...to avoid super-secret double probation...

House Judiciary Letter Offers 'Last Chance' to White House for Voluntary Cooperation in U.S. Attorney Investigation

Missive Sent Today to WH Attorney Fred Fielding from Conyers and Sánchez Warns of 'No Alternative But Compulsory Process' if Administration Continues Stonewall...

A letter sent to White House attorney, Fred Fielding, today by top U.S. House Judiciary Committee members offers "one last appeal" for voluntary cooperation in the U.S. Attorney firing probe, or else a "compulsory process" will begin.

The letter, sent to The BRAD BLOG by committee chair John Conyers (D-MI) and the chair of the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law, Linda T. Sánchez (D-CA), takes the White House to task for their "rebuff of efforts by the Judiciary Committee to obtain voluntary cooperation" in their investigation "concerning at least nine U.S. Attorneys in 2006 and related matters." ...
Brad Blog

How many last chances do they get?