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  1. #1
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    FBI's Anthrax Media Strategy Explained

    1) After seven years, the FBI is unable to find out who mailed the deadly anthrax.

    2) The deadly anthrax came from a government lab.

    3) Sherlock Holmes said; "Once you have eliminated everything that is impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."

    4) The FBI leaks alleged cir stantial evidence and rumors to the mass media that points to Dr. Ivins' guilt.

    5) Since this was a highly sophisticated crime that no one else could have possibly done, most people will believe, by process of elimination, that Dr. Irvins is guilty.

    6) The FBI is counting on a majority of the people to hear only what the FBI is leaking, and not read the good investigative stories that demonstrate Dr. Ivins is innocent.

    7) If the intelligentsia of the United States cannot absolutely prove Dr. Ivins is innocent, based on what they've read, the FBI is counting on the intelligentsia to use their lack of proof as an excuse to do nothing.

    8) Enough investigative stories have already appeared that prove Dr. Ivins is innocent, if you connect the dots.

    9) If we, the American intelligentsia, connect the dots, an act, we can demonstrate to the American people that Dr. Ivins is innocent.

    10) If Dr. Ivins is innocent, then who is guilty?

    11) "Once you have eliminated everything that is impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."

    12) Only an insider from the executive branch of the federal government, someone not subject to FBI investigation, could have perpetrated the deadly anthrax attacks in coordination with the war on terror.


    Bruce Ivins: The Movie Anthrax mystery: the FBI/media narrative is laughable – and sinister
    by Justin Raimondo

    February 1999: Classified CIA Report Discusses Responses to an Anthrax Attack through the Mail

    Refutation of New Alleged Anthrax Evidence

    The media is reporting new "evidence" against Dr. Ivins today. None of the new alleged evidence addresses these facts:

    1) All the people who were testing the anthrax letters had custody of the special strain used, including the FBI and the people at Dr. Ivins' lab who were helping the FBI with the investigation.

    2) Dr. Ivins has been cooperating with the anthrax investigation for 7 years, passed polygraphs, and answered every question the FBI asked.

    3) Dr. Ivins wasn't in New Jersey the day the letters were mailed, nor does he have a motive. Nor did he have custody of dry anthrax, nor the equipment to make it, or the technical training.

    4) The media is just repeating bull from the FBI looking for a scapegoat.

    5) The real people of interest should be Cheney and the FBI. Cheney and his staff were taking Cipro a week before the "surprise" anthrax attacks occurred.


    The FBI's New Anthrax Evidence

    FBI said to have stalked Ivins' family
    Diane Sweet
    Published: Wednesday August 6, 2008

    Colonel Anderson Refutes False Allegations Against Dr. Ivins

    Anthrax Gone Viral: Roundup 8-5-08

    Anthrax Vaccine -- posts by Meryl Nass, M.D.

    Wash. Post: Cheney's Staff Given Anthrax Vaccine Week Before Anthrax Attacks
    White House Mail Machine Has Anthrax


    Why were White House aides given cipro weeks before the anthrax attacks, and why "on the night of the Sept. 11 attacks, [did] the White House Medical Office dispense[] Cipro to staff accompanying Vice President Cheney as he was secreted off to the safety of Camp David"? [Washington Post, 10/23/2001]

    Why, if Cheney was given cipro on the night of the 9/11 attacks, was he allegedly "convinced that he had been subjected to a lethal dose of anthrax" on October 18, and that this fear is what led him to seek refuge in "undisclosed locations" and thereafter support an array of hard-line tactics against suspected terrorists? [Jane Mayer, The Dark Side, 2008]

    Which "high government official" told Richard Cohen to take cipro prior to the anthrax attacks (it wasn't a "source" who did so, since Cohen didn't write about it and apparently never intended to; it was just someone high up in Government passing along a helpful tip to a media friend) [Richard Cohen, Slate, March 18, 2008]


    FBI used aggressive tactics in anthrax probe

    Scientists Question FBI Probe On AnthraxIvins Could Not Have Been Attacker, Some Say
    By Joby Warrick, Marilyn W. Thompson and Aaron C. Davis
    Washington Post Staff Writers Sunday, August 3, 2008; Page A01

    Scientist’s Suicide Linked to Anthrax InquiryBy SCOTT SHANE and ERIC LICHTBLAU
    Published: August 2, 2008

    911 Plotters Bury the Evidence of Anthrax as their Follow-up Punch
    by Michael Green
    Aug. 3, 2008

    How Solid Is the Anthrax Evidence?
    Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2008

    Exclusive: Government's Purported 'Anthrax Killer' Was a Registered DemocratParty Affiliation of the Now-Deceased Bruce Ivins, as Confirmed by His Local County Board of Elections, Adds Yet Another Curious Question to the Increasingly Troubling Investigation into the Post-9/11 Terrorist Attacks on American Soil...
    -- Brad Friedman

    Bruce Ivins Wasn't the Anthrax Culprit
    August 5, 2008

    Glenn Greenwald
    Sunday Aug. 3, 2008 07:26 EDT
    Journalists, their lying sources, and the anthrax investigation
    (Updated below - Update II - Update III - Update IV)

    Anthrax Article Archive

    Anthrax - the gateway toxin to 9/11 conspiracy theories!

    The Patsy
    Was Bruce Ivins the anthrax killer
    by Justin Raimondo

    Galileo's Comment:

    Don't believe 9/11 was a government conspiracy? Well, I suggest you read up on the Anthrax case, its the gateway drug to the 9/11 Truth movement.

  2. #2
    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    do you have any links?

  3. #3
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    So if the FBI can make up part of the evidence against Ivins, why couldn't they make it all up?

  4. #4
    Believe. BradLohaus's Avatar
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    2) Dr. Ivins has been cooperating with the anthrax investigation for 7 years, passed polygraphs, and answered every question the FBI asked.

    3) Dr. Ivins wasn't in New Jersey the day the letters were mailed, nor does he have a motive. Nor did he have custody of dry anthrax, nor the equipment to make it, or the technical training.

    5)Cheney and his staff were taking Cipro a week before the "surprise" anthrax attacks occurred.
    Is that all true?

  5. #5
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    yes, its all true.

  6. #6
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    So if the FBI can make up part of the evidence against Ivins, why couldn't they make it all up?

  7. #7
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    They could make it all up, but then they run even greater risk of being exposed. As it stands now, most people are sceptical as !

  8. #8
    Homer 2centsworth's Avatar
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    This thread seems like an appropriate place for me to state that Obama is the anit-christ.

  9. #9
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    This thread seems like an appropriate place for me to state that Obama is the anit-christ.
    I thought Hitler was the anti-christ?

    Did you know that they never went after Hitler's driver at the Neuremburg trials?

  10. #10
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    Lone Nut Anthrax Killer Debunked

    2001 Anthrax Attacks | anthrax | Anthrax attacks | weaponized anthrax

    Lone Nut Anthrax Killer Theory Debunked

    The FBI says that Dr. Bruce Ivins acted alone in the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks.

    But the letters that contained the deadly anthrax are not in the handwriting of Dr. Ivins, according to FBI evidence released yesterday.

    So that proves right there that if Dr. Ivins did do it, then he did not act alone.

    More importantly, the fact that the letters are in someones else's handwriting, is strong evidence that someone else, NOT Dr. Ivins, is the anthrax killer.

    We can also presume that the handwriting of the anthrax letters is not that of any of the other scientists who worked with Dr. Ivins, otherwise they would be suspects.

    So George Washington's assertion that the anthrax did not come from Ft. Detrick is confirmed.

    George Washington's blog:

  11. #11
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    So if the FBI can make up part of the evidence against Ivins, why couldn't they make it all up?
    If Dr. Ivins did it, why wasn't he taking Cipro like Cheney was?

  12. #12
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    They could make it all up, but then they run even greater risk of being exposed. As it stands now, most people are sceptical as !
    So why even act like they have a suspect? That makes no sense whatsoever.

  13. #13
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    If Dr. Ivins did it, why wasn't he taking Cipro like Cheney was?
    How do you know he hadn't?

  14. #14
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    How do you know he hadn't?
    the FBI would have used it as evidence against him.

  15. #15
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    Anthrax suspect passed 2 polygraphs

    Handwriting analysis also failed to tie Ivins to letters


    Posted: August 07, 2008

    2:56 pm Eastern

    © 2008 WorldNetDaily

    Casting further doubt on the FBI's anthrax case, accused government scientist Bruce Ivins passed two polygraph tests and a handwriting analysis comparing samples of his handwriting to writing contained in the anthrax letters, U.S. officials familiar with the investigation say.

    The Justice Department yesterday closed the case, announcing the late "Dr. Ivins was the only person responsible for these attacks."

    Ivins passed the first polygraph to satisfy a security requirement prior to working with the FBI as part of a team of scientists at the Fort Detrick, Md., lab who originally helped analyze the anthrax letters. He passed a second exam after he became a suspect.

    WND has learned that the FBI was so frustrated with the exam results that last October authorities asked a judge for permission to search Ivins' home and vehicles specifically for evidence of any materials, such as books, that would have helped him "defeat a polygraph."

    Also, officials confirm that FBI handwriting analysts were unable to conclusively match samples of Ivins' handwriting with the writing on the anthrax envelopes and letters, which sounded as if they were written by jihadist accomplices of the 9/11 hijackers. The crude notes declared: "DEATH TO AMERICA. DEATH TO ISRAEL. ALLAH IS GREAT."


  16. #16
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    the FBI would have used it as evidence against him.
    How would they know? And if he worked with anthrax before, would he not have taken some precautions like that as a matter of course?

  17. #17
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    So why even act like they have a suspect?

  18. #18
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    Anthrax Foreknowledge? DOJ/FBI Doesn't Care

    Dr. Meryl Nass, anthrax expert, analyzes the case against Ivins

  19. #19
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Again, what purpose does falsely accusing an American of these attack serve?

  20. #20
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    ...ask Lee Harvey Oswald...

  21. #21
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Oh, Oswald definitely killed JFK.

    That makes everything clear to me now.

    Ivins was behind the anthrax attacks.

    Thanks for the analogy.

  22. #22
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    16 Labs Had the Killer Anthrax Strain
    Page 6 of the FBI's search warrant affidavit in the Ivins' investigation states:

    "Of the sixteen domestic government, commercial, and university laboratories that virulent RMR-1029 Ames strain Bacillus antrhracis material in their inventory prior to the attacks ...."
    As the Baltimore Sun summarizes it:
    "The government said that 16 government, commercial and university labs had the strain of anthrax with the same genetic mutations as the anthrax used in the attacks.


    And even at Fort Detrick, the government said that more than 100 people had access to the flask, creating a lot of room for reasonable doubt."
    Posted by George Washington at 9:59 PM


    More than 100 people had access

    If Ivins Went Nuts, It Was the FBI Who Drove Him Crazy

    DARPA-linked Cycorp "Predicted" the Anthrax Attacks - 6 months before they happened

    Dr. Meryl Nass, anthrax expert, analyzes the case against Ivins

    Is Bruce Ivins the American David Kelly?

    Posted by Lew Rockwell

    Ivins' Latest Crime: He was a Catholic

    Three key questions still unanswered in anthrax case

    Anthrax Case Raises Doubt On Security
    Gaps in Lab Safeguards Prompt Calls for Investigations

  23. #23
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Again, what purpose does falsely accusing an American of these attack serve?

  24. #24
    Student of Liberty Galileo's Avatar
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    It lets the real criminal get away.

  25. #25
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    It lets the real criminal get away.
    But it serves no purpose for Cheney to take over the world before next January.

    Why say an American did it at all? Why not just stick with saying it was Saddam and vindicate the invasion of Iraq?

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