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  1. #1
    Ko Ko
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    Por Emanuel Ginóbili
    Especial para LA NACION

    Sé que muchos se sorprendieron porque no jugué contra Phoenix el miércoles último. Quiero aclarar que no fue por lesión. No sé de dónde salió eso. Lo que sucedió es que vine sumando golpes y dolores y en algún momento tenía que parar. No podía seguir tapando con parches cada problemita. Hace como dos semanas, desde que enfrentamos a Houston, que tengo un golpe en la cadera y otro en el cuadriceps izquierdo que me molestan. Además, el partido anterior con Phoenix, el que jugamos contra New Jersey, estuve a punto de no entrar en la cancha porque la molestia en el aductor derecho necesitaba un reposo.

    Por eso digo que no fue una lesión, es una simple contractura que había que cuidar. Hemos tenido mucho trajín y había que tomar precauciones. Si jugaba contra Phoenix podía resultar peligroso. Era mejor parar un partido y no diez seguidos. Yo igual pedí jugar porque era un partido muy importante, pero Gregg Popovich no se fija en esas cosas, prefirió resguardarnos a Tim (Duncan, con esguince de tobillo) y a mí. A Pop no le gusta arriesgar en estas cosas.

    No es algo raro en mí que tenga varios golpes. Me sucedió aquí, en la NBA, y antes en Italia, donde estaba mucho más tiempo en contacto con la pelota y recibía más faltas. Además, por mi estilo de juego, el aductor es un punto clave que debo cuidar. Necesito estar bien, eso está claro. Todo es producto de un agotamiento y de un desgaste que en algún momento hay que solucionar. Además, al día siguiente de la derrota con Phoenix tuvimos libre y nos vino bárbaro. Igual, yo sigo con el kinesiólogo de los Spurs haciendo un trabajo especial.

    Supongo que con estos casi tres días de descanso voy a estar mejor para jugar el próximo partido. Cuando me pasa esto me preguntan si voy a cambiar mi estilo de juego. No lo voy a cambiar, de eso estoy seguro.

    Yo conozco una sola forma de jugar, no sé hacerlo de otra. Sé que por ahí corro más riesgos o recibo más golpes, pero no voy a cambiar el estilo. Lo único que puedo hacer es meterme adentro de un iceberg después de cada partido. Respecto del juego con Phoenix, empezamos mal porque ellos impusieron su estilo de correr y correr, pero se empezó a defender muy bien y Tony (Parker) jugó tres cuartos tremendos hasta que se fue cansando, quedando sin pilas. Pero estuvimos a punto de ganarlo. Sobre el final tuvimos mala suerte al errar dos bandejas limpitas. De todas formas, quedamos conformes. Popovich los felicitó a todos en el vestuario pese a la derrota.

    Quiero aclarar que si bien Phoenix nos empató en el récord y era un choque muy importante, todavía quedan 21 partidos para terminar la serie regular. Pueden pasar muchas cosas. Además, con el ingreso de un nuevo equipo esta temporada, el calendario de partidos ahora obliga a jugar tres partidos con algunos rivales de la Conferencia. Uno de ellos para nosotros es Phoenix, con el que ya jugamos los tres y tenemos récord favorable de 2-1. Por eso, pese a que los dos tenemos la misma marca de triunfos y derrotas en toda la temporada, el Nº 1 sigue siendo nuestro por esa ventaja sobre los Suns. Así que tan dolorosa no fue la derrota. Tampoco es malo terminar N° 2. De cualquier forma, a mí me hubiese gustado estar adentro de la cancha.



  2. #2
    Veteran exstatic's Avatar
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    By Emanuel Special Ginóbili for the NATION

    I know that many were surprised because I did not play against
    Phoenix last Wednesday. I want to clarify that it was not by injury. I
    do not know from where it left that. What happened is that I came
    adding blows and pains and at some moment had to stop. It could not
    continue covering with patches each small problem. It does like two
    weeks, since we faced Houston, that I have a blow in the hip and
    another one in the left quadriceps that bothers to me. In addition,
    the previous game with Phoenix, the one that we played against New
    Jersey, I was on the verge of not entering the field because the
    annoyance in the adductive one straight needed a rest.

    For that reason I say that it was not an injury, is a simple
    contractura that was to take care of. We have had much trajín and was
    necessary to take precautions. If it played against Phoenix it could
    be dangerous. He was better to stop a game and ten not followed.
    Equal I requested to play because it was a very important game, but
    Gregg Popovich does not pay attention to those things, preferred to
    protect to Tim (Duncan, with esguince of ankle) and me to us. To Pop
    it does not like to risk in these things.

    He is not something rare in me that it has several blows. It happened
    to me here, in the NBA, and before in Italy, where it was much more
    time in contact with the ball and received more lack. In addition, by
    my style of game, the adductive one is a key point that I must take
    care of. I need to be well, that is clear. Everything is product of an
    exhaustion and a wearing down that at some moment there is to solve.
    In addition, the day after the defeat with Phoenix we had frees and it
    came to us Barbarian. Equal, I follow with the trainer of the
    Spurs doing a special work.

    I suppose that with these almost three days of rest I am going to be
    better to play the next game. When this happens to me they ask to me
    if I am going to change my style of game. I am not going it to change,
    of that I am safe.

    I know a single form to play, I do not know to do it of another one. I
    know that that way group of people more risks or receipt more blows,
    but I am not going to change the style. The only thing that I can do
    is to ice me down after each game. Respect to the
    game with Phoenix, we began bad because they imposed their style to
    run and to run, but began to defend very well and Tony (Parker) played
    three tremendous quarters until it went away tiring, being without
    batteries. But we were on the verge of gaining it. On the end we had
    bad luck when being mistaken two limpitas trays. In any case, we were
    in agreement. Popovich congratulated them to all in clothes in spite
    of the defeat.

    I want to clarify that although Phoenix tied to us in the record and
    was a very important shock, still are left 21 games to finish the
    regular series. They can pass many things. In addition, with the
    entrance of a new team this season, the schedule of games now
    forces to play three games with some rivals of the Conference. One
    of them for us is Phoenix, with which already we played the three and
    we have favorable record of 2-1. For that reason, although both we
    have the same mark of triumphs and defeats in all the season, Nº 1
    continues being ours by that advantage on the Suns. So so painful it
    was not the defeat. He is not either bad to finish N° 2. Anyway, to me
    I had liked to be on the court.


    [run through a free translator and cleaned up a bit. Some words didn't translate at all. For some reason, "game" came out "party" in both singular and plural. I was able to figure out some stuff in context.]

  3. #3
    Dr. Pepper Johnny_Blaze_47's Avatar
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    [run through a free translator and cleaned up a bit. Some words didn't translate at all. For some reason, "game" came out "party" in both singular and plural. I was able to figure out some stuff in context.]
    In addition, the day after the defeat with Phoenix we had frees and it
    came to us Barbarian.
    I should hope so.


  4. #4
    Veteran exstatic's Avatar
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    JB, some of the stuff was bizarre, and I couldn't figure it out. This was another headscratcher:

    Popovich congratulated them to all in clothes in spite
    of the defeat.
    Maybe he only congratulated the ones who dressed for the game? WTF?

  5. #5
    GR Junior
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    but began to defend very well and Tony (Parker) played three tremendous quarters until it went away tiring, being without
    So Tony is NOT the Energizer Bunny afterall.

  6. #6
    Slovenian Master Slomo's Avatar
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    JB, some of the stuff was bizarre, and I couldn't figure it out. This was another headscratcher:

    Popovich congratulated them to all in clothes in spite of the defeat.
    Maybe he only congratulated the ones who dressed for the game? WTF?
    Could it mean that Pop normally does the congratulations naked!?

  7. #7
    e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0 MannyIsGod's Avatar
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    I'm having to decipher Portugese from Brazilian survey's at work, and I was considering trying out some of the stuff on a free translator because I don't speak Portugese, so it's pretty ing hard to read it.

    However, after reading that pile of you call a translation, I'll pass.

  8. #8
    24 Karat Gold
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    The party thing is because of "partido", wich means both :sports game and political party.
    What Pope did is congratulate them after the Phoenix game, despite the loss.

  9. #9
    Ko Ko
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    I know that a lot of people were surprised that I didn't play against Phoenix
    this past Wednesday. I want to make it clear that it wasn't because of an injury. I don't know where that came from. What happened was that I had been ac ulating hits/blows and pains and I just had to stop. I couldn't continue patching up eveyr little problem. It's been two weeks, ever since we faced Houston, since I've had a blow on my hip and another one on my left quad that have been bothering me. Furthermore, in the previous game with Phoenix, and the one we played against New Jesery, I wasn't even going to play because the problem I had in the right adductor needed some rest.

    That's why I'm saying it wasn't an injury, it was just a simple spasm that needed to be taken care of. We've had a bit of a crazy schedule, so you've gotta take precautions. If I played against Phoenix, it could have gotten dangerous. It was better to not play one game instead of not playing ten in a row. I could have asked to play because it was an important game, but Pop doesn't really care about those things, he'd rather save/protect Tim and me. Pop doesn't like taking those kinds of risks.

    It's not uncommon for me to have knick knack injuries. It happened to me here in the NBA and in Italy where I had the ball more and they fouled me more. Also, because my style of play, the aductor is a key point of my body that I have to take care of. I have to be feeling well, that's clear. It's all a product of exhaustion and of wear and tear that you've gotta resolve at a
    certain point. Furthermore, the day after the loss against Phoenix was free and it was perfect for us. Maybe I'll continue with the Spurs' physiotherapist and get a special treatment.

    I suppose that with almost three days of rest I'm going to be a lot better to play the next game. Whenever this happens to me, I'm asked if I'm going to change my style of play. I'm not going to change it. I'm sure of it. I only know one way to play, and I don't know how to play any other way. I know that playing that well that I run more of a risk (of injury) and I receive
    more hits, but I'm not gonna change my style of play. The only thing I can do is go inside of an iceberg after every game. Regarding our play against Phoenix, we started out badly because they imposed their style of run and gun, but we started to defend well and Parker played three tremendous quarters until he started tiring out, without batteries (literal translation). But we were about to win the game. At the end of the game we had bad luck when we missed two wide open layups. Anyway, we're ok with it. Pop congratulated us all in the locker room despite the defeat.

    I want to clear up that although Phoenix tied our (regular season) record and it was an important game, there are still 21 games left in the regular season. A lot can happen. Also, with the new expansion team this season (Charlotte), the schedule makes you play three games against some teams in your conference. One of those teams for us is Phoenix, and we've already played three against them and we're up 2-1. So although we have the same record, we're still in first because of the tiebreaker. So our loss against them wasn't that bad. It's not a big deal finishing 2nd (in the conference) either. Anyway, I would have liked to have been on the court.


  10. #10
    Five Rings... Kori Ellis's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot Kolko. That's a much better translation.

  11. #11
    Veteran exstatic's Avatar
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    Thanks, kolko. You're MUCH better than the free translators on the net.

  12. #12
    Ain't over 'till its over MaNuMaNiAc's Avatar
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    I speek fluent English and Spanish and I've got to say that was one of a translation. Great job Kolko

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