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  1. #1
    If you were living Pop's dream where he had a choice between those two players, who would you want? To me, it's a pretty tough decision.

    Jermaine O'Neal
    A very skilled player. He is already a superstar and is improving. He can score on the block and has a good jumper. He's a good shotblocker and would fit the mold of David Robinson very well. Seems to want to win and is a very bright person.
    He might get in the way of Duncan because they play a similar style. He might not want to play second fiddle now that he's getting the exposure. Not too much big game experience.

    Elton Brand
    The ultimate trash player. He could average 20 and 10 and you'd never have to run a player for him. Wouldn't get in the way of Duncan. Is a good shotblocker. Has played in big games and is a smart player.
    Is probably around 6'7. Would force Duncan to move to center. Could lose a lot of the intimidation factor that a player like Robinson or O'Neal would bring. Doesn't have a polished outside shot.

    This is a tough choice for me. Either one would be great.

    Right now I'm leaning towards O'Neal just for the fact that he's bigger and could play center but I might switch to Brand the more I think about it.

  2. #2
    Marcus Bryant
    Elton's put up 20 and 10 but it's a 20/10 game that didn't seem to help his teams win much. Granted, that doesn't matter as much in SA where he would be filling a role, but in my opinion he's not a franchise-type player.

    Jermaine's a different story.

  3. #3
    I wouldn't even hesitate to take J O'Neal in an either/or scenario...a Duncan/O'Neal frontcourt would be absolutely unstoppable and impossible to gameplan against...

  4. #4
    Elton or Jermain? I like Elton much more. His Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album is a classic. Jermain had one or two songs that were decent, but there is really no comparison, he was no where near as talented as his brother Michael.

  5. #5
    I don't think Brand's size is at an issue.

    If we sign Kidd, we'll be okay with the 6'5 Malik Rose starting at C, but Elton Brand isn't big enough?

    In our offense, Duncan plays C a lot of the time anyway- even if we like to call him the PF.

    I prefer Brand for the reason you pointed out. He's a scorer without needing a lot of plays called for him. He's also a tremendous offensive rebounder (I believe he led the league in OREB/48 Minutes last season).

    Either way, we couldn't go wrong though.

    I'd be extremely happy with either. But given the choice, I personally would take Brand. It's not an easy choice to make though.

  6. #6
    My pick is Brand for all the reasons you listed plus I don't think there would be question marks when it comes to playing next to Duncan and in Pop's set offense. For me Brand just seems to fit this team better than Jermaine. But I would truly be happy with either, I just think that as a GM or coach I would consider Brand to be the better fit even if he is not ultimately the better player.

  7. #7
    Kevin Garnett

  8. #8
    Marcus Bryant
    If the Spurs signed Kidd Rose would still come off the bench.

  9. #9
    Because Kidd would start at C?

  10. #10
    Marcus Bryant
    No because the Spurs would have cap room left over to sign a starting big.

  11. #11
    lmao scott.

    I probably take Brand, I think he's better overall.

  12. #12
    why wuld we want to start adonal foyle?

  13. #13
    Marcus Bryant
    Either Brown or Howard. Mourning is available as well.

  14. #14
    That doesn't mean they will.

    You've given the impression that you are okay with Malik Rose starting at the 5, if necessary. I'm more than okay with Malik Rose starting at the 5. Why would Elton Brand not be able to start at the 5?

  15. #15
    Marcus Bryant
    Then Tyrone Hill. Spurs will be able to make a compe ive offer to a free agent big I'm not concerned about that.

    As for Brand I don't believe I've said he couldn't start or was too small or whatever. I was only disagreeing with the assumption that Rose would start if Kidd came.

  16. #16
    Great. See if you can find any more irrelevant points to bring up.

  17. #17
    howard is all but considered a lock to return home to michigan.

    we would have to compete with the lakers for brown.

    we would have to compete with the mavs and who knows who else for zo. dallas has alot of fluffy towels man.

    tyrone hill is not a starting big man

  18. #18
    Brand puts up great numbers in the West. O'Neal puts them up in the East. Brand has proven that he can get it done against the best in the league. O'Neal has proven he can get it done against overmatched, smaller Eastern conference foes. Brand can play with or without the ball, he works his butt off regardless. O'Neal needs the ball, and needs it a lot, otherwise he pouts and cries, and eventually becomes too frustrated to be effective (see WC). Brand came back last year after suffering a knee injury, with only a few games left, to finish the season strong. O'Neal ended his season pouting about how his team mates sucked, and how dissappointed he was with everyone but himself.

    O'Neal, no thanks......

    Brand + Duncan = Dynasty

  19. #19
    Hill is hardly a decent backup big in the east.

    You might be happy with his 5.4ppg and 42% shooting starting at C- but I'd much rather see #31 starting at the 5.

    Tyrone Hill's decrepit bones might make us miss Charles Smith's PF play.

  20. #20
    o'neal played with a crazy man coached by a clown cut him some slack.

  21. #21
    O'Neal, no thanks......
    Its okay to prefer Brand- but that is just Crazy talk. Either Brand or O'Neal + Duncan is Dynasty Material.

  22. #22
    Marcus Bryant
    Fine. Hill starts and Rose comes off the bench. I wouldn't chastise one for irrelevant points scotty that's a trademark of yours.

  23. #23
    T Park Num 9

    I agree with Iceman.

    If i was Oneal and was paired with Artest and stupid Thomas, I wouldve ed my fricken rican head off too.

    Oneal, I think ed on the wc, because he thought, if he got the ball, more, they wouldve won.

    He doesnt like loosing, and wants to play for a winner.

    I still do the, go to Indy with the two trophys, and say, hey J Neal, I need some arms to carry the third the fourth the......

  24. #24
    Oneal should be our #1 target.
    We should talk to brand to see if there's any possiblity of getting him this year, I'm pretty sure he'd love to come, but that er sterling is screwing it up.

    And then Kidd.

    If that fails, well ****, i don't know.

  25. #25
    I'd take Brand over O'Neal in a hot second if i were a Spurs fan. He IS proven against the WC and he's a humble and hard working guy. He doesn't need the ball to be effective, but when he gets it he's very capable of scoring. He doesn't go spouting off whenever he's unhappy, and I think he'd fit right in with the rest of the Spurs roster.

    Having said that, he's not leaving LA this year. Sterling is just waiting to see what offers he gets before he counter offers.

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