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    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    "Bent Over at Christmas"

    A short story by Culburn Castleberry

    I'd quickly spotted the blue dress she'd laid out on her bed. We hadn't been sleeping in the same bed since shortly after it had started. I'd taken to the couch and was quite satisfied, truth be told. She worked and so the move out there afforded me a measure of freedom to watch TV, or, go out late in the night tooling about, looking, for what? Just mischief, something.

    She was playing Xmas tunes, "Blue Christmas" sounded quite pleasant at 5AM. I deftly tried her bathroom door and found it locked. She'd started keeping it that-a-way shortly after it had started. "I need my privacy now, Cully, you don't mind, do you, you said it would be alright, remember?" I had, I wanted to hurt, to ruminate, to submit, inexplicably, yes, but, undeniably.

    I had some time before she reappeared after her bath and so returned to the lay out. Next to the blue dress she'd set out her garter belt, black and a sealed packet of nylons, a nice shade of tan. A pair of white panties & a fancy brassiere completed the ensemble. I checked the gusset of the panties, strictly out of habit and found them to be new as well. She liked to scent her panties with Anne Klein II; "Just a little , Cully, watch." I'd watched. "Here, sniff." I'd sniffed.

    I'd bought that garter belt for her about a year earlier at Christmas, before him. She'd turned her nose up at it. "I don't like that. No."



    No meant no. I didn't mention it again until it started and the garter belt became a frequent thing. Not every day mind you, but, once-a-week, usually on a Friday, always on a Friday, like a promise had been made and was being strictly kept. "I've decided to wear this, honey-bun. My pussy seems to need a flow of air to keep it from getting too moist wearing pantyhose all-the-time.

    I portended to understand, but, resisted nonetheless..."It's for him isn't it?"

    "Yes." Nothing else, just the one word. I knew better than to persist. I-knew-better.

    The gorgeous blue teal brassiere was one of many brassiere's that had been purchased, or, gifted since it had started. "He likes fancy bra's, huh?"


    "My ass." To myself.

    She'd never worn anything but the plain white ones till him. But, I didn't press the issue.

    I heard her fiddle with the lock and quickly scooted from her bedroom and down the hall.

    "Remember, tonight is Friday." Friday night was motel night. They'd found one about midway twixt the house and work. Wednesday & Friday were motel nights. Sometimes they'd double down and run it over into Saturday night.

    "I will see you Sunday afternoon. We're staying over." See, what'd I tell you?

    My loins stirred appreciatively. My stomach roiled for certain, but, my loins inflamed. I felt my bag tingle. A sure sign.

    "Okay." I pretended to be saddened, hoping to get dealt with, good, or bad. She could read me---like an issue of The Enquirer.

    "I left a surprise for you on my bed. Don't look till I'm off the block, understand, rubber-band?"

    I brightened. "I promise."

    We exchanged a quick kiss, on the lips no less. He'd been there.

    And she was gone.

    Her bedroom door was closed. I slowly opened it. Her bed was almost bare, only the panties remained.


    "Don't do it, please don't do it." But, I'd already pocketed my keys.

    They car pooled. The rendezvous about 5 miles from the house, then switch to his truck and go on into work after having "Our morning coffee." at the McDonald's there just off the Interstate.

    I'd asked if I could come over and just sit across Old Hallo Rd., but, that brought a stern rebuke. I was forbidden. "Don't-you-dare."

    The thought of her bare assed neath that dress, had me snortin' something fearsome. If she caught me, God only knows what she would do. I backed out and headed off. I turned around once, turned around again. "Turn back!"


    I parked on the far side of the Burger King so the restaurant blocked the view to my car. I couldn't be seen from there unless by dumb luck. "You were born under a lucky star, Cubby." - Mother.

    "Don't forget the binoculars." I reminded myself aloud.

    They were a super find at an area garage sale a few months prior. Some other guy was handling them when I walked out of the blazing sun and into the welcome cover of the garage.

    He set them down. I shifted over and grasped them tightly, paid for them without ering.

    My stomach lurched at the power they provided as I spied thru the portals. "I God's!"

    This was the first chance I'd have to use them for the lone intent for which they were purchased.

    I stuck them into a spare Wal-Mart plastic bag, hugged the side of the Burger King and went on it. "Coffee, 3 creams and let me have 3 more in a bag." For later, back at the house after, well after. My second cup of coffee then would be the topper to a good Friday.

    The place was completely vacant. Got my coffee and shakily made my way to the front window area/street side. I could not believe it, his truck was parked straight across and in a parking slot against the side of a closed tire store. McDonald's was hidden behind a Circle K. There was nobody in the truck.

    I was trembling, my ding-dong tenting my Eddie Bauer jeans grotesquely. I adjusted it and that helped.

    I checked the counter up front, but, the kids there were paying me no never mind. My luck was holding.

    I eased the binoculars out and quickly zeroed in. "Oh-my-God." I checked the counter once again, turned in my seat fully to block that counter and bolted a scalding gulp of coffee. I scorched my tongue but didn't realize it until much later that night.

    Hand-in-hand they came out presently. Him in his common jeans and red and blue checkered flannel shirt. Her in that blue dress, the panties stuffed in my pocket. She'd squirted them with Klein, Anne.

    The truck was facing the brick wall of the tire store. The side wall of the CircleK faced the truck bed. It was a perfect spot not to be seen by anybody without binoculars.

    He helped her get in the passenger side. While he walked around she slid over & then immediately fell into his arms when he was behind the steering wheel. Open mouthed I turned back to the Burger King counter, almost in hopes they'd noticed my peeping activity and I'd have to leave. No. Uh, uh. I might as well have been invisible.

    I turned back and accomplished last adjustment(s) to the binoculars, then found them for the last time. "Oh-my-God." I hissed aloud. They were kissing like we'd never kissed before, or, since. I won't detail the rest of it. Just the highlights: Oral copulation ensued. He was quick. Me? I take a half-hour and even then end up finishing it with my hand with the whole in' house shaking terribly. Not him. Uh, uh. Maybe a dozen head bobs, perhaps less, yes, less, and then the back of his noggin diverted (in slow motion) to the attendant head rest as he released.


    As they cuddled on that bench seat I entertained visions of storming across the road and declaring myself present. That did not happen. Somehow I got up and back to my car. I still to this day cannot remember that journey. None of it.

    And I know it sounds crazy, but, as they pulled out and turned right several minutes later I almost felt like she saw me in that Burger King window, but, then I couldn't confirm that because A. They did not circle back, and B. She didn't crane her neck and look back to my station.

    I don't remember much of the drive back. I cried a bit, not a sad cry, but, a happy cry, if you know what I mean. Upon arrival I whacked it, then napped in the afterglow of that blast.

    She called mid-afternoon as I was watching an episode of "The Fugitive" on A&E. It was her so said the read out on the phone.

    "Hey, Girl."

    "Be at the motel tonight 8 sharp, back in next to the light pole toward the rear. Oh, and don't forget the binoculars, Cully-boy." Click.

    "Uh, oh." I thought about calling her back, but, resisted as hard as I could and actually won out. Phone silence held fast the remainder of the day.

    [She knew, Goddamn it, she knew.] I pulled back out and headed over. It was 7:30. I thought they may be laying in wait and in some preposterous scenario would shoot me to death and all 3 of us would end up on a reality news show down the calendar a piece. Me, a morgue job, them absconding with my, well, our boodle. I loved my boodle with all my heart.

    It was as she'd said. Though I knew the lay of that motel and it's parking lot from numerous forays in and around it. I knew that pole. Had never sat there, yes, had contemplated it, but, didn't have the guts, and I wanted to delay that day, to enjoy it's journey, so, that when it's arrival took place I'd have exhausted most of it's worth. That would not happen. She'd egged me on, thus truncating my anticipation, ordered me to report and I obeyed.

    I killed the lights once past the motel check-in.

    My other car was there.
    His truck was there.

    Last room on the line. The place harkened to the Bates Motel, that kind of layout.

    They'd arranged a deal with the proprietor soon after it had commenced. The room was cordoned off, perpetually reserved, you know for other than Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. There were luncheons taken there and special times:

    "He wanted me, darling."
    "He had to have it, Cully."
    "We wanted to do it before my period next week."
    "I love you, sweetheart, I want to ride it."
    "I love you, Cully, I need to ride it."
    "I know it's Sunday, but, he just called." The phone hadn't rung. "I'll just go to work from there. See you tomorrow night."

    I hadn't put it in park for more than a few minutes when the black-out curtains parted about 12 to 18 inches, perhaps less. Yes, less. A sickly pale light emitted thru those precious few inches. I manned my binoculars, brought them to the fore and gandered thus.


    Girl was on the bed, it set sideways to the window and she was nude, save that infernal blue teal brassier. I could not see her face,, it was on the far side of that bed, her forehead set against the white sheets, but, I knew that bottom and it was up---in the air an appreciative measure, Girls' knees were parted, but, not grossly so, but, demurely separated enough to permit activity therein.

    I might as well have been in that motel room. The binoculars were a Godsend.

    "Finally!" My triumphant epitaph loosed in the air.

    I'd finally get to watch.

    He emerged, stripped down to those common dungarees I wouldn't be caught dead in from the far side and from which was obviously the bathroom. He killed the light there which cut my ability to see as clearly.

    "Damn you." I spat.

    He crossed over Girl's backside and disappeared from view. When he reemerged he was naked and aroused. It meant very little that I had him beat in length, in girth, very little, but, I noted the difference nonetheless.

    I envied his sack, it was enormous.

    "You son-of-a- , you." I spat.

    He stepped and blocked the view of her rump and gave me a bird's eye view of his. I had a better ass, but, not by much, but, enough nonetheless.

    He had the decency, I say he had the decency to shift to his left. On purpose? Yes, as I'd find out "Sunday mornin' comin' down."

    He bent over and kissed Girl's ass. Planted kisses all over that damn thing.

    I was both outraged to the point of murderous intent and powerless to do anything but remain rooted to my imitation genuine leather seating.

    She moved it, ever so slowly in response, near imperceptibly, but, it moved. She moved it as I've implored her do thru the years and to which she's never acquiesced. Ever. "I can't, Cully, I don't know what you mean." I'd finally given up years prior.

    Where his lips were his fingers now moved, and just as slowly and gently as the movement of her bottom.

    "Your touch is too rough, Cully." I'd been warned on numerous occasions.

    "I don't know what you mean, Girl." To myself.

    His fingers entered holes, but, I could not account for which, the light was beginning to fail as he moved his body twixt my line of sight and my wife, mine.

    Her movements remained languid. She looked back several times, lifted her noggin from the sheets to him, or, to me in those precious inches of dull light they'd afforded me? I do not know. I have never asked.

    In the end he was proven to be longer and thicker than myself after all was said and done. Proof came when he straightened, turned and prepared himself for intercourse.

    About to mount my Girl I could see his testicles secure in that incredible casement he possessed. A low hang told me the siege would be long and elongated. I wasn't going anywhere, by God. So-be-it.

    Then, then, then, he moved, his body just a graceful twitch of movement for such a thorough hick, and flicked the curtains. Being a heavy black out it joined it's mate across the few inches I'd be afforded and all that was left was an imaginary yellow glow in my mind.

    I laughed, aloud, like a white man, like a mad man and then brazened it out another 30 minutes on my car clock before all went black in that rather large pane of glass.


    Once again I did not recall much of the drive on back to the house. Upon arrival I thought about whacking it again, but, I ain't much for twice-a-day. Never have been, so, I fired up the television and fell asleep almost immediately.

    The phone woke me hours later.

    "Are you okay, Cully-boy?" That voice. Had not changed a single octave up or down since discovery when she was 14-years-old.

    "Sure, I'm fine."

    "Good. I'll see you Sunday, and I love you very much."

    "I love..." Click.

    ...I returned to my couch, all mine and the now blackened television screen. It had been on a timer. I Clapped the lights dead, but, couldn't find the sand man. Tossed and turned in futile search. Thoroughly exhausted I finally gave up and rose from my repose, shed my clothes, donned fresh ones, all in black, crept to my automobile, kept the lights doused to thwart anyone who might testify I'd left and drove quietly down my street, mine, & into the noir of night.

    - The End -

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    Grab 'em by the pussy Splits's Avatar
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    Oh, but, when I wrote that one with you in it in Las Vegas with Girl & I it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    "Oh, Cubby, thank you."

  4. #4
    Grab 'em by the pussy Splits's Avatar
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    Read a book, instead of trying to write one.

  5. #5
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    Read a book, instead of trying to write one.
    That one with you though was a best seller in your ratings in that circa.

    See, I caught you. ha, ha.

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    + there's at least a 100 hits that ain't mine. tee, hee.

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