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  1. #1
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    For Immediate Release

    Contact: Press Office

    Friday, September 12, 2008


    MANCHESTER, NH -- The McCain-Palin campaign today announced that New Hampshire State Representative Doreen Howard, a Democratic legislator from Newmarket, has endorsed John McCain for president. Representative Howard previously supported Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's candidacy.

    "As a lifelong Democrat who enthusiastically backed Hillary Clinton in the primaries, I am now supporting John McCain. Like Senator Clinton, McCain values the importance of public service. Both Clinton and McCain put country first and that's critically important," said Howard. "John McCain and Sarah Palin are mavericks who have proven they can deliver real reform. As our nation faces challenges at home and abroad, Americans will benefit from their experience, judgment and strong leadership."

    Elected in 2006, Representative Howard is a member of the State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee. She represents Newmarket and Newfields.

    Representative Howard supported John Kerry in 2004 and Al Gore in 2000.

  2. #2
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    There are so many GOPers that support Obama it's not even thread worthy

  3. #3
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    There are so many GOPers that support Obama it's not even thread worthy
    What part of New Hampshire don't you get?

  4. #4
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Yeah, McSame has a prayer in New Hampshire...

  5. #5
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    Doreen is very close to military veterans issues here in NE, she serves on the Veteran Affairs Committee. It doesn't surprise me because veterans are mad with Obama's last ad. I myself have ties to disabled veterans organizations and they are really, really angry. And so am I, to be honest.

  6. #6
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    State: New Hampshire

    Updated: 9/13/2008

    McCain - 49.1%
    Obama - 42.8%
    Not Sure/Other - 8.1%

    "Still very close here. In a state that loves John McCain, and handed Obama a bruising defeat, McCain has a higher favorability rating."

    Electoral Votes: 4, Too close to call

  7. #7
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    Doreen is very close to military veterans issues here in NE, she serves on the Veteran Affairs Committee. It doesn't surprise me because veterans are mad with Obama's last ad. I myself have ties to disabled veterans organizations and they are really, really angry. And so am I, to be honest.

    NH will definitely flip.

  8. #8
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    NH will definitely flip.
    That I don't know. But Obama has lost tons of support among veterans in New England, that's for sure.

  9. #9
    Senior Member TheMadHatter's Avatar
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    I highly doubt McCain is able to flip any Kerry states. I just don't see that happening at all, dissatisfaction with the war and the Bush administration is going to be an overriding theme in all of these traditionally Democratic states. You look at the polls and are probably creaming your pants, but the reality is after the debates are over people will have made up their mind as to whether or not they want 4 more years of Bush or a change to what Obama's offering. The Democrats will come home and vote for Obama, if they did for Kerry they will for Obama..

    This is also why I feel states like FL, VA, and even OH are not really in play for Obama.

    You need to focus your attention on the mid-West because this is where the battle will be played. CO, NM, NV. Whoever takes 2 out of the 3 wins this election.

  10. #10
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Don't ruin their circle-jerk with logic Madhatter....I hope McSame does throw money into worthless causes....

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