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  1. #1476
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    Trump Administration Wants To Cut Funding For Public Housing Repairs

    Mold. Leaks. Rodents. Crime. These are just some of the things the nation's 2 million public housing residents have to worry about.

    Many of the buildings they live in have been falling into disrepair for decades.

    Public housing officials estimate that it would cost $50 billion to fix them up.

    the Trump administration wants to eliminate the federal fund now used to repair public housing

    in favor of attracting more private investment to fix up and replace it.

    Ben Carson says the country needs a new approach because the current one is not working. &utm_content=20190519&utm_campaign=bestofnpr&utm_t erm=bestofnpr

  2. #1477
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    The oligarchy buys whatever it wants, and America is for sale, has been for decades, and is extremely cheap with a unimaginable ROI.

    $22 Million In Dark Money Behind Kavanaugh Nomination

    the Judicial Crisis Network, a conservative secretive dark money group received $22 million from anonymous donors in the year leading up to the Tump administration and conservatives’ push to place Brett Kavanaugh on the U.S. Supreme Court.

    A full $17 million of that $22 million came from one anonymous donor.

    “The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit,
    pledged to spend as much as $10 million to ensure Kavanaugh’s confirmation — the same amount that it spent to help confirm Justice Neil Gorsuch in 2017,”

    “JCN has
    close ties to Trump’s judicial adviser Leonard Leo, a longtime executive at the Federalist Society, the influential conservative and libertarian lawyers network based in Washington, D.C.”

    Wellspring has continued to send massive annual endowments to JCN since the group launched in 2005.

    JCN, in turn, has continued to pour
    tens of millions of dollars into every subsequent Supreme Court nomination fight and working to reshape the judiciary.

    Wellspring reported donating
    almost $15 million to JCN in 2017, on top of $23.5 million in 2016.

    Neither organization discloses the sources of its funds.”

  3. #1478
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    E.P.A. Plans to Get Thousands of Deaths Off the Books by Changing Its Math

    The Environmental Protection Agency plans to change the way it calculates the future health risks of air pollution,

    a shift that would predict thousands of fewer deaths and

    would help justify the planned rollback of a key climate change measure,

    oligarchy / Repugs INCREASING environmental damage, committing willful, not accidental,manslaughter for profit.

    The oligarchy's murderous EPA knows that EPA strategy of increasing all types of pollution will result in additional 100Ks of diseased, suffering, dead people, so they must LIE about the numbers.

  4. #1479
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    EPA cuts off funding for kids' health research centers

    Despite repeatedly expressing public support for children's health, EPA is ending funding for a network of research centers focused on environmental threats to kids, imperiling several long-running studies of pollutants' effects on child development.

    The move, critics say, is part of a

    broader Trump administration effort to downplay science that could lead to stricter regulations on polluting industries.

    At issue are 13 Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers located at ins utions across the country, from UCLA to Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.

    Jointly funded by EPA and the Department of Health and Human Services' National Ins ute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) for more than two decades,

    the children's centers study everything from childhood leukemia to the development of autism spectrum disorders.

    Grants to those centers have long been considered unique in the public health world for including funding for both research and public outreach.

    "We have researchers doing very sophisticated and analytical research looking at what is happening with the health of women and children when they are pregnant, but we need to communicate that with the Atlanta community," she said.

    "That's what would go away, because it was a very unique contribution of the centers and how they were previously funded."

    the oligarchy paying for its tax cut by ing over the non-oligarchy

    The oligarchy increasing pollution of air, water, land will sicken and kill 10Ks of people

  5. #1480
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    Repug racism and misogny

    Mnuchin delays plan to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill – refuses to even say if he supports her

    She was an abolitionist,

    risking her life by working to rescue and save 70 slaves via the Underground Railroad.

    She was a spy for the U.S. Army.

    And she was an activist who worked to help secure the right for women in America to vote.

    Yet on Wednesday Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin announced Harriet Tubman will not be on the $20 bill next year as planned,

    and will miss the 100th anniversary celebration of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.

    for counterfeiting issues,” Mnuchin told U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, (D-MA) (photo), during Wednesday’s combative hearing before the House Financial Services Committee. “Based upon this,

    the $20 bill will now not come out until 2028.”

    But presumably those same issues would affect other new bills too. Not according to Mnuchin.

    Sec. Mnuchin assumed the House Committee that

    the “$10 bill and the $50 bill will come out with new features beforehand.”

    Repugs don't no in knitter and a women on $20 bill

  6. #1481
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    In KY, and most probably in other red/slave states, there's a "political test" for obtaining a business/farm loan

    Article About Kentucky Farmers May Explain Why All Farmers Sing From the Same Hymnal.

    Why aren’t we hearing more concern?

    Because the current administration has made it

    impossible for farmers to criticize without retaliation from Republican landowners.

    A farmer who wrote an opinion piece early last year in response to farmers’ incomes dropping more than 50% since 2013 and highlighted the increase in farmer suicides due to status-quo policies,

    lost 300 acres of sharecropped land because word got out that he was a Democrat.


    Money lenders in agriculture base who they lend money to on more than just financial statements.

    Lenders make phone calls within the community to understand the “general character” of someone.

    The idea is to see

    if the farmer in question is in good standing in the community and doesn’t have anything to “hide.”

    But rumors spread all the time about certain operations having to file for bankruptcy.

    Farmers already struggle to compete with larger farms that bring in their cloud-connected combines and quote production numbers to landowners that compete for pennies on the pound.

    Now they have to compete with their conscience as well.

    That sounds an awful lot like trouble makers will get no money.

    If true, this would explain why all farmers are saying the same about Trump over and over again:

    “Yeah, it hurts now, but I am confident that Dear Leader will get us a great deal in the end. We just need patience!”

  7. #1482
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    Poll: Half of Republicans Want a Dictator, Basically

    A depressing new survey has found that

    half of surveyed Republicans are willing to flout the democratic process to keep our sleepwalking megalomaniac of a president in office for an indefinite amount of time.

    The Washington Post surveyed 650 right-leaning Americans about Trump’s baseless allegations of

    rampant voter fraud (73 percent believe it happens frequently);

    about who won the popular vote (Trump did, according to 47 percent of Republicans...even though he didn’t);

    and that millions of undo ented immigrants voted in the election (68 percent believe this!).

    Believe it or not, those aren’t even the most depressing findings. Here are two other questions the survey asked:

    • If Donald Trump were to say that the 2020 presidential election should be postponed until the country can make sure that only eligible American citizens can vote, would you support or oppose postponing the election?
    • What if both Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress were to say that the 2020 presidential election should be postponed until the country can make sure that only eligible American citizens can vote? Would you support or oppose postponing the election?

    Let’s rephrase those:

    Do you support or oppose undermining the most fundamental democratic foundations of this country, a move that will surely catapult America into a totalitarian regime, and entrust its future to Donald Trump?

    Let’s think about this again! If Donald Trump, a man whose only loyalty remains to his own ego, were to declare himself America’s first dictator, supported in his rise to power by the Republican Party, would you be pretty chill about that or nah?

    Well, my friends,

    52 percent of respondents would support dismantling our democratic ins utions to keep Trump as president,

    while 56 percent would support indefinitely delaying a presidential election if both Trump and Republicans in Congress wanted to.

    These people, who support dictatorship and vote Repug, are why America can't have nice things, but regresses into edness and un ability

  8. #1483
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    Trash and Stephen Miller making friends in tourism industry

    Want a Visa for the U.S.? You’ll Have to Hand Over Your Social Media Handles

    The vast majority of applicants for U.S. visas will now have to hand over their social media usernames along with previous email addresses and phone numbers,

    will have to give five years’ worth of phone numbers, email addresses, and social media handles as part of the application process.

    the number will include around

    14 million applicants for nonimmigrant visas and some 700,000 applicants for immigrant visas.

    Although applicants will be able to say they don’t use social media, lying about it could lead to “serious immigration consequences,”

    For now the form only includes the most popular social media platforms, but soon applicants will be able to list all the sites they use.

    This will be a vital tool to screen out terrorists, public safety threats, and other dangerous individuals from gaining immigration benefits and setting foot on U.S. soil.”

    The move “will infringe on the rights of immigrants and U.S. citizens by chilling freedom of speech and association,

    particularly because people will now have to wonder if what they say online will be misconstrued or misunderstood by a government official,”

  9. #1484
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    If Trash pardons murderers (clearly the ORINGIN intent of the FFs), less, spineless Repugs fall in behind him

    Republican congressman shrugs off war crimes, says he probably killed hundreds of civilians

  10. #1485
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    Ex-GOP Tennessee Rep. Diane Black:

    The idea ‘everyone is equal’ is ‘not what this country is founded on’

    Black (R) on Sunday put forward a false choice between embracing “socialism” and having a job that “brings character.”

    Black argued that socialism would have deprived her of life lessons that she learned through working.

    Everybody should get their part and you should take from this person and

    give to that person to make sure everyone is equal,'” Black said.

    “That is not what this country was founded upon.”

    So, this whole thing about sharing and making sure everybody has the same thing.

    Black and her husband said in 2013 that they owned
    between $32 million and $146.9 million in assets. n=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29

    ing stupid, ignorant Repugs, every ing one of them, counting, successfully, on the stupidity, ignorance of their voters.

  11. #1486
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    Florida high school valedictorian barred from giving speech honoring her immigrant parents

    On what was supposed to be her day and a celebration of her many accomplishments, Kriya Naidu was barred from speaking—and then insulted.

    She was the freaking valedictorian. She had a weighted 5.5 GPA.

    She was supposed to give a speech, and that speech she submitted was reviewed and approved.

    The speech, which I will play for you in full below, honored her parents’ experience as immigrants and gave a quick nod to the many challenges faced by new immigrants.

    To be clear, there was absolutely nothing “inflammatory:”

    nothing about the overt hatred her parents faced,

    nor any reference to the current immigration tragedy with thousands of migrant children being separated from their parents or babies being put in cages.

    It was just a few lines of an inspirational tribute put into a 3-minute speech that

    quoted a line from Hamilton: “Immigrants, we get the job done.”

    Trash'a AmeriKKKa, alive and kicking hard in red/slave states.

  12. #1487
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    Sky People crushing sacred farmers, with help from compromised, politicized judges

    Iowa Supreme Court affirms Dakota Access pipeline project

    The Iowa Supreme Court said Friday that a crude oil pipeline running across Iowa was legally permitted to be built dashing the hopes of a group of farmer landowners who wanted the pipeline moved off their land and an environmental group that wanted it shut down.

    A four-member majority of the court agreed with an Iowa court judge who in in February 2017 concluded

    the Iowa Utilities Board properly considered public benefits of the pipeline.

    A group of 14 landowners and the environmental group Sierra Club of Iowa sued the board and the company that built the pipeline claiming

    the pipeline carrying crude oil from North Dakota to Illinois provides no benefit to Iowans and forced taking of land to build it is unlawful.

    The decision will have far-reaching impact for landowners in Iowa because it

    opens the door for more developer driven condemnations, said Bill Hanigan, the attorney for the landowners.

    “This sets a precedent for wealthy developers seizing Iowa farmland for private ventures that bring no measurable benefit to Iowans,”

    America is ed and un able
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 06-03-2019 at 12:53 PM.

  13. #1488
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    this entire thread:

  14. #1489
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    I think it's considerate for boutons to consolidate his spam this way.

  15. #1490
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    Pearls Before Swine

  16. #1491
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    I think it's considerate for boutons to consolidate his spam this way.
    it doesnt stop him from cluttering other threads, though

  17. #1492
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    it doesnt stop him from cluttering other threads, though
    Sadly, no.

    Unfortunately for boutons, shortening his copypasta and adding comments wouldn't help very much either.

  18. #1493
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    An Orwellian new rule, dubbed “Regulation Best Interest,”

    gives investment advisers the freedom to sell stuff they wouldn’t buy themselves.

    the Securities and Exchange Commission voted Wednesday morning to change dramatically, and not for the better, the way investment professionals interact with their clients.

    investors lose “
    tens of billions of dollars” a year as a result of Wall Street brokers acting in their self-interest, as opposed to their clients.’ That’s a lot of money.

    The new rule, dubbed “Regulation Best Interest,” passed on a 3-1 vote, lowering the standards for investment professionals down to the standards of the brokers, instead of trying to raise up the standards of the brokers to those of the investment professionals.

    Last year the SEC proposed a new rule, essentially a watered-down version of the Obama rule, of course!

    Clayton proposed to lower the standards for the investment advisers to the already low standard of the Wall Street brokers.

    Instead of raising the standards for everyone who manages money, whether at a Wall Street firm or at a money-management firm,

    the SEC has now lowered the standards across the board. 58549&utm_source=nl&utm_brand=vf&utm_mailing=VF_Hi ve_060619&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bd6795524c17c1048 022fcc&cndid=43758549&hasha=992d608214b505003aa04b f10a595031&hashb=542eb31d958e85ddd5a4c3ccf3faae185 26a77bd&hashc=54b3612ab970ce13a64a16665b1987080ca5 b72e2ee762b722fbba6ab378f2f5&esrc=bounceX&utm_camp aign=VF_Hive_060619&utm_term=VYF_Hive

    C R A P I F I C A T I O N R U L E S, OK!

  19. #1494
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    Nuclear waste will be classified as safer under a controversial Trump administration change

    The federal Department of Energy is changing how it will dispose of nuclear weapons waste, reclassifying what was formerly considered high-level radioactive material to a lower standard

    The new approach triggered immediate opposition in Washington state, South Carolina and Idaho, which contend that the Energy Department wants to bury dangerous waste in shallow pits.

    “By taking this action, the administration seeks to cut out state input and move towards disposal options of their choosing,

    including those already deemed to be unsafe by their own assessments and

    in violation of the existing legally binding agreement,” he said.

    “We will consider all options to stop this reckless and dangerous action.”

    Repugs up everything they touch

  20. #1495
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    How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million at a Trump Resort — and Cashed In

    At the Trump Doral outside Miami, payday lenders celebrated the potential death of a rule intended to protect their customers.

    They couldn’t have done it without President Donald Trump and his latest deregulator, Kathleen Kraninger.

    In mid-March, the payday lending industry held its annual convention at the Trump National Doral hotel outside Miami.

    A month earlier, Kathleen Kraninger, who had just finished her second month as director of the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, had delivered what the lenders consider an epochal victory: Kraninger announced a proposal

    to gut
    a crucial rule that had been passed under her Obama-era predecessor.

    Payday lenders viewed that rule as a potential death sentence for many in their industry.

    It would require payday lenders and others to make sure borrowers could afford to pay back their loans while also covering basic living expenses.

    But the notion struck terror in the payday lenders.

    Their business model relies on customers — 12 million Americans take out payday loans every year, according to Pew Charitable Trusts — getting stuck in a long-term cycle of debt, experts say.

    CFPB study found that three out of four payday loans go to borrowers who take out 10 or more loans a year.

  21. #1496
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    San Antonio’s Budget Takes Significant Hits in Legislative Session

    "Governor Greg Abbott is expected to sign both

    Senate Bill 1152,

    which will let telecommunication companies off the hook for millions in right-of-way fees they pay to the City, and

    Senate Bill 2,

    which caps the number of increased revenue cities can collect from property taxes without asking for voter approval." ce=newsletter-daily&utm_content=editorial&utm_term=govPolitics&u tm_source=Rivard+Report&utm_campaign=98d111cd36-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_12_21_07_19_COPY_01&utm_medium =email&utm_term=0_1576c62124-98d111cd36-84683437

    bag Repugs enriching BigNetwork and screwing TX's Blue Cities

  22. #1497
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    When the oligarchy captures regulatory agencies and dictates govt policy, for profit ...

    EU, Brazil and China have banned way more harmful pesticides than the USA

    72 pesticides approved for use in the United States are banned or in the process of being phased out in the European Union.

    "The USA is generally regarded as being highly regulated and having protective pesticide safeguards in place.

    This study contradicts that narrative and finds that in fact,

    in the last couple of decades, nearly all pesticide cancellations in the USA have been done voluntarily by the pesticide industry.

    Without a change in the
    US Environmental Protection Agency's current reliance on voluntary mechanisms for cancellations,

    the USA will likely continue to lag behind its peers in banning harmful pesticides."

  23. #1498
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    Trash a huge fan of more pollution everywhere

    Automakers tell Trump deregulatory efforts could lead to instability, lower profits

    The world’s largest automakers warned President Trump on Thursday that one of his most sweeping deregulatory efforts —

    his plan to weaken tailpipe pollution standards

    threatens to cut their profits and produce “untenable” instability in a crucial manufacturing sector.

    In a letter signed by 17 companies including Ford, General Motors, Toyota and Volvo,

    the automakers asked Mr. Trump to go back to the negotiating table on the planned rollback of one of President Barack Obama’s signature policies to fight climate change.

    Notice they didn't say increased pollution, and more diseased and dead people would be the problem, on their ing profits.

  24. #1499
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    Trump Administration Bans Government Scientists From Using Fetal Tissue

    Scientists condemned the administration’s decision on fetal tissue research in the strongest possible terms.

    scientists who say it is an irreplaceable part of ongoing scientific research.

    Scientists condemned the administration’s decision in the strongest possible terms.

    “We believe this decision to be politically motivated, shortsighted and not based on sound science,”

    Repugs? Christian Taliban? Science? G M A F B

  25. #1500
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    Some Maine Republicans Fret New State Ballad Is Too Hard On The Confederacy

    Maine legislators recently approved a new state ballad, a task one would expect to be simple and drama-free.

    the ballad chosen cast too negative of a light on the Confederacy, according to a new report from the Maine Beacon.

    The song, led “The Ballad of the 20th Maine,” tells the story of a Maine infantry regiment that fought in the Civil War, and unsurprisingly, has a pro-Union message. Two Republicans found this inappropriate.

    “I find it a little bit, we are united states, we are not Union, we are united states. WTF

    And I find it just a little bit – I won’t say offensive but that’s what I mean – to say that we’re any better than the South was,

    they were fighting for something they truly believed in,” aka "Freedom of Confederacy", believe , it's ok
    Reed said, according to the Beacon. “Many of them were great Christian men

    on both sides.

    They fought hard and they were fighting for states’ rights as they saw them.”

    no mention of fighting to protect slavery

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