Maybe you all remember the horrible tragedy that Baylor went through just a few short years ago with the Dennehy murder and subsequent uncovering of illegal contributions to recruit and retain players. You might also recall that led to the basketball team virtually being dismantled, placed on probation, and having to forfeit its non-conference schedule for a season.

Well it's taken a couple years, but the Baylor Men's Basketball program has bounced back in a BIG way. Currently the Bears are 15-2, having only lost to Washington State (top 10 team) and Arkansas. It should also be pointed out that they're 3-0 in the Big 12 with wins over Iowa State, OK State, and Nebraska.

Obviously the road to March gets alot steeper from here and the Bears have a long way to go, but I thought it was worth mentioning...given where they've come from in such a short time.

I'm proud to say, as a Baylor Alum, welcome back Baylor Men's Basketball!

Sic 'em Bears!
Solid thread.

Tech is tearing it up right now in bball recruiting. Thank you Baylor for being slimy.