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  1. #1
    bandwagon hater
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    "Good Luck, Mr Gorski" -A New Short-Film Based on a Real-life Event from the Epic Apollo 11 Moon Mission

    Allegra Huston, the youngest daughter of the legendary Hollywood film director, screenwriter and actor, John Huston (Chinatown, The Maltese Falcon, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The African Queen) is in the final stages of filming what we suspect will be an Oscar-winning short film based on a real-life event in astronaut Neil Armstrong's life.

    When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon during the Apollo 11 moon landing mission on July 20, 1969, he said, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” He also said a lot of other things. He was up there for a few hours.

    One of the things he said was, “Good luck, Mr Gorski.”

    Who was Mr Gorski? The CIA went ballistic: it sounds like a Russian name, what if the first man on the moon was a Commie spy? But Neil Armstrong refused to tell, until 25 years later ...

    The Daily Galaxy is reaching out to our space enthusiast fans to help Allegra raise the funds to complete the last few weeks of filming in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Contributions of any amount are welcome. The budget is $37,000; as of today $32,900 has been raised. All contributors will be listed in the "Launch Crew" credits.

    Mr Gorski was Neil Armstrong's next-door neighbor when he was a boy. One night, he sneaked into the Gorskis’ back yard to get his baseball. Through the open bedroom window he heard Mrs Gorski, very upset, saying to her husband, “You want oral sex? You’ll get oral sex the day the kid next door walks on the moon!”

    It’s an apocryphal story. But don't you want to know what happened in the Gorskis' house the day the kid next door walked on the moon?

  2. #2
    bandwagon hater
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    San Antonio Spurs
    Mouse says its impossible we landed on the moon in 3....2....1.....

  3. #3
    Post Count
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    San Antonio Spurs
    Mouse says its impossible we landed on the moon in 3....2....1.....
    .......on the grounds that oral sex wasn't invented until 1975......

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