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  1. #1
    14 pt swing in HORRIBLE pass interference call and non call cost Redskins the ing doubt and if anyone disagrees with me, you can suck my . Dallas is 1-2 instead of Washington in my book.

  2. #2
    Uhhh, it's a 3 point game Jim.

  3. #3
    Redskins really won 25-14...Refs blatently gave the game to Dallas....I am sick of this .

  4. #4

    Welcome back Joe.


    Roy Williams

  5. #5
    Redskins dominated ever phase of the game, rushing, time of possession, passing and defense...every phase, except the officiating...I have never ever ever seen such horrible calls as the Redskins got hosed against tonight. **** the NFL.

  6. #6
    Johnny Blaze 47
    You forgot bad clock management.

  7. #7
    Scott, you are typical of every poor son of a Dallas fan, a fan that gloats over a win that his team was handed to on a silver platter by the are a real class act you ing asshole.

  8. #8
    They dominated every aspect of the game... well, except for the scoreboard of course...

    You want to know what DOMINATION is Jim... Domination is 13 of 14.

  9. #9
    How about that missed call by the refs that allowed the skins to suck it up at 1st and goal and get 3 pts? Portis was down by contact 2 yds short of 1st down on a 4th down attempt. He was hit by a cowboy, his knee went down and the refs missed it....allowed him to continue for first down and subsequent 3 pts. btw nice coaching job.

    Go back to concocting lies.

  10. #10
    Get your facts straight Max, that was on 3rd down, not 4th down. They would have made the 4th and 1/2 yd anyway...that call is not even close to the 14 pt swing that the refs gave Dallas in the endzones.

  11. #11
    Your right...i was thinking of another play on 4th and short...but in any case they were deep in their territory and would have any case it allowed the drive to continue...which is the did lead to a 1st and goal at the one...which the redskins could not convert fully.

  12. #12
    You blame the refs Jim...but Washington had a million offensive penalties...and they had a 1st and goal on the 1 yard line...the 1 freaking yard line...and couldn't get anything but 3 points.

  13. #13
    Well, Dallas should not have had 1st and goal from the one like Washington did, that is the reason why Dallas won the game, nuff said.

  14. #14
    The Redskins did get shafted on those two interference calls. But they also made big mistakes. Their QB got sacked all day, they couldn't punch it in and , maybe most importantly, Gibbs messed up.

    He challenged that call that he obviously wasn't going to win and it wouldn't have mattered much if he did. Losing that timeout was crucial. If they had it, they could have kicked a FG at the very end of the game.

  15. #15
    Oh, PLEASE! On the two pass play drive in the 4th, Rod Gardner CLEARLY pushed off to get the ball. Nice catch, but definitely O-interference.

    Washington lost the game because they couldn't manage their clock. Anything else is crybaby bull .

  16. #16
    No matter, Dallas looks HORRIBLE, they can not run, they can not pass except a couple of lucky long passes, their defense is horrible, all this when Washington is missing their best defensive player and havinga QB who was injured...they will lose to everyone else but Washington just as they have the last 6 yrs. The Redskins, once they get healthy will pass Dallas and NY and get the wild card. Washington got screwed and still almost won the game. Enjoy the ill gotten win, it will be Dallas' last win for a month.

  17. #17
    Oh good. This is what Jim was saying last year and Dallas rode it all the way to the playoffs.

    See what I get for picking Washington. Damn, I blew that in my picks league. :p

  18. #18
    T Park Num 9
    sounds like someone is trying to make there team sound better than they are.

    Washington is NOT a good team, plain and simple.

    there offensive line is almost a big of a joke as the St Louis Rams.

    There defense is OK.

    Ramsey is decent, Brunell is good but has no protection.

    But, they dominated.

  19. #19
    skins suck cowgirls suck

    whats new

  20. #20
    That may be but at least on this night the Redskins sucked worse.

  21. #21
    Johnny Blaze 47
    About 6PM on Saturday, October 9, another Texas team will suck.

    Continuing a long streak of sucking without winning anything to back it up.

  22. #22
    I take exception to your post.

    I take exception to the fact that you beat me to it.

    I am a Longhorn fan but I am also a realist. I just don't see it happening this year.

    Then again, I picked Washington tonight! :p

  23. #23
    Alamo Spurs Fan
    First, there is NOTHING sweeter than a whining Foreskins fan.

    Second, WTF is up with that pic, JB? Y'all couldn't even beat BAYLOR (who the 'Horns will have slaughtered by the end of one PASS PLAY much less the first quarter) and you're talking smack about UT.

  24. #24
    I checked the papers this morning, and it looks like Washington still lost and STILL occupies last place in the division.


  25. #25
    Johnny Blaze 47
    Maybe ASF, but at least we made it a challenge near the end of the game.

    Also, if you started paying our players like at UT, we'd probably have a better group taking the field, too.

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