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  1. #3551
    Veteran mo7888's Avatar
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    ^ i think there might be something with CLE but just not a big Sexton fan, especially if he's going to be prickly about his next deal coming up.

    My latest musing is Thad or Thad/Bryn to Memphis, who has 5 FRPs over the next two years. They are playing really well of late, and rumored to want to upgrade the SloMo/PF position off the bench.

    - Something like Thad/Bryn for SloMos & Culliver expirings + worst of their 3 2022 FRPs + Santi Aldama
    - or smaller version like Thad for SloMo & pick/Aldama
    I could see that but, trades within the division are hard to get done.

    On the Cle deal it puts us in a position to draft Duren with our pick and Keegan with the Cle pick. A DJ, Primo, KJ, Keegan, Duren lineup would be interesting.

  2. #3552
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    Given recent events I think that actually the best Clev /SA deal could be arranged around Rubio (out for season) ason) 17 million expiring deal... Rubio plus their first pick for next year draft could be the price for a Young plus Forbes/Jones plus second round pick (Lakers one?) deal...

  3. #3553
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    Given recent events I think that actually the best Clev /SA deal could be arranged around Rubio (out for season) ason) 17 million expiring deal... Rubio plus their first pick for next year draft could be the price for a Young plus Forbes/Jones plus second round pick (Lakers one?) deal...
    That’s interesting. It’s better than eating Saric deal for next year from Suns while also getting a slightly better pick (low 20s).

    Question though is whether they cough up a FRP for half season rentals of Thad/Bryn. That’s why the Suns deal could work since basically they’re paying us to save them money next year too.

  4. #3554
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    Another interesting thing about CLE is that for 2022 they own HOU’s 2nd round pick and OUR 2nd round pick.

    Both should be in the 30s, which sometimes is better than a late 1st.

  5. #3555
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    not a lot of activity in this think tank...and trhat's weird, comnsidering that actually thisn season patfo probably decided we're doing nothing but showing players for good market offers...

    any trade ideas?

    I think one of the possible trade partners (considering they've been well rewarded recently) could be againg the bulls....that are actually builded like a win now team that's underperforming and may have to solve a big problem if Ball is going to sit out all or most of this season...

    In case they already decided to get rid of him because his health situation is too risky to be considered sustainable in play off perspective, and consifderin that looks like also Pat Williams is still underperforming, one possible trae idea could be:

    Ball + Pat Williams + 1 round pick (that's Portland pick, so not too low) for a PM (Tre Jones) , Shooters (Mc Dermott+ Richardson) + a decent pf (Bates Diop).

  6. #3556
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    I think a likely outcome this season would be:

    LAL—> Doug; Josh
    GSW—> Jakob
    SAS—> top 3 protected 2027 LAL FRP; Wiseman; protected 2023 GSW FRP; Brick

  7. #3557
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    ^ the other variant if they don’t like Wiseman is a deal with BOS that looks like this (works on trade machine).

    BOS—> Jakob
    LAL—> Josh, Doug, Hortford
    SAS—> Brick; LAL 2027 FRP; BOS 2023 FRP; BOS 2028 FRP

    Holds some powder dry for a deal with a Suns type that is looking to get under the tax, eg, spurs take Saric for a Suns 2023 FRP

  8. #3558
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    ^ the other variant if they don’t like Wiseman is a deal with BOS that looks like this (works on trade machine).

    BOS—> Jakob
    LAL—> Josh, Doug, Hortford
    SAS—> Brick; LAL 2027 FRP; BOS 2023 FRP; BOS 2028 FRP

    Holds some powder dry for a deal with a Suns type that is looking to get under the tax, eg, spurs take Saric for a Suns 2023 FRP
    Wiseman has been so awful. I hope we'd ask for Kuminga and Moody from GS. I'd rather have either of those players over Wiseman.

    The Boston deal you've sketched seems better to me, although I can't see Boston trading Horford.

    The Clippers have their '29 unprotected and a TPE just large enough for Jakob, fwiw.

  9. #3559
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    Ok here's my last trade.
    Brooklin, lakers, us and wizards.
    Brooklin has a trade demand problem and Erving clearly wants the Lakers but can't offer to Brooklin someone that good.
    Lakers could see an Erving trade the only way to get a le and allow them to trade their only thing with something on the market (27 and 29 picks).
    Wizards are starting to see Beal contract as exaggerate as it is, considering that no championship perspective is on the the immediate horizon.
    So here's the deal.
    Brooklin send Erving to Lakers.
    Lakers send Westbrook to Wizards.
    Wizards send Beal to Brooklyn.
    We facilitate the trades thanks to our cap space absorbing the contracts these three teams decide to download to us or others (ex Harris and Mills from Nets to Wizards or us, Walker from Lakers to us, Burton and Wright from Wizards to us or Nets) with our cap space and trade to these teams our ready now players (ex Mc Dermott to Lakers, Poeltl and Richardson to Nets or Wizards , Bates Diop to Wizards etc etc. ) for the price of picks.

  10. #3560
    Millennial Messiah UNT Eagles 2016's Avatar
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    Wemby for three firsts?

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