Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. #1

    Dude is a quitter. You have to give it one more year.

    Man, this is some dark days to be a Redskins Fan.

  2. #2
    he had no clue how to run an offense in the NFL.....

    is he a could say that.
    but the man realized he as in way over his head, and he could have stole 5 million more next year before being fired.....there's something to be said for walking away now....

    and while it has been Skins fans remain united....looking only to the future.....which can only be brighter as it can't get much worse.....

    we'll take that 5th pick.....maybe a shot at Denny Green...(best candidate RIGHT NOW....).....and keep praying that Dannyboy pull his head out of his ass long enough to realize he needs a good GM to right the ship......

  3. #3
    Come and listen to a story bout a man named Steve
    The Fun and Gun what the man conceived
    And then one day...........he was thinking bout the pro’s
    Has a talk with Snyder......... to the Redskins off he goes

    Burgundy and Gold
    Storied team

    Well the next thing you know.......ol Steve’s a millionaire
    But Spurrier Skins sucked.......much more then fans could bare
    Said south Florida is the place I oughtta be
    So he did like Jimmy Johnson.............and moved to Miami

    Florida that is
    Swimmin' pools
    Cuban Cigars

    Banjo solo............dancing..singin'.............

    So now it’s time to say good by to the Redskins and their kin
    We were all excited when...........Dan Snyder brought you in
    But instead of being back next year……… to this locality
    You sealed your fate as a bigger joke..........then Clinton in DC

    Set a spell

    Take your shoes off

    Your not coaching now......hear

  4. #4

    I guess I begrudgingly give him some props for not taking another 5mil, but we would have been better off with Marty.

    And I hate Schottenheimer but with the roster that we had and the way he calls games, he was a perfect fit.

    I loved 'DA BEAST.' Stephen Davis had at least three to four more prime years. I admired Joe Gibbs because he always changed his game plan to counteract his opponent. For example, using two tightends to make sure that LT didn't have a free lane to the QB.

    I am still a Redskins Fan. This team still has some great players.

    I look at the defense and I see some guys that can make a difference. Bailey, Arrington, and Trotter will have to be our foundation.

    Let's get another stud tail back and build up that 'D.'

  5. #5
    I admired Joe Gibbs because he always changed his game plan to counteract his opponent. For example, using two tightends to make sure that LT didn't have a free lane to the QB.


  6. #6

    I can't believe it!!!


  7. #7

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