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  1. #1
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Looks like the good people of New Hampshire haven't gotten the message that Rudy G' is the annotated GOP candidate....

    A CNN poll out of New Hampshire released today finds Mitt Romney increasing his lead and Rudy dropping fast. It finds Romney at 33%, John McCain at 18%, and Rudy in third at 16%.

    That's a big swing in Romney's favor, and a dramatic slide in Rudy's fortunes. A CNN poll of the state in September found Romney and Rudy deadlocked at 25%-24%. Today's poll finds that Romney jumped eight points, while Rudy dropped the same amount.

    Though the Rudy campaign is claiming that they don't need to win the early primary states, Rudy's precipitous drop in the state might explain why his campaign decided to hit the 9/11 panic button in recent days, sending out a mailing in the state trumpeting his 9/11 heroism. It also helps explain why Rudy just hit the airwaves in New Hampshire, too.

    In another interesting finding in today's CNN poll, Fred Thompson has skidded badly, and is now in sixth place with four, behind libertarian Congressman Ron Paul, who has eight percent.

    Rudy's not looking that strong in the early going. His team is trying to hold out until the super cluster primary day and try to anchor down with that.

    But if Romney and Huckabee whip him in Iowa and Romney and pick-a-candidate beat him in New Hampshire, his stock will plummet fast...

  2. #2
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Looks like the good people of New Hampshire haven't gotten the message that Rudy G' is the annotated GOP candidate...
    Annotated? Did you mean anointed? And who ever said that? Anointed? If you mean Buchanan's endorsement, it makes sense a little, but anointed?

    Pssst... I don't think many conservatives listen to Buchanan as often as people give him credit for. Even us conservatives disagree with him allot.

    Things can change fast. I would accept Rudy as president, but I would prefer someone else. Right now, Romney is my choice. Most of us conservatives are like that. He is strong on defense, and good on some other conservative issues, but he is a liberal for many important issues to us.

  3. #3
    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    he's strong on defense, as long as he and his sons are far away from it.

  4. #4
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Romney is slimy, but he has big-time corporate money backing his campaign - still the Mormon thing won't play out well with so-called 'Christian conservatives' - they had trouble excepting a Catholic Prez, a Mormon would make all their collective heads explode...

  5. #5
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Romney is slimy, but he has big-time corporate money backing his campaign - still the Mormon thing won't play out well with so-called 'Christian conservatives' - they had trouble excepting a Catholic Prez, a Mormon would make all their collective heads explode...
    Dan... how about supporting that name calling with some facts with teeth, or don't say things that are slanderous in nature. Who cares that big business supports him over democrats. It's a no brainer with nothing sinister. Business knows under a democrat, taxes will increase.

    I like Romney. Everyone has some faults, like even Obama coming clean with his. Most people respect such openness.

    I agree that he may have a tough time becoming president because he is Mormon. We still have numerous bigoted people when it comes to religion, especially the left. That’s not such a concern because they likely won’t vote for him anyway. A large share of Christians who are not Mormon are bigoted against the Mormon faith too. That hurts Romney, many voters of faith may stay home and not vote for Romney because he is Mormon, and not vote for the democrat because of their secularism.

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