Results 1 to 6 of 6
  1. #1
    Solid D
    Has got to be the biggest, most fillin' hamburger ah've ever sunk ma' teeth into at DQ! Ma' wife said "Whottt, in theee wurld is thattt!"

  2. #2
    Wouldn't it be more efficient to spam the Club forum with Whottt related threads instead of the NBA forum?

    I mean is this really necessary in the NBA forum?

    If one wants to be truly efficient one should first read the forum posting rules.

    Oh and the pronunciation of "whottt" sounds in no way like the pronunciation of "what". "Whottt" doesn't come close to sounding like "what" in any US dialect of the word.

    "a" not = "o" and "t" not = "tt" and much less "ttt". It's the "ttt" sound, not the "tt" sound.

    Do try and get it together...the lack of efficiency is astonishing.

    Perhaps you should be spend more time studying posting and language efficiency instead of NBA statistical efficiency.

  3. #3
    Whottt is very popular. But this is going to The Club.

    By the way, I pronounce your name "Who It."

  4. #4
    Solid D
    I'm just playin' with you, Whottt. It's all meant in good fun. I'll back off, if you prefer.

  5. #5
    Nah you don't have to back off, I enjoy tell you the truth I feel kind of honored you are jousting with me...I haven't seen many get this kinda reaction out of you.

    And Kori...that's pretty close .

  6. #6
    Over the last few weeks, Solid D has been turning into the forum renegade. Ruthless attacks on fellow posters? An emphasis on non-basketball topics?

    This ain't your grandfather's Solid D.


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