Notebook: Spurs prepared to shift things around
Web Posted: 05/31/2005 12:00 AM CDT

San Antonio Express-News

The NBA Finals will start June 7 if each conference final ends in five games or less. If not, it will begin June 9.

The Silver Stars have a game scheduled for June 7 at the SBC Center, but Spurs officials said they will reschedule it, if necessary. June 8 is a possibility.

Denial helps: Between the NBA, MLB and NHL, 243 teams have led a best-of-seven series 3-0. Only three have gone on to lose the series: the NHL's 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs and 1975 New York Islanders and MLB's 2004 New York Yankees.

Last season's Red Sox rallied past the Yankees after losing the first three games of the American League Championship Series.

"I don't think there are many baseball fans in Argentina," Manu Ginobili said. "And I'm not one of them. I don't even know what happened and I don't want to know."

Robinson returns: Glenn Robinson was uniform Monday, though Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said he did not plan to play him. Robinson missed the series' first three games after his mother died.

"At this point, in this series, it would be very difficult and, I think, probably unfair to put him in this situation because of what has transpired and what adjustments we have made," Popovich said.

Ties that bind: Former Spurs assistant Mike Brown has been hired as Cleveland's head coach.

Brown was on Popovich's staff for three seasons before leaving to become associate head coach for Indiana.

"Cleveland is very fortunate to get him, which they're going to find out over time," Popovich said. "He's young, energetic, intelligent, a personable guy — and hard working. It's fantastic for him and fantastic for Cleveland."

In addition to having LeBron James, the Cavaliers could re-sign All-Star center Zydrunas Ilgauskas.

"There's so many jobs in the NBA and a certain number of them are not real good for a young coach," Popovich said. "But this gives him an opportunity to do some good things and be around for a very long time. I think he'll take advantage of it."

Day job: For the second half of the season, Phoenix Suns reserve forward Paul Shirley has kept an online blog at In it he has provided one of the most entertaining — and candid — takes on the NBA.

In Shirley's latest installment, he said he was disappointed to find so many tourists roaming the River Walk.

"I have noticed over the years that, when people go on vacation, they often lose sight of the fact that they are, in fact, quite unattractive," Shirley wrote. "I saw many overweight women wearing clothing they should never have purchased, let alone put on, which cut down on the aesthetics of the area significantly.

"(Side note, or question. Why do fat girls think that tight clothes are going to somehow enhance their overall appearance? It actually does the exact opposite. Also, do these people buy homes that are not equipped with mirrors? Even a stainless steel toaster would probably do enough of a reflecting job to tell some of the hosses I saw wandering around this evening that it might have been a better idea to leave the not-so-little strapless number in the closet.)"

A good nucleus: Even though a few people have questioned his small-ball style in the Western Conference finals, Phoenix coach Mike D'Antoni said he doesn't anticipate making any major changes to his roster this summer.

"Our pieces — we have guys 22, 23, 25 years of age — can get a lot better," D'Antoni said. "We've just got to keep Steve Nash on ice for a few years and make sure we squeeze every drop of blood that he has."