #114
    Independent DMX7's Avatar
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    I thought it was good. Bradley Cooper was excellent in it. It did not remind me of Stoltz der Nation. The criticism of the film from the far left was so petty, especially Michael Moore's dumbass tweet.

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