Once thought to be the queen bee of the BH housewives, Lisa Vanderpump is now being referred to as manipulative and controlling by her former friends. Even Lisa admitted in her Bravo blog that Monday night’s episode was difficult for her to watch.
Instead of talking to Lisa directly, Brandi is going behind her back and talking trash about her to the other housewives. Brandi even went as far to say that Lisa had one of her former friends, Cedric, deported from the country. We all know that Cedric was Lisa’s gay BFF, but the friendship turned ugly and they are no longer on speaking terms. But would Lisa really get him deported? Well according to Lisa she had absolutely nothing to do with Cedric’s deportation. “I will explain, with regard to Cedric being deported. It should have been done, but unfortunately housewives don’t have that much influence over Homeland Securities,” Vanderpump wrote in her blog that she tweeted out.