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  1. #1
    I want some nasty GaryJohnston's Avatar
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    Look, Im like nbadan, I can post a bunch of bull and conspiracy theory also!

    After only being a U.S. Senator for a couple of years, Barak Hussein Obama, Democrat Senator from Chicago, has managed to catapult himself to the status of a messiah in the Democrat Party. The result is that ever since, he's been walking on water toward the White House.

    Obama says after his visit with friends and family in Hawaii during the 2006 year-end holidays, he'll announce if he's going to run for president in 2008.

    Bets are that he will.

    Who is Obama and what has he done?

    Independent columnist, Andy Martin ( says he believes Obama is a political fraud who "lied to the American people."

    Martin says Obama may be a threat to the Jewish community because he is a closet Muslim.

    "I feel sad having to expose Barack Obama," says Martin, "but the man is a complete fraud. The truth is going to surprise, and disappoint, and outrage many people who were drawn to him. He has lied to the American people, and he has sought to misrepresent his own heritage.

    "Obama's life story is vastly different from the one he portrays. My point: if he will lie about his mother and father, what else is he lying about? Can we expect 'bimbo eruptions?'

    "Fiction: Obama stated in his Convention speech: 'My father … grew up herding goats.' The 'goat herder' claim has been repeated endlessly. It is a lie.

    "Fact: Obama's grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama was a prominent and wealthy farmer. His son, Obama's father, was a child of privilege, not privation. He was an outstanding student, not a herdsman.

    "Fiction: Obama was given an 'African' name.

    "Fact: Obama is a Muslim who has concealed his religion..

    "He has treated his Muslim heritage as a dark secret. His grandfather was named 'Hussein.' That is an Arabic-Muslim, not African, name. Hussein was a devout Muslim and named his son, Barack Senior, 'Baraka.' Baraka is an Arabic word meaning 'blessed.' Baraka comes out of the Koran and Arabic, not Africa.

    "Barack Senior was also a devoted Muslim, and also chose a Muslim name for his son, our own Barack Obama, Junior. Again, his name was an Arabic and Koranic.

    "Fiction: Obama Senior was a harmless student 'immigrant' who came to the United States only to study.

    "Fact: Obama was part of one of the most corrupt and violent organizations in Africa: the Kenyatta regime. Obama's father ran back to Kenya soon after the British left. It is likely Obama's father had Mau Mau sympathies or connections, or he would not have been welcomed into the murderous inner circle of rapists, murderers, and arsonists. I believe Obama's secret shame at his family history of rape, murder and arson is what actualizes him. Our research is not yet complete. We are seeking to examine British colonial records. Our investigation to date has drawn on information on three continents.

    "And what about Obama's beloved Kenyan brothers and sisters? None of his family was invited to Boston to share his prominence. Are his relatives being kept in the closet? Where are they? More secrecy, more prevarication.

    "It is time for Barack Obama to stop presenting a fantasy to the American people. We are forgiving and many would still support him. It may well be that his concealment is meant to endanger Israel. His Muslim religion would obviously raise serious questions in many Jewish circles where Obama now enjoys support," Martin said.

    Debbie Schlussel, a conservative political commentator, columnist, was more pointedly critical about Obama's Islamic connections, she wrote on her blog,, "while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that's not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it.

    "In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he's a Christian, but they do not."

    Is a man Muslims think is a Muslim, Schlussel asked on her blog, " a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?

    "Is that even the man we'd want to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, if Hillary Clinton offers him the Vice Presidential candidacy on her ticket (which he certainly wouldn't turn down)?"

    Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, the son of Barack Hussein Obama Sr. of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, of Wichita, Kan.

    Obama senior met his wife, a white woman, when he was a student attending the University of Hawaii. Obama junior was born in Hawaii.

    When he was two-years old, Obama's parents divorced and his father returned to Kenya, where he eventually served as a senior economist in the country's Ministry of Finance.

    When Obama was six, his mother, an atheist, married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian Muslim and moved to Jakarta, Indonesia. Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born after the family moved to Indonesia.

    Soetoro enrolled his stepson in one of Jakarta's Muslim Wahabbi schools. Wahabbism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad on the rest of the world. Obama later attended a Catholic school in Indonesia.

    At age 10 Obama was sent back to Hawaii to be raised by his white maternal grandparents and to attend the prestigious Punahou Academy.

    He attended Occidental College, followed by Columbia College and Columbia University.

    After Obama's parents divorced when he was two, he spent only one month with his father before his father's death in a vehicle wreck when Obama was 20.

    After college, Obama entered Harvard Law where he was elected president of the Harvard Law Review. He received his law degree in 1991 and moved to Chicago where he took a job with a civil rights law firm.

    Obama was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. He lost in a bid for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000 and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004.

    Obama says he is a Christian with "deep faith rooted in the Christian tradition." He is a member of Trinity United Church of Christ of Chicago, which on its web site declares to be a "congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian" and "an African people" who "remain 'true to our native land,' the mother continent, the cradle of civilization."

    Trinity United Church of Christ adopted a "Black Value System" which pledges allegiance "to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System" and a "personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System."

    According to, Obama has proven himself to be a nearly perfect leftist democrat. He is pro-abortion, anti-gun, against ban of same-sex marriage, against teaching family values in public schools, against ban of flag burning, against privatizing Social Security, against the death penalty and three strikes laws, for hiring more women and minorities, for increased funding for health care and for campaign finance reform.

    He believes in the separation of church and state - except when he campaigns in black churches.

    Who is Barak Hussein Obama?

    Many Democrats are promoting him in the media as the Democrat's best hope for winning the White House in 2008.

    Referring to Obama's 2006 year-end visit with friends and family in Hawaii, Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, recently stated: "He's going to make his decision here and announce it to us. Then he's probably going to officially announce his decision once he returns."

    The Associated Press reported that Obama is expected back in Washington, DC the first week of January 2007.

  2. #2
    Poker Phenom. Heath Ledger's Avatar
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    hes a ing closet muslim thats who he is.

  3. #3
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    Sensing the furor his San Francisco remarks had generated among campaign observers, Barack Obama responded immediately. At a town hall meeting in Indiana on Friday night, Obama gave no ground. Rather, he attempted to provide a workable translation of his original remarks:

    Nobody is looking out for you. Nobody is thinking about you. And so people end up -- they don’t vote on economic issues because they don’t expect anybody’s going to help them. So people end up, you know, voting on issues like guns, and are they going to have the right to bear arms. They vote on issues like gay marriage. And they take refuge in their faith and their community and their families and things they can count on. But they don’t believe they can count on Washington. So I made this statement -- so, here’s what rich. Senator Clinton says "No, I don’t think that people are bitter in Pennsylvania. You know, I think Barack’s being condescending." John McCain says, "Oh, how could he say that? How could he say people are bitter? You know, he’s obviously out of touch with people."

    Out of touch? Out of touch? I mean, John McCain—it took him three tries to finally figure out that the home foreclosure crisis was a problem and to come up with a plan for it, and he’s saying I’m out of touch? Senator Clinton voted for a credit card-sponsored bankruptcy bill that made it harder for people to get out of debt after taking money from the financial services companies, and she says I’m out of touch? No, I’m in touch. I know exactly what’s going on. I know what’s going on in Pennsylvania. I know what’s going on in Indiana. I know what’s going on in Illinois. People are fed-up. They’re angry and they’re frustrated and they’re bitter. And they want to see a change in Washington and that’s why I’m running for President of the United States of America.
    Obama's translation is interesting. Obama recapitulates a political sociology that retains an incredible disdain for the concerns of average voters. It is entirely of a piece with Thomas Frank's What's the Matter With Kansas? Steven Malanga's brief review suggests how much Obama's campaign themes have in common with Frank's book, as does Richard Nadler's longer account of it.

    The most striking feature of Obama's San Francisco remarks is their arrogance. In his initial defense of them in Indiana, Obama responds like Muhammad Ali: I am the greatest. It is not a compelling defense.

    Indeed, Obama has begun to beat a retreat, as the Washington Post do ents in an article headlined ""Bitter' is a hard pill to swallow." Why? It's a hard pill to swallow when you're the greatest.

    So Barack thinks that people would stop "seeking refuge in" and "clinging to" religion, if only they had a government they could "count on." That's what Karl Marx said, too. No wonder Obama can't figure out why it's controversial!

  4. #4
    Retired Ray xrayzebra's Avatar
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    So Barack thinks that people would stop "seeking refuge in" and "clinging to" religion, if only they had a government they could "count on." That's what Karl Marx said, too. No wonder Obama can't figure out why it's controversial!
    He is one of the most arrogant people I have seen. Funny
    he thinks that middle America clings to their religion in
    hard times but he wouldn't give up his "minister" because
    of his own beliefs. Also it is very telling that he made all
    these remarks to a bunch of ultra-liberals in San
    Francisco where he thought he was safe and his remarks
    would remain private.

    The man is the most hypocritical individuals I have
    ever seen.

  5. #5
    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    forget obama. lets just vote for the dumb old white guy.

  6. #6
    Retired Ray xrayzebra's Avatar
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    ^^Yeah Clam, ignore facts and just keep making your stupid dumb
    remarks. It is your trademark.

  7. #7
    THANK YOU BASED NEAL ClingingMars's Avatar
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    as a conservative i am dreading the upcoming elections. the choices make me want to puke all over my ballot.

    - Mars

  8. #8
    I can live with it JoeChalupa's Avatar
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    He is one of the most arrogant people I have seen. Funny
    he thinks that middle America clings to their religion in
    hard times but he wouldn't give up his "minister" because
    of his own beliefs. Also it is very telling that he made all
    these remarks to a bunch of ultra-liberals in San
    Francisco where he thought he was safe and his remarks
    would remain private.

    The man is the most hypocritical individuals I have
    ever seen.
    Have you ever listened to Bush speak? Talk about hypocritical. It is clear you don't like the guy just like I don't like Bush who has been one of the most arrogant presidents in our history.

  9. #9
    I can live with it JoeChalupa's Avatar
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    ^^Yeah Clam, ignore facts and just keep making your stupid dumb
    remarks. It is your trademark.
    As are many in here, yourself and I included.

  10. #10
    THANK YOU BASED NEAL ClingingMars's Avatar
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    Have you ever listened to Bush speak? Talk about hypocritical. It is clear you don't like the guy just like I don't like Bush who has been one of the most arrogant presidents in our history.
    not all conservatives or Republicans approve of every single action Bush had done, just fyi. We just don't get all BDS about him.

    BDS is a dangerous disease.

    - Mars

  11. #11
    I can live with it JoeChalupa's Avatar
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    not all conservatives or Republicans approve of every single action Bush had done, just fyi. We just don't get all BDS about him.

    BDS is a dangerous disease.

    - Mars
    You wouldn't know that by reading some of the posts in here from the Bush loving conservative republicans in here.

    , I don't agree with everything progressive democrats say or do.

  12. #12
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    Have you ever listened to Bush speak? Talk about hypocritical. It is clear you don't like the guy just like I don't like Bush who has been one of the most arrogant presidents in our history.
    Name a Bush hypocrisy.

  13. #13
    "Have to check the film" PixelPusher's Avatar
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    Name a Bush hypocrisy.

  14. #14
    THANK YOU BASED NEAL ClingingMars's Avatar
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    You wouldn't know that by reading some of the posts in here from the Bush loving conservative republicans in here.

    , I don't agree with everything progressive democrats say or do.
    What I meant by that post is that while we have our disagreements, we don't blame him for everything bad.

    , my candidate is out of the picture, so I have clue who to vote for.

    - Mars

  15. #15
    keep asking questions George Gervin's Afro's Avatar
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    ^^Yeah Clam, ignore facts and just keep making your stupid dumb
    remarks. It is your trademark.

    ray what facts are you referring to? this is a blog out of nowhere and predictably ray knows it's the truth..

  16. #16
    "Have to check the film" PixelPusher's Avatar
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    Name a Bush hypocrisy.
    Proposes to shrink federal budget to 16% of GDP
    A good way to measure the actual size of government is to compare total federal spending to the Gross Domestic Product or GDP. Under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, the ratio was about 22% -- the federal budget was 22% of the nation’s GDP. Under President Clinton, the ratio fell to 18%. President George W. Bush’s proposed budget would drop the ratio further to 16%.
    Source: National Public Radio News Mar 12, 2001

    Too much government spending will end prosperity
    Gore offers an old and tired approach. He offers a new federal spending program to nearly every voting bloc. He expands en lements, without reforms to sustain them. 285 new or expanded programs, and $2 trillion more in new spending. Spending without discipline, spending without priorities, and spending without an end. Al Gore’s massive spending would mean slower growth and higher taxes. And it could mean an end to this nation’s prosperity.
    Source: Speech in Minneapolis, Minnesota Nov 1, 2000
    "Bush was the first president since John Quincy Adams not to exercise his veto power during a complete four-year term, even though the Republican-controlled Congress was on a spending spree." - Novak, WaPo

  17. #17
    "Have to check the film" PixelPusher's Avatar
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    Name a Bush hypocrisy.

    " is the time for Republicans and Democrats to end the politics of fear."

    "...the last time taxes were this high, as a percentage of the economy, there was a good reason...we were fighting World War II."

    "...a generation shaped by Vietnam, must remember the lessons of Vietnam...when America uses force in the world, the cause must by just, the goal must be clear, and the victory must be overwhelming."

    "...and our nation's leaders are responsible to confront problems, not pass then on to others..."
    Last edited by PixelPusher; 04-13-2008 at 02:36 PM.

  18. #18
    Retired Ray xrayzebra's Avatar
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    Have you ever listened to Bush speak? Talk about hypocritical. It is clear you don't like the guy just like I don't like Bush who has been one of the most arrogant presidents in our history.
    In your opinion does this change the fact that Obama is

    A quote I heard the other day:

    "My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it." -- Barack Obama

    About sums up what I think of his ideas of our country.

  19. #19
    Just Right of Atilla the Hun Yonivore's Avatar
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    " is the time for Republicans and Democrats to end the politics of fear."

    "...the last time taxes were this high, as a percentage of the economy, there was a good reason...we were fighting World War II."

    "...a generation shaped by Vietnam, must remember the lessons of Vietnam...when America uses force in the world, the cause must by just, the goal must be clear, and the victory must be overwhelming."

    "...and our nation's leaders are responsible to confront problems, not pass then on to others..."
    And that demonstrates hypocrisy how?

  20. #20
    D.I.R.T.Y. till we die manufor3's Avatar
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    Obama 2008

  21. #21
    "Have to check the film" PixelPusher's Avatar
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    And that demonstrates hypocrisy how?
    Hypocrisy: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not;
    If you decry nation building, then go off a-nation-building, you are a hypocrite.

    If you decry spending increases, and not veto a single congressional spending bill in you first term alone, you are a hypocrite.

    if you decry the politics of fear, then run on the politics of fear, you are a hypocrite.

    If you decry passing on problems to others, then pass problems on to others, you are a hypocrite.

    ...and if you fail to see any hypocrisy in George W. Bush, you are either a hypocrite, or a witless, partisan hack.

  22. #22
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    And that demonstrates hypocrisy how?
    What's our goal?

    Has our victory been overwhelming?

  23. #23
    Believe. PEP's Avatar
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    I like it when they get all BDS with the foaming of the mouth and the hyperventilating. Its cute.

  24. #24
    "Have to check the film" PixelPusher's Avatar
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    I like it when they get all BDS with the foaming of the mouth and the hyperventilating. Its cute.

    That was, like, you know, all punk rock and angsty and .

  25. #25
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Fact: Obama is a Muslim who has concealed his religion..

    Well, that about as far as you have to read of this article...

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